Chapter 127 You’d better not touch me

In the quiet pub, the outbreak of this kind of thing almost went out of control, and at the same time, some people quickly followed Quinn’s departure and left.

Chi sat down weakly, clasping his head with both hands, as if it was difficult to accept the facts that appeared now.

“Let’s calm down a little bit, everyone has their own choices, and we can’t force the other party to do anything. Since he has his own ideas, he can pursue it, and it won’t cause us much damage anyway. The influence is not it!”

Jinpei persuaded with good words, but Quinn basically gave up, that guy himself is indulgent, leaving means just leaving.

Although that guy is powerful, it is not a good thing to always have such a person by his side, and it can also release a lot of negative emotions in the ship.

When Quinn left, a lot of his subordinates all left with him. These guys followed Quinn from the very beginning to live and die together.

So at this juncture, they naturally need to follow along. Maybe they will set up their own pirate group in the future, but to a large extent they will join the Hundred Beast Pirates.

In this case, it depends on Quinn’s own choices and ideas, and no one can replace him to make the final decision.

“Old 527 board serve me wine and bring me all your wine!”

Chi roared loudly, since there is no way to release his emotions, then only drinking to relieve his worries may indeed be a good way.

Jinpei was quite helpless about this, but he didn’t take any occasional measures. He could only resent his lack of strength, otherwise he would never allow such a situation to occur inside the ship.

The number of people on the ship is getting smaller and smaller, and maybe only he and two people will be left in the end, and it is also possible that Jinping himself will be left.

He has prepared all the worst plans and results, but he must believe in Chi Yan, and the other party must have some other plans that have not been implemented.

Otherwise, he would definitely not stay in the Navy Headquarters for too long, so it can be seen that most of the people here still follow Chi Yan because of his strong strength.

Now the captain has disappeared, and these subordinates have also disappeared from the ship one after another, and some guys don’t even say hello.

Jinbei picked up the wine glass and poured the bitter wine into his arms, there might be some pain and only he knew better.

Navy Headquarters.

After a day of torment, Chi Yan finally came back here, exhausted.

The time I slept on the boat should be the best sleep in the past few days. Not only was there no disturbance from anyone, but it also relaxed every cell in the body.

The assessment process is very tight, and the second game will start tomorrow, but his own body does not seem to be completely ready.

Even some of the rules have not been completely clarified. Anyway, there are too many things Chi Yan needs to know tonight.

“Sleeping people, get up quickly, it’s already here, everyone has worked hard today, hurry up and get off the boat and go back to have a good rest, while it’s still early, familiarize yourself with the order of tomorrow’s assessment, I wish you good luck!

After Magellan simply finished speaking, he turned and left, and at the same time, the place he walked was also carrying huge toxins.

It is not a loss to be the warden of the advance city prison. At any time, he can display the energy in his body without reservation, and at the same time, it will also bring a very powerful deterrent to people.

But the matter was not completely over yet, Chi Yan quickly stood up, and then kept twisting his body, intending to relax his body.

“Hey, sorry, I didn’t notice there was someone in front of me!”

This guy Smog deliberately pretended to be in a hurry when he got off the boat, and then pushed Chi Yan directly from behind.

The opponent almost rolled off the deck with one follow-up. Fortunately, Chi Yan’s balance ability is better, otherwise the result would be unimaginable.

Small then smiled, as if he didn’t realize that he had done something bad at all.

“Do you guys have eyes on your buttocks? If you don’t need them, just buckle them down to save your face from being crowded!

Chi Yan took a firm footing and attacked directly, but he was very clever to use verbal offensive to make Smaller lose his mind.

If the other party makes the first move, he will fight back as it should, after all, he doesn’t want to bring any trouble to himself at this critical moment.

The people around also hurriedly bypassed the two of them and quickly left the ship. Chi Yan and Smog were deadlocked, and no one knew how long they would maintain such a posture.

“You better remember it for me, you’d better not meet me tomorrow, otherwise I will definitely make you die ugly!”

Smog said sternly, and then directly carried the pickaxe behind his back, which should be the opponent’s powerful weapon.

Chi Yan saw that he was empty-handed, and if he simply relied on his bare-handed fists, he would inevitably suffer a bit.

If he can release the power of the dragon, he can turn any part of his body into the form of a dragon and launch various attacks.

The predicament they are facing now is difficult to achieve this level, and Smoker quickly disappeared from Chi Yan’s field of vision, but the resentment accumulated by the two of them will not disappear so easily.

Any unexpected situation may change Chi Yan’s heart, not to mention that he is now in the naval headquarters.

Therefore, it is still difficult to continue to survive by simply relying on his own strength. In addition, he also needs to come up with something different to suppress others.

As for how to get out of the future, Chi Yan needs to think carefully. He quickly got off the boat and wandered aimlessly here.

The Navy Headquarters is really a steel wall, and Chi Yan has been sighing during these time observations.

I am afraid that even if he has really become the form of Deathwing, it may be difficult to cause too much damage to the situation here.

Whether it is from the design of the terrain or these building materials, the navy has made it a natural fortress as much as possible, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. This should be a nightmare in every pirate’s heart.

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