Fairy Tail: Start To Capture the Fairy Queen Erza

Chapter 351 Why are you messing with Berserion's family? (first update)

"No, it's fine if you two brothers and sisters are deeply in love, I congratulate you, because this is about your two brothers and sisters..."

"But why, should I be the price of the brother-sister relationship between you two guys? Isn't this a bit too unfair to me?"

The blue veins on Ge Jier's forehead were tense, he was not a gift to prove the deep love between brothers and sisters, and could be sent back and forth by others! asshole! !

"I'm a person! It's not something you send around, okay?"

"Did anyone ask my opinion before you sent me around as a gift? Did I agree?"

Looking at the two brothers and sisters in front of him, Ge Jier kept roaring,

Yi Wen, who was standing in front of Ge Jier at this moment, as an older brother, looked at Ersha with pampering eyes.

And Elusa, as Ewen's younger sister, is well-behaved and sensible when she is embraced by Ewen...

Only Ge Jier stared wide-eyed, and his small eyes were full of great doubts.

So what's the price? The price is that he, Iron Dragon Gejir, was given as a gift...

"I really don't know how the Fairy Tail of your Magisters Guild educated you?"

"You don't know how to ask for other people's opinions, but you just snatch them away as gifts. Is this pure human trafficker behavior?"

"Where are you from the Dark Magister Guild?"

Ge Jier couldn't help complaining, although the style of the ghost ruler is not very good, but it is full of filth in private, and people can't find any faults in the open.

But what's up with this Fairy Tail guild sibling? Can't you even ask for other people's opinions? Going up is grabbing, this style is the same as that of the Dark Magister Guild...

"Huh? Don't you agree?"

Yiwen rubbed Ersha's little head lightly, and then released Ersha in her arms. Erza stood in front of Ewen cutely and sensiblely, so Yiwen turned to look at Ge Jier and asked road.

"Should I agree?"

The corners of Ge Jier's eyes twitched slightly, he couldn't understand how the man in front of him could ask him such a question in such a serious manner.

It's like, you are walking on the street full of traffic, and then you suddenly see a dark and strong person, you think the other person is a good farmer, so you stop him, and then ask him: "You want to be my slave ?!"

No one in this world would agree, okay? !

"Of course I don't agree! How could I agree?!"

Therefore, Ge Jier, who is still a normal person now, gave a relatively normal answer. He directly rejected Ewen and roared angrily while looking at Ewen hysterically.

"Oh, so you don't agree?"

When Yi Wen heard this, she showed a look of surprise, and he looked Ge Jier up and down, as if he knew him again.

"What's your expression?"

"Also, in your eyes, am I the kind of person who will agree to others casually and become their slave?"

Ge Jier felt Yiwen's surprised eyes, and the veins on his forehead tensed up. If he couldn't beat Yiwen, he would have done it long ago, okay? !

"First of all, weapons are different from slaves. Weapons are closer to companions, right?"

"But for what I said just now, haha, I'm sorry to you! The main reason is that your answer really surprised me..."

"At first I thought you agreed to be my sister's weapon, so you don't agree?"

Yi Wen smiled lightly, as if he didn't care about Ge Jier's anger at all.

"Since you disagree, why did you follow me back here with me?"

"Since you didn't intend to be my sister's weapon, but you followed me here, I always feel that your behavior is very suspicious~"

At the same time, Yi Wen discovered the suspicious behavior on Ge Jier, so Yi Wen looked at Ge Jier in front of her and asked with a smile.

"Did you lose your memory? Don't you remember what happened just now?"

"Did you ask me just now? Did you ask me even a word?"

"Do you want me to help you recall your memories? I was walking alone on the avenue just now, and you suddenly appeared beside me with a 'snap'..."

"Soon, I haven't reacted, and I haven't had time to dodge! You brought me here together, and then you stood in front of your dear sister, Erza, and took me as a gift without my consent. I gave it to your sister Erza..."

"Excuse me, have you talked to me during this period? Even a word is fine, have you ever said it?"

The corners of Gejir's eyes twitched slightly, and he didn't know what to say at this moment...

"Look, this is your problem, right?"

"Normal people would yell for help after being caught by me, but you didn't. I thought you acquiesced~"

Yiwen grasped the loophole in Gejill's words and retorted.


Hearing this, Ge Jier was speechless, and he no longer knew what to say.

He, the iron dragon slayer magister Ge Jier of the Ghost Ruler, was running fast on the avenue just now, planning to take the nearest train and go back to the Ghost Ruler Guild to ask for help...

Then he was taken away by Yiwen. During this period, Yiwen didn't say a word to him. As the magister who ruled the ghosts, he didn't say much, but observed secretly. As a result, it seems that he has become a ghost now. It was his mistake...

"All in all, Iron Dragon Gejill, you and I will go back to Fairy Tail~"

Yiwen looked at the ashen-faced Gejill who was being teased by him, and felt happy for a while, and then the smile on his face gradually disappeared. He watched Gejill preach in an unquestionable tone.

"Hey! I am also the magister of the ghost ruler, do you know what it means to do this to me?"

"Can I understand that this means that Fairy Tail of the Magisters' Guild will start a war with our ghost rulers?"

There were countless fine beads of sweat on Ge Jier's forehead, and he could feel that the man in front of him was not joking, and that the other party really planned to bring him back to Fairy Tail.

Once Ge Jier, who is the ruler of ghosts, was forcibly brought back to Fairy Tail by Yiwen, he basically didn't escape. In Ge Jier's eyes, the final outcome must be the end of the war between the two magister guilds! This is not the result Ge Jier wants to see...

In fact, Ge Jier didn't know at all what they were going to do to Erza in this action against Erza!

Ge Jier, who was not very popular in Ghost Dominator, was completely excluded, and no one told him what he really looked like...

Ge Jier originally thought that it was Erza, the magister of Fairy Tail, who relied on the guild and her own strength to attack their ghost ruler first in the mission. They are going to seek revenge!

But even so, he doesn't bother to act with others, and intends to defeat Erza alone to prove himself!

And just now, the reason why Ge Jier planned to go back to the Ghost Dominator to find reinforcements was because Erza knocked down all the magisters of the Ghost Dominator Guild, Ge Jier planned to go back to the guild to ask what happened to this matter Solved, who knew that so many problems would be involved in the end...

"It's really surprising, so you all know that attacking people from other guilds is tantamount to declaring war on this guild..."

Yi Wen suddenly laughed after hearing Ge Jier's words, as if she was amused by Ge Jier's words.


Ge Jier stared blankly at the smiling Yiwen, and suddenly he felt ominous.

"The war between Fairy Tail and the Specter Ruler started when the Specter Ruler planned to attack my mother and sister!"

The moment Yiwen's voice fell, terrifying magic power rose, making the surrounding air thick and heavy.


Ge Jier was stunned for a moment, as if he hadn't expected that the ghost rulers were planning to attack Yiwen's mother and sister, which shocked him.

"Invincible! This guy in front of me is a monster..."

"Damn it, those idiots in the guild actually plan to provoke such a monster? Do they really not know how the word death is written?"

However, before Ge Jier could think about it, he was shocked by the powerful magic power that Yiwen erupted, and his face was frightened.

To be honest, he has never felt such a powerful magic power. Even Joseph Bolla, the former president of the ghost ruler, is far inferior to Egwene in front of him!

The terrifying magic power released by Yiwen at this moment is enough to make people despair!

It's as if Yiwen and their strength are not in the same dimension at all...

"I'm not as strong as others, so it's understandable to be caught by you, but if there is a real war between the two guilds, I can't stop it..."

Ge Jier's forehead was sweating, and he was not interested in the matter of the ghost ruler. The reason why he mixed up the attack on Ersha was simply to compare the strength between himself and Erza. It's just a gap.

He just wanted to see if, with his own strength, he could defeat Fairy Tail's S-rank magister.

Then he was tortured by Erza. In fact, Ge Jier didn't realize the seriousness of the problem until this time. At that time, he didn't even think about whether he would provoke the ghost ruler if he attacked Erza. The war between the two guilds with Fairy Tail...

After all, it is a very common thing in the magic world to challenge a stronger magister. However, when Ge Jier saw the current Egwene and listened to Egwene's words, he felt the eruption from Egwene. After the monstrous magical power, Ge Jier finally understood how terrifying and serious the consequences of their actions of the ghost rulers would be...

"Oh, is it understandable to be caught if you are inferior to others~"

Yi Wen narrowed her eyes after listening to Ge Jier's words.

"It seems that you really have the potential to become a weapon~"

In this regard, Yi Wen gave Ge Jier a high evaluation, although Yi Wen's evaluation of Ge Jier has nothing to do with being a human being.


Ge Jier was a little speechless, so after all, is his talent all in the aspect of being a weapon?

"As for the war between the ghost ruler and our Fairy Tail guild, you don't need to care about it,"

"The war is over, because just now I have destroyed all the guilds of the ghost ruler in Fiore Kingdom, including the headquarters and branch guilds..."

Yi Wen looked at Ge Jier kindly, and he said the words that made Ge Jier shudder in the most kind tone.

"You said, you destroyed all the guilds of the ghost ruler in Fiore Kingdom?!"

Ge Jier's pupils trembled, he thought he heard it wrong.


"So just obediently use it as a weapon and come back to Fairy Tail with me~"

As Yiwen said, she stretched out her palm, patted Gejill's shoulder lightly, and said with a smile.


Ge Jier looked at the heavy and strong palm of Yi Wen on his shoulder, and swallowed a mouthful of spit.

Although Yi Wen was smiling and speaking to Ge Jier, but to Ge Jier's ears, Yi Wen's words seemed to be whispering in his ear: "Boy, if you don't plan to follow me as a weapon If you go back to the Fairy Tail guild, then I will abolish you here~"

"I, shall I go to the head office?"

In this regard, the corners of Ge Jier's eyes twitched, and he nodded slightly, as if there was no room for him to refuse at the moment.

"Anyway, it's great that you agree~"

After Gajill agreed, Yiwen withdrew the palm she put on Gajill's shoulder, and looked at Erza beside her.

"Eluza, he has agreed to be your weapon~"

Yi Wen looked at Ersha and spoke with a smile.

"As expected of Brother Yiwen!"

Ersha waved her little fist when she heard the words, and she knew that as long as she asked Yiwen to do it, everything could be done.

"As for the rubbish you got rid of~ clean it up!"

"After all, we, as the Magisters of the Light Magisters Guild and Fairy Tail, must love nature and the environment, otherwise Senior Volod will cry~"

Yiwen looked around Erza, the magisters of the ghost ruler who had collapsed on the ground, thought for a while, and decided to clean up all the rubbish. The magisters of the defeated Ghost Ruler are nothing more than a bunch of trash in Yiwen's eyes~

Immediately, facing the rubbish all over the floor, Yi Wen lightly snapped her fingers.


Accompanied by a soft sound, the bodies of the magisters of these ghost rulers lit up with white light, and in the next second, the figures of the magisters of the ghost rulers disappeared in place in an instant, and they were all captured by Yi Wen. Sent to BLACKVOX, the magister prison, to accompany their guild leader Joseph Bora, but this scene is completely different in Gejill's eyes? !

"What? What's going on? Did that guy kill all these people?"

"How cruel is this kind of method! There is not even a scum left, all of them have been destroyed, and the attack is clean and neat. It seems that this is not the first time to do this..."

Ge Jier looked at the magisters who disappeared in front of him, and his pupils trembled.

He saw with his own eyes just now that Yiwen killed all the magisters who were also ghost rulers with him, and the methods were extremely cruel, without leaving any traces. It was obvious that Yiwen was a veteran, so she did this.

If it is someone from other Bright Magisters Guild, Ge Jier believes that they will definitely not be able to do such a thing as killing the ghost ruler members who are also members of the Bright Magisters Guild.

But Yiwen is different, Yiwen feels very dangerous to Ge Jier!

In Ge Jier's eyes, Yiwen is this monster, and as a monster, Yiwen thinks completely with human thinking, that is to say, it is entirely possible for Yiwen to do this kind of thing. from……

This frightened Ge Jier, and he didn't dare to take any action against Yi Wen.

In other words, Yi Wen hit the right target, which made Ge Jier completely convinced.

"Haha, now the road has been cleaned~"

After clearing the road, Yiwen looked at Erza with a hearty smile.

"As expected of Brother Yiwen!"

In this regard, Ersha gave Yiwen a thumbs up, her eyes were full of admiration for Yiwen.

In fact, no matter what Egwene did, Egwene would always show such admiration to Egwene, and in Egwene's eyes, everything Egwene did was correct.

However, this is not the same thing in Gajeel's eyes.

"After the elder brother killed dozens of people, the younger sister actually didn't panic, but laughed heartily? Where did this cruel brother and sister come from?"

Ge Jier's body trembled, even because of his competitive nature since he was a child, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

"It's not right, the feeling these two people give me is completely wrong!"

"I always feel that these two people are very abnormal..."

Ge Jier looked at Yiwen and Ersha, with beads of sweat on his forehead. Although he had a lot to say right now, he didn't dare to disturb the pair of brothers and sisters in front of him. He was afraid that he would say something else , then he is not even qualified as a weapon...

In Ge Jier's eyes at this moment, once he loses even the qualifications for weapons, there is a high probability that he will be killed by the cruel brother and sister in front of him.


Just when Ge Jier's body was trembling slightly, a ray of light came on, a tall, plump, graceful figure, with beautiful long crimson hair of the same color as Erza's, delicate face, and an overwhelmingly beautiful person Er, wearing a set of magic robes, came to Egwene and Erza.


When Erza saw the person coming, she immediately showed a sweet smile and greeted the beautiful woman.

"Aileen, are you here?"

Yiwen was also stunned when she saw the person coming, and then smiled slightly.

"Ywen, and Erza, you are all here~"

Yes, it was Irene who came, and she was looking at Yiwen and Ersha with a smile at the moment, and said hello to them.

"Looks like you've been attacked too~"

Irene felt the magic power in the surrounding air, and instantly made an inference.

"Could it be that Mom, you were attacked too?"

After hearing Irene's words, Elusha was taken aback for a moment, and then she frowned, with a look of anger in her eyes.

Erza didn't really care much about others attacking her.

But she doesn't allow anyone to attack her mother Irene...

"Don't worry Erza~"

"Those guys who attacked me have been dealt with by me~"

Irene looked at Ersha's serious expression and raised the corners of her mouth. She walked up to Ersha, kneaded Ersha's small smooth face with her white palms, and preached with a smile.


"That's good……"

Erin's small face was constantly being kneaded in Irene's hands, but Erin did not resist. Instead, she breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that all those who attacked Irene had been killed.


However, after hearing the conversation between Irene and Erza, Ge Jier couldn't help shaking.

Because Irene didn't intend to restrain her magic power, Ge Jier could feel that the face in front of her was like a beautiful woman carved out of the same mold as Erza's, and the terrifying magic power was so exaggerated that people couldn't describe it.

Ge Jier knew that the woman in front of him should be the mother of Yi Wen and Ersha...

However, what shocked Ge Jier the most was that this woman just said that she had dealt with all the people who attacked her? !

In other words, did you kill them all like Yiwen? What a cruel family is this?

Ge Jier smiled wryly at this: "Why do we have to provoke this family?"

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