At this moment, the audience of Dragon Country raised their heads proudly after hearing the explanation of the Dragon Country judges.

This was their pride!

This was the sacred beast that belonged to their Dragon Country, and now it had taken the initiative to transform into a telepathic power and appeared in front of them!

At this moment, the audience at the scene were all shocked.

"The four sacred beasts of the Dragon Nation! So awesome! This is a great show! Let people from other countries see, this is our Dragon Nation’s Su Heng!"

" Oh my god! This is so amazing! I didn't expect Su Heng to have awakened such a powerful mind ability! And it's one of the four sacred beasts that existed in the history of Dragon Country!"

"It seems that it is destined! What else is there to say, the holy beasts all agree! From today on, I am a die-hard fan of the boss, who dares to say a bad word!!!"

"I am convinced, I am really convinced! Master Su Heng is really amazing. When all the contestants were having difficulty with the theme! The master took action. When everyone was worried about the difficulty of the dungeon! The master took action again!"

At this moment, the audience on the field were talking excitedly!

It was obvious that this scene brought them great shock.

On the other side of the contestant seat.

At this moment, the contestants were also shocked and speechless.

"So amazing! The four sacred beasts that existed in history have now turned into telepathic abilities and are guarding Su Heng? Wow, it's really great!"

At this moment, John Bull's little princess said excitedly

"The Four Sacred Beasts! Even if you pick out one of them alone! In Hunter x Hunter, it would be an extremely powerful ability, but now the boss has awakened four of them at once!"

Thinking of this, Li Yi's beautiful eyes were full of admiration for Su Heng!

And at this moment, with the official exposure of this scene.

The top leaders of various countries have also realized the seriousness of the problem!

At this moment in the office of the Prime Minister of Sakura Country.

The Prime Minister had a gloomy face and was silent. He just paced back and forth in the office anxiously.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the room was extremely tense, and only the Prime Minister's pacing sound was so clearly visible.

"Su Heng, the Four Sacred Beasts in History......"

Thinking of the scene just now, the Prime Minister murmured to himself

"Who would have thought that he would awaken such a powerful mind ability! If this continues, the power of the Dragon Kingdom will become even greater!"

"We can't let this go on! The power of mind is a great opportunity! If we can make everyone have this power..."

"Then the world situation will definitely change even more this time!"

Thinking of this, the Prime Minister of Sakura Country suddenly became very excited.

So he quickly turned around and said to his men:"Gather the members of the attacking team immediately! Give them my orders! This mission is very important."

"Failure is absolutely not allowed!!"

At this moment, a trace of determination flashed in the Prime Minister's eyes.

This is the best opportunity, he absolutely cannot miss it again!

"Yes, sir!"

The subordinates beside him could also feel the Prime Minister’s determination at this time, so they quickly retreated!.......................................................

On the other side, the President of the United States was in the room.

Looking at the picture just played, the President of the United States was also full of surprise.

"So strong, the ability of mind can be so strong! It is really unexpected!"

But at the same time of surprise.

The president of the Eagle Sauce Country also felt a sense of crisis. The ability of mind is so strong! Then other countries must have discovered its value!

We must act soon!

Thinking of this, his face darkened again, and then he said:

"Tell the strategy team to carefully study all the actions Su Heng took when he cleared the level! Analyze and analyze again! I want the most detailed data to make a strategy!"

"We must succeed in this operation! We cannot allow even the slightest mistake! We must succeed at all costs!"

As the words fell, the men behind him received the order, bent their waists, and then retreated.

As expected, the fact was just as the judges of the United States of America guessed, the attacking teams of other countries also began to act!........................................................

At this moment, in the dungeon system space, the raiders from various countries have already entered it!

Unlike before!

This time, the superiors gave them instructions, and they have made preparations in advance.

Therefore, not long after Su Heng showed his ability, as the official order was issued, the raiders from other countries rushed in and began to enter Su Heng's dungeon to pass the level!

The audience at the scene saw this scene and started to talk about it.

"Oh my god, how come the attacking teams acted so quickly this time? Three or four attacking teams rushed in in just a short while!"

"Are you stupid? This dungeon is different from the previous ones. After reading this, don’t you know how to attack it?"

"We don't have the strength of Su Heng! In this case, choosing the Chimera Ants is the best choice! In this case, steady and cautious will win!"

"What? The strategy has been figured out? That will allow their strategy teams to take the lead! No, I want to go too. This is my only chance. Here comes my mind power!"

As the last sentence of the audience fell, everyone at the scene seemed to realize something.

That's right! Isn't the best strategy already in front of us?

This dungeon is different from the previous ones. The strength of the Ant King is overwhelming!

As long as they survive a little, they can win!

Thinking of this, most of the audience went crazy!

Then they ran down from the stands one by one.

They entered the dungeon system space one after another!

Then they began their strategy journey!

Looking at everyone's crazy looks.

Su Heng, who was standing in the contestant's seat, just smiled lightly.

Then the magic in his body was activated.

The next moment, a white light flashed in front of him.

All the members of the strategy team appeared in front of Su Heng.

And Li Yi, who was originally in the contestant's seat, also ran to the team.

Seeing everyone gathered, the next moment, a deafening sound rang out

"Lord Su Heng! Please give the order!"

At this moment, everyone bowed and said in unison!

Seeing this, Su Heng nodded with satisfaction.

"I won't say much! You represent the face of Longguo and the face of me, Su Heng!"

"The mission must be successful, failure is not allowed! If anyone dares to embarrass me, I will make him pay when I come back!"

"Everyone enter the dungeon!!!"

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