The enemy was in chaos, and the enemy was in chaos.

Damn Makarov! What a terrifying magic power!" Joseph growled in a low voice with gritted teeth.

"However, you dare to rush in alone, um, hehe, do you think my subordinates don't exist?" Joseph smiled coldly, with provocation in his eyes.

Five S-class wizards quickly surrounded Makarov in the center, and their powerful aura almost solidified the surrounding air.

However, Makarov did not waver at all, and his eyes were fixed on Joseph.

"Who said I came alone? "Makarov's voice was calm and firm.

At this moment, a deafening roar suddenly came from the sky. Natsu's flames suddenly appeared in the air like thunder, and the opportunity he had never had to take action finally came.

He raised his hands high, released a powerful flame shock, and blasted towards the five S-class wizards.

"Fire Dragon's Wing Strike! !"

The five S-class wizards reacted quickly and scattered, trying to avoid Natsu's flame attack.

Joseph looked at this scene, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Based on this kid, I admit that his magic power is good, but it is far worse than my four elements and Gajeel."

"You are still as arrogant as ever, Joseph"

At this moment, the sea castle began to shake violently. A huge and magnificent magic circle appeared in the sky, and the magic aura of the entire castle suddenly rose, giving people a sense of oppression.

Joseph's face changed suddenly, and he could not hide his inner shock: "Super...super magic! ? How is it possible? How can such a powerful magic be released without the level of Saint Ten! "

On the opposite side, Makarov had a faint smile on his face, and his eyes revealed a confident light: "[Harry, you have really become stronger]"


Ten minutes ago

Harry watched the president and Natsu rushing to the battlefield, thinking slightly in his heart, he knew that he had to act quickly.

However, just as he was about to follow them, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind, and he immediately stopped and clenched his staff with both hands.

The staff emitted a dazzling light in his hand, and huge magic power condensed around him, rushing to the sky, forming a magnificent magic circle.

"It's time to let the world see my strength!" Harry whispered to himself, and the magic power gradually increased, and a strong sense of shock filled the air.

He raised the staff high, and with a roar, a huge magic circle appeared in the air.

"Earth Magic·Earth Lifting! "


The Phantom Guild Castle, which was originally floating in the sea, was instantly pushed by the huge crustal force.

The seawater was violently pushed away, and the thousands of meters around the huge sea castle were like a lifted boulder, suddenly lifted up and taken away from the sea.

The ecology of the seabed was exposed in broad daylight, and the original ocean was forced to reveal the bare earth.

The castle shook in the air, and the huge vibration made the entire battlefield tremble.

Hal's actions did not stop, he quickly cast the second magic-"Tree Magic·Tree World Coming!" He put his hands together, and a large area of ​​huge trees and vines appeared on the ground. They grew rapidly from the ground, as if they were cast with some kind of wonderful magic.

The trees and vines intertwined into a net, quickly covering the entire seabed and tightly locking the huge castle.

At the same time, these trees formed several roads leading to the Phantom Guild, providing a direct passage for the guild members.

"It's incredible! Is this magic that humans can do? "Loki held his glasses with trembling hands, his tone full of disbelief.

He had rarely seen Hal take action, and only knew that his magic power was terrifying.

The surrounding guild members also widened their eyes, watching Hal's magic show such exaggerated effects in amazement.

"This is... [The Master of Nature]" Levi muttered to herself

The Phantom Castle was in a mess. Under the huge shock, the castle had long been unrecognizable

The Phantom guild members looked at everything in front of them with despair on their faces.

"Impossible, with such a terrifying wizard here, what are we going to fight?"

"What a joke? ! With this kind of magic, it would be easy for him to crush the entire castle"

A group of people trembled all over, holding their heads, and they had no morale

Just then, a pit-faced wizard pointed forward, his lips trembling and shouted in fear

"They... rushed up, it's [Fairy Tail!!!" 】"

The Ghost Guild and the others were trapped in despair because of Hal's terrifying magic.

When they looked out, the members of the Fairy Tail guild were already fully prepared.

The atmosphere of the guild became more enthusiastic after the excitement of Howl's magic display, and everyone was full of fighting spirit.

Gray, Elfman, Cana, Lucy, Levi and others were ready to charge, with a firm light in their eyes and a burning desire to fight.

"Okay, everyone, we have to drive them out!" Gray's voice was low and powerful, revealing fearlessness.

His hands quickly formed seals, and the terrifying ice-blue magic energy condensed in his palms. Then, he smashed it hard, and a huge ice wall rose up among the people of the Phantom Guild, firmly trapping the Phantom members who tried to escape.

"How is it possible? There are more than 300 of us, and he actually surrounded us all with a magic"

Elfman also ran in front. He quickly changed his body shape, and the magic power formed a strong beast aura around him.

"Receive! Arms of the Beast"

As his arms swung, a huge whirlwind of power swept out, quickly blowing away the members of the Phantom Guild, and the flying dust and debris made their movements more difficult.

At the same time, Kana showed her powerful card magic. The cards in her hand kept changing with her summons, sometimes lightning, sometimes water dragons. She threw many cards directly into the middle of the members of the Phantom Guild, and the multiple magic in the cards was hard to defend against.

Lucy and Levi were not to be outdone. Lucy summoned her star spirit, "Open! The door of Taurus, Talos!"

Niu Niu rushed into the crowd in his daily coquettish pants and holding a giant axe, causing huge damage to the terrain.

Levi used her text magic to unfold the huge text, and the power of ice, snow and wind swept the enemy, turning into a storm to suppress them to the ground.

"How could someone turn into a monster and rush over here!"

"This card here is even more shameless"

"What the hell is that cow wearing a bitter tea!!"

"I don't want to play anymore, there's wind, thunder, and snow"

"How strong is Fairy Tail!!"

"Where are our S-class? Let them come to help, we can't stop them!"

Everyone joined forces to attack, and most of the members of the Phantom Guild were instantly defeated and fled in all directions. The battle in the castle became more and more chaotic.

But there were still powerful Phantom wizards with pale faces, shouting in pain, trying to fight back, but facing the powerful offensive of Fairy Tail, they had no power to fight back.

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