Fairy Tail: Start To Capture the Fairy Queen Erza

Chapter 317 Your Majesty, why did you join Fairy Tail? (third change)

"What a mess..."

Yiwen, noticing Prechto's face turning blue and then pale, raised his brows, he couldn't help it, and used his knowledge to gain insight into Prechto's inner voice.

Then, Yiwen successfully heard the eccentric remarks in Prechto's mind that Fairy Tail was going to conquer the world...

There is also the fantasy in Prechto's head, let the kings of the world, all join the Fairy Tail guild, and then conquer another world, the so-called secret plan of Makarov...

Anyway, in Prechto's eyes, the plans to conquer the world and kidnap the king were all made by Makarov.

"No, no, if you really want to use this method to force the kings of Ishgar, and even the world's countries, to join our Fairy Tail, as Prechto thinks, to achieve an alternative world conquest If so, I have to change my name to Im first, right? Then I change Fairy Tail to World Government..."

"According to what Prechto imagined, if we continue to write in the future, the members of the first generation of Fairy Tail will become Celestial Dragons in the future..."

After thinking carefully for a while, Yiwen smiled lightly at what Prechto said, taking it as a funny joke.

After His Majesty Old Thomas quarreled with members of the Fairy Tail Guild for a while...

Yiwen saw that the time was almost up, so she walked up to Old Thomas and asked, "Dear His Majesty Old Thomas, you have also watched the game, and you have done everything you should and should not have done. Now what should you do?" Back to work in the palace~”


After listening to Yi Wen's words, the happy old Thomas' pupils trembled, and his expression was full of reluctance.

"That, Egwene..."

"You see it's already this time, why don't you let me rest in Fairy Tail for a day?!"

"After all, this kind of opportunity is really rare for me. Yiwen, you are not the kind of stingy person, are you?"

"Tsk, it's okay for me, old Thomas, to ask you, isn't it?"

Old Thomas smiled kindly at Egwene, he really didn't want to go back to work! In this regard, old Thomas asked Yiwen with a sincere look, even a hint of pleading.

"Haha, of course not, if you leave the palace for too long, the soldiers will be anxious~"

After hearing what Old Thomas said, Yiwen showed a kind smile, his smile looked more kind than Old Thomas's, and then with a smile on his face, he refused the old Thomas' entrustment to him.

"Haha, I think so~"

Old Thomas had a very reluctant expression on his face when he heard the words. It was just his good manners that kept him smiling, but it was a bit of a superficial smile.

"Don't be so reluctant~"

"You have to know that people like you have to be busy on weekdays, and it's best to take care of everything every day~"

"After all, the fate of 17 million people in the Kingdom of Fiore is in your hands, old Thomas, so for this country, this continent, and this world, work hard~"

After Yiwen finished speaking, she patted Old Thomas on the shoulder lightly, her expression full of anticipation for Old Thomas.

Old Thomas, King of the Kingdom of Fiore?

It's just because of their Fairy Tails, they can run rampant in this country without any scruples, and they are pushed to the fore by their Fairy Tails to manage the country's puppet emperor...

Those are props that can be discarded at any time, just tools...

If this is what Prechto imagined...

"This, I know..."

Old Thomas looked at Egwene's eyes, expecting him, and immediately put away his cynical expression. Indeed, as Egwene said, he has had enough time to rest, and he has arduous responsibilities. Back to work.


Yiwen looked at the firm eyes of old Thomas the tool man, smiled slightly, then stretched out her hand and waved lightly at old Thomas, suddenly, the old Thomas who was still fighting with the magisters of the Fairy Tail Guild The figure disappeared in front of everyone's eyes in an instant.

"Yiwen, just let that old gentleman stay one more day!~"

"Yes! Yes! We like him very much, and hire him to perform in the guild for a day!"

As Old Thomas was teleported away by Yi Wen, all the magisters in the guild immediately surrounded Yi Wen, begging for Old Thomas.

The current group of magisters still think that Old Thomas is an actor invited by Egwene...

"Hehe, why do you want to send him back, you will all know tomorrow~"

"But I hope that by tomorrow, everyone will not regret what they did today."

With her hands behind her back, Yiwen smiled lightly after listening to the words of the Fairy Tail guild magisters.

At the same time, there was a bit of mystery on his face, and he looked at the magisters in front of him mysteriously and smiled.



"We Fairy Tail magisters never regret it!"

After listening to Yi Wen's words, all the magisters burst into laughter, especially Naz, who was wearing a crown on his head, Gray, who was wearing the old Thomas Emperor's dress, and the one who stamped Old Thomas's buttocks, Those magisters...

Among the laughing Fairy Tails, these people laughed brightly and happily.

"Haha, let's wait and see~"

In this regard, Yiwen didn't say much. Sometimes, it's useless to say more. When these magisters know the true identity of Old Thomas tomorrow, they will have a happy life in the future, especially those few days. The ones who hugged Old Thomas's ass and stamped Old Thomas's ass.

The Kingdom of Fiore, the capital of Crocas, in the royal palace...

When the minister kidnapped the king...

After the news that the person who kidnapped the king is the magister in Fairy Tail has been conveyed!

A few hours later, the heads of the Fiore Kingdom Magic Knights guarding all over the world have all arrived in the palace.

The Kingdom of Fiore, the meeting room of the royal palace.

"What are you talking about?! That Fairy Tail actually kidnapped His Majesty?"

The speaker was a woman. The woman's cheeks were beautiful and delicate, but her eyes were extremely sharp. She had short black hair and was wearing an exquisite armor. She was a sassy beauty!

On the chest of the woman's armor, there is a white tiger printed on it, representing her identity, the head of the white tiger of the Fiore Kingdom's Magical Knights!

But at this moment, this valiant woman in the past was full of panic in her usually fierce phoenix eyes.

"Head of the White Tiger Knights, do you know about the Magisters' Guild called Fairy Tail? If so, please tell us in detail!"

The minister sat on the main seat of the meeting room, looking at the woman who was wearing exquisite armor and had the code name of White Tiger. At a young age, she was in charge of one of the strongest magic knights in the Kingdom of Fiore, the White Tiger. , with a dignified look in his eyes, he asked softly.

The minister knows the woman in front of him. The strength of the other party is very high. It is said that even if a woman does not join the army, but goes to the folk magister guild, if she becomes a magister, she will shine!

Judging the woman in front of me according to the standards of the vast majority of the Bright Magisters Guild, there is no doubt that she is S-level!

Therefore, even a high-ranking minister, when he saw the woman in front of him speaking, did not dare to show any contempt in his eyes, but asked her humbly.

"The Fairy Tail of the Magister Guild! That is a prestigious Magister Guild in the magic world of the entire Ishgar Continent! It has the strongest Magister Guild in the Kingdom of Fiore and even the entire Ishgar Continent , is a well-known existence in the magic world of Ishgar Continent, an existence that must not be provoked..."

"Actually, just last month, I met one of the members of the Fairy Tail guild, and now one of the top ten holy magisters on the continent of Ishgar, Ewen Belcelli Weng has been in touch!"

"At that time, I received an urgent order from His Majesty the King to hand over the Tears of the Dragon, which I was guarding in the temple, to Yiwen. In other words, in fact, His Majesty the King has been in contact with Fairy Tail since a month ago. ..."

"However, logically speaking, His Majesty the King has already given what Fairy Tail needs, so Fairy Tail should not do anything to His Majesty the King again? This really confuses me..."

The woman codenamed 'White Tiger' frowned slightly, with a puzzled look on her face. She really couldn't understand why Fairy Tail kidnapped the king. Besides, there shouldn't be anything in the Kingdom of Fiore that would interest Fairy Tail, the famous magister's guild.

"Fairy Tail bastards are used to being arrogant on the mainland, what can't they do?!"

"I suggest mobilizing the army immediately, at least 100,000 people! Go directly to Magnolia, rescue your majesty from the Fairy Tail guild, and at the same time completely wipe out this cancer that endangers the world. By the way, your majesty I have to take back the Dragon Tears lent to Fairy Tail..."

Beside the white tiger, there was a man also wearing a magic knight costume, with a cigar in his mouth, smoking while speaking uncomfortably, he was also a member of the magic knights of the Kingdom of Fiore Long, as a member of the magic world, he knows how terrifying Fairy Tail is, and he thinks it is necessary to punish those demolition masters who run all over the mainland!

"Chai Xiu, are you going to start a war between Fairy Tail and the Kingdom of Fiore?"

Bai Hu's expression changed slightly, and he asked uncomfortably to the man next to him with a cigar in his mouth.

"War? It's just a guild of magisters. Is it capable of fighting our entire Kingdom of Fiore?"

"As the head of the Knights, don't you even know how to measure your combat effectiveness?"

The man named Chai Xiu, after hearing Baihu's words, his scarlet eyes flickered with a hint of sternness, and angrily rebuked at Baihu.

"That's because you don't know anything about Fairy Tail!"

"The group of mages in the Fairy Tail Guild is a group of monsters!"

"It's definitely not something we can easily provoke..."

After listening to Chai Xiu's words, Baihu's delicate and pretty face was a bit frightened and angry. She still remembered Yiwen's mysterious method of easily snatching the Dragon's Tears from her hand that day, and the other party's kindness. Inadvertently emanating a terrifying magic power that seemed to crush the sky and the earth. It was a monster that was not at the same level as them at all, just standing in front of her was enough to make her lose any combat power! As humans, they have absolutely no chance of winning against that kind of monster!

"Hehe, if the army is full of women like you who dare not fight..."

"Then the army of this country will be finished!"

"If you dare not fight, just listen to my advice, get out of the army, and give all your strength!"

After hearing Baihu's words, Chai Xiu smiled coldly, his eyes looking at Baihu were full of disdain.

In Chai Xiu's eyes, those who dare not even try to fight are not qualified to be called soldiers.

"You bastard..."

After Baihu heard Chai Xiu's words, a cold murderous look flickered in her pupils, and she clenched her fists tightly.

"Why do you want to fight?"

Naturally, Chai Xiu was not afraid of the white tiger. When he saw the white tiger's clenched fist, his eyes were very disdainful. If the white tiger fought with him, he had a 100% chance of winning and could defeat him.


Baihu didn't say anything, but her petite body was constantly releasing powerful magic power.


Chai Xiu smiled coldly, with a cigar in his mouth, he was also constantly releasing magic power.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the entire meeting room became solemn...

"Hey, you two, stop arguing. What we are going to discuss now is not whether we should fight Fairy Tail, but how to safely rescue His Majesty Thomas! This is what we should do things..."

At the moment when Chai Xiu and the white tiger were confronting each other faintly, wearing the armor of the white lily, Arcadios, the head of the Cherry Blossom Knights and the confidant of Princess Emerald, had a look of dissatisfaction flashing across his face. It is a question of who deserves to be a giant and who doesn't, but everyone should work together to save His Majesty Thomas from the hell called Fairy Tail and dedicate their own strength.

"I really don't know if it's right or wrong to bring these guys here?"

The minister looked helplessly at the leaders of the Knights who were constantly confronting each other in the conference room, so these powerful guys are really difficult to control...

And these uncontrollable guys in front of them are still strong in their army. It is conceivable how rampant those masters outside the army are...

"Well, it's past the usage time of the conference room, you guys, remember to turn off the lights after the meeting, and then send the keys back to the palace key management room..."

Just when the atmosphere in the meeting room plummeted to the extreme, a middle-aged man with a somewhat calm face entered the meeting room with his hands behind his back, and said softly to the leaders of the knights in the meeting room. sermon.

"Obey! Your Majesty!"

"After I finish using the meeting room, I will naturally return the key, please rest assured~"

Arcadios, who was wearing the armor of the white lily, turned around immediately after hearing the very familiar voice, bowed slightly to the middle-aged man, and preached respectfully at the same time.


Hearing the words, the middle-aged man nodded slightly, then turned around.

"Everyone, you heard what His Majesty said just now! It's past the time to use the meeting room, we have to hurry up and discuss a plan to save His Majesty..."

After greeting the majestic middle-aged man, Arcadios spoke seriously to the heads of the knights who stared wide-eyed in the conference room.

However, when Arcadios looked at the heads of the knights who were staring at the door, he was slightly taken aback, and then suddenly realized something!

"Eh?! Is Your Majesty your Majesty?"

"Why did you escape from Fairy Tail by yourself?"

Arcadios looked shocked, what happened? His Majesty Thomas, who was kidnapped by Fairy Tail, just now appeared in front of his eyes.

"Huh?!" The middle-aged man who was planning to leave, that is, Thomas E. Fiore, who had just been teleported back by Egwene, was stunned after hearing what Arcadios said, and turned around. Looking towards Arcadios, he asked at the same time, "What? Do you have any questions?"

"This..." Arcadios' expression was startled, and cold sweat continued to flow from his forehead. After he stared at Old Thomas and thought for a while, finally Arcadios finally figured out what he was looking at. Ma shook his head and smiled: "No, we don't have any problems, my dear majesty!"

However, in fact, Arcadios's heart is full of problems...

"So what's going on? Why did His Majesty come back from Fairy Tail?"

"Also, where did His Majesty's clothes go? Why did he walk around the palace naked?"

"Damn, what happened?"

Arcadios looked at the naked old Thomas standing in front of him at this moment, with a black-spotted basketball on his crotch, his pupils trembled, and his brain trembled.

"Really? As long as it's okay, then I'm leaving..."

Old Thomas's face was red from being drunk, and he hadn't fully recovered from his drunkenness at the moment. In addition, Leon had been standing beside Old Thomas, brainwashing Old Thomas, as long as he thought he was If you're wearing clothes, then there's no problem...

So right now, old Thomas didn't notice that he was walking around the palace naked with a sunspotted basketball on his head...

At this moment, old Thomas bid farewell, Arcadios and others turned around and showed his sexy buttocks to everyone!

"That badge!!"

The head of the beautiful knights, code-named 'White Tiger', trembled slightly after seeing the black goblin on Old Thomas's ass.

"What's wrong?"

Everyone looked at the shocked white tiger and stepped forward to ask.

"That's the emblem of Fairy Tail. Your Majesty is actually a member of Fairy Tail?"

"In other words, the crusade against Fairy Tail we mentioned earlier is actually equivalent to crusade against His Majesty?"

Baihu pursed her dry red lips. At this moment, she could only look at Thomas's buttocks with a bitter smile, so they kept discussing the crusade against Fairy Tail. Strictly speaking, is it equivalent to conspiracy to rebel? ? !

"Uh, cough, treat today's events as if nothing happened!"

"Everyone, you understand what I mean, right?"

After hearing Baihu's words, the minister's expression changed slightly, and he immediately stood up, looked nervously at the heads of the knights in front of him, and spoke seriously.

If it is true what Bai Hu said, then as a minister, he is the mastermind of the conspiracy...

"Um, um..."

As the minister's words fell, all the heads of the magic knights in the conference room nodded in unison, expressing their agreement. After all, if the minister is the mastermind, those who came up with the idea belonged to the facilitators of the conspiracy.

"My dear majesty, why did you join Fairy Tail?"

Among the leaders of the Knights, Chai Xiu was the only one. Looking at Thomas with the Fairy Tail logo on his butt, he looked a little angry. He was going to lead the team to fight against Fairy Tail, but they His Majesty surrendered first.

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