The enemy was so powerful that he could not resist the enemy.

Hal recognized the super magic weapon of the Council.

As a legendary magic weapon, the Magic Elf Cannon is beyond imagination. It is also an important prop for the Magic Council to intimidate the entire magic world.

Its magic array unfolds in space, like a huge magic eye looking down at the planet. Every corner of the magic array exudes a dazzling light like a star, and all the runes appear particularly prominent against the background of the vast universe, as if drawing an extremely glorious picture in space.

"Super Giant Satellite Magic Array Magic Elf Cannon" is one of the strongest long-range attack magics in the magic world, and its magic power can destroy a city in an instant.

At the core of the magic circle, huge magical fluctuations continued to accumulate, and the energy of the beam was like a vortex that swallowed everything, constantly increasing.

Howl's shock was beyond words. He had never seen such a grand magic device, and even in the history of the magic world, magic of this scale was rarely performed.

At this moment, the entire Council headquarters was shrouded in this power, as if the whole world was trembling.

"What happened?!"

The people looked up at the sky in horror, and teams of magic soldiers rushed out of the Council headquarters. They were wearing white robes and holding tall staffs, symbolizing the majesty of the Council.

They walked up to the people and tried to calm their fears: "Please don't be nervous, this is the action prepared by the Council to eliminate the [Dark Mage] Jellal."

"Jelal!?" The surprise and fear of the people reached their peak at this moment. Jellal's notoriety shocked them and they immediately panicked.

Soon, under the guidance of the magic soldiers, the people quickly left the Council headquarters, and the surrounding residential areas were under full martial law.

Hal took a deep breath and stared at the terrifying magic power gathering with wide eyes.

He realized that this was not just a simple magic show, but an unprecedented display of power.

"Where is the target of the attack?" Hal asked, feeling uneasy.

"The Paradise where the Zeref Resurrection Cult from the xx Sea is located." A magic soldier next to him answered.

"Paradise?" Hal was a little confused, and he suddenly felt that the name was very familiar.

Suddenly, he felt that the terrifying magic power in the sky was about to fall, and he could clearly see the approximate location of the landing point from where he was. Where? The direction where Natsu and others were traveling and vacationing? ?


"It's unlikely that they will be implicated," Hal muttered to himself with some worry when he saw this.

"No, it's hard to say with their ability to cause trouble =-="

In any case, Hal decided to go to the location of Natsu and others to confirm their safety.

Just when Hal was about to leave to find Natsu again

Another accident happened

"What happened this time?" Hal was really speechless. He couldn't leave, right? But then, he found that the entire Council was actually collapsing and decaying? It was as if time had accelerated.

"Is someone playing tricks?" Hal narrowed his eyes and fixed his gaze on the center of the Council headquarters, which was said to be the place of the highest power in the magic world.

He saw a woman wearing a Japanese kimono standing in the air, surrounded by magical light. Her movements were slow and graceful, but the magic she cast seemed extremely terrifying.

"It was actually released around the councilors?" Hal was shocked. The woman was casting "Lost Magic·Arc of Time"-a powerful magic that can accelerate the passage of time and cause objects in space to decay quickly.

He knew that this magic was used by a female councilor in the Council, which was rumored to be an extremely powerful magic.

All I saw were Council officials running away, and some magic soldiers trying to attack the woman or rescue the councilors.

The collapsed building was like a broken puzzle, and the bricks and stones of the building were collapsing rapidly, as if the whole world was falling into chaos.

The woman had a sickly satisfied smile on her face, her cheeks slightly red, and she was obviously immersed in the ecstasy of casting magic.

Her magic accelerated the aging of the surrounding buildings in a short period of time, as if the hourglass of time was rapidly flowing under her magic.

"Ah~~ Lord Gerald, now your wish can finally come true!" Her voice echoed in the air like a ghost, with a strange tremor, as if every word she said was permeated with the surrounding horror atmosphere.

In any case, Hal is ready

Prepare to stop her farce

"The Earth Dragon's Collapse Fist!" Hal clenched his fist, and the magic power continued to condense in his right hand. The air was filled with oppression and hot energy.

The huge magic power shattered the already corrupted and fragile floor, and with terrifying pressure, rolled the air and pressed towards the woman who was casting a spell.

The woman smiled slightly when she saw Hal rushing towards her, and Hal's huge magic power shattered the woman's body

He was shocked to find that her figure instantly collapsed into a blurred light and shadow. At that moment, the woman's figure was like broken glass, instantly dissipating.

"What is this? An afterimage similar to time projection? A clone that can also cast magic?" Hal muttered to himself, his heart full of doubts and anxiety

Boom! Boom! At this moment, the headquarters of the Council of Advocates began to collapse violently. Hal had no time to think about it and acted quickly. In the chaotic ruins, Hal's figure gradually appeared.

He was protected by a huge vine, and the surrounding buildings continued to collapse. Next to Hal, several injured councilors were lying on the ground. It was obvious that Hal had rescued them before the collapse, including Mr. Yajima, whom Hal respected.

Mr. Yajima was covered in dust and blood, and his eyes were full of deep sadness and disappointment. He looked at the collapsed Council House, his face full of despair. The hope that had been placed on the people of the magic world in the Council House has now turned into a bubble.

He misjudged the people, or rather, everyone in the Council House misjudged the people. Zeke and Ultiya, who were highly expected by them, turned out to be believers of [Dark Mage] Zeref.

They planned this plan together, and the huge magic power brought by the terrifying magic spirit power was all used as a wedding dress to revive Zeref.

Even Ultiya was willing to sacrifice herself for Zeke or Jellal's plan, destroying the Council House and the facilities that control the magic spirit power. From then on, the Council could no longer use this terrifying magic weapon.

This made Mr. Yajima very worried. He thought of the Western Continent, which he had been eyeing for many years, and the Northern Continent, which was said to have dragons. The existence of the magic spirit power was to balance the ambitions of the two continents against Ishgar.

Now that everything is gone, Mr. Yajima couldn't help but feel pain. He looked at Hal, the young Saint Ten who had expected to be in the same guild as him when he was young. This was his promising junior. Now, everything could only be handed over to him.

"Hal!" Mr. Yajima's voice was full of endless fatigue and determination, "Don't worry about me, I won't die. You go stop Zeke... No, Jellal's plan! He is resurrecting Zeref at the location where the magic spirit power fell. You must not let him succeed!"

Hal looked at Mr. Yajima. He had been cooperating and talking with the old man since five years ago. The old man's sincerity towards the magic world and the Fairy Tail Guild was obvious. He respected the old man very much.

"Don't worry, Mr. Yajima, I will stop them and will never let Jellal revive." Hal said firmly, and then turned into a golden light and flew quickly towards the direction where the powerful magic power was gathered. "

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