Fairy Tail: Start To Capture the Fairy Queen Erza

Chapter 353 Over four hundred years, just to send the child to Yi Wen (third update)

After a burst of devastation...

Ge Jier was lying on the ring, disheveled and looking at the ceiling of the Fairy Tail guild, with a look of lovelessness on his face.

He, the Ghost Dominator of the Magisters Guild, who thought he was the strongest Magister after Joseph Bora left, was actually raped by a pervert in the Fairy Tail Guild with an animal...

If this is said, how can he, Ge Jier, hang around in the magic world of Ishgar Continent? !

"it's over!"

Leon watched Ge Jier, who had fallen to the ground, withdraw his magic, and he lightly adjusted his clothes, preparing to step off the stage and leave.

"Hey! You bastard..."

Just when Leon was about to leave the ring, Ge Jier 1 sat up from the ring with all his strength.

"Huh?! You called me?"

Leon was stunned for a moment, he turned around, pointed at Heizi's basketball, looked at Gajeel and asked.

"You are very strong, right? I don't know how much you rank in this guild based on your strength?"

Ge Jier looked at Leon and asked aloud.


Leon looked at Ge Jier's appearance and showed a smile. He really saw too much of Ge Jier's expression in front of him.

Because the Fairy Tail guild has become more and more famous, there are many strong people from other countries who come to the Fairy Tail guild to challenge them. Under normal circumstances, those who deal with these people are Natsu, Leon, and Gray. wait...

There are very few S-level magisters in the guild. After all, judging from the strength of the current Fairy Tail magister guild and the top ten holy magisters per capita, the combat power of these foreign challengers is really not enough... …

And those who were defeated by Leon and the others, those who thought they were strong, after being defeated by Leon and the others, would usually ask Leon with a look of shock on their strength, how much they can rank among Fairy Tail... …

In fact, these people seem to be asking about the strength of Leon and others, and their ranking in the Fairy Tail guild, but in fact these people are not asking about the strength of Leon and others in the guild, they are not interested in this. interest!

Rather, it is equivalent to asking Leon in disguise, if he is a member of the Fairy Tail guild as the challenger, how much strength can he rank in the Fairy Tail guild as a challenger? !

And Ge Jier in front of him also meant the same thing. He really wanted to know how much his strength could be ranked in Fairy Tail...


In this regard, Leon looked in the direction of Gajeel, and stretched out two fingers.


"No, no, the twelfth?"

Ge Jier stared at Leon's two fingers in a daze. If he was defeated by the second strongest existence in the Fairy Tail guild, then it would make sense.

But Ge Jier thought about it again, no, the Leon in front of him is definitely not ranked second in the Fairy Tail guild!

After all, it doesn't matter, there are three members of Yiwen's family, and there are two Holy Tens in the Fairy Tail guild. If you think about it this way, Leon's strength is ranked twelfth in the guild? !

Although it was difficult for Ge Jier to accept that he was defeated by more than ten people from the Fairy Tail guild, at least it was not that painful...


"I mean, I'm competing for the 20th place in the guild!"

"Look! One day I will become the top 20 men in the guild!"

Leon shook his head after listening to Gajeel's words. He puffed up his chest and shouted loudly in front of all the magisters of the Fairy Tail guild.

"Ambition! Leon!"

"That's great, Leon!"

"Want to be ranked in the top 20 of the guild? It's difficult! But as long as you work hard, Leon, you will be able to get in one day..."

The Fairy Tail magisters who were watching under the arena were taken aback when they heard the words. This time they didn't say anything depressing, but kept praising Leon, as if Leon had said such a difficult and amazing thing.

"In other words, is your strength ranked behind Fairy Tail's 20th?"

Ge Jier was stunned. He stared at Leon with wide eyes. He never thought that with the strength of the white-haired perverted kid in front of him, he would not be able to rank among the top twenty in Fairy Tail.

You must know that in Ge Jier's view, if Leon's strength is placed in the Specter Dominator, he can immediately become an S-rank magister...

"Do you know the difference in strength? Gejir!"

"This is the power of Fairy Tail..."

"To be honest, our Fairy Tail has never taken the Specter Dominator seriously."

"If we really want to deal with you ghost rulers, we only need to send an active S-rank magister at random, and we can wipe out all your guilds..."

"And don't get me wrong, when I said that you wiped out all the guilds of your ghost rulers, I didn't mean your crippled guilds after Joseph was captured, but your guilds that were at their peak when Joseph was still alive... ..."

Yi Wen looked at Ge Jier standing on the top of the ring with a disappointed expression on her face, and spoke softly.

"You mean to say, President Joseph won't be in the top ten even if Fairy Tail is here?"

Ge Jier was stunned, he turned to look at Yiwen and asked.

"haha of course……"

Yiwen smiled after listening to Gejill's words. Although he was a little crazy when he said that, it was a fact. Even with the strength of Joseph's Holy Cross, he still couldn't be ranked in the Fairy Tail guild. The top ten, it's a pity that their Fairy Tail guild, the top ten are all monsters!


Ge Jier swallowed his saliva. After Yiwen admitted, he was more and more shocked by the strength of Fairy Tail.

"Is this the number one magister guild in the Kingdom of Fiore?"

"It's true that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky!"

Regarding this, Ge Jier smiled bitterly, he finally felt the gap in strength.

"So, are you going to have such a powerful strength?"

Just when Ge Jier was smiling wryly, Yi Wen’s voice sounded in his ears. The voice sounded like the whisper of a devil, which made Ge Jier’s eyes widen. Yes, Ge Jier knew clearly in his heart that he couldn’t believe Yi Wen’s voice. It is definitely not good for Yiwen to believe easily, but the pursuit of strength and desire for strength made Ge Jier still believe in Yiwen.

"I, is it possible for me to become that powerful?"

Ge Jier looked at Yiwen, his eyes revealing the desire for power, and asked.

"Of course, if you want!"

The corners of Yiwen's mouth raised slightly, and at the same time she stretched out her hand to Gejill.

"Egwene! I want to learn magic!"

Ge Jier looked at Yi Wen's outstretched palm towards him, and he fell to his knees with a 'plop', and spoke loudly to Yi Wen.

"Since you said so, I can't help you..."

After listening to Ge Jier's words, Yiwen smiled lightly. He knew in his heart that Ge Jier still took the bait in the end.


Magisters Guild Fairy Tail Back Mountain...

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Accompanied by gusts of wind, several figures are constantly being tempered here.

"So, does this really work?"

Ge Jier, who was exuding gusts of wind, looked at Yiwen and asked suspiciously.

"Of course! Ge Jier, please believe me, I will not lie to you~"

After listening to Ge Jier's words, Yiwen showed a kind smile.


"So you won't lie to me! Then I can rest assured..."

Ge Jier heaved a sigh of relief after listening to Yi Wen's words.

It was also at the moment when Ge Jier relaxed, his body suddenly flew into the sky, drew the symbol of Fairy Tail in the air, and then flew back to the ground.

"Brother Yiwen, my manipulation of Gejill has become stronger again!"

In the 300th round, Erza manipulated Gajeel to fly into the sky, and finally successfully outlined the symbol of Fairy Tail, which means that Erza's manipulation of magnetic force has made another breakthrough and has become even stronger.

"Elusha, you did a great job! You are indeed my sister!"

Yiwen looked at Elusha who was waving her hands and manipulating the Gajeel flying sword to outline colorful pictures in the air, gave a thumbs up and praised.

Yes, the reason why Gejir makes the whistling wind is not from Gejir's training, but from Gejir flying into the sky and cutting through the air under the control of Erza...


Regarding this, Ge Jier was silent for a while, he always felt that he was being fooled.

"Naz continue to add fire!"

On the other side, several thick trees intersected to form a huge barbecue grill. On top of the grill was a huge wild boar with a length of more than ten meters. Under the wild boar was Naz, who was constantly breathing fire into the sky.

Yes, with Naz, Yiwen is equivalent to having a self-service stove.


There were countless beads of sweat on Naz's forehead, and he was trying to spray fire on it, and he was constantly squeezing his magic power.

"Wendy, continue to control the rotation of the wind, don't stop, don't let the pork burn!"

After Egwen urged Natsu to continue breathing fire, she looked sideways at Wendy.

At this moment, Wendy's face was flushed. She was using the air to keep the wild boar rotating and heating it evenly, so as to ensure that the pork would be charred on the outside and tender on the inside, without being directly scorched by Naz's flame!

This is, Yiwen's four-in-one training method, easily training the four dragon slayer magisters in front of her...

The iron dragon Gajill is Erza's weapon, and Natsu and Wendy are Erza's chefs!

Erza is training hard, Gajeel, Naz and Wendy are working hard beside her...

Ahem, in fact, Yiwen is practicing Natsu's ability to control the flames. Wendy's words can spin a wild boar that is more than ten meters long and weighs tens of tons, which is already the limit of Wendy's current magic power...

As for Gejir, his body is constantly being stimulated by Erza's electromagnetic force, and Gejir's potential is being effectively developed!

It's a pity that the world is different, otherwise Yiwen really wants to see if Gejir can learn to rotate the magnetic field, and see if Gejir is strong and powerful when he's 'crazed'? !

"Lacusas, why don't you go there?"

Not far away, behind a big tree, Lakusas was looking towards Iwen. The corners of his eyes twitched slightly as he watched the four-in-one training method developed by Iwen.

Behind Lakusas is Lakusas's little fan, Fried, the captain of the Thunder Gods, and he is asking Lakusas at the moment.

"No, not going..."

Lakusas looked at the trio of Gejill, Naz, and Wendy who had been limped by Egwene and who was serving as Erza's sparring partner. He decided not to ask for trouble. Even if he passed, 80% Just be beaten as Erza's opponent.


Fried didn't say anything when he heard that Lakusas didn't plan to go to find Egwene, he followed Lakusas and disappeared into the woods.

"Oh, almost everyone should be here?!"

Egwene naturally noticed Lakusas's movements. Just as Lakusas thought, Egwen did intend to let Lakusas come to serve as a training partner for Erza, but Erza has not fully grasped Ge The power of Jill Feijian, so there is no need for actual combat.

As for Yiwen, he was waiting for someone, someone he hadn't seen for a long time...


Following the sound of bells in the woods, Yiwen turned into a black light and disappeared in place.

As for Yiwen's departure, Erusa and the others ignored it. After all, Yiwen often disappeared mysteriously like this, which was normal for them.

in the forest...

A young woman with beautiful long golden hair is wearing a cloak and walking in the woods.

Not long after, with the black light shining, Yiwen appeared in front of the young woman.

"Yo, Senior Anna, long time no see~"

Yiwen smiled and greeted the young woman in front of her.

"Ygwen!? You guys are really elusive..."

Anna looked at Yi Wen who suddenly appeared, and subconsciously put on a defensive posture. After seeing the person clearly, she was relieved.

"Senior Anna, please stay safe~"

Yiwen waved her hand to Anna, saying hello.

"Well, it's okay~"

"You said besides Naz, you found two other children?"

Anna frowned, forming a Sichuan character. To be honest, she was a little helpless towards Ewen. She really didn't want Ewen to interfere in the children's education, but these children seemed to be attracted, and they went to the school one after another. Appeared in the Fairy Tail guild.

"Hahaha, of course~"

"One of the two new children is Wendy, and the other is Gajeel."

Yiwen introduced her brand new spoils with a smile.


Anna sighed helplessly upon hearing this.

"Those two children, you are not educated, right?"

Anna looked at Yiwen and asked helplessly.

"Don't worry, there is absolutely no problem~"

Yiwen smiled after hearing what Anna said, and replied.

"Your words are really not convincing!"

"Anyway, let me go and have a look!"

"Look at those kids..."

Anna walked in the woods, heading towards the roaring direction.

"Senior Anna, speaking of it, I already have the whereabouts of my fourth child, and I'm only one child short, so I can get five together~"

"Do you want to leave these five children to our Fairy Tail to raise them well~"

Yiwen walked behind Anna, speaking with a smile.


When Anna heard this, she didn't answer. She just turned around and stared at Yiwen with her beautiful phoenix eyes.

"Ha ha……"

Egwene didn't say anything when she met Anna's gaze, she just smiled slightly.

"Let me take a look at Gejir's situation first."

After a while, Anna withdrew her gaze, turned around and walked towards the place where the noise was coming from.


Regarding this, Yiwen didn't say anything. He was very confident in his training method. With his help, Naz, Gejill, and Wendy were definitely much better than those in the original book.

Of course, Yiwen refers to the situation when Naz and the three of them are not in the normal state, they carry the stereo and play the BGM, shouting that we are the magisters of Fairy Tail, and enter the mode of ignoring the difference in strength, one punch one punch, just treat him Egwene said nothing.

"Shusha, Rusha..."

Anna frowned. When she thought of seeing the three children Naz, Gajeel, and Wendy soon, she felt excited, but when Anna thought that these three children had been trained by Egwene, I feel like my blood pressure is going up a bit...


But Anna suddenly laughed when she thought about what she had seen before, Egwene's method of training Naz. She thought that no matter how violent Egwen's method was, it could not surpass Egwene's method of training Naz.

There is one thing to say, if others have Naz's childhood, they may not be able to live...


Finally, in a gust of wind, Anna walked out of the woods and came in front of Gajeel, Naz, and Wendy. What caught Anna's eyes was...


Like a flying sword, Gajeel was being manipulated by Erza to fly around in the sky, Natsu was trying to roast a wild boar like a stove, and Wendy was acting as an electric fan with a red face.

And Erza who worked hard...


Looking at the scene in front of her, Anna was silent, so what is the situation, her three precious children are three tool people in Yiwen's hands? !

"How is it, Senior Anna~"

"This time, I didn't start devil training for Naz and the others, but let them do their best and do the work they can do~"

"Do you feel that my education level has been greatly improved and improved compared to before?"

Just when Anna was silent, Yiwen came to Anna's side and her mouth raised. The so-called teaching students according to their aptitude, Yiwen is definitely not a force-feeding general education.

Instead, based on the aptitudes of Gejill, Naz, and Wendy, try your best to let Gejill, Naz, and Wendy play to their greatest strengths! In other words, Yiwen has reached the highest level of education at this moment, the level of teaching students according to their aptitude!

Therefore, Gajeel became a flying sword, Naz became a hearth, and Wendy became a fan!

"I am leaving……"

Anna looked at the three people in front of her in silence for a while, then turned her head and walked away, taking small steps quickly.

"Senior Anna, what do you think? With my education method, there may be no second person in the entire magic world. Give all the children to Fairy Tail, and ensure that these children can have a happy childhood!"

Yiwen followed behind Anna and kept asking.

After all, Anna is the guardian of the five children of Naz, Gajeel, Wendy, Sting, and Rogge. He still needs to ask for Anna's opinion. As for the matter of Gajeel and Wendy, it is force majeure. Didn't ask for Anna's opinion!


"Jerf, I'm sorry for you, my children and grandchildren! My children and grandchildren of the Heartfilia family! Thank you for your four hundred years of hard work, but we may have failed!"

"The Black Dragon King Akunologia may not be able to be stopped~"

In this regard, Anna just looked up at the sky with tears in her eyes. She suddenly felt that the hard work of the Hatfilia family for so many years was not worth it!

Their family has worked hard for four hundred years, just to hand these five children into Yiwen's hands and turn them into five little bastards? ! No, absolutely not!

"Absolutely not!"

Regarding this, Anna turned and looked at Yi Wen and scolded angrily.

"At least, at least those two children, I absolutely can't hand them over to you!"

"Three of the five children have been abolished, and those two children are the last hope."

Anna turned around with tears in the corners of her eyes. She glared at Yiwen, then turned and left quickly, as if she didn't want to pay attention to Yiwen.

"Eh?! Senior Anna, Fairy Tail is actually the hope!"

In this regard, Egwen kept chasing after Anna to preach.


It's a pity that Anna looked like she didn't intend to listen to Yiwen's explanation, and she strode forward.

The third watch is almost 15,000 words~ This seems to be the third watch yesterday. It’s embarrassing. I was jet-lagged before, but it ended up taking a day...

Although I really want to miss one day of updates, it is also the light novel channel's combat power list. The weekly and monthly lists are the ones with the most updates, but I still take time and will make up for the missing day of updates.

And if there are any mistakes, typos, etc., everyone will point it out when they see it, and I will change it in time after seeing it...

Finally, thank you for your subscriptions, rewards, and votes~ Thank you for your support!

Then, to make a digression, this book has already won the medal of excellence this morning, and it has successfully become a boutique. It seems that the last book on the theme of Fairy Tail was still in 19 years. In the case of no enthusiasm, he won a boutique result in 23 years!

Thank you very much for your support. This book can achieve today's results, it really depends on everyone's tolerance and support. I still work hard and try my best to write my story so that everyone can read it happily~

Then I go to take a break, change my mind and continue to work hard...

By the way, I read that some book friends said that there was a burst of updates during the Spring Festival. In order to give back to everyone, I will not run around during the Spring Festival. I will update it at home. The book starts from the 20th to the 31st. During the Spring Festival, if there is no , if I fall ill and wait for force majeure, then the daily change will be 20,000~

The highest thanks for your support! I hope that I can write better and better, and I am grateful for everyone's support~

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