"Don't worry, don't worry, I can produce ten bottles every day, and when I'm not working, I can produce up to thirty bottles. So for those who need it, I will send the items to you in order, but you have to pay first 10% of the payment."

There is no doubt that Cheng Feng's Magic No. 2 is sold out and has also received a large number of orders.

Although the magic power reserve of Magic No. 2 is not much increased, it is more stable and can be taken for a long time.

Therefore, whether these guild leaders buy them for themselves, for their descendants, or for guild members, it is a good choice.

Plus this thing is really not expensive.

Cheng Feng has asked those chambers of commerce. If they sell it, they will increase the price to 120,000 J per bottle at most. This is their positioning of the product as a chamber of commerce, and it is also a price based on the market environment.

Cheng Feng is not as greedy as them, and these guild leaders place large orders, so the price can be reduced appropriately.

The price finally discussed was 100,000 J per bottle.

And now they are just testing the water with some potions. If the effect is good enough, there will probably be huge orders.

But even though it is said to be a test of the waters, the number of potions ordered by so many guilds has reached an astonishing 264 bottles!

Total value, 26.4 million J!

When Makarov looked at the final quantity written by Cheng Feng and the corresponding value, he felt a little weak in his legs.

That’s more than 20 million J!

And just for the booking fee, Cheng Feng collected 2.64 million J in one breath!

This is too exaggerated!

In the future, even if Cheng Feng doesn't work anymore, he can make a fortune and reach the pinnacle of his life just by selling potions!

Cheng Feng was shocked at first, but when he thought about the money he needed to invest in building a deck, he suddenly smiled bitterly.

This little money is nothing, I guess if you throw it all in, it will only make a noise.

There is no way, the water for drawing cards is too deep.

Unless you are the European Emperor, you will get whatever you want, otherwise, don’t even think about it.

In order to get enough cards to graduate, Cheng Feng conservatively estimated that he would need to invest at least 50 million J.

Of course, if you have a dark face, it is estimated that this value will rise even higher.

Cheng Feng looked at the pop-up windows that kept jumping in front of him. The money Cheng Feng had on hand now was just shy of 8 million J.

So the limited-time recharge event of this crappy game pops up as soon as it ends here, which is very annoying.

However, Cheng Feng was not anxious, because what he was anxious about now was this crappy game.

The items from the mysterious gift last time were pretty good, so Cheng Feng was thinking about saving up to see if he could still hold back a mysterious gift.

Anyway, it's free prostitution, and the current strength is sufficient. Cheng Feng is not in a hurry, let's talk about this crappy game of Diao Diao.

Cheng Feng was happy, but Joseph was very unhappy.

Fairy Tail and Ghost Ruler are the top guilds in Fiore Kingdom.

Now two equally matched guilds, suddenly one of them has received a large amount of capital injection, and depending on the situation, there may continue to be capital injections. Isn't this trying to ride on the head of their ghost ruler?!

Can this be tolerated?!

This is intolerable!


Joseph said softly to the blindfolded young version of Aliya beside him:"Can you deal with that kid?"

"It's so sad, the fairy is about to break her wings in my hands."

Alia's tears flowed from her eyes, as if she was very sad.

When Joseph saw that Alia agreed, he immediately laughed and looked at Cheng Feng, as if he was looking at a dead person.


The regular meeting began soon, and the guild members who were brought here were arranged to rest in a box.

Cheng Feng sat there, looking at the limited-time event that was refreshed again, and the mysterious gift that popped up, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

"Damn, I can't help it anymore!"

Leaving a small amount for daily expenses and collecting medicine materials, Cheng Feng recharged 7 million J into the game in one go.

"Recharge 70,000 spirit stones and receive an additional 7,000 spirit stones!"

"The mysterious gift has been sent!"

Looking at the sudden surge of spiritual stones, Cheng Feng felt relieved.

With the experience last time, Cheng Feng did not draw the card first, but opened the mysterious gift first

"Congratulations on getting the card pool designation, the random limited-time limited card pool permission is opened."

Cheng Feng looked at the things that came out of the mysterious gift, and there was only one thought in his mind.

The higher the virtue, the higher the devil!

To translate it, this time the mysterious gift is opened, you can designate a certain anime in the advanced card pool to draw cards, so that the probability of drawing the cards you want will be greatly increased.

As for the limited card pool, those who know will understand.

To put it bluntly, it is also a krypton cheat.

Pick out a certain card, increase the probability of drawing this card, and then cheat krypton, so that players will draw crazy draws.

It is estimated that Cheng Feng has made this broken game anxious this time, fearing that he will be too passive if he does this again.

So he came up with such a thing.

In this way, Cheng Feng is a bit passive.

The limited card pool is randomly refreshed. It doesn't matter if there is nothing Cheng Feng wants. If there is really a card that Cheng Feng needs, then ask you whether you will draw it?!

This broken system really has Cheng Feng in its hands. If the above situation really happens, and Cheng Feng does not have spirit stones on hand, it is estimated that Cheng Feng will be depressed to vomit blood!

"Including the remaining spirit stones, a total of 79 high-level ten consecutive draws can be drawn. Is it because the designated card pool is drained out in one go? Or six points of spiritual stones, waiting for the limited time limited card pool to bet on something big?" this is a problem

"Currently, Jiro's red card still has 20 fragments to turn it into a card.

Cheng Feng pondered in his mind:"How about leaving a limited-time limited card pool of 50 times of ten consecutive times, and 29 times of ten consecutive times, and try to see if you can collect Jiro's fragments?""

I have to admit that the red card is about to become a card. The temptation is too great.

And now that he has the authority to designate the card pool, Cheng Feng opened the illustrated book. The total number of cards in the anime"The Captive of Food" is only There are 30 character cards and 60 prop cards.

The four red cards are Ichiryu, Jiro, Sanhu and Acacia. In terms of probability, there is still a chance to collect Jiro.

"No matter, take a gamble!"

The temptation was too great, Cheng Feng succeeded, and without saying a word, he pushed the spirit stone up, and drew 29 times ten times in a row, directly studing!

Soon, the production of the card pool was designated to be limited, and the golden cards kept flying, and they were drawn once every ten times in a row. When the card flashed, Cheng Feng gritted his teeth and ignored everything else.

The first time, there was no red. The third time

, it was red.

It was three tiger fragments. *10!

The fourth time, no red


The sixteenth time, it’s red, Jiro fragments*10!


The twenty-second time, red, Jiro fragments *10!!!

Cheng Feng stopped the ten rounds and took out the card fragments from his backpack.

With one-click synthesis, Jiro's original paintings, which were originally broken, became complete this time.

Red card, acupuncture expert Jiro, successfully synthesized!!!

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