"Hey, Gray, let's have another fight."

In the guild, Cheng Feng smiled brightly and approached Gray.

Gray glanced at Cheng Feng, rubbed his livid eyes, and turned around to leave.

"……Erza, let's go exercise.

Erza, who was sitting there with her back to Cheng Feng, couldn't help but tremble even though she was wearing armor. She stood up suddenly, showed Cheng Feng a smile that was uglier than crying and said,"I'm sorry, Cheng Feng." Feng, I have a commission, so I have to take the first step."

After saying that, Erza immediately ran out of the guild.

Cheng Feng looked at Erza's back and stretched out his hand to keep her, but Erza ran faster.

"That, Kana-chan……"

"You are sexually harassing me."

Kana, who was wearing a dress, looked at Cheng Feng, picked up the book and walked away without even looking back.

"Uncle Macao……"

"I have something going on at home."

"Uncle Wakaba……"

"Xiaofeng, I’m going to get married. Let’s not talk anymore."


"I want to go out and sketch! I'm leaving!"


"There is actually a commission suitable for me here. I’m going to leave now and stop talking!"

Cheng Feng:...

Ever since he learned that magic combat can be upgraded, Cheng Feng has also fallen into a crazy battle.

Anyway, the commission will not come for a while, and the new commission will either not be able to grab the others, or it will be too late. Makarov didn't allow him to accept the commission, so he simply worked hard and concentrated on improving his strength.

At first, he still pulled Gray and Erza, but when they realized that they were no match for Cheng Feng, they couldn't handle it. In order to prevent the other party from fighting so frequently, he avoided Cheng Feng and then extended his claws to other people in the guild.

At first, Cheng Feng was not able to defeat the guild members well, but as time went on. Cheng Feng continued to practice and receive several cards alternately. His strength and combat experience improved at an extremely terrifying speed, directly overpowering others.

In the end, it became what it is now.

Cheng Feng lay on the table depressedly and opened the current character interface.

Name: Cheng Feng

Level: 10

Body: 27+ (184)

Strength: 28+ (173)

Agility: 28+ (201)

Five months. , reached level ten in one breath, and as the level reached level ten, Cheng Feng felt that he could receive the abilities of the two cards into himself.

This was definitely a qualitative leap!

And Cheng Feng estimated that, If the level continues to increase, he may be able to receive more cards, and even receive all six cards.

By then, Cheng Feng may have collected six red cards! After receiving it from him, Cheng Feng felt that he could beat the black dragon Acnologia.

Unfortunately, the people in the guild did not cooperate and did not give Cheng Feng a chance to gain experience!

Makarov smiled at the frustrated Cheng Feng, then handed Cheng Feng a commission and said:"Cheng Feng, you can try this commission. I think you can try the crusade mission."

Cheng Feng took the order sheet and took a look at it. It marked the commission to conquer the lizardmen.

Cheng Feng's eyes lit up.

Makarov had never accepted such high-intensity crusade tasks for him before. Even if it was a crusade, it would be Such weak monsters like rabbits.

So Cheng Feng guessed that the reason why he didn't upgrade in the first place was probably because these monsters were too weak and did not provide him with the experience that only Erza and the others had. Only by fighting against them and defeating them with a certain level of strength can you gain a certain amount of experience and level up.

When he thought of this, Cheng Feng sighed inwardly.

His golden finger was already half-broken, and he had no clues whatsoever. Guess for yourself, sometimes I’m really tired.

"Grandpa President, I accept this commission!"

Cheng Feng said immediately. He had an impression of lizardmen. They are very powerful monsters themselves, and they are good at water or earth magic. They usually live in swamp areas. Once they escape, they will indeed cause certain damage to the surrounding villages or towns.

Not to mention that the commission fee is 200,000 J. This lizard man alone can make Cheng Feng go there.

He can also test it. If defeating the lizard man will also give him a certain amount of experience, then Cheng Feng doesn't need to. As a member of the Huohuo Guild, from now on, you can just focus on completing the crusade mission.

Cheng Feng packed up and took a change of clothes. Cheng Feng took the Magnolia train and headed to the commissioned place.


After a full day's train ride in the town of St. Carolan, Cheng Feng finally arrived at this town with many nearby lakes.

When he got off the train, Cheng Feng saw many people selling a unique fruit. Cheng Feng also spent money to buy a few to try the taste.

When you bite into it, juice splashes everywhere. This fruit looks a bit like a pear, but its taste is similar to watermelon, with plenty of juice and good sweetness.

After asking about it, I learned that this kind of fruit is a specialty here. Regarding the commission, nearby fruit farmers pooled their money and commissioned a magician to deal with a lizard man who ran away from nowhere.

"Lizardmen are good at swimming, and there are many lakes here. I guess their magic is also water-related, which is a bit difficult to deal with."

After collecting the information, Cheng Feng had a headache.

Many times, the difficulty of the subjugation mission is not to subjugate the monster, but more to search for the traces of the monster.

"I have no idea for now, so I will contact the client and ask about the situation."

Cheng Feng ate the fruit and then found the client.

Or rather, the clients.

Because this commission was jointly funded by several fruit farmers, and because of this, the reward was as much as 200,000 J.

From them, I learned that the fruit trees they planted, that is, the fruit Cheng Feng ate, themselves need to absorb a lot of water, so the planting site also depends on the water source. There are many waters near the town of Saint Carolan, which also provides unique geographical conditions, but relatively speaking, once monsters like lizardmen who are good at water magic are mixed in, the damage to the orchard is very large.

According to their description, in just one night, their orchard lost hundreds of kilograms of fruit, which is equivalent to hundreds of thousands of J in currency.

They can't bear to do this every day.

They also organized people to resist, but they were all defeated by the lizardmen, and many people were seriously injured.

So everyone chipped in their money and sent the commission to the local guild president alliance, and then the alliance distributed it to the Fairy Tail Guild.

"Then the lizard man's target is the fruits of the orchard, and he probably plans to settle here. There is a situation of hurting people, and it really needs to be punished, and the action will be done at night……"

Cheng Feng pondered for a moment, looked at the fruit farmers and said,"I almost understand. Then I will guard the orchard tonight. If the lizard man appears, leave it to me to deal with it."

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