Fairy Tail: Start To Capture the Fairy Queen Erza

Chapter 318 Old Pu: I Exchange an Airship for a Wheelchair (Fourth Change)

the next day...

The darkness was dispelled by the sun, and the sky gradually became clear...

In front of the gate of the Fairy Tail guild.

"President Prechto, are you really leaving again?"

"How long have you been in the guild? Really don't plan to stay longer?"

Makarov looked at the second-generation Fairy Tail president sitting in a wheelchair in front of him, who was also his master Prechto, with a bit of reluctance in his eyes.

The scene in front of him seems to have returned to the time when Prechto entrusted the Fairy Tail guild to him and went out to roam forty years ago.

"Hehe, Makarov, don't show such an embarrassing expression, you are not young anymore! We are all old..."

"Also, don't call me the president anymore, you are the president of Fairy Tail..."

Facing Makarov, who showed a look of reluctance in his expression, Prechto smiled lightly, just like forty years ago, Prechto bid farewell to Makarov when he went out for the first time. generally!

However, it was afternoon at that time, and now it is morning. At that time, Prejito walked out of the gate of the Fairy Tail guild standing up. Now Prejito is sitting in a wheelchair, being pushed out of the gate of the Fairy Tail guild. .

"I see, President Prechto!"

"Since you insist on leaving, I won't persuade you anymore!"

"I wish you a smooth journey and prosperous martial arts!"

"At the same time, I hope you can remember that the Kingdom of Fiore, the Fairy Tail Guild in the small town of Magnolia, will always open the door for you, and this will always be your home."

Makarov looked serious. He knew that Prechto had his own things to do, so he no longer persuaded Prechto, but sent his blessings to Prechto. At the same time, he said that as long as Prechto Want to go back to Fairy Tail, then he's always welcome to Prejito.

"If nothing else happens, I won't come to this hell again!"

"When I handed over Fairy Tail to you, it seems that this place has nothing to do with me."

"My home has disappeared with Mebis, Yuri, and Worod leaving one after another."

"Hahaha, I have to say Makarov, I, Prechto, are indeed not as good as you, whether it's cruelty or shamelessness, I'm not as good as you!"

After listening to Makarov's words, Prechto smiled. From the time Egwen found him to the moment when he was ejected from the Fairy Tail guild gate in a wheelchair, the series of events happened to him. What can be called a tragic experience in the world, the letters still wandering in Prechto, still make Prechto feel vivid in his memory!

Prechto swears that he has never experienced such a terrible thing in his life.

That guy named Yiwen not only destroyed the Devil's Heart guild he had spent years building, but also forced him to return to Fairy Tail, telling him with reality that everything he had precious in Prejito, whether it was Whether it's the Devil's Heart or Fairy Tail, they've all been destroyed. Use the cold reality to tell Prechto how utterly he's lost...

Prechtto once named himself Hades, because the legendary god who controls the underworld is named Hades!

Prechto wants to turn the devil's heart in his hands into an underworld that everyone fears, a purgatory that everyone fears!

However, in fact, Prechto didn't know what the underworld and purgatory looked like.

Until, Prechto came to Fairy Tail led by Makarov. On this day, Prechto woke up. Prechto looked at everything in the Fairy Tail guild led by Makarov. , he smiled lightly, only melancholy remained in his heart: "So what a terrible thing hell is?! Really, why did I want to make the devil's heart into hell?"

In addition, Prechto also discovered the conspiracy planned by Makarov. He knew that in this era, the only one who could stop Makarov and save Makarov might be Precht. Leave it alone.

So he, Prejito, must leave Fairy Tail and embark on a road of redemption and light!

"Eh..." Makarov remained silent. He didn't know what happened to make Prechto misunderstand him so much. He really wanted to hold Prechto's hand. , Said: "President Prechto, you have misunderstood me, I am really a good person!"

But Makarov didn't do this, because Makarov knew Prechto very well, he knew that what he did was meaningless...

Because once Prechto decides something, it will never be easily changed. If it is easily changed, then it is not Prechto.

"Boy, I never asked you to do anything for me in my life..."

"This time I count on you, please, can you return my spaceship to me, that spaceship is very important to me."

Sitting in a wheelchair, Prechto looked at Makarov and asked earnestly and solemnly.

The reason why Prechto asked Makarov to want his spaceship was not because he was so stingy that he wanted even one flying vehicle that cost him countless efforts, but because he wanted it. The heart of the devil, the masterpiece he made by imitating the heart of the goblin, is now in the power cabin of the airship...

That is to say, after leaving that battleship, Lao Pu's combat effectiveness will decline severely...


Makarov is an extremely stingy person, but when facing Prechto, he is still generous. After all, Prechto is like a father to Makarov.

"Of course not..."

Just when Makarov was about to agree to Prechto, a voice spoke to Prechto one step ahead of Makarov.


Makarov and Prechto, who were talking, were taken aback for a moment. They didn't expect Yiwen to wake up so early.

In fact, Prechto chose to leave early because he didn't want to see Egwene's annoying face at the end when he was about to leave Fairy Tail. Prechto wishes...

"Old Pu, you just returned to Fairy Tail, why are you leaving?"

"Don't stay in the guild for a while? The children in the guild like you~"

Yiwen put her hands in her pockets, stood in front of Prechto, and asked with a smile.

"Do the kids in the guild like me?"

"They like shit! Do they like me? They like to beat me, don't they?"

Prechto's face froze, with cold sweat streaming down his forehead, and he complained silently in his heart.

"Old Pu, your complexion is not very good~"

"I think you are seriously ill. Really, people, once you get old, you have to learn to admit defeat!"

"Don't always refuse to accept the old, and fight with the young!"

"You can see that the whole body of the person who was beaten was injured. It's not strange. Why don't you leave after recovering from your illness in the Fairy Tail guild?"

Looking at Old Pu with a gloomy expression, Yiwen asked kindly.

"Are you losing your memory? Guess who hit me with this injury?"

After hearing what Evan said, Prechto gritted his teeth and preached.

"Anyway, I got that airship by my own ability, so there's no reason to return it to you~"

"How about this, old Pu! You spend a little more time and build another airship."

Egwene thought for a while, and came up with a best-of-both solution for Old Pu. As long as Prechto built another airship, in this way, Prechto would not have to compete with Fairy Tail for the magic airship.

"Yi Wen, your method is really good!"

"According to what you said, how about I just make ten or eight more? When the time comes, the magisters in the Fairy Tail guild will each have one, wouldn't it be great?"

Prechto looked at Ewen and said while gritting her teeth. In Prechto's view, the current Fairy Tail is hell, and Egwene is the devil in hell.

"Huh? This is a good idea~"

Upon hearing this, Yi Wen smiled at Old Pu, clapping her hands continuously for him, and said with a smile.

"Not bad what?!"

"The important thing is not the airship, but the heart! Heart! My heart is on the airship. That thing can't be built in ten or eight years!"

After listening to Egwene's words, Prechto felt as if his spirit was about to collapse.

Old Pu finally couldn't bear to tell the truth, watching Yi Wen keep emphasizing that the airship was not important, what was important was his heart on the airship.

"You said it earlier, Old Pu! If you said it earlier, what you want is a heart, why would we waste so much talking?"

After listening to Prechto's words, Yiwen's expression flashed a hint of helplessness. Sometimes there is a lack of communication between people. Once there is more communication, won't they all understand each other naturally? !

Just like Old Pu, if you have something in your heart, you have to say it~ If Old Pu doesn't say it, how can Yiwen understand? After all, he, Yiwen, is not the kind of person who likes to spy on other people's hearts with his knowledge...


Prechto fell silent after hearing what Egwene said, so in the end, it was Prechto's fault, right?


Prechto took a deep breath and calmed himself down a bit.

"So now you know, what I want is the heart I left on the airship. As for the airship, it's a gift for you..."

After Prechto calmed down, he watched Yiwen preach seriously.

"Okay, I got it, Old Pu! It turns out that what you want is not an airship but a heart..."

"Then my answer is..."

Yiwen smiled slightly at Old Pu, and replied with a smile.

"Yes, yes, I want the heart not the spaceship, so can you give me the heart back? I can't thank you enough..."

Sitting in a wheelchair, Prechto nodded lightly to Yiwen. Now he has fully expressed what he needs, and he believes that even that Yiwen has no reason to reject him, so keep his heart. ?

"No! Why should I give you the heart I snatched with my ability?"

Then, Prechto heard Egwene's answer.

That answer was exactly the same as before, Yiwen refused to return the airship to Old Pu for exactly the same reason, and she scored twice!

"Since you planned not to give it to me from the beginning, why did you talk so much with me before?"

In the past, Prechto, who was calm, calm, and always taciturn, roared angrily after hearing what Ewen said.

It seems that after Prechto communicated more with Ewen, his whole person became lively and very active, which made Ewen feel very relieved. The second-generation social phobia was finally overcome by him. cured~

"Ygwen, please return that heart to President Prechto! Anyway, it's useless to leave it to us..."

When Prechto, with the help of Ewen, began to open his mouth and became better at communicating with others, Makarov really couldn't stand Ewen's behavior of bullying the one-eyed old man. So he opened his mouth and persuaded Yiwen.

"Since President Makarov has spoken, there is no other way."

"Give me back your heart~"

After listening to Prechto's words, Yiwen took out a card from her pocket and threw it in Prechto's hand casually.

"this is?!"

Prechto looked at the card in his hand, his pupils trembling.

He could feel that among the ordinary cards in front of him, there was a heart that seemed to have a blood connection with him, and was beating constantly in the card at this moment.

"You actually sealed my heart in the card?"

"There is actually someone in this world who can seal such a huge magical power in a small card? How is this possible? Is this really something a magister can do?"

Prechto looked at the card in his hand, his expression was shocked. In fact, it is not that he has not studied the method of shrinking the heart. After all, the heart is so big, and the weakness is too obvious. If his heart is blown out during the battle, then It's too bad.

But it's a pity that even he can't shrink the heart...

The magic power contained in the devil's heart he developed is too high, so high that it is unbearable for any space magic.

Well, at least none of the space magic controlled by Prechto can bear the powerful magic power of the devil's heart.

As for things like Yiwen, who used the most common card magic to seal the heart of the demon he created, in Prechto's view, it was completely nonsense, at least before today, in Prechtto's eyes Still nonsense.

Because there is only one way to seal his demon's heart with the simplest card magic, and this way is absolutely impossible in Prechto's eyes...

"Can it be done?"

"As long as my magic power is above the heart of the demon you created, President Prechto, it can be done, right?"

"In the final analysis, the devil's heart you made is just a replica of the first-generation goblin's heart, and it's far from the real thing~"

Yiwen looked at the shocked Prechto with a smile on her face, but his eyes were extremely calm.

"Yes, unless the magic power in the magic user's body is still above the heart of the magic power aggregate demon I created! Only the user of card magic, on top of the heart of the demon I created, can put him Such a simple seal..."

"Has the magic power in the little ghost in front of me actually reached this level? This is no longer a level that humans can reach! Only monsters at the level of destroying the world can have such a huge magic power, right?"

Prechto's pupils shrank slightly, and at this moment Prechto fully understood one thing, that is, Egwene's magic power was still beyond his imagination!

"This card is equivalent to a gift for you, Old Pu~"

"At least after the heart shrinks to the size of a card, it will be difficult for others to find your weakness, and then you will be stabbed through the heart, and you will be easily killed, right?"

Yiwen looked at the cards he put in Prechto's hand, and said with a smile.

"Hmph! Messy brat, do you think that even if my heart doesn't shrink, I will be easily killed by others?"

"Are you kidding me? I'm Prechto! The person who took over the Abyss of Demon Dao recently."

Prechto blushed. He first carefully put away the card with the heart, and then looked at Yiwen arrogantly, and angrily said.

"Yes yes yes, you are the most talented magister Preshito in the continent of Ishgar~"

Egwene acted as if she was coaxing a child, watching Prechto preach.

In fact, I don't know who it is, but was killed by three kittens in the original book...

"Hmph, you kid, it's good to know."

After Prechto put his heart away, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he thought to himself, "Yiwen has a little conscience! Maybe Fairy Tail is not as hopeless as I imagined! Maybe it's good to stay here... ..."

"Brunot, Azma, Lastiros, Huayuan, Zanquero, let's go..."

But since Prechto has announced his departure, he will not regret it! I saw him whispering to the subordinates behind him, and then manipulated with both hands, the armrest on the wheelchair wheel, which is used to push the wheelchair wheel forward, moved towards the outside of the town of Magnolia at a fast speed go.

"Obey, President Prechto!"

And behind Prechto, there are five eccentrics sitting in wheelchairs with bandages all over their bodies like Prechto. They are the cadres of the Devil's Heart.

These cadres are, only the eyes are exposed from top to bottom, and all other parts are bound with bandages, Bruno Te, the vice president of the devil's heart.

After Bruno took Kildas' punch from the front, he now only has the eye that Kildas avoided on purpose intact!

Ziqing, who was whipped all over his body, was stunned by Elusa. His life was fatal, and Rastyros survived by luck.

Because of his lack of intelligence, he used magic that made him look like steel during the battle, and received a full-strength blow from Miraj in the abdomen, which caused severe injuries all over his body, and Huayuan was temporarily confined to a wheelchair.

And that one, who provoked an existence that he shouldn't have provoked at the beginning, and was almost killed by Kurnuki's punch...

And Azma, who was the least injured, originally only had some burns and electric injuries, and failed because of his whole body paralyzed, fainted and lost consciousness!

But in order to get along with everyone in the guild, Azma is also sitting in a wheelchair at this moment...

The devil's heart, when they came, the scenery was infinite, and they came on the airship built by their devil's heart...

When leaving, the airship was changed for wheelchairs. They even used only one airship, but they changed six wheelchairs. This wave, this wave is bloody profit!

With the sun rising gradually...

The six wheelchairs were galloping on the road in the small town of Magnolia, and their figures were stretched long by the sunlight.

"Everyone! Don't be upset, don't regret, our journey has just begun..."

"Just like the sun that was born!"

Prechto led the five cadres behind him to the top of the mountain behind Fairy Tail. He led a group of cadres here, overlooking the entire town of Magnolia, and the gradually rising, exuding Beautiful sun with bright rays.

"President Prechto, what are we going to do next?"

As Azma, the only one among the cadres in Devil's Heart who can speak, he asked Prechto, who is the president.

"First of all, the first thing we have to do is to get rid of the relationship with the devil's heart! Officially cleanse ourselves!"

"Why don't we call our guild the Heart of Light from now on!"

Prechto looked at the bright sunlight, narrowed his eyes slightly, and spoke softly.

"Washing white? President Prechto, do people like us still have a chance to become a light magister?"

After hearing Prechto's words, Azma was slightly taken aback, and he spoke in shock.

"Even the current Fairy Tail is a guild of light magisters, so why can't we become light magisters?"

After listening to Azma's words, Prechto smiled slightly and taught to everyone.

Prechto's words are well-founded, making it impossible to refute...

"I see……"

After hearing Prechto's words, Azma and others were shocked, and they suddenly realized.

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