Fairy Tail: Start To Capture the Fairy Queen Erza

Chapter 397 Olgast: I have a showdown, I am the leader of Fairy Tail! (fourth more)

"Everyone, let's go..."

Yiwen stood at the mouth of the dilapidated battleship, bent down and looked at the sea in front of her, and saw countless burning wrecks of warships on the calm sea. There were thousands of wreckages, all of which were used by him. The battleship belonging to the Alvarez Empire shot down by Bawangse Domineering.

In the sea water, the magisters who were stunned by his arrogance and then awakened by the stimulation of the cold sea water floated on the sea, looking up at the sky, just intersecting Yiwen's line of sight, hundreds of meters away. The height will not hurt these magisters whose magic power is on average at level 3 or even level 4. At this moment, they are looking at the proud figure in the sky very clearly.

"We lost!"

The soldiers of the Alvarez Empire looked at the only battleship standing in the sky with blue smoke, and smiled wryly. That battleship was the flagship of their Alvarez Empire, but it had fallen into the hands of the enemy at this moment. As for the upper echelons of the empire, the adults of the Guardian Shield, they are defeated! The emperor's shield shattered...


With her hands behind her back, Yiwen looked at the despair in the eyes of the soldiers and their resistance to the war, and finally smiled. The war is over and peace has come. Such an archangel, such Freedom!

"Let's go~"

Yiwen got up and flew into the sky. Behind Yiwen were Irene, Selene, Ignir, Kurnuki, and Animus...

People were floating in the sea, watching the dragons leave. The dragons who defended peace did not kill anyone here, but simply destroyed their vehicles across the continent! In a very romantic form, the war ended.


The soldiers of the empire, watching the backs of the giant dragons leaving arrogantly, couldn't help but shed tears in the end. The enemy was right in front of them, but they didn't have the courage to punch the enemy.

Time flies, and it has been a week since Yiwen reached the dragon level...

The Western Continent, the Alvarez Empire, the capital, and the conference room of the Guardian Shield. At this moment, the four Guardian Shields who participated in the assault of the Alvarez Empire are sitting in the conference room, waiting quietly for Ou The arrival of Just...

The original meeting of seven members of the Guardian Shield became a meeting of five members due to the lack of two members.

Except for Neinhart who has decided to switch to Irene's command and decides to become the number one dog leg under Irene's command.

In this meeting of seven, Lakaide was missing again...

On the second day since the Alvarez Empire launched a tentative attack on the Ishgar Continent, it was also the second day after the Empire was defeated by the giant dragons. At the moment of grief for the whole country, the moon god dragon Selene used the beautiful nine-tailed In the form of a god fox, he invaded the capital of the Alvarez Empire alone, and snatched away Lakaid who was recuperating.

The soldiers of the empire stood in place like this, looking at the god fox with despair in its eyes, but no one dared to attack or resist. In the end, they could only watch the nine-tailed god fox take Lakaid away, but no one dared to attack or resist. One must muster up the courage to step forward even one step.

For a moment, endless humiliation dared to wash over the hearts of the soldiers of the empire. The soldiers were sad, the soldiers were sad, and the soldiers were helpless...

The seventh day after the defeat of the Alvarez Empire, that is, today!

Olgast, the magic king who disappeared without a trace, finally showed up after a long delay.

It was also the appearance of Orgast that made the entire empire seem a little angry again. ,

The dejected imperial soldiers seemed to be a little more energetic. Looking at Olgast, they felt a majestic force sprouting in their chests.

Yes, they did lose! But those incompetent people like them were defeated, and the empire was not defeated! Because the strongest magister in the empire, the great magic king Olgast-sama did not make a move.

And right now, people all over the country are waiting for the result of the meeting. They hold back their energy, waiting for the magic king Olghast to lead them to fight back against the dragons and the continent of Ishgar!

At this moment in the conference room, the four defeated Saint Shields, Jaeb Lexiuau, Val Icht, Inber Yura, and Bradman, are all bandaged up and down, as if there is no one in their bodies. Meat is average.

The Guardian Shields, who are always full of confidence, now have pain and despair in everyone's eyes. They are unwilling, but powerless.

"I still haven't reformed thoroughly enough..."

Val sighed helplessly. He still had too many weaknesses. Mechanical creations were completely unable to defeat the dragons. He had to find a way to create a new mode to deal with the dragons.

"With my own strength alone, I absolutely cannot fight against the dragons! Do you want to gather all the demons scattered all over the world and belonging to the Book of Zeref? Only by uniting all the forces that can be united can we fight against those dragons!" A level of great power!"

Bradman frowned. After being defeated in the battle with the dragon, he thought of his demon companions.

"From the very beginning, we should have obeyed Lord Olgast! This battle itself should not have happened..."

"As soldiers of His Majesty Zeref, we must follow His Majesty's instructions!"

Jacob Resio frowned. He regretted accompanying Lakaid to attack the continent of Ishgar. He should have stood up and stood firmly on the side of Oghast.

"I lost, the Alvarez Empire has no chance of winning, and my talent can no longer be continued here, but although the Alvarez Empire can no longer use my talent, there is a place where I can..."

Inber Yura lowered his head, his eyes were gloomy, and his brain was constantly thinking about something.

After the defeat of the invincible Alvarez Empire and the loss of two members of the Guardian Shield, the idea of ​​defecting to the Empire and changing allegiance to Neinhart even came into Inber Yura's mind.

Anyway, all he wants is to prove his talent. Since the Alvarez Empire no longer has the ability to attack the Ishgar Continent, why not join the Ishgar Continent and help the Ishgar Continent to conquer the West? the mainland...

Even after capturing the Western Continent, he can rely on the power of the giant dragons in the Ishgar Continent to wipe out the Northern Continent Kirtina and finally complete the unification of the world!


Inber Yura raised his brows at the thought of this, and at this moment, two words "feasible" slowly emerged in his mind.


"Master August is here!"

At the moment when Guardian Shield had his own thoughts and ghosts, as the door of the conference room opened, amidst the shouts of the guards, an old man with a gray beard walked steadily towards the The Guardian Shields in the meeting room came.

"Master Olgast!"

The moment the old man with gray hair and beard entered the meeting room, the four defeated Saint Shields all stood up and bowed to the old man.


The old man was of course Magic King Olgast. He looked at the respectful faces of the four in front of him, put away his pride and arrogance in the past, and nodded slightly.

This makes sense~ A shield should look like a shield~

The purpose of the shield is to protect, not to attack! The Guardian Shields led by Lakaid had obviously gone the wrong way before, and the current Guardian Shields are the shields that can better protect Jeref!

"Lord Oghast, Neinhart's rebellion, Lakaide's disappearance, the current empire desperately needs you to preside over it! Only you can help the empire get out of the current haze!"

Jacob Resio expressed his attitude as soon as he came up. From now on, he is a staunch Orgast party. It doesn't matter who comes, er, unless His Majesty Zeref returns from wandering, of course that is the case just say~


Olgast nodded lightly, of course he knew about Neinhardt's betrayal.

It is more complicated to say, in theory, anyone who betrayed his father should be killed, but Neinhart betrayed his father, and now he has become Irene's pony. Hart betrayed Zeref and took refuge in Mebis...

Regarding this situation, Olgast had nothing to do, he could only say that Neinhardt was not suitable for the position in the Alvarez Empire, so he switched to Fairy Tail and continued to work for his parents' cause.

As for Lakaide, that guy was asked to leave, and he regarded it as a perpetual automaton. If he wanted to leave Lakaide, he couldn't afford it, and he wouldn't come back in a short time...

So just pretend that Lakaid has never existed in this world! !

"That's right, that's right, His Majesty Zeref is not here right now, Lakaide is missing, and you are the only one who can preside over the empire now!"

Bradman nodded lightly and echoed. At present, there is no one in the entire empire with the surname Dragnell, so naturally the most powerful person in the empire should be in charge.

"According to my calculations, if those dragon kings are only talking about the amount of magic power, they are just on equal terms with Lord Oghast..."

Val took out a tablet computer, which recorded the magical power released by Irene and others. Of course, this data is not accurate, because Val's recorder has an upper limit, whether it is Ewen or Irene. Either way, or maybe all the magic kings far exceeded this upper limit.

It's just based on Val's speculation that the magic power of Yiwen and the others should be almost the same as that of Olgast, or even close to each other.

It's just because Val really didn't dare to think about the terrifying situation where Yiwen and others' magic power is still higher than that of the Sorcerer King...

Because once such a situation occurs, the Alvarez Empire really has nothing to fight.


Inber Yura didn't speak, he just watched Olghast silently, he was waiting, waiting for Olghast to speak first, only after Olghast spoke could he verify his guess.

"Well, the empire, it doesn't matter whoever is in charge!"

Just as the four Guardian Shields were waiting for Ougaste to give everyone a thorough explanation, Ougaste suddenly interjected a word very tactfully.


It was this sentence that shocked all the Guardian Shields.

"After all, we are all dedicated to the people of the Alvarez Empire, working for His Majesty~"

Just when the Guardian Four Shields was shocked, Olgast continued to add.


After hearing what Ojast said, the Four Shields of the Protector slowly breathed a sigh of relief. Ojast's words just now were too scary. They thought that Ojast didn't plan to control the Alvarez Empire~

"Master Ougast, don't be modest, there is no one who can preside over this great empire except you!"

Just when Ojast finished speaking, Inber Yura suddenly interjected and laughed, which was considered a statement.

For a while, the remaining four holy shields all stood by Olghast's side. In fact, they had no choice but to stand on Olghast's side right now.

"Ha ha……"

Olgast just smiled lightly at what the four said, and then stopped talking.


This made the Guardian Shields all stunned for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the four Guardians of the Shield, Jacob Resio, Val Ichit, Inber Yura, and Bradman, made eye contact for a while.

In fact, at this moment, the four of them have a lot of questions they want to ask Olgast. Originally, everyone planned to wait for Olgast to explain himself. But in the current situation, it seems that Olgast has no intention of explaining. Since Olgast didn't say anything, it was up to them to ask. But who should ask, who should speak, this is a problem.

"I don't know Mrs. Oghast, what should we do next?"

In the end, it was Jacob Resio who bit the bullet and looked at Olgast and asked.

After all, the one who has the best relationship with Olgast among the four right now is Jacob Resio.

And Jacob Resio asked Olgast a trivial question...

"What was done before, is done now."

Olgast answered quickly.


Following Olgast's answer, Jacob Resio, Val Icht, Imber Yura, and Bradman fell silent for a while.

Then the four of them made eye contact again...

Everyone gestured to Jacob Resio to continue asking with their eyes, but Jacob Resio, who had asked a question, refused to speak.


In desperation, Inber Yura sighed, and now he is the most anxious one in the Holy Shield.

After all, he needs to ask Ojast clearly what the future policy of the Alvarez Empire is, and whether it will attack the continent of Ishgar.

"Mr. Oghast, please allow me to ask you a question, if you and His Majesty all take action, do we have a chance of defeating the continent of Ishgar?"

Because Ber Yula's eyes covered by the myopia mirror exuded wisdom, he planned to explore Olghast's inner thoughts in a roundabout way, and by the way, he felt Olghast's bottom, and confirmed the enemy and us. The combat power of Billy.

"It is very simple to defeat the Ishgar continent, but it is almost impossible..."

"I think you should already know, what is the real enemy standing in front of the Alvarez Empire?"

Sorcerer King Olgast sat on his seat, looked at the people in front of him and asked.

"Is it those dragons?"

Inber Yura asked directly without thinking about it.

"Ho ho, no……"

"Don't you see that those dragons have something in common?"

Ougaste couldn't help laughing when he heard that, while he smiled lightly at the crowd, he shook his head and asked the crowd.


Following Ougaste's question, everyone was in a dilemma. They were so preoccupied with fear at the time, how could they have time to observe the similarities in these giant dragons? !

But right now it's not good for them to tell Olgast about it, because it's too embarrassing.

They are the shields of the saints, but the strongest magisters in the empire! These magisters, who represent the face of the empire, did not even dare to observe the enemy after seeing the enemy. They were so patronizing and afraid. Is it plausible to say this? Although the face of the empire has been thrown away by them now, that's it...

"Hey! Didn't you find that they have the same logo? That is the logo of a magister's guild on the mainland of Ishgar. As for this magister's guild, I think you should have heard of it, because it is what we have always The goal since..."

Ougaste looked at the troubled people with helplessness in his eyes, is this the level of the shields of the guardians? What about the protector? Still shouting all day to fight Fairy Tail? With just these trash, how can they fight against the Dragon King of Fairy Tail? In the end, Olgast had no choice but to remind a few people.

"You mean Fairy Tail?!"

Following Oghast's reminder to several people, Inber Yura finally came to his senses.


Olgast nodded slightly when he heard this, and said two words lightly.

"Is Fairy Tail so strong?"

Bradman was taken aback for a moment, he subconsciously asked Olgast while frowning.

"Does the Balrog END know?"

Olgast looked at Bradman and asked casually.

"I know! His Majesty Jeref's most perfect work, possessing the strongest demon with terrifying spell power and magic power far surpassing ours!"

Bradman nodded lightly. Of course he knew about the Balrog END. I am afraid that in the entire Eslandon world, there is no devil who would not know the name of the Balrog END. It was used by Zeref to deal with the Black Dragon King Akuno Loki. Asia's secret weapon.

"Well, the strongest demon in your mouth, one of the younger brothers of the Fairy Tail guild..."

Olgast nodded slightly, introducing the strength of Fairy Tail.


Bradman was dumbfounded when he heard this.

"You mean, the Fairy Tail guild not only has six-headed dragons, but even Master END has joined that guild?"

Bradman frowned, and he started to have a headache.

"Not only that, there are many masters who are comparable to the shields of the guardians like you! In addition, there are also a group of magisters who control the lost magic, most of them are dragon slayer magisters..."

Olgast revealed to everyone the middle-level fighters of the Fairy Tail Guild.


Bradman became more serious when he heard that. According to the information provided by Olgast, this Fairy Tail guild is really amazing~

"Who is the leader of the Fairy Tail guild? He has such strength?"

Just as Oghast was sitting on his seat, watching everyone's expressions, Inhar Yula suddenly asked.

"Do you mean the current one, or the previous one? Or the next one?"

Oghast frowned, looked at Inhar Yura and asked.


Inhar Yura was stunned for a moment, he didn't understand what Ojast meant.

"Hehe, the incumbent~"

Olghast laughed, and as he laughed, he took off the white gloves he had been wearing all the time.

He exposed the back of his hand with the pattern of a fairy flying in the air, and pointed at the people present at the same time.


When everyone looked at the logo on the back of Ougaste's hand, they were stunned for a moment, and then their expressions changed, and they suddenly had a bad premonition in their hearts.

"That, I actually wanted to say it just now."

"Come on, look out! This is the symbol of the Fairy Tail guild members. Remember it in the future. Once you see someone with this symbol on their body, try to run as far away as possible! You are definitely not the opponent of Fairy Tail!"

Olgast smiled and watched the crowd preaching.

"Well, Master Olgast, why do you have this mark on your body?!"

At this moment, the four Saint Protectors in front of them were all trembling slightly, and they didn't dare to take a breath.

At present, everyone has no interest in this mysterious Fairy Tail guild at all. They only have one question on their minds, and that is why there is a Fairy Tail guild logo on the back of Olgast's hand. This question is very important, super important ...

"Hey! Look at my memory, what did you ask me just now? By the way, you asked me who the leader of the Fairy Tail guild is..."

"The Fairy Tail guild has experienced four generations of presidents in total, the first generation president Mebis Viviamilio, the second generation president Prechto Gelberg, the third generation president Makarov Dolaia, the Fourth President..."

When Olgast said this, he paused, and when he spoke, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Fairy Tail, the fourth generation leader of the Magisters' Guild, Sorcerer King Oghast!"

The moment Ougaste's voice fell, majestic magic power fell on everyone in an instant, and the expressions of the four shields of the saints all changed for a while.

"Our enemies are the six-headed dragon, the final demon END, and the magic king Olgast?!"

Inhar Yula's face was ashen, he was even more embarrassed than eating Xiang.

Right now their emperor is missing, two of the guardian shields are missing, and there are only five people left. One of the strongest is the enemy. In addition, the enemy has six dragons, and four of the six dragons are still Dragon King level.

And a legend, the ultimate demon END who has the power to destroy the world, is there still a fight to be fought? !

Just ask how to win? !

The fourth is 5,800 words. It is now 3:40 in the morning. It is almost 4:00. I am too sleepy. I will go to rest first. Good night everyone.

Then there is something wrong, I will make changes tomorrow morning...

At the same time, thank you for your subscription, rewards, and tickets~

Thank you for your support~

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