Fairy Tail: Start To Capture the Fairy Queen Erza

Chapter 398 The PY relationship between Jeref and Mebis (Part 1)

"Master Olgast, are you joking with me?!"

"This kind of joke is not for fun! Don't scare us!"

"We can't stand your intimidation now! The entire Alvarez Empire can't stand your intimidation either!"

"Master Ougast, if you have any opinions on us, you can just speak up, why use such a method?!"

"Yeah, yeah, how could you be the guildmaster of that Fairy Tail guild?!"

Jacob Resio, Val Icht, Inber Yura, and Bradman felt chills after hearing Olgast's words.

Immediately afterwards, they looked at each other after a brief panic, and then forced a few smiles on their serious faces, looked at Olgast, and asked in a panic.


Seeing the expressions of the four people in front of him, Olgast couldn't help laughing.


As Olgast showed a smile, Jacob Resio, Val Ichit, Inber Yura, and Bradman, bravely, laughed with Olghast in the conference room of the empire Then, they tried their best to make up for Olgast.

If this scene in front of you is seen by other people in the Alvarez Empire, they will definitely drop their jaws in shock! That is always high above others, not paying attention to others, extremely arrogant, the arrogant shield of the guardian is actually laughing with an old man, this scene is too ridiculous, but considering that the old man is the magic king Oghast , it seems more reasonable for a while...

"Do you think I'm joking with you?"

However, just when the laughing four thought that things would end like this, the smile on Olgast's face stopped abruptly, and his expression gradually became serious when the topic changed.


As the smile on Olgast's face disappeared and became serious, the four of them, Jacob Resio, Val Icht, Inber Yura, and Bradman froze in place.

They looked at the expressionless, moody, poker-faced Lord Sorcerer King who was wearing a thick mask on his face, making it impossible for people to figure out what was in their hearts. Their hearts were in a state of panic. , They no longer have the confidence they had in front of the Magic King in the past.

Yes, they were not afraid of the magic king Olghast before, and even dared to speak against Olghast. They dared to challenge Olghast directly in front of countless people around, because they knew in their hearts that Olghast took They can't help it!

Ougaste, who cared about his face, would never take action against their so-called companions, and personally deal with them.

But it's different now. The Lord Magic King who was originally on their side has quietly become their enemy. That is to say, the cards of the four of them are useless now...

Now facing Olgast, they no longer have the confidence they had before. No one can say for sure whether Olghast will attack them or not.


At this moment, no matter it was Jacob Resio, who had a pretty good relationship with Olgast.

Still remained neutral, only thinking about Val Ichit, whom he had studied.

Or Inber Yula, who was originally on the side of Lakaide, who was thinking of fighting Ishgar, or Bradman, who was automatically regarded as the side of Lakaide by Olgast because of his own background. Everyone panicked at the moment.

When Ojast was their teammate before, they hadn't noticed Ojast's terrifying strength.

Just like the beasts in the zoo, they look mighty and domineering, but tourists will not be afraid, because tourists know that these beasts are kept in cages and cannot hurt them!

But once the cage is opened, the moment when the iron cage that shuts the ferocious beast can no longer protect tourists, tourists can understand what fear is...

The same is true now, only when the Magic King Oghast became an enemy of the Alvarez Empire and would really attack them, and it was ruthless, the four of them finally understood that confronting this man in front of them was a matter of life and death. what a horrible thing...

And what they did before, those standing in line, those crowding out, what a stupid thing in the eyes of the man in front of him, a group of ants actually thought that by crowding out, they could crowd out a giant dragon? Is it ridiculous?

"Don't panic~ What did I say before? I said, as long as you continue to be the way you are now, it's fine, and I won't do anything to you..."

Olgast sat in his seat, squinting his eyes, taking a panoramic view of the expressions of the four people in front of him.

At this moment, Olgast is leaning leisurely on the chair. He has never been so leisurely and relaxed. Right now, he is the most relaxed moment in the empire in these years. , the four magisters with the title of Guardian Shield lowered their heads one after another.

They didn't know what Ougaste was thinking, they just saw Ougaste suddenly showed a smile, and while the corner of his mouth was raised, he spoke softly to the group of guardian shields in front of him.

"You mean we stay the way we are now?!"

Jacob Resio, Val Ichit, Inber Yura, and Bradman were all taken aback when they heard the words, they subconsciously exchanged eye contact, and discussed Ojast's words with each other It's a pity that no one can comprehend Olgast's meaning, and in the end, in desperation, Jacob Resio, who has a good relationship with the magic king Olgast, asked Olgast.

"Yes, you continue to serve as the shields of the saints in the empire, and this country still needs the existence of your shields."

"Whether it's me, the people of the empire, or His Majesty Zeref, I hope that you can continue to take protecting His Majesty as your mission, continue to train newcomers to the empire, provide talents for the empire, and strengthen the empire's strength..."

Olgast nodded slightly, and said with a smile.


Everyone frowned after hearing Ougaste's words, and fell into deep thought. They repeated Ougaste's words secretly, trying to figure out the meaning of what Ougaste said.

"Why do you have something you don't understand?"

Olgast stared at the group of Guardian Shields in front of him with his dangerous eyes and asked.

"Understanding means understanding everything, but we are afraid of misunderstandings..."

The four guardian shields trembled when they heard the words. They really couldn't understand Olghast's intentions. After all, Olghast was their enemy right now. They didn't understand why Olghast wanted them to continue. What about trying to become stronger? Isn't it a troublesome thing for the opponent to become stronger? The four of them couldn't figure it out, and in the end it was Jacob Resio who asked Olgast.

"Hmm! What do you guys not understand..."

"Or if you are afraid of misunderstanding, just say it!"

"While I'm still here, just ask!"

"You have to remember, if you don't ask, I will assume that you understand what I mean..."

"Once you show behaviors that don't match my intentions, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless!"

Ougaste sat on the seat, still looking amiable, but the murderous look in his eyes made it difficult for the surrounding saint shields to catch him for a while.

"As you know, in the previous policy of our Alvarez Empire, Ishgar Continent has always been regarded as an imaginary enemy. Now you have joined the Fairy Tail of the Magister Guild in Ishgar Continent and become the Fairy Tail A member of the tail, should we change our policy?!"

Jacob Resio changed and changed the vocabulary he had prepared, and finally used very elegant diction, looking at Olgast and asked.

"I understand. What you mean is that we, the Alvarez Empire, have worked hard to prepare for decades, just to attack Ishgar and fulfill our majesty's dream war. In the end, is it to fight or not to fight? This is what you want to ask me, right?"

Olgast finally understood what these people were worried about, and he just smiled lightly.


After Ougaste's voice fell, Jacob Leixiuao and the others suddenly became cautious, they were afraid that they and others would say the wrong thing again.

Among them, Inber Yura's eyes were the most anxious. The problem that Olgast said right now was exactly what he had been worried about. At this moment, he was extremely afraid in his heart that if Olghast said a word, the war would not be fought.

However, Inber Yura knew that it was useless to be afraid, because no matter how you look at it now, this war cannot be fought. After all, Oghast, the strongest magister in the Western Continent, has defected and defected to Ishgar mainland.

In addition to Ojast, there are several existences in the Ishgar Continent that rival Ojast.

According to the current comparison of combat power, no matter how you look at it, if their Alvarez Empire attacks the Ishgar Continent, they will not have any chance of winning. Even if their Majesty the Black Mage Zeref returns, they still cannot Shake their almost zero winning rate...

It’s interesting to say that in the original book, the strongest magister on the mainland of Ishgar, the first of the ten holy magisters, Serena the God, betrayed Ishgar and joined the Alvarez Empire During, and now, with Yiwen's efforts and the instigation of butterfly wings!

The situation has changed dramatically. In the original book, Serena, who betrayed the continent of Ishgar and joined the Alvarez Empire, is still looking for the Dragon Slayer Crystal in Ishgar~

However, Oghast, the strongest magister and magic king in the Western Continent, betrayed the Alvarez Empire in the Western Continent, and joined the Fairy Tail Guild where Ewen belonged to in the Ishgar Continent. middle.

It seems that with Egwene's involvement, everything has reversed for a while. Unfortunately, the Alvarez Empire has no cheats.

"War must be fought, after all, our efforts cannot be wasted."

"But the question is who to fight with and how to fight! This is the key we should consider!"

"You have to remember that our enemies are definitely not the fellow humans of Ishgar Continent, nor those giant dragons who are willing to befriend humans and live together with humans! Our enemies are those who endanger the world and will The presence of a threat to our great Majesty Zeref..."

Olgast looked at the four people in front of him and shook his head helplessly, his eyes looking at the four people were full of disappointment.

You must know that in this world, as a qualified shield, you should learn to distinguish those existences in this world that are threatening and pose a threat to the target you are protecting.

Those that exist will not pose a threat to the masters protected by these shields.

Only in this way can these shields with the name of the Holy Shield better protect their master, the great emperor of the Alvarez Empire, the black mage Zeref.

Obviously, as far as the current situation is concerned, the four people, Jacob Resio, Val Icht, Inber Yura, and Bradman, are still unqualified, and they have not reached the level that a shield should reach at all. The business ability of Saint Four Shield still needs to be improved!

"Could it be, what do you mean?"

Inber Yula froze for a moment, he seemed to think of something, and there was a trace of disbelief in his eyes.

"Right now, the enemies that are really blocking our Alvarez Empire, our great Emperor Zeref, and humans are not the Ishgar Continent, nor the Fairy Tail Guild, nor are they those who plan to fight with humans. Friendly dragons!"

"It's the monsters located in Kirtina, the northern continent, that endanger the safety of this world, and are called dragons by countless people in this world! And the final demon dragon that is gradually going mad as recorded in the Book of Apocalypse , Black Dragon King Akunologia, these are the existences we should defeat!"

Olgast's eyes flashed with seriousness, he looked at the four people around him, his voice was strong and powerful, he didn't look like an old man in his eighties at all.

"You mean, we want to change our original goal, give up the attack on the continent of Ishgar, but accumulate a large amount of combat power, and then attack the northern continent of Kirtina?!"

Inber Yura froze for a moment, then raised his brows, and asked Olgast happily.

Inber Yula didn't care where to attack at all, he just wanted to know whether the battle could be fought or not, and everything else had nothing to do with him...

"It's still not right! Do you know who I am?"

Olgast glanced at Inber Yura and asked softly.

"You are the magic king Oghast, the regent of the Alvarez Empire?"

Inber Yura pursed her lips and asked uncertainly.

"anything else?"

Olgast was noncommittal, he looked at Inber Yura and continued to ask.


Hearing the words, Inber Yura gasped, thinking of a terrifying possibility.

"The fourth generation president of Fairy Tail?"

Inber Yura opened his mouth slightly, revealing Ojast's identity.


Olgast nodded while smiling lightly.

"I am Olghast, the Sorcerer King, and the president of the Fairy Tail guild at the same time..."

"Saving the people of Kirtina from fire and water, and eliminating the five gods and dragons, has never been a matter of the Western Continent or the Ishgar Continent. This is the common responsibility and problem of the people of our two continents! Now it is It's time for the people to unite..."

Olgast smiled, no matter if it was Inber Yura, or Jacob Resio, Val Icht, and Bradman, who did they think he was? He is the son of the black mage Jeref and the first president of Fairy Tail, Mebis. His task is not to manage one or two forces, but to unite the forces of the two continents.

"Unite! Unite!"

As Olgast’s voice fell, Jacob Resio, Val Ichit, Inber Yura, and Bradman were shocked. They kept chanting silently, what Olghast said, Eyes shocked.

"You mean, the six-headed dragon that defeated us is actually..."

Because Ber Yura was sweating on his brow, he had a question that he had to ask Orgast for clarification.


Of course, Olgast knew what Inber Yura was thinking, he smiled lightly, and said two words lightly.


As Olgast finished speaking, Jacob Resio, Val Ichit, Inber Yura, and Bradman all gasped.

"As long as there are six-headed dragons to help out, let alone the five dragons, it is not impossible to eliminate the black dragon Akunologia..."

Inber Yura's body trembled, unlike being frightened by Ogast's words before, Inber Yura was shaking with excitement at this moment. When he thought of the soldiers from the two continents, they were all under his command , Excited to wipe out Kirtina's giant dragons that endangered the world.

Unfortunately, what Inber Yura doesn't know is that his dream will come to nothing after all. Even if the Alvarez Empire really cooperates with Fairy Tail, he will not be the military adviser.


"Now that you already know my true identity and the real plan of the empire, I won't hide it anymore! Take some time to hang this flag representing Fairy Tail on the flagpole of our empire, From now on, our empire will raise two flags!"

As Olghast said, he took out the banner of the Fairy Tail guild, and it could be seen that Olghast had already made preparations.

The flag of the Alvarez Empire was designed and drawn by his father, the black mage Jeff, and this flag representing the Fairy Tail guild was what he asked for from his mother.

Whenever the flags of his father and his mother were raised in the empire, there would be a feeling in Olgast's heart that his father and mother were still together. The warm feeling that is silently accompanying him.

And Olgast has already made up his mind at this moment, even if it costs him his life, he must break the curse of the damned Anxelam God, so that his father and mother can live happily together .

"Master Olgast, aren't you overdoing this?"

Inber Yura looked at the flag in front of him, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, he couldn't help pushing it lightly, his myopia was so shocked that it slipped down, and asked Olgast at the same time.

"Any questions?"

Olgast froze for a moment, looked at Inber Yura and asked.

"You do this, does His Majesty know?"

Inber Yula frowned tightly. Everyone present must know what it means to change the national flag.

"It's not a big problem."

Unexpectedly, after Inber Yura finished asking Olgast, Olghast just shrugged his shoulders indifferently.


At this moment, Jacob Resio, Val Ichit, Inber Yura, and Bradman all panicked.

This change of the national flag is equivalent to changing the dynasty, and it is no different from treason. What should we do if we wait until Jeff comes back? !

"Do you know the relationship between Mebis Viviamilio, the first president of the Fairy Tail guild, and our Majesty?"

Olgast looked at the crowd and asked.


After Ougaste's voice fell, the four of them were all taken aback.

"That year, Mebis looked youthful, lovely, and beautiful! But our Majesty's heart was full of love, and she was always in his eyes..."

Olgast sighed, he raised his head, showing an expression recalling the past, and spoke softly.

"We get it!"

There is no need for Olgast to say any more, at the moment Jacob Resio, Val Ichit, Inber Yura, and Bradman have all understood.

"I hope you can keep this matter a secret. The relationship between Mebis and His Majesty is His Majesty's taboo, so don't let it spread easily!"

Olgast narrowed his eyes slightly. In fact, he said this on purpose. Not only that, but he also wanted the whole kingdom to know about it. He wanted to get a title from his father for his mother.

"I see."

Jacob Resio, Val Ichit, Inber Yura, and Bradman glanced at each other. This involved their majesty's secrets, and they didn't have the magical power of Olgast. The powerful Strength, how dare you ask more questions, do you think you have a long life? They could only keep nodding their heads to show that they understood.

Since then, the entire Alvarez kingdom has been under the control of Olgast. In addition to the imperial flag fluttering in the wind, there is another flag with the Fairy Tail logo waving in the wind in front of the imperial palace.

Heh, what is the Alvarez Empire? It's just the branch of Fairy Tail's Western Continent.

Mr. Jie is still not clear at the moment, he just went out for a trip, and his home will be gone.

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