The battle was over, and the battle was over.

Even though Hal successfully advanced, the remaining three days of the S-level exam were still in full swing.

The guild members were still fully committed to every aspect of the exam.

Mira, Erza, and Kana took turns to show their strength to Laxus.

[Poor Laxus, he had to fight for four consecutive days]

[But I will help you share the burden next year] Hal silently mourned for Laxus in his heart

On the day of the competition, Erza's fighting power reflected by the costume magic was impressive, showing amazing resilience and talent,

Even in the competition, she showed the power of her ultimate move - "Heaven Wheel Armor·Circular Dance".

The rain of swords was as graceful and powerful as she was.

[Of course, the process of changing clothes also attracted a large group of wolfhounds to scream]

[Even the president couldn't take his eyes off]

[That's enough, she's only 14 years old, a bunch of perverts]

Having said that, Hal also watched very seriously. After all, Erza's battle was really good to watch~

Although Erza's performance was very encouraging, she did not win the exam in the end, but her tenacity and perseverance deeply inspired everyone in the guild,

and laid the first batch of guild fans for the future "Fairy Queen".

Mira's battle was also interesting. Although her receiving magic "Satan's Soul" had not been fully mastered, the powerful destructive power and lightning-fast speed still amazed all the guild members.

When Mira left the stage, it was Cana's turn to play. Compared with Erza and Mira, Cana was a complete intellectual fighter. The card magic she used had multiple compound abilities to produce compound effects, and even caught Laxus off guard for a while.

At the beginning of the game, Cana quickly unfolded her card magic.

Her cards flew in the air, and each card exuded a mysterious light.

Cana skillfully combined several cards to form a complex magic circle in an instant.

Laxus quickly launched a lightning attack, but Cana's card magic seemed to be able to accurately rebound and dissolve these attacks.

Her magic is not just a simple attack or defense, but also includes a variety of clever compound effects.

Her wind card suddenly released a strong light, cutting off Laxus's lightning, forcing him to quickly change position to avoid it.

Laxus frowned, obviously a little surprised by Cana's clever tactics.

He tried to break through Kana's defense with more powerful lightning attacks, but every attack was cleverly resolved or turned into a situation favorable to her by Kana.

Kana not only responded with flexible tactics, but also constantly adjusted the battle situation, using different combinations of cards to deal with Laxus's offensive.

"It's really unexpected!" Wakaba, who was standing at the edge of the ring, couldn't help but exclaimed, "Kana's card magic can actually put Laxus in a passive position!"

"She does have her own uniqueness." Makao nodded, his eyes full of admiration for Kana.

But that's all. The previous one might be Laxus's temptation or intentional concession.

When Laxus really got serious, Kana was quickly defeated.

"Kana, your card magic is amazing, but the attack power is still not enough." Laxus recognized Kana's performance. Although he still stood firmly on the ring, his admiration for Kana was obvious.

Kana looked a little tired, but her performance still won warm applause and encouragement from the guild members.

"Kana, you are really great!" Natsu and Gray both paid tribute to her. Her outstanding performance in the battle impressed Gray and Natsu.

After the battle, Kana sat on the edge of the ring, with a little fatigue and loneliness in her eyes.

Makarov walked to Kana's side, patted her shoulder, and encouraged: "You did a good job, Kana.

Every challenge is an opportunity to grow. No matter what the result is, your efforts are worthy of recognition."

Kana nodded, and a firm light slowly flashed in her eyes: "Thank you, President, I will continue to work hard!"

Then she slowly walked down the ring. Under the stage, Hal's eyes were full of joy

"You are so great, Kana, you have improved a lot compared to a year ago!"

"Thank you, Hal."

Kana simply answered and Hal found a chair to sit down and started drinking.

Hal was stunned, as if he didn't expect Kana to be so cold

[It seems that her

The heart is not as calm as the surface.

Hal didn't know what to do, so he had to drink with Kana.

"It tastes so-so," Hal frowned after taking a sip, but he continued to drink.

Kana slowly put down the glass and whispered, "The taste of wine is always like this. When you are in a good mood, it will make you happier. When you are in a bad mood, it will make you more silent."

Hal heard her words and felt the complex emotions in Kana's heart.

He was silent for a while, then said softly: "Anyway, you are really great.

Your performance in the ring not only surprised Laxus, but also made all of us proud of you."

Kana smiled slightly, but there was a hint of bitterness in that smile: "Thank you, Hal.

It's just that sometimes even if you try your best, the result is still difficult to change."

"But it doesn't mean that your efforts are meaningless." Hal looked at her seriously, "Every battle is growth, every failure is experience. What you can learn from it is more important than any victory."

Kana raised her head and looked at Hal's firm eyes, and her heart seemed to be a little more settled.

She sighed softly: "Maybe, but sometimes it's really hard to accept that you can't achieve your goals."

Hal nodded and said with understanding: "I understand. Everyone has their own goals and expectations, and sometimes we are overwhelmed by these expectations.

But the important thing is that we can't give up because of this.

As you said, every challenge is an opportunity to grow."

Kana looked at him, with a glimmer of gratitude in her eyes: "You are right, Hal. Thank you."

She picked up the wine glass and raised a glass of wine, "For our growth, for future challenges."

Hal smiled and raised the glass: "For growth, for the future." The two clinked their glasses and drank the wine.

The other members of the guild also began to gather and share their feelings and experiences of the game with each other.

Natsu and Gray have begun to discuss the next training plan, while Erza is silently thinking about her shortcomings.

Makarov walked to the middle of the group and smiled at the group of young wizards: "Every battle is a valuable experience, not only to test your strength, but also to let you understand each other. After all, we are family. Remember, no matter you win or lose, you are the pride of the guild."

Everyone responded in unison: "Yes, President!"

Perhaps in the hearts of Hal and other young wizards, this S-level exam is not only a challenge, but also a valuable growth experience.

Everyone found their own shortcomings and future directions in it.

Although the game has not yet ended, everyone's heart is full of new determination and expectations.

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