Fairy Tail: Start To Capture the Fairy Queen Erza

Chapter 316 If you can't beat it, just join! (Second more)

"Fairy Tail has won! And all five games!"

"No surprise! Yes, yes..."

"After all, there is nothing in this world that can compare with our guild."

The Fairy Tails looked at all the demon's heart members who had been defeated, and cheered enthusiastically with the wine glasses in their hands high.

In fact, the members of Fairy Tail are not surprised that the Devil's Heart was completely defeated by them...

Although Devil's Heart is the strongest dark magister guild in the Ishgar continent, it is still not enough to see them in front of Fairy Tail, after all, their Fairy Tail is too strong~

"My guild, my guild!!"

However, when countless Fairy Tail magisters were celebrating, there was only one person, kneeling in front of the wall that Kildas blasted away, crying bitterly...

Yes, this person is Makarov, his heart started to stab again, how much will it cost to repair the guild?

"Your Majesty Old Thomas, is it fun to watch?"

Egwen walked up to Old Thomas with a smile, looked at him and asked.

"It's so cool, this is the battle I'm after!"

"Just follow this scale, and then there will be bigger, bigger, biggest competitions!"

"I'm going to hold a competition where all the magisters from the entire Ishgar continent can participate!"

"No, if you think about it carefully, the game can become even more grand!"

"Why don't you call all the top powerhouses from all over the world and hold a world-class magic fighting performance?!"

Naked at the moment, with a sunspotted basketball on his crotch, the reddish old Thomas, with a drunken look, has made a huge ambition. He is going to hold a super martial arts performance of unprecedented scale, which will shock the whole world.

"Call together the world's top powerhouses to hold a world-class magic fighting performance?!"

After listening to what Old Thomas said, cold sweat dripped from her forehead. If Old Thomas is really allowed to accomplish this and call all the strong men from the Western Continent and the Northern Continent, Then I am afraid that the entire Fiore Kingdom will face the crisis of destruction, right? No, perhaps, the continent of Ishgar, or even the entire world of Eslandon may not survive...

That is the real crisis of the level of extermination, right?

"Yiwen, you have to help me when the time comes!"

Drunk old Thomas stretched out his hand to hold Egwene's hand, and spoke in a deep voice.

"Here, I'll do my best~"

After hearing what Old Thomas said, Yiwen's eyes twitched slightly, but he still smiled lightly and agreed to Old Thomas' request.

[Sudden task: Help the king of the Fiore Kingdom, Old Thomas, hold a world-class magic fighting performance, and reward a century-old task medal! 】

[Sudden task: prevent the old Thomas of the Kingdom of Fiore from destroying the world of Eslandon, and reward the original feedback of the world of Eslandon, which has the same effect as the Centennial Mission Medal! 】


Yi Wen was stunned when she saw the two updated tasks of her system tasks.

"Two hundred-year-level missions?"

"This makes me feel a little bit moved, doesn't it?"

"But these two tasks seem to be in conflict? Hehe..."

Yiwen looked at the two brand new missions in her mission system and fell into deep thought.

"Huh? No, actually these two tasks don't conflict, right?"

"I can definitely hold a world-class magic fighting performance for old Thomas, and at the same time help the world of Eslandon avoid the crisis of extinction!"

"That is to say, when the time comes, I can do both of these tasks without any conflict!"

Yi Wen rubbed her chin, looked at the two tasks in her task list, and her eyes lit up. As long as he did it properly, he would get two hundred-year task medals directly.

"However, let's wait until later to hold a world-class magic fighting performance~"

"Now it's better to do the things in front of you well, and let's deal with Xiao Hei's problem!"

"Otherwise, holding this world-class Demon Fighting Grand Martial Arts Performance will attract the invincible Xiao Hei..."

"At that time, don't repeat the bleak experience four hundred years ago. It was obviously a battle between giant dragons, humans, and giant dragons, but in the end it became Akunologia's victory alone."

Yiwen narrowed her eyes slightly, and decided to solve Xiao Hei's hidden danger. After helping Old Thomas to hold a world-class magic fighting performance, it saved them from being exhausted by Xiao Hei alone during the magic fighting performance. The house was stolen.

"Thomas, keep drinking!"

Just as Yiwen was thinking secretly, the shouts of the brats in the guild interrupted Yiwen's thinking directly.

"I'm here~"

Old Thomas, the king of the Fiore Kingdom who was still holding Egwene's arm, turned around when he heard the shout behind him, and showed his glowing white buttocks to Egwene...

"this is?!"

Yiwen looked at Old Thomas's shiny white buttocks, her pupils shrank slightly, and beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

What shocked Yiwen so much was of course not Old Thomas's fat butt, but that there was a black mark printed on Old Thomas's butt. That mark was the Fairy Tail emblem of the Magisters Guild? !

"Your Majesty Old Thomas, what's the situation with the badge on your butt?"

Looking at the Fairy Tail emblem on Old Thomas's butt, Egwen couldn't help asking.

"Ah! That's it. Old Thomas likes the atmosphere of our Fairy Tail very much. He decided to come to our Fairy Tail Guild as a cook after he retires."

"We also like Old Thomas very much. After all, Old Thomas can not only drink, but also speak nicely, which is super suitable for our Fairy Tail."

"So I decided to let old Thomas join our Fairy Tail guild? But old Thomas said that because of work problems, this badge cannot be printed in an obvious place, so I can only print it on old Thomas's butt. Get the badge of our Fairy Tail guild!"

"From today on, old Thomas is a member of our Fairy Tail!!"

A group of drunkards, after hearing what Evan said, looked at Ewen and explained without waiting for old Tomado to speak.

"Ah this..."

After hearing the words of the drunkards in front of her, Yiwen smiled wryly, what should I say? ! He has convinced these guys...

"By the way, have you asked the president?"

Egwene looked at the drunkards and asked, after all, this matter is of great importance. If old Thomas is just an ordinary person, it doesn't matter, but the other party is the king of Fiore Kingdom! For the king of a country, joining the Magisters Guild is too ridiculous...

"I didn't ask! Isn't it just a matter for a newcomer to join the guild?"

"Yes! Yes! As long as everyone likes him, let him join. It shouldn't be a big problem?"

After listening to Yi Wen's words, the drunkards scratched their cheeks, as if they didn't take it seriously.

"Isn't that okay?"

"President, you should know the identity of old Thomas, right?"

Yiwen frowned, and looked at Makarov who was standing in front of the guild gate, pretending to know nothing.

"I, I don't know anything..."

"His Majesty Thomas E. Fiore, isn't he just an ordinary person?"

Hearing this, Makarov turned his head with a check in his hand, not daring to look directly at Egwene, while whistling inside his mouth.

"So this is what you acquiesced?!"

Yiwen looked at Makarov who turned his head aside, and complained helplessly.

Especially when Egwene saw the check in Makarov's hand, everything became clear.

"Drink, brothers! My old Thomas pays the bill today!"

"Not only that, from now on, Fairy Tail drinks will be provided for free!!"

Old Thomas stood on the table at this moment, raised the wine glass in his hand, and announced that the drinks in the Fairy Tail guild would be free forever.


"You are quite domineering as an actor!"

"It's just like the real His Majesty the King!"

The idiots in the guild cheered and laughed after hearing what Old Thomas said, and they didn't take what Old Thomas said seriously at all.


"It's okay! Speaking of which, when I was young, my father said that I have the talent to be an actor!"

"Maybe, if I didn't have a family business to inherit, maybe I would become an actor!"

After listening to the words of the magisters in the guild, Old Thomas laughed out loud, and he seemed to be in an extremely happy mood.

"So old Thomas is still a rich second generation?"

A magister in the guild booed.

"That's not true. My family has been rich for more than four hundred years. I don't know how many generations have been rich, but according to the information left by our ancestors, our generation has begun to decline. Even our own family business There are a lot of things out there that can’t be managed.”

Old Thomas held a beer in his hand and spoke with a smile.

"That's really amazing~"

"It's okay to be down and out, try to make a comeback!"

"Yeah yeah!"


The magisters in the guild didn't take Old Thomas's words seriously at all. In fact, even if the magisters in the guild knew the true identity of Old Thomas, they would not intend to curry favor with each other.


In this regard, Old Thomas did not explain anything. In fact, what he said was down and out, referring to Fairy Tail. According to the past, the royal family of the Kingdom of Fiore had absolute control over the Kingdom of Fiore, but since the Fairy After the tail appeared and became stronger and stronger, it had reached the point where his old Thomas couldn't control it~

However, if he can't control it, he can't control it. In fact, he really likes the atmosphere of the Fairy Tail guild.

However, the reason he joined Fairy Tail wasn't a matter of atmosphere being unattractive.

It's because old Thomas recognized the strength of the Fairy Tail guild!

Leaving aside Yiwen's fighting power, she is a monster!

And in the Fairy Tail guild, the status and strength are still higher than Yi Wen. Old Thomas didn't even dare to think about who those two women were. He just followed what the two women said. Guess, those two women may be monsters who have lived for more than four hundred years...

In addition, Erza, Lakuzas, and Milaj, any one of these three people can be directly appointed as a leader-level monster of the Magic Knights if they are placed in their palace, even if it is the entire monster. If all members of the Knights go together, they may not be able to defeat any one of the three...

And Kurnuki and Kildas were so exaggerated that it made old Thomas feel terrified!

Any one of these two people can turn the capital into ruins with a wave of hands!

That is enough to fight against the terror of an entire country with one's own power!

And old Thomas knew that, apart from these people, Fairy Tail occupied four of the ten holy magisters selected by Ishgar Continent, basically occupying half of the holy ten seats!

As long as there are these monsters that can disturb the mainland, then Fairy Tail is truly the number one magister guild in the Kingdom of Fiore, a violent organization with absolute power that can shake the entire world!

In other words, within the Kingdom of Fiore, and even within the continent of Ishgar, Fairy Tail has the final say. If Fairy Tail really wants to conquer the continent, there is no power in the entire continent. Can stop them!

And if this kind of thing is really going to happen, then the Kingdom of Fiore must be the first country to be dealt with by Fairy Tail! And as the king of the Fiore Kingdom, Old Thomas, who is deeply aware of the reality of the Fiore Kingdom, knows very well in his heart that if Fairy Tail wants to start a war with the Fiore Kingdom, then the Fiore Kingdom will be destroyed in an instant ! Yes, Fairy Tail is such a terrifying force!

Now that Old Thomas knew in advance that Fairy Tail is such a terrifying organization, a guild queen that cannot be defeated, and no force on the mainland can match it.

He made a decision in his heart, instead of waiting to be bullied by Fairy Tail, it is better to join Fairy Tail to bully others...

Old Thomas remembered what his father, the former king of the Kingdom of Fiore, said to him: "If one day you find that a certain force is so powerful that you can't beat it, then you might as well give up resisting! Since you can't beat it, why not fight against it?" Just join! Let us work together and happily bully others!"

So far, the king of the Fiore Kingdom, Thomas E. Fiore has stamped the badge of the Fairy Tail Guild on his buttocks, and he will continue to work hard in this world with the name of Fairy Tail on his back live!

At the same time, after becoming a member of Fairy Tail, old Thomas began to become very tough. At this year's Ishgar Continental King Gathering, his old Thomas would like to see who else dares to speak ill of him, who dares to speak ill of him? Talk badly to him, and he will sponsor Fairy Tail to go to the opponent's country to hold a chapter! directly scare the other party to death...

Old Thomas needed a strong backer...

Makarov is because he needs a money jar that keeps providing funds.

The two old foxes hit it off, and old Thomas became a member of the Fairy Tail guild.

"Very good! Now we have directly tricked the king of Fiore Kingdom into the Fairy Tail Guild..."

"I see. Is Makarov planning to lure the kings of all the countries on the Ishgar continent into the Fairy Tail guild?"

"In this way, Fairy Tail can conquer the continent of Ishgar without wasting a single soldier!"

"What a terrifying mind? Makarov, is he so smart?"

Prechto has already determined that Makarov wants to conquer the world. Although Makarov said no, his body is very honest, and all he does is conquer the world.

Two chapters, first update 9,000 words, and work hard to code~

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