The new year is coming, and the new year is coming.

On August 8, Hal came to the Council headquarters to receive the title and badge of "Holy Ten". As the day approached, the discussion about the power of Hal's magic was boiling in the entire magic world.

In the photos shown in Newsweek, Hal's magic on the sea caused huge damage and transformation to the terrain, which was amazing.

"What a powerful magic! With such a young and powerful wizard, the future of the magic world is really exciting!"

"This magic is even more exaggerated than Lord Zikrein's celestial magic."

"Have you seen Lord Zikrein in action?"

"Of course, I saw Lord Zikrein's magic when he participated in the final test of the Holy Ten Selection. It was still noon, but the whole sky darkened."

"The whole sky? What an outrageous magic!"

However, many people are skeptical of these exaggerated descriptions.

"What a joke, this kind of magic is unheard of, how can such a powerful magician be only 20 years old?"

"Fairy Tail is really getting more and more exaggerated every year. I heard a while ago that the strength of Fairy Tail's Laxus is also at the level of Saint Ten."

"Huh? So there are three Fairy Tail wizards at the level of Saint Ten?"

"How is it possible? Just think about it and you will know that it is exaggerated. Howl and Laxus are not even the strongest in Fairy Tail. There is Gildarts, who is called [the strongest wizard in the west], and Mistongang and others are rumored to have the same strength as Howl and others."

"That's too exaggerated, 1, 2... 5! So by that count, the strength of Fairy Tail is also abnormal."

"So I said, it's all too famous. Anyway, I want to see the final evaluation of [Saint Ten] with my own eyes."

"I'll go too. I heard it's this afternoon."

On the afternoon of August 8, when Howl arrived at the Council Headquarters, the sky was already filled with people.

"What the hell, where do all these people come from?" Hal muttered in a low voice. He stood in front of the main office of the Council of Review, and the Council of Review officials who were guarding him immediately recognized him.

"Hello, Lord Hal, we will lead the final evaluation of your [Holy Ten]."

"You? Where are the reviewers?"

"The reviewers are holding a special meeting and cannot come. Please forgive us for evaluating on their behalf."

"Okay, then where do we start?"

"Yes, Lord Hal, on the Holy Ten Evaluation Platform outside."

Hal followed the official in a neat uniform with respect on his face to the so-called Holy Ten Evaluation Platform, and saw a huge and simple magic base, with dozens of complex formations from the center to the outermost.

The Holy Ten Evaluation Platform was specially set up by the Council of Review. It has a number of evaluation equipment that are crucial to magicians, such as magic power measurement and magic power measurement, which is also an important basis for determining the ranking of the Holy Ten.

"Here he comes, it's Hal, oh!!"

The area around the Holy Ten Evaluation Platform had already been surrounded by a large crowd, and everyone cheered when they saw Hal's arrival.

When Hal just stepped onto the magic evaluation platform, the sun was shining through the sky, bringing bright and warm light to the entire evaluation platform and the crowd.

Against this glorious backdrop, Hal's figure was particularly eye-catching.

His tall body stood in the center of the evaluation platform, and at a height of 185 cm, he stood out among the crowd.

The broad shoulders and strong muscles of the Dragon Slayer, who symbolizes the earth, make him look like a towering mountain, stable and majestic.

He was wearing an elemental magic cloak, which fluttered lightly in the breeze, blending with his magic power, and flashing a flowing luster.

The edge of the cloak is inlaid with delicate magic runes, which emit a faint light under the illumination, forming a soft and mysterious halo, as if covering Hal with a layer of brilliant shield.

On his left hand, five different magic rings each emit a unique light, and the gems inlaid in each ring flash brilliant colors in the sun, symbolizing the power of various magic.

The light on the ring flows between Hal's fingers, sometimes weak, sometimes bright, changing with his movements, adding a layer of dazzling magic to him.

"The legendary [Nature Controller] finally meets in person!"

"So handsome!"

"I hope he will live up to his name, so that this trip will not be in vain."

Hal was surprised to see so many people.

"Can all these people come to see me for evaluation?"


Yes, Lord Hal, part of this evaluation platform is also open to the public. It is like this every session. This is also a good opportunity for the Council to show its reputation to the magic world. "

"=-=, OK."

"Please stand in the middle of the evaluation platform, Lord Hal, there will be a device that automatically evaluates magic power."


Hal walked to the center of the evaluation platform, and the light around him gradually lit up. With a buzzing sound, the evaluation platform began to operate autonomously, and the golden light enveloped Hal.

"What an excellent magic device, it is really testing my magic power." Hal felt the numbness coming from his whole body and exclaimed: "The Council has so many good things."

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The light continued to appear, and the ninety-nine lines of the evaluation platform gradually lit up from one. Every time a line is lit, it represents the continuous accumulation of magic power of an ordinary magician in a year.

"Last time, Lord Ziklein had an amazing score of forty-five. You must know that at that time, he was less than twenty years old. ”

“It sounds like that, about three times the talent of an ordinary person.” Someone who just arrived sneered.

“What nonsense are you talking about? One line is the amount of magic power that an ordinary person can absorb continuously for a year. Who do you think can do it?”

“Yes, this thing is just a reference standard. When an ordinary person practices magic and shows one line, it means he has become a magician.”

“If three to five lines are shown, they are senior magicians, and their strength is enough to fight most monsters. For example, our Council of Magic Captain Rahel has only ten lines at the age of thirty, but that is enough to look down on most people.”

“Hiss, then forty-five lines is too abnormal.”

“Yes, so I say that Lord Zikrein is a real genius! He is also handsome! He is one of the ten councilors and one of the ten holy magicians. He is simply a demon-like figure. You know, he is only 20 years old now. ”

At this moment, Hal’s body was constantly filled with light, 10, 20, 30…50…

“Oh my god, he really surpassed Lord Zekrein, 50 magic powers, which is almost the same as Joseph’s level before.”

“That Joseph was defeated by Lord Hal.”

Boom! Boom! The light continued to emerge, 60, 70, 80, until 99.

“? ? ? ? ? ? ”

“How is it possible! !”

The crowd looked at the young man standing in the ninety-nine light patterns in surprise, their faces full of shock and disbelief.

“Ninety-nine!! That is the level that the [Four Heavenly Kings of Ishgar] can reach. It is said that there is no magic device that can evaluate their specific magic power.”

“That is the [Four Heavenly Kings of Ishgar]! Each of them is a well-known senior in the magic world. How old is he! ? 20! ? "


The crowd erupted in a huge noise, and even the officials of the Council were so shocked that they were speechless.

"This... Lord Hal..."

"This is over, let's continue, I'm in a hurry." Hal was ready to go to the beach to take a vacation with Natsu after the evaluation.

So, Hal quickly carried out the next evaluation. What is incomprehensible is that no matter whether it is magic strength, quality, control, magic destructive power, or release speed, all the evaluation scores cannot be further measured [9999].

The crowd was silent when seeing this scene, and suddenly someone exclaimed: "We may have witnessed the birth of a legend."

"Fairy Tail is so terrifying. If the rumors are true, Gildarts, Laxus, Hal, and Mystongang are all at the level of the Ten Saints."

"It is said that Gildarts is the strongest of Fairy Tail."

"Ah? But why have we hardly heard of this person? ”

“It is said that this person is born with strong magic power and cannot control himself. He is on the way to do commissions almost every moment. Now he is carrying out the [Hundred Years Mission]. ”

“Really... really amazing.”

“It is a blessing for us Ishgar to have such a powerful wizard guild.”

While a group of people were still discussing, Hal had passed all the tests, walked into the hall of the Council Headquarters, and received his Holy Ten Badge and Holy Ten Cloak.

“Lord Hal, since the magic device cannot measure your specific strength, your strength will be temporarily ranked [Holy Ten Fifth]. ”

“Only after [Ishgar’s Four Heavenly Kings], not bad.” Hal nodded slowly when he heard this. He was not surprised to get this ranking.

After all, since he became an S-class wizard, he has never really gone all out.

He lamented his physical talent and the strength of the red jade before he became an adult. When he really entered the period of self-cultivation after adulthood, he had already

Possessing the magic power of an ordinary Holy Ten, of course Laxus is almost the same.

"Master Hal, your Holy Ten evaluation results will be published in the weekly magazine tomorrow and distributed to all wizards in Ishgar."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Hal felt in a good mood. Looking at the sky, if nothing unexpected happened, he could still catch up with Natsu's dinner time if he left now.

Just as Hal was about to say goodbye and leave, suddenly, he felt a huge magic power gathering above the Council Headquarters.

The strength of that magic power was shocking, and it could easily destroy the entire city, far beyond the scope of the [Holy Ten]. Hal couldn't help but look up at the sky in shock.

In the sky, a huge beam of light that had never been seen before appeared above the center of the Council Headquarters.

The beam passed through the atmosphere from the Council Headquarters and went straight to outer space. As the beam rose, huge magic power fluctuations gathered outside the planet, forming an indescribable spectacular scene.

The beam was like a dazzling blade tearing through the sky, and the blazing light illuminated the surrounding space, making it almost impossible to look directly at it.

The entire sky was illuminated by this light, emitting a dazzling brilliance.

At the center of the beam, a huge magic circle pattern began to appear in the interstellar space. Each rune contained unimaginable power and flashed a deep luster.

"That is..." Hal's pupils suddenly shrank, and his face showed surprise. He finally recognized the source of the huge magic power, "Super-giant satellite magic circle·magic elf cannon!?"

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