The old man was very happy, and the old man was very happy.

Magnolia Town

Since the S-class wizard assessment ended, Hal has been at home to accumulate his magic power and make plans for the next step.

As a modern man, Hal has many ideas for improving the current Magnolia Town.

The purpose is to make money, and after all, this is the city where their guild is located. Since he has the ability to make it better, he certainly can't stay out of it.

After thinking about it, Hal decided to find someone, Uncle Yika.

It was the uncle who brought Hal to the guild when he first came to Magnolia Town.

His home is next to the house that the president introduced to him at that time.

It is worth mentioning that Natsu and Happy lived in Hal's previous house. After all, Hal promised Anna to take good care of these children.

Although only Natsu can be found now.

Thinking of this, Hal had a headache. He had asked around during the nine months of training if anyone had seen the little dragon slayer, but nothing came of it.

[I don't know what happened to those children]

Hal can only figure out a solution for this matter. Even Anna can't find out.

Hal came to Uncle Ika's door and was about to knock when he heard a noise next door.

[Oh~ It turned out to be Natsu's house. Lisanna is also in there. They have a good relationship.] Hal's eyes gradually became gossipy.

Hal is very concerned about Natsu, the idiot, most of the time.

Natsu now eats part of his three meals a day at the guild, and part of the time he comes to Hal's pond to eat buffet.

After all, there is no way. This guy can't catch big fish in the eastern forest. Maybe fishing is too early for Natsu.

"What are you doing, making so much noise. Uncle Ika, why are you here too?" Hal decided to see Natsu and pushed open the door. Unexpectedly, Uncle Ika was also here. The group gathered together to eat barbecue.

Hal's house originally had a courtyard at the door. He used earth magic and tree magic to make a simple courtyard inside.

"Oh, brother Hal, this is the meat I just left over from my business trip. I'm too old to eat it, so I came to find Natsu." Uncle Ika was grilling meat and feeding Natsu with a happy face. It can be seen that he seems to like this brat Natsu very much.

At this time, Natsu finally saw Hal.

"Ah, Hal, I just wanted to ask Happy to call you, but Happy, the idiot, ate too much and couldn't walk." Natsu shouted happily to Hal with a mouth full of oil.

[What do you mean you wanted to call me, but ended up eating too much? Don't you think these two sentences are contradictory?]

Hal held his forehead, these two funny guys are really different

"Come sit down, brother Har, Uncle Ika has a lot of meat and it's grilled deliciously, come and try it" Lisana moved a chair for Har and smiled at Har.

[Lisana is still considerate] Har couldn't help but burst into tears in his heart.

Hal sat down and took the barbecue from Lisana. The smell of the barbecue made his appetite open. He took a bite and gave a thumbs up

"Not bad, Uncle Ika, with this skill, you can open a store in Magnolia Town" Har did not hesitate to praise.

"Hahahaha, I still like to do business, it always brings new convenience to the people in the town"

"Uncle Yika, what are your ideas for the future?"

"What ideas? I want to make money happily every day and provide a solid financial support for my daughter who works in the Council."

"Huh? So your daughter works in the Council?"

"Yes, she doesn't have magic talent either, but she is particularly yearning for magic, so she works as a clerk in the Council. Every time she comes back, she tells me all kinds of interesting stories."

Talking about his daughter, Uncle Yika's smile became even stronger.

"Speaking of doing business, Uncle Yika, I can help you."

"You should just go back and forth to Hargeon most of the time, right?"

"Yes, after all, the trade route is not easy to travel now, and there are many monsters. Hargeon is the safest place. Why is Brother Hal asking this?"

While Hal was enjoying the barbecue, he was thinking about how to put his ideas into practice.

He knew that if he could open up a new trade route, it would not only make Magnolia Town's economy more prosperous, but also bring more income and resources to the Fairy Tail Guild.

And Uncle Ika's many years of business experience was exactly the valuable resource he needed.

After thinking for a while, Hal took a sip of the drink handed to him by Lisanna and said with satisfaction


, I have an idea. "Haul put down the drink in his hand and looked at Uncle Ika, his eyes full of expectation.

"We can try to open up a new trade route to connect more towns and villages."

In fact, in Haul's mind, villages are the main thing, because after all, there are trains between cities in this world, but they only exist in major cities, and small villages like the ones Haul visited during his first mission do not exist.

But cities are also good. If there is a trade route, with the speed of the monsters in this world, it can be said that there is a continuous flow of trade.

Uncle Ika raised his head curiously, and Natsu and Lisanna also stopped their actions and listened carefully to Haul's proposal.

[Natsu, this kid is full, right?] Haul complained in his heart, and Natsu never cared about these things before.

"I can use the magic of the earth and trees to open up a safer and faster trade route," Haul continued, "not only can it reduce the danger on the road, but also provide more options for other merchants.

We can establish this trade route in the name of Fairy Tail to ensure the safety and stability of the trade route. "

Uncle Ika pondered for a while and nodded: "This sounds like a good idea. In the name of Fairy Tail, it can indeed give people more trust. But how do you plan to do it specifically?"

Hal smiled and said: "First, we can make a route plan and select some suitable towns and villages as transit stations.

Then, I will use magic to repair and strengthen this road to make it flatter and safer.

We can also set up some post stations along the way to provide merchants with places to rest and replenish supplies.

Members of Fairy Tail can take turns to serve as guards on this trade route to ensure the safety of merchants. "

When Natsu heard that there was a chance to fight, he immediately said excitedly: "Then leave it to me! Whoever dares to make trouble, I will beat them away!"

Lisanna also agreed: "This will not only make the merchants more at ease, but also bring more tasks and income to our guild."

Uncle Ika looked at the enthusiastic look of the young wizards and couldn't help but smile: "I am very happy with your enthusiasm. Okay, brother Hal, I agree to your proposal.

However, the opening of this trade route requires a lot of funds and manpower. How do you plan to solve it? "

Hal nodded. He had already considered these problems. He said with great confidence: "We can conduct a small-scale trial run first and choose some relatively safe routes and partners.

As for the funding issue, I can solve a large amount of funds and manpower by myself. At most, I can ask a few idiots who don't like to do commissions from the guild to assist in the road selection.

[For example, the idiot Nob] Hal said in his heart

(That guy in the guild who works in front of the commission board every day but never does it. I don't know where he gets the money to live =-=)

In addition, we can seek the support of the guild and let other interested businessmen participate, invest together and share the benefits.

Besides, with my magic, I can directly use magic to create a post station along the way."

In fact, his earth dragon-slaying magic can continuously restore magic and physical strength as long as he stands on the ground.

Compared to normal wizards, he doesn't have to worry about insufficient magic.

Uncle Ika thought for a while and smiled approvingly: "If you can really do such an amazing thing, then we can try it, and I will fully support your plan.

We can start with Harugeon and see how it works.

Hal nodded happily: "Thank you for your support, Uncle Ika! We will definitely do this plan well."

They agreed on a detailed plan and decided to take action in the next few days.

Hal plans to go to the guild to discuss with President Makarov and win the support of the guild.

At the same time, he also plans to invite some experienced businessmen and other members of the guild such as Volian (the big brother who talks), Pidgetta (the big brother who dances), and Ridasu (the big brother who draws) to participate.

[By the way, there is also Marcus, who is very smart about doing business]

(The one who returned to the guild seven years later to challenge Natsu, used sand magic, and sold figures at the guild stall seven years ago.)

[Our guild is really full of talents] Hal couldn't help but sigh in his heart that there were so many more candidates.

A few days later, Makarov waved his hand and started to act

With the strong support of the guild, Hal and Uncle Ika led a small team to start the initial development of the trade route.

Hal stood at the starting point of the new trade route, took a deep breath, and began to use his magic.

He waved his hands gently, and the golden magic circle appeared, and the earth demon

The magic quickly unfolded under his feet.

The originally rugged ground became as flat as a mirror under the effect of his magic.

Large pieces of rocks and gravel were cleverly sandwiched into the cracks of the earth, and then slowly closed, as if they had never existed.

He continued to cast magic, using magic to twist the earth to create roads in those difficult canyons,

and slowly raised the road to the towering peaks, making the road flat and wide.

Whether it was a bottomless canyon or a towering mountain, Hal could handle it easily.

His magic power was not only to repair the terrain, but also to open up a safe and convenient passage for this new trade route.

In addition to these, Hal also used tree magic. He waved his hands again, and rows of sturdy and tall fences rose from the ground.

These fences created by magic have extremely high defense and can effectively protect the trade route from damage.

At the same time, he also thoughtfully planted small flowers along the road on both sides.

These flowers not only add beauty to the business road, but also make merchants feel relaxed and happy during their journey.

Because this is destined to provide a wonderful journey for the town, the guild, the family and Hal himself.

He hopes that this road can bring more prosperity and opportunities to Magnolia Town.

Uncle Ika and other members watched Hal's work and couldn't help but sigh at his magic attainments.

"It's incredible, Hal's magic is simply a stroke of genius." Uncle Ika exclaimed.

Natsu also shouted excitedly: "It's so cool! When the road is repaired, I must run a lap on this road!"

"Natsu is so stupid, this must be a road for carriages" Habby said to Natsu.

"Carriage, forget it." Natsu lost his spirits instantly when he heard about the carriage.

Lisanna smiled happily and said, "This road will definitely bring more tasks and fame to the guild!

For the next month, Hal has been devoted to the construction of the road.

He used magic to repair the road, set up post stations, and invited merchants to test run it.

During this journey, Hal became more adept at mastering earth magic and tree magic, and always had new insights.

This new trade route gradually took shape, and more and more merchants began to travel between towns through this road.

Since then, family commissions have appeared in the guild, and the guild has paid commissions to commission members to maintain this trade route.

(Fairy Tail The concept of family is often mentioned in the book. Makarov regards his guild as his own family, and the members of the guild are family members who cannot be harmed.)

The members of Fairy Tail take turns to serve as guards, which not only ensures the safety of the trade route and earns income, but also wins the trust of merchants.

The new trade route has brought more business opportunities and prosperity to Magnolia, and the reputation of the guild has become more famous.

In this process, Hal felt that he was not just a wizard, but more deeply a part of this city and guild.

His efforts not only brought him a sense of accomplishment and a lot of money, but also benefited the entire town and guild.

Hal felt extremely satisfied and proud.

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