Chapter 128 The key to mastering domineering

It may not be so rational to directly attack the Navy Headquarters from the outside, so it should be a good choice to start disintegrating from the inside.

Chi Yan is slowly getting familiar with the transfer and mobilization of the power in his body in the process of walking around. If he can unleash all his abilities proficiently in any situation, he will not be in danger.

Suddenly, he seemed to have seen a familiar figure in the central square, especially the shape of the other’s head, which couldn’t be more obvious.

In the naval headquarters, the Sengoku also maintained a good attitude towards Chi Yan. If it were someone else, it might not be such a harmonious picture.

The sun was setting early, and at this time, only the moonlight shrouded their heads, and the two silhouettes were a little lonely.

“I saw your performance today. Overall, I’m actually quite satisfied. I never thought that you really didn’t use your true strength throughout the whole process!”

When Sengoku talked about this topic, he sincerely admired Chi Yan, at least the other party did what he said.

Since what has been promised should be faced with the best attitude no matter what, no matter what the final result is, the attitude has nothing to do with that.

“I passed the prize, this test is simpler than I thought, but if I encounter a really powerful enemy, I may not know how much I can show my power!

Chi Yan quickly became worried about what Smog said to him. The other party seemed to have a full confidence that he could meet his own appearance, or that there was something else in it.

As a newcomer, it is difficult for him to make other choices here, so no matter how he is arranged – he is unaware.

“You can rest assured. Tomorrow will be a one-on-one contest. The person who falls off the ring or the person who can’t stand up will be considered a loser, and the winner will naturally be promoted, but I don’t think there will be too many. problem, as long as you don’t run into that guy!

Warring States Ruo’s worried expression explained everything, but now there are twenty-two people who have advanced, and it’s really hard not to touch each other.

The current Chi Yan’s understanding of the Navy is still too little, and in the first round of assessment, he did not learn any ability to help him at all.

“Is that guy you mean Smoker? Or is it someone else!”

Chi Yan felt that Smoker’s power still had a certain deterrent effect on the entire uninhabited island, but it did not affect him too much.

But if it is not to use the power of the dragon to compete with the opponent, it should be a big challenge. Chi Yan was also worried that he would not be able to control his emotions well at that time and then broke out completely.

The state of Deathwing is no joke. Any annihilation attack can cause large-scale deaths of naval soldiers. He has staged the same scene before.

It’s just that it’s not the right time yet. Chi Yan is a bit more measured. No matter how he behaves, he can achieve the ultimate level within a limited level.

“Looks like you’ve already guessed it. I’m right. That guy Smog is a smoker. You may not be able to touch the opponent’s body with your current ability, so you have to do it yourself. Ah! 99

Warring States said cautiously, and it was a good way to tell Chi Yan about the opponent’s abilities.

When the name was mentioned, Chi Yan suddenly stopped, as if he had something on his mind.

The figure of Smog’s ability was constantly sketched in his mind, probably because he wanted to use this method to find the opponent’s weakness.

“Then there is really no way to fight against the other side, you know me, it is absolutely impossible for me to admit defeat, unless the matter has really reached the point where I can’t handle it!”

Chi Yan’s mouth is very hard, and this guy has such a personality, he won’t show all his abilities so easily until he encounters an absolute situation.

The biggest feature of the natural devil fruit is that there is no way to directly touch the body of the other party, and there is a world of difference between them and ordinary people.

“Domineering, the only way to punish that kind of guy is to control the domineering of the armed color, but it is useless for me to tell you now, but you should have seen Karp’s black fist before, which has been covered with the armed color. Domineering, don’t know if you can find some tricks.

……. ask for flowers……

Sengoku sighed and said that although Chi Yan has an extremely high fighting talent, it is still somewhat impossible to awaken his domineering ability in one night, and this is still the ability of the second stage.

After all, everything needs to be experienced little by little. If Chi Yan can gradually realize the ability to see and hear the domineering, he should be lucky.

“It turns out to be like this, so it seems that you can’t tell me the skills directly, right? Since it’s like this, I’ll figure it out myself, and I should be able to grasp the core things quickly!”

Chi Yan quickly turned around and left. It seemed that he didn’t need to sleep tonight. If he didn’t quickly control his domineering ability, it would be difficult to win the confrontation with Smoker.

Now the most important thing is to use the limited time to exaggerate the energy in his body quickly. At this time, Chi Yan can also vaguely remember what kind of ability Karp showed before to fight against him.

So no matter from which angle to think about this issue, he has a certain advantage.

As long as there is more time, Chi Yan is very confident that the situation over there can be quickly resolved within this evening.

Especially after figuring out the rules of tomorrow’s game, Chi Yan’s heart seems to be filled with a huge amount of energy, and he can’t wait to burst out this power.

Sengoku stood there and kept sighing, not knowing whether the choice of letting Chi Yan return to the Navy Headquarters was the right one.

However, he has already come to this point, so there is no regret to talk about, no matter what the final result is, he will happily accept it.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night for Chi Yan, if he doesn’t quickly control the core of his domineering, then he may really have no way to quickly defeat that fellow Smog.

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