Fairy Tail: Start To Capture the Fairy Queen Erza

Chapter 352 I must have opened the guild door in the wrong way (second update)

"Go back to Fairy Tail~"

Yi Wen looked at Irene and Erza in front of her and asked.


Erza and Irene looked at each other when they heard the words, then nodded slightly in agreement.


As the words of Erza and Irene fell, Yiwen, Irene, Erza, and Gagil, a shiny magic circle suddenly rose under the feet of the three of them and a weapon.


In the next second, with a roar, Yiwen, Irene, Erza, and Gajill, the three of them and a weapon instantly disappeared on the empty avenue!

The small town of Magnolia, the Fairy Tail of the Magisters Guild...

Accompanied by a roar, the figures of Yiwen, Erza and Gajeel appeared in front of Fairy Tail, a century-old magisters' guild located in the small town of Magnolia.

As for Irene, she changed Yiwen's magic on her own, returned to the Crimson Goddess store, and continued to observe the group of people who were transferred to another world by her. At this moment, she was fighting against monsters, and was chased, killed, and resurrected by monsters again and again. The magisters of the ghost rulers.

"Is this the Fairy Tail? The one with Makarov, Yiwen, and Uru, the three holy ten magisters, and more than a dozen S-level magisters, is called by countless people, within the territory of the Kingdom of Fiore, and even The largest magister guild in the Ishgar continent."

Ge Jier looked at the majestic guild in front of him, on the quaint gate, with the word FAIRY TAIL with a history of hundreds of years, he felt inexplicably awed in his heart. The name is very familiar.

After all, Ge Jier, who was a member of the former Ghost Dominator, didn't care much about the affairs of the guild, he could make a living by eating iron, and he didn't care whether the guild had money or not.

But he also knows that because of the existence of Fairy Tail in his guild, many tasks have been taken away, and many guild members cannot receive tasks, resulting in the inability to maintain daily life and so on, so Ge ​​Jier also knows about Fairy Tail It is precisely because Ge Jier knows the power of Fairy Tail that he wants to challenge Erza...

"Huh, a guild with countless legends?!"

Thinking of this, Ge Jier calmed down his mood.

To be honest, in the kingdom named Fiore where they are located, including the continent named Ishgar, there are too many, too many legends about Fairy Tail, the magister's guild!

Leaving aside those ancient rumors that can be traced back to the birth of the first batch of magister guilds in the Kingdom of Fiore a hundred years ago, there are countless legends about this guild just now.

According to the legend, there are countless strong men in this magister's guild named Fairy Tail. Among them, there are three people who have been certified by the Magic Council and have the title of Holy Cross, and it is said that these three have the title of Holy Cross. The monster of the great magister is not the strongest in the Fairy Tail guild...

In this guild located in the small town of Magnolia on the edge of the Kingdom of Fiore, there are even hidden monsters that surpassed the ten great magisters and are located on the top of the entire Eslandon world!

And after seeing the incomparable magical power of Yiwen, Irene, and Elusa's family, Gejir is even more looking forward to Fairy Tail. He has already fantasized about the world after going out. Magister's Paradise, a big world full of all kinds of magic.

In Ge Jier's eyes, Fairy Tail is only such a paradise that belongs to the magisters, so that countless powerful magisters can be born...

"Going in~"

Yi Wen took a special look at Ge Jier beside him, and he could feel the excitement in Ge Jier's heart.

After all, what will be shown in front of Gejill is the world's number one magister guild, so Yiwen's excitement for Gejill is not incomprehensible...

"Then Ge Jier, keep your eyes open! This is the world's number one magister guild!"

Yi Wen looked at Ge Jier and roared, then pushed open the heavy wooden door that should have the words "FAIRY TAIL".

Suddenly a whole new world appeared in Gejir's eyes...

"This, this is..."

Ge Jier stared at the gleaming new world and widened his eyes. He sighed in his heart, is this the strongest magister guild in the Kingdom of Fiore according to legend?

I saw the door open, and a white-haired young man came oncoming. The young man had very strong magic power. Judging by Yiwen's system, it was around level five, close to level six. Compared with the current Gejir It is too much stronger, however, this is not what Ge Jier is concerned about...

What he focused on was that the boy with short snow-white hair was naked at the moment, standing on a high table, singing loudly with a basketball with sunspots on his crotch.

"Why can't you understand me? The only real freedom is to take off your clothes! Can't human beings really understand each other?"

Leaving aside the young man's current appearance, just what he said is enough to be philosophical, enough to change the sky.

"Eyes! My eyes! Bring back my Fairy Tail fantasies!"

However, Ge Jier, who was facing the basketball of Heizi under the boy's crotch, couldn't help covering his eyes. What did he see? A pervert with a naked body and a parked basketball standing on a table shouting FREEDOM? !

This is indeed a paradise, but unfortunately it is not the paradise of the magisters, but the paradise of perverts!

"One, I must have opened it in the wrong way. How could the legendary Magisters Guild be like this?!"

As Gejill said, he slammed the door of the Fairy Tail Guild in front of him.


Gagil, who closed the door, panted heavily as if he had exhausted all his strength. His forehead was covered with beads of sweat. Until now, he still couldn't believe what he had seen before.

Who knows, seeing a pervert with a naked body and a basketball with a sunspot on it will do a lot of damage to the heart of a healthy teenager? !

"Inhale, exhale~"

Outside the gate of Fairy Tail, Ge Jier adjusted his breathing, his eyes flashed sharply in the next second, and then Ge Jier pushed towards the huge wooden door in front of him with all his strength.


Accompanied by a roar, what appeared in front of Gejir's eyes was...

"It hasn't changed~"

Ge Jier looked at everything in the room and showed a smile. Yes, nothing had changed. What caught Ge Jier's eyes was still the perverted white-haired boy standing on the high table, naked.


Ge Jier suddenly fell to his knees on the ground, he seemed a little incomprehensible.

"Why would the ghost ruler lose to such a perverted guild! Why!!"

Ge Jier suddenly felt that his old club, the Ghost Dominator, was bullied by Fairy Tail and couldn't even receive the mission. It was really not worth it, and it was a bit incomprehensible. Could it be that their Ghost Dominator couldn't even compare with these perverts? ? !

"Go in~"

Yi Wen looked at Ge Jier, who was kneeling on the ground and couldn't understand, raised her foot, slightly exerted force on Ge Jier's buttocks, and pushed him directly into the guild with one kick.


After Ge Jier felt the power on his buttocks, he didn't have time to stop the car due to inertia. He rushed forward, and then plunged into the crotch of the naked white-haired boy standing on the high table. in basketball.


For a moment, both Ge Jier and the white-haired boy were stunned.

The Gajeel at this moment is indeed Gajeel...

The scene in front of me can be called the birth of a world famous painting! !

"Draw it, I must draw this scene!"

Li Dasu Jiongna, who has been sitting in the guild sketching, at the moment when Ge Jier called "Ga Jier", his inspiration radar roared, and he immediately turned around and looked, witnessing the birth of this great scene!

Li Dasu Jiongna looked at the scene in front of him, his pupils trembled, and the inspiration in his mind continued to explode for a while. He took out his brush and scribbled on the drawing paper, drawing all the scenes he saw in front of him. down.

It's a pity that the dark history of Ge Jier and the white-haired boy will be passed down forever as a sacred object of Fairy Tail...

"You pervert, take a look at what good things you have done?! Don't touch things you shouldn't touch! You bastard!!"

At the moment when Li Dasu Jiongna caught the inspiration given to him by the gods and drew quickly, the white-haired boy with a naked body and a black basketball on his forehead kicked Gejir to the ground with a stretched vein on his forehead.

"No, no, no matter who you are, you are the only bastard who is not qualified to call me a pervert, right?! You bastard!"

"Speaking of which, isn't the reason for this embarrassing situation because you bastard didn't dress properly?!"

Ge Jier sat down on the ground, looked at the white-haired boy in front of him, and shouted angrily.


The corners of the white-haired boy's eyes twitched slightly. He jumped directly from the table and landed in front of Ge Jier, moving his wrist, as if he wanted to educate Ge Jier.

"You pervert!"

Ge Jier didn't hesitate either, he stood up from the ground, looked at the white-haired boy in front of him, his eyes were shining with fire, it was obvious that Ge Jier didn't take the white-haired boy in front of him seriously at all, he didn't think he would lose to A pervert.

For a moment, Ge Jier and the white-haired boy looked at each other like this...

"Girl, don't you want to know why our Fairy Tail is the number one magister guild in the Kingdom of Fiore?"

"Then you try to defeat this pervert in front of you. I mean how about this outstanding boy? Don't underestimate him just because he is a pervert. Leon is one of the ten great magisters 'Bing Jie' Disciple of Ulu!"

Yiwen looked at Gejill, who was in conflict, and the white-haired boy, Ulu's disciple Leon, and said with a smile.

In fact, the reason why Ge Jier chose Leon's Jill was all under Yiwen's manipulation. The purpose was to make Ge Jier and Leon conflict, and at the same time let Ge Jier feel the strength of Fairy Tail.

"This pervert is actually that Ulu's disciple?!"

Ge Jier's expression trembled when he heard the words. He had heard of Ulu's name before. After all, he was the top ten holy magisters in the Ishgar Continent~ This is well known in the Ishgar Continent! However, what Ge Jier really couldn't understand was that the white-haired boy in front of him was actually that Ulu's disciple? !

"Oh? What's the matter? Don't I look like Ulu's disciple?"

Seeing Gejill's way of scrutinizing him, Leon asked uncomfortably.

"Not at all!"

Ge Jier replied truthfully, in his eyes, the disciples of the ten great magisters should be very serious, but the Leon in front of him has nothing to do with the word serious.

"Are you really straightforward in your answer?!"

"Okay! Whether you think I look like me or not, unfortunately, I'm still Ulu's disciple!"

Leon smiled lightly after hearing what Ge Jier said, but he didn't dislike Gu Jier's honesty.

"Leon, if you can defeat this guy in front of you, you can run around naked for a week! I promise Urrutia will not care about you..."

Just as Leon chuckled, Yiwen's voice suddenly rang in his ears.


Leon was stunned for a moment after hearing Ge Jier's words, and then the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"I'm sorry! Newcomer, I didn't intend to attack you at first, but since Brother Yiwen made a condition, then there's nothing I can do..."

Leon was stunned for a moment after hearing Yiwen's words, and then the corners of his mouth rose slightly. To be honest, he originally planned to teach Ge Jier a little bit, and he didn't intend to take it too seriously. For Jill, it's a bit of a bully...

"Don't say it as if you have won me."

Ge Jier's face was livid, he was really underestimated by the people in front of him.

"Rookie, you just came to Fairy Tail, so you may not know us~"

In this regard, Leon didn't say anything, he looked at Gagil in front of him coldly.

"In that case, let's go to the ring~"

Yi Wen looked at the mentality of having fun, and shouted at Ge Jier and Leon 1.

"On the ring?"

Ge Jier froze for a moment, with a bit of puzzlement in his expression.

"follow me!"

Leon didn't expect that Yiwen would attach so much importance to his battle with Gejill, but he didn't say anything, just left a word to Gejill, and then walked towards the ring behind him.


Ge Jier didn't think much, he followed Leon and walked towards the ring together.

Not long after, a huge arena appeared in front of Ge Jier and Leon.

"Brother Kurnuki, I want to use the ring!"

Standing under the ring, Leon yelled softly to Kurnuki who used the ring as a bed.


Kournuji, who was lying on the ring and resting, immediately sat up when he heard Leon's words, and looked at Leon with raised brows, looking displeased.

"Brother Yiwen meant it!"

In this regard, Leon immediately moved out of Yiwen.

"Oh! Since it is Master's intention, I will lend it to you!"

"Quick battle..."

When Kurnuji heard that this was what Ewen meant, he didn't dare to keep blocking Leon. He immediately jumped off the ring and gave the empty ring to Leon.

"Come on~"

Seeing that Kurnuki got off the ring, Leon jumped onto the ring lightly, and hooked his fingers towards Ge Jier, signaling him to come up.


Ge Jier didn't think too much, and followed Leon into the ring.

"Someone is on the stage!"

"Who is it? So brave?"

"Looks like a newcomer!"

"The newcomer is going to the ring? Go over and have a look..."

As Ge Jier and Leon entered the ring, a group of Fairy Tail magisters in the guild immediately surrounded them. Everyone was a fun person, and they had a mentality of watching fun.

"I kind of understand why your guild is so powerful..."

Ge Jier looked at the fun people watching the audience, and suddenly understood that Fairy Tail is powerful, and the Fairy Tail of the Magisters Guild is a group of bloodthirsty monsters. Can a Magister who grew up in such an environment not be strong? ?

"Your name is Gajeel, right?"

"Come on! Hurry up and attack me~"

"Otherwise, you have no chance~"

Leon stood opposite Ge Jier, and hooked his fingers at Ge Jier. Facing Ge Jier, who was not bad, Leon was still a little interested.


"Be careful!"

Ge Jier took a deep breath, his eyes gradually became sharper, and then his figure flashed, and he rushed towards Leon.

Yes, Gejir's battles have never been nonsense, they are clean and neat!

"Iron Dragon Sword!"

Ge Jier started with the Iron Dragon Sword, but his arm turned into a chainsaw and slashed at Leon.

"Dragon Slayer Mage?! Interesting..."

Leon recognized Gejill's identity instantly. After all, there are quite a few dragon slayer magisters in this guild. He, Leon, often competes with Natsu on weekdays, so he knows the characteristics of dragon slayer magisters.

"Frozen floor..."

In response, Leon raised his hand to a frozen floor.


Ge Jier's feet were instantly covered with ice, his feet slipped, and he couldn't touch Leon immediately, so he slashed sideways and landed on Leon's side.

And Leon made a pair of skates at some point, and slid on the ring at high speed.

"Damn it! Iron dragon stick!"

Ge Jier put away his iron dragon sword, his arm suddenly turned into a stick, and stretched towards Leon.


However, before Gagil's stick approached, he was immediately bitten by a fierce tiger on his arm.


Ge Jier froze for a moment, as if he didn't know where the tiger in front of him came from.

"I'm an ice magister! I can create a helper made of ice~"

"Then next..."

Leon first explained his magic, and then a terrifying magic power erupted from Leon's body.

"Ice Dragon!"

"Ice Ape!"

"Ice lion!"

"Ice Cow!"

"Ice Elephant!"

Including the ice tiger that Leon made before, a total of six ice-attribute creations appeared on the ring.

"Sorry, this battle should be over..."

Leon smiled triumphantly at Gajeel 1.


Ge Jier watched Leon intend to move, but when Ge Jier started to move, he realized that his feet were frozen by the ice on the table at some point.

"You didn't pay attention to your feet, you were careless~"

Leon was still disturbing Ge Jier's state of mind, he watched Ge Jier preaching with a smile.

"Iron Dragon's..."

Ge Jier frowned. As the magister of the ghost ruler, he has also experienced countless battles, so the current situation is not enough to make him panic.

Ge Jier took a deep breath, planning to use Roar at Leon!

"It's now!"

Leon looked at Gejill who was about to growl at him, and directly took out a large piece of ice, and then threw it directly into Gejill's open mouth.

"It's so cold..."

Ge Jier, who had gathered half of the magic power of iron, suddenly changed his face, and the ice cube in his mouth exploded instantly, sealing his mouth.

"It's now, hurry up and beat him!"

Leon looked at Gagil with a livid face, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and gave an order to the ice creature beside him.


After hearing Leon's words, all the creations of the ice modeling magic roared, and then came to Gagil.


Ge Jier looked at the huge ice creations in front of him, his face changed suddenly.

However, at this moment, his mouth was frozen, his feet were also frozen, and he was completely powerless to resist!



Ge Jier was beaten by countless animals, it was so tragic!

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