The battle was won, and the enemy was in a state of panic.

On the top of the castle, Joseph's anger almost devoured his sanity. He watched his guild members being defeated by the guild members of Fairy Tail, and he was furious.

"Damn Makarov!" Joseph roared, his voice full of crazy hatred.

He turned his eyes to the four elements and Gajeel, and ordered: "You five, go down quickly and kill all those damn fairies!"

Hearing this, the four elements and Gajeel immediately jumped down from a high place, ready to join the battlefield. However, before they could completely land, they were knocked away by the rapid and fierce attack.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" Natsu's voice roared like thunder. He wielded the blazing flames, and the powerful Fire Dragon Fist hit Gajeel, knocking him into the castle. The burst of fire made Gajeel unable to stand up again for a short time.

"Change clothes! Black Feather Armor!" Erza's high-pitched voice came immediately, and her body was quickly wrapped in a set of black armor, holding a black giant sword in her hand. The four elements were just about to enter the battlefield when they were cut down by a huge sword light.

The huge sword light cut through the air and approached Rabbit Maru.

As one of the four elements, [Rabbit Maru of Fire], he was cut by Erza's giant sword before he could react.

The huge sword light cut like a sharp blade, leaving a deep wound on his chest, almost tearing his entire body apart.

Rabbit Maru rolled in the air in pain, and the severe wound almost made him lose consciousness.

He fell heavily to the ground, struggled a few times, and finally stopped on the ground powerlessly, no longer moving.

"Light Magic·Holy Sword!" Hal looked down at the battlefield from the air, his staff raised high, the huge light magic formed a giant sword-like light, and accurately slashed at Aria, one of the four elements. The lightsaber cut through his defense and forcibly repelled him. Aria rolled in the air, blood gushing from her abdomen, and fell to the ground in a mess.

"Damn it!! Rabbit Maru!" Earth Thor screamed out of control, anger and fear intertwined in his voice. Juvia lost her usual indifference, and her eyes showed deep pain. She quietly looked at the "corpse" of Rabbit Maru on the ground, her heart full of unconcealable sadness.

"Go to hell, bastard" Earth Thor instantly merged into the earth, and the surrounding walls moved quickly under the control of his power, gathered together, trying to squeeze Hal in the middle and crush him to death.

Boom!!! The terrifying impact was deafening. The wall was crushed towards Hal under a powerful force. Hal was completely crushed without leaving any trace.

"Die! You deserve it! Damn goblin!" Thor's voice was filled with ecstasy and hatred, almost sentencing Hal to his fate.

However, what he didn't notice was that beside him, a stream of quicksand floated in the air, and then quickly condensed into a human form.

Hal appeared behind Thor without knowing when, and gently hugged his neck with one hand, with a light smile without emotion on his face.

"You are called Thor of the Earth?" Hal's voice was cold and mocking, like a cold blade piercing Thor's heart.

How is it possible? You just died..." Thor looked at Hal in horror, and the expression on his face changed from shock to despair.

His body began to weather involuntarily, his skin gradually became dry and cracked, and his eye sockets were sunken without moisture, revealing shriveled pupils, as if all the essence of life had been sucked out.

Hal's left hand exuded an invisible force, and the powerful water extraction magic was working.

Under this terrifying force, Thor's body quickly weathered into a shriveled mummy.

Then Hal patted the shoulders of the mummy Thor, and quietly put away his left hand around his neck. The breeze blew, and Thor's body turned into dust.

Hal Thor's ability completely deprived Thor of his vitality, turning him into a grain of sand in the wind.

At the same time, his figure gradually merged into the quicksand, hiding on the battlefield again, looking for the next prey.

Juvia felt extremely uneasy at this moment, her heartbeat accelerated, and her breathing became rapid.

The dryness and the breath of death in the air made her feel extremely strange and terrified as a water wizard.

Her throat seemed to be tightly bound by some invisible force, and her voice stopped in her throat, unable to make any sound.

At this moment, she felt a strong magic suddenly appear behind her, and a cold breath behind her made her back cold.

The next moment, two arms

His arms were warm and firm as he held her tightly in his arms. Juvia's muscles were tense, and her heart was filled with unspeakable fear.

Although this kind of hug might have an ambiguous meaning under normal circumstances, it was an inescapable threat to her at this moment.

"No... don't!" Juvia's voice was trembling, and her lips were trembling slightly. She could feel the body temperature and hot breath of the man behind her. Every time he exhaled, it was like the whisper of the god of death, bringing a creepy sense of terror.

"Don't worry~ I won't kill you. You are different from them. You are a kind girl. This is just a small punishment for kidnapping Lucy." Hal's voice sounded softly beside her earlobe, and his breath blew warmly on Juvia's earlobe, bringing a deep sense of despair.

Juvia's heart was filled with fear and helplessness, and she could only respond weakly: "I know, I'm sorry."

"Very good, good child~" Hal's voice, with a hint of teasing and satisfaction, gradually disappeared from her ears.

Hal's figure also gradually turned into quicksand at the moment when she felt palpitations, slowly drifting away.

Juvia could barely breathe after feeling Hal's departure. She was covered in cold sweat and her muscles were almost trembling. She sat down on the ground as if she was hollowed out, her face pale, her eyes full of deep fear and anxiety.

Hal's dark breath still echoed in her senses, making it difficult for her to calm down. Her body was completely dominated by this invisible terror, and her heart could not calm down for a long time.

"What kind of person would have such a terrifying evil magic and awe-inspiring sacred light magic at the same time"

On the other side, Erza was fighting fiercely with Aliya, the best of the [Four Elements].

Aliya's eye mask had been taken off, and disgusting tears kept pouring out of his magical eyes.

His magic power fluctuated wildly, bringing Erza an unimaginable horror.

"How sad, Erza," Aria's voice was filled with a morbid joy, and his magic eyes were filled with an unsettling light, "You have seen my strongest state, this magic power, you are absolutely unable to resist."

Accompanied by Aria's voice, the terrifying wind magic rolled up endless sand and gravel, sweeping around him like an endless storm.

The sand and dust were flying in the air, and Erza was trapped by the violent wind and sand, unable to move forward, and every step seemed to be stuck in the mud.

Erza gritted her teeth and tried to resist the wind and sand that kept attacking her. Her body was constantly hit by sand and gravel, facing great pressure. She held the sword tightly in her hand, and although her vision was blocked by the sand and dust, she still looked firmly in the direction of Aria.

"I won't back down," Erza's voice was firm and unyielding, "No matter how powerful your magic is, I will use my power to protect my guild!"

"Hahahaha, that's good, Erza!" Aria looked at the fairy queen in front of her, with a morbid joy on her face, and the blush in her eyes mixed with a twisted smile, which looked particularly weird.

He quickly chanted the spell, his voice with endless indifference and fanaticism: "Death Space 'Zero'!"

As Aria's spell fell, his body turned into a huge wind magic black hole, and the black vortex spread from around him, swallowing everything.

His two red eyes were particularly conspicuous in the black hole, emitting a creepy light.

The dark breath was as boundless as the night, sweeping everything around, as if to swallow the entire space into endless darkness.

Erza felt this terrifying storm, and her heartbeat accelerated sharply.

She tried to use her sword to block the surrounding strong wind, but the strong attraction of the black hole almost made her body lose control.

Her sword light seemed insignificant in the storm, and was constantly swallowed by the black hole, gradually losing its light.

"How is it possible, this power...!" Erza gritted her teeth and persisted, trying to fight against the huge black hole storm.

Just when she was about to collapse, a stronger force of death appeared beside her, making Erza's eyes widen and look at the source in horror.

"Desert tornado!" Hal's voice seemed to come from the depths of hell, and his body turned into a fierce tornado, and the vortex was full of dead silence.

The rolling sand, accompanied by the power of darkness, swept in, as if to swallow the whole world.

The power of death made people feel an endless darkness, as if every grain of sand contained deep despair and ferocity.

The power of the tornado roared out from hell, pounced on Aria, and wrapped him in endless sand and darkness.


Rotating in the storm, with cold and ruthless power, it swept through Alia's body.

Every grain of sand was like the sickle of the god of death, scratching his skin, absorbing his moisture, and making him feel unprecedented pain.

Alia's red eyes gradually lost their luster in the storm, his body began to dry up, and his skin gradually weathered.

The breath of darkness wrapped around him like a venomous snake, making him unable to escape.

Tears of despair rolled in his eyes, but in the end, his tears also dried up, and no liquid flowed out.

"This... this is... how..." Alia's voice became weak, his body turned into a shriveled mummy, lifeless, his face distorted, and his eyes were full of deep fear and despair. There was only the endless darkness and the breath of death around him, as if he was completely swallowed by the darkness.

In the end, Alia's body was completely weathered into a mummy, and he could no longer cry any tears.

His heart was filled with endless regret and fear, and the end of all this was only witnessed by the dark desert tornado.

"How sad~" Hal's faint voice disappeared from Alia's life along with the wind and sand.

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