At this moment, Su Heng was taking Killua with him.

They were constantly rushing towards Kate's direction.

As he was rushing, he was also thinking.

Why did the telekinesis in his body suddenly become so powerful?

It was the same in One Piece before!

This answer is very important to him. After all, this is a good opportunity for him to understand the copy system.

Thinking over and over again, he came to the only conclusion.

That is, the strength of telekinesis is linked to many aspects of a person. Whether it is willpower or the potential of physical existence, it may directly affect the strength of telekinesis.

And it is obvious that the telekinesis in Xiaojie's body has undergone tremendous changes because of Su Heng's arrival!

He has magic, devil fruits, three-color domineering, and many other things that can enhance the strength of the soul.

There is no doubt that the telekinesis ability hidden in Xiaojie's body has been greatly developed!

And the way the system allowed him to come to this world should be to put his soul directly into Xiaojie's body.

Just as Su Heng was thinking, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, interrupting his train of thought.


Geno Zoldyck, the hunchbacked old man, was standing in front of the two of them, chuckling and greeting them.

However, the next moment, when he saw Su Heng rushing over, his expression suddenly became extremely solemn.

"How could your strength be improved to such an extent in such a short time? What happened! How is this possible?"

Looking at Su Heng in front of him, Zeno Zoldyck's face was full of shock.

But then he shook his head:"Forget it! My mission ends here! Everything else has nothing to do with me!"

As the words fell, the old man's figure suddenly disappeared in front of the two of them.

And the barrage on the side saw that even the powerful Zeno Zoldyck was shocked when he saw Su Heng!

They also began to express their opinions one after another

[Oh my god, am I seeing things?! Zeno Zoldyck, a powerful boss, actually gave Su Heng affirmation. To what extent has his strength improved now?]

[I guess he should have been promoted to the level of a division commander. After all, it is unlikely that he would be promoted so suddenly. Maybe it was because his potential was stimulated.]

[What he said seems to make some sense! After all, the strength suddenly increased so quickly, most people would be surprised, and it is probably the same for the big guy! ]

At this moment, everyone kept talking.

But Su Heng didn't have any mind to pay attention to these!

At this moment, after saying goodbye to Zeno Zoldyck, he took Killua and entered the dark palace in front.

However, when everyone saw the scene in front of them.

They were dumbfounded.

At this moment, the catwoman Neferpitou was squatting there, and above her was an extremely strange doll floating.

This is Neferpitou's ability of mind, the toy repairer, which can be used to repair damaged tissues and organs.

Sure enough, when he looked down, he saw a girl with her eyes closed lying on the ground.

The girl at this moment was obviously seriously injured, and Neferpitou was obviously healing her!

The moment he saw Neferpitou, Su Heng could feel that Xiaojie's body was obviously surging with anger.

But he quickly suppressed it!

The barrage on the other side also became confused.

[What's going on? Am I blind? Am I seeing this right? Chimera ants are actually healing humans? How is this possible? Aren't the three guards supposed to protect the ant king?]

[Could it be that our cat girl Neferpitou has accidentally awakened her humanity and has now become a good cat girl? Damn, if that's the case, I feel like I can't stand it!]

[You upstairs are really perverted! I'm just curious about what Su Heng should do next, and what his choice will be! ]

At this moment, the barrage kept rolling.

And Su Heng on the other side.

Seeing the situation in front of him, he showed an expected look.

Then he actually began to walk slowly towards Neferpitou in front of him step by step.

And with every step he took, the mental ability in his body became stronger.

In this situation, whether it was Killua beside him, or Neferpitou who was treating Xiaomai.

Both of them were shocked!

However, in the next moment.

Neferpitou, who was originally wary of Su Heng, suddenly knelt down towards Su Heng.

Then he stretched out his palms upwards!

This means that she has surrendered to Su Heng!

Seeing this, Su Heng chuckled and stopped. Seeing this,

Neferpitou also hurriedly said:

"This is a very important person to the king! Please, let me heal her!"

"Anything is fine! Whatever you say, I will do it! So please wait a moment! No matter what, let me get her back!"

"It doesn't matter what, it only takes three or four hours!"

At this moment, Su Heng looked down at Neferpido.

He knew that what he said was true.

But three or four hours is too long, this time is enough to decide the outcome of the entire battlefield.

Seeing Su Heng's hesitation, Killua on the side also hurriedly stepped forward and said:

"Xiaojie! What she said might be true! The one who hurt that person might be the expeditionary army, wait a little longer!"

Just then.


With a crisp sound of bone cracking,

Neferpido actually broke one of her arms! Seeing that Su

Heng did not speak for a long time, Neferpido did this to show her determination!

Then she spoke again:"This is my determination. If you want, I can break the other hand too!"

"If this is not enough, then breaking both legs is fine, as long as I can heal her! Even if I am beaten to pieces, it is fine!"

There is no doubt that

Neferpido is extremely determined to heal Xiaomai!

Seeing this scene.

Su Heng smiled lightly and then said:

""Okay! I agree, but I have one condition, surrender to me and then submit to me! Can you do it?"

As the voice fell,

Neferpido breathed a sigh of relief, and then without hesitation, he lay on the ground and surrendered to Su Heng in a very low posture.

The next moment,

Su Heng's task bar had successfully completed a task!

Seeing this scene, Su Heng nodded with satisfaction.

And the people in the barrage began to speak one after another.

[Wow, the boss is awesome! It was effortless, just a few words made Catwoman surrender! I'm still curious about what decision the boss will make! Now I feel comfortable!]

[Oh my god, Catwoman is so loyal! Such a perfect subordinate! I really love her!]

[Fine, fine, as long as you don’t kill Catwoman, it’s fine. As long as you don’t kill Catwoman, Boss Su Heng, I still love you! Otherwise, I will blacken you for the rest of my life!]

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