At this moment, the raiders of various countries have entered the dungeon to conduct raids.

Su Heng also entered with the Fairy Tail Raiders.

This is a competition between the raiders of various countries!

But at this moment, as time goes by, the Fairy Tail Raiders has successfully started the action.

But the raiders of other countries on the other side have encountered many obstacles.

Originally, everyone thought that choosing the Chimera Ant side would win steadily!

But the fact is not as simple as everyone imagined.

If someone chooses the division commander of the Chimera Ant side, then in the process of raiding, they will be besieged by the human side!

Most of the members of the raider team died.

And once they choose the Chimera Ant side, they will have an extremely important task, to protect the Ant King!!

But in this matter, they who chose the division commander are powerless!

As the plot progresses, the Ant King finally ushered in the end of his life!

If they choose the three guards, they will not be able to fully exert their strength. Without a doubt, they will still usher in a failed ending.

On the other side, countless eliminated audiences also kept complaining.

"Oh my god, that bastard just said that you can win by playing it safe? Damn, I lost so miserably! Damn it!"

"Victory and defeat are common in the military! Didn't the members of the strategy team also lose a lot at once? There's nothing much to say!"

"woo woo woo woo......This is my only chance! Originally I wanted to change my fate, but now I have given up!"

"I still feel that this instance is impossible to clear! This is too damn difficult! It's all over!"

At this moment, the people who failed kept exchanging their experiences.

But it was obvious that they no longer wanted to have any hope of clearing Su Heng's instance.

On the other side, inside the major strategy groups.

John Bull Strategy Group

"How is the data collection going? Show me the strategy you made!"

A clear female voice sounded.

The little princess of John Bull was sitting on the chair with a serious face, looking at the documents. She was no longer lively as before.

Because this was an extremely important burden!

This time, she was carrying the hope of the entire country!

No mistakes were allowed.

Therefore, she read every document carefully.

After a long time.

As the strategy was constantly updated, when her eyes swept over the latest strategy, her frown slowly relaxed.

"Very good! This strategy can completely clear Su Heng's dungeon! Spread this around, and everyone can follow this strategy!"

"Get ready! I will go in with you too!"

As the words fell, the little princess of John Bull straightened up immediately!

They were about to start the real action!.......................................

The strategy team of the United States.......!

The sound of keyboards tapping is endless here.

There are more than a dozen computers built into the strategy room.

Each computer here uses the latest technology obtained in the dungeon.

In order to conquer Su Heng's dungeon this time, they, the Eagle Sauce Country, have really put all their efforts into it.

At this moment, different strategy data has been entered into each computer.

They are conducting analysis and simulation!

They need to use this to find the strategy with the highest success rate.

Time passes by minute by minute.

"Found it! The success rate is as high as 80%! This is the strategy with the highest success rate so far"

"Good! The master said that as long as the success rate is above 70%, you can enter. Now there is an extra 10% success rate! Everyone, prepare to enter the dungeon with me!"

"Yes, sir!"............................................

Of course, it's not just these two countries.

Other countries also launched real actions at this time!

The previous one was just a cover!

Now all the data has been collected! The real strategy has arrived.

Sure enough, in the following time.

The strategy teams of various countries seemed to be assisted by God.

There were members who kept passing the dungeon!

As the white light flashed on the field one by one.

The members of the strategy team who successfully passed the level all had proud expressions on their faces!

Because as long as they successfully passed Su Heng's copy, from today on, they are users of mind power!

Their status will usher in earth-shaking changes!

At this moment, the audience on the field saw this scene and started to discuss it.

"Hahaha! It seems that we in the Eagle Country have more Psychic users than other countries! I think after this instance, maybe our Eagle Country will be a real superpower!"

"Humph, don't brag too early! We, John Bull, will not lose to you under the leadership of the little princess. We just have a dozen more players than us! Victory belongs to us!"

"Don't forget the truly powerful world's No. 1 strategy group, Fairy Tail! They haven't come out yet, and they will definitely surprise you!"

"That's right! But why haven't the members of the Fairy Tail Raiders come out yet? Damn it, won't the raiders from other countries steal the show? Is there really a problem?"

At this moment, the audiences from various countries suddenly started arguing.

They were all looking forward to their own country's raiders winning the Raiders Tournament!

On the other side, the audiences from Dragon Country began to worry! Could it be that Fairy Tail was really eliminated?

At this moment, another white light flashed on the field.

The rest of the audiences from various countries also looked over curiously.

They were looking forward to it.

Could this be another person who passed the customs in their country?

Then the next second, a strong aura suddenly broke out.

Then the white light dissipated.

A pretty girl in a black dress appeared on the field, Zhao Linger from the Fairy Tail Raiders! Appear!

[Nen ability: Singing to the wind and moon]

[Level: SSS]

[Introduction: The ability to transform telekinesis into a storm, which can be used to accelerate oneself, and can also enhance attack and defense. ]

Yin-Nong-Moon, the ability that Zhao Linger awakened after obtaining the top telekinetic qualification after clearing the dungeon!

As soon as this powerful telekinesis appeared, it immediately overwhelmed the other members of the strategy group.

When the audience of Longguo saw this scene, they cheered crazily.

"Good, that's great hahaha! Good job to the Fairy Tail Raiders! I told you, they are the strongest!"

"Let's see who dares to look down on our Dragon Country's Raiders Team. They are always the strongest. Now you know how powerful they are!"

At this moment, the Dragon Country audiences around were happily discussing.

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