Next to the river, there is an open space where Cheng Feng exercises daily.

Erza was wearing armor, and her eyepatch had been taken off at this time, and her eyes had been treated with artificial eyes by Granny Borusica.

She stood in front of Cheng Feng, holding the knight sword and looking at Cheng Feng:"Are you going to use magic this time?"

"Attack with all your strength. Cheng Feng stood on the spot, waving to Erza and said:"My receiving magic is receiving the soul of the heroic spirit. I have been working hard during this period to save money to provide for the heroic spirit. So now I, but Very strong"

"So that’s it, I said why are you working so hard.

Gray, who was sitting on the side, suddenly understood, looked at Cheng Feng and said,"Cheng Feng, come on.""

Same as the original plot, at this moment Erza is the absolute child king of Fairy Tail. Except for Laxus, who doesn't deal with it very much, Gray has fallen into Erza's hands many times.

So when I see Cheng Feng and Erza Sha used her magic to fight with all her strength, and immediately she ran over to watch the fight.

"Then let's get started."

Eluza saw Cheng Feng was so confident and nodded:"Change clothes, Heavenly Wheel Armor."

The next moment, the armor on Erza's body turned into Heavenly Wheel Armor.

Looking at the armor that was still tightly wrapped and had two more steel wings, Cheng Feng smacked his lips in his heart.

It seems that the current armor is not Erza's complete armor. It is estimated that when she grows up, the armor will need to be adjusted.

But it is enough.

"I'm on it!"

Erza's eyes condensed, her hands clenched the swords, and she exuded a powerful aura.

Her body leaned forward slightly, and then she exerted force suddenly.

Her whole body was like an arrow leaving the string, moving at an alarming speed.

Rushing towards Cheng Feng, her figure left a trail of shadows in the air, and she came to Cheng Feng in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, the two swords in her hands also waved, turning into two dazzling moon arcs.

With a fierce sword energy, he slashed towards Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng took a deep breath, and his whole body burst into light. The next moment, Cheng Feng's hair turned golden, wearing a moon-white royal robe, and he had two more in his hands. The strange-looking art kunai

"too slow!"

Seeing that Cheng Feng had just taken it all in, Erza immediately shouted and slashed down mercilessly with both swords.

"slow? This is not slow."

Cheng Feng chuckled and threw out the kunai suddenly.

Erza was stunned for a moment, because Cheng Feng's kunai did not attack her at all, but went behind her.

"Out of stock?"

Erza was a little confused, but the next moment, Cheng Feng disappeared in front of her, and her attack failed instantly.

"Disappeared? wrong! It's spatial ability!"

Erza turned around suddenly, turned around with her swords and slashed behind her.


The two swords collided with the kunai, and Cheng Feng was chopped and flew out. After landing, his feet left two traces on the ground. After stopping, Cheng Feng held a kunai in his hand, looked at Erza and said:"She is worthy of being Erza. Her combat reaction is really fast!""

"Is this your new ability?

Erza pointed her sword at Cheng Feng and said,"The speed is okay, but that's it.""

"Of course not only that, I'm coming."

Cheng Feng chuckled and disappeared instantly.

"This trick again. Erza turned around instantly and slashed out with both swords.

But the next moment, Cheng Feng threw a kunai again and disappeared. Erza's attack failed and she immediately looked towards the place where the kunai was thrown.

Sure enough, Cheng Feng Feng appeared next to Kunai

"It seems that transferring requires that kind of strange weapon. Erza understood instantly. Just when she was about to take action, she saw Cheng Feng taking out seven or eight more kunai. Erza suddenly had a headache. She raised her feet and took out the kunai in front of her. Wuji kicked him out

"Swish Swish Swish……"

The kunai instantly fell around Erza. Erza was a little worried about where Cheng Feng would attack from.

"I’m not afraid of the quantity!"

Elsa's magic power exploded, and knight swords suddenly appeared behind her.

"As expected of Erza, she has such fighting power at such a young age.

Cheng Feng sighed in his heart, and then disappeared on the spot.

"At this!"

Elsa immediately caught Cheng Feng's traces, swung her sword suddenly, and shot two knight swords towards Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng stood still and did not move, and on his right hand, a blue weapon rotating at high speed suddenly appeared. colored balls


Cheng Feng suddenly rushed out and rushed towards the Knight's Sword. He waved the Rasengan and collided with the Knight's Sword. The sudden impact force knocked the Knight's Sword away in an instant.

"The art of shadow clone."

A burst of white smoke erupted, and in an instant three more identical Cheng Feng appeared around Cheng Feng.

At this scene, Erza and Gray who were watching the battle were stunned.

"So, go ahead, don't blame me for bullying the less."*4

The four Cheng Feng spoke and disappeared in place, forming a quadrilateral and surrounding Erza.

""Four Red Yang Formation!"

In an instant, a rectangular barrier with four red transparent flames surrounded Erza.

Erza wanted to break through, but found that the barrier was extremely strong, and there was flames burning on the surface.

She attacked the barrier with the knight's sword one after another, but she couldn't break through. Erza smiled bitterly, and after changing her clothes helplessly, she said to Cheng Feng:"I admit defeat. I can't break through this barrier at the moment."

Seeing Erza admit defeat, Gray was immediately excited.

Cheng Feng lifted the Four Red Yang Formation, and the three shadow clones turned into smoke and dissipated.

Feeling the experience fed back by the shadow clones, Cheng Feng laughed.

In this way, he can really use a cheat when he practices in the future!

Gray ran over and said excitedly:"Great, Cheng Feng, you defeated the big devil!"


As soon as she finished speaking, Erza's iron fist hit Gray on the head. Gray immediately covered his head and squatted down, with a big swelling on his head.

"Deserve it."

Cheng Feng had no sympathy for Gray's experience at all. He released the receiving state and was about to take Gray to try Sanji's card. He suddenly felt keenly that his own attributes seemed to be enhanced.

What's going on? ?

Cheng Feng was stunned for a moment, and then immediately opened the character interface.

Name: Cheng Feng

Level: 2

Body: 8+ (184)

Strength: 10+ (173)

Sensitivity: 9+ (201)

Looking at the improved levels on the panel, Cheng Feng was stunned.

Did he defeat Erza?

You know, he has been studying how to upgrade for more than a year, but no matter how hard he tried, the level has not changed.

But now, he has upgraded.!

In an instant, Cheng Feng thought a lot and then looked at Gray with shining eyes.

"Gray, come and fight me!

Cheng Feng said to Gray:"The kind that uses magic!""


Gray raised his head and looked at Cheng Feng with tears in his eyes.

Then, he was pulled up by Cheng Feng, and the two started fighting.

Two minutes later, Gray fell to the side, and Cheng Feng shook his right foot. , let the devil's wind feet cool down.

When he opened the character interface and saw that it had been upgraded to level 3, Cheng Feng realized!

It turns out that upgrading requires the collision of magic, and you can only upgrade after defeating powerful enemies!

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