Name: Cheng Feng

Level: 19

Body: 47+ (283)

Strength: 46+ (266)

Sensitivity: 46+ (243)

Skill: Receive magic

Equipment: Hyōrinmaru

Card slot: Inuyasha (gold), Namikaze Minato (gold) , Edward (gold), Sanji (gold), Acupuncture Master Jiro (red), Elizabeth (purple).

As the card was equipped, Cheng Feng looked at the skyrocketing attributes, clenched his fist hard, and suddenly a sense of power swept through his body.

"This is the power of red cards! And it is still a first-level red card. If the level is upgraded,……"

While muttering to himself, he fed all the experience cards he drew to Jiro's cards.

The level of Jiro's card has also been directly upgraded from level one to level 32, and the three attributes have been directly increased by 50 points!

It’s scary!

As a combat fighter, his combat power is really exaggerated. Basically, every upgrade can give Cheng Feng a huge enhancement!

"At this time, it would be great if someone could come and let me try out the card effects for free."

Cheng Feng was itching to see how powerful the new card was.

"Are you Cheng Feng? It is said that you will be the youngest S-class wizard?"

Just as Cheng Feng was thinking, Aria suddenly came over and said to Cheng Feng:"Little ghost, do you think that S-class wizards are too simple?"

Cheng Feng looked at the tall man in front of him, who was wearing an eye band to cover his eyes, and curled his lips and said:"You Phantoms are really not qualified to say that. Our Fairy Tail's S-class assessment is recognized as the most difficult in the entire guild. Your Phantom S-class wizards are really not good enough."

"Little devil, it seems that I have to teach you how to respect your seniors.

Aliyah's tears were flowing, but her hands were already clasped together:"It's so sad, pathetic goblin.""

"If you want to cry, go cry to your mother. If you want to fight, I will accompany you!"

At this moment, Cheng Feng is full of fighting spirit and is not timid at all.


Is he very strong?

So if he accepts Jiro, can he beat him?

The tit-for-tat look between Cheng Feng and Alya also makes other magicians One after another persuaded

"This is the venue for regular meetings, no fighting."

"Cheng Feng, don't mess around"

"Alya, please control your temper. You are an S-class mage. How dare you fight with others?"

Everyone tried to break up the fight.

However, one received the president's signal and wanted to find a way to kill the other party, and the other just got the red card and wanted to test his power.

Under such circumstances, how could the two of them stop?

"Airspace, absolutely!"

In the end, Aliya couldn't help it anymore. With tears in his eyes, he pushed his hand suddenly, and an impact bomb was shot towards Cheng Feng from almost zero distance.

There was only a muffled"bang" sound, and Cheng Feng felt like he was being killed. He flew backwards like a heavy blow. After the violent collision with the ground, his body seemed to have lost control, and he drew two deep ravines on the ground. With a heavy impact, he finally hit hard. The ground hit the wall.

However, the wall obviously could not withstand such a huge impact, and it instantly broke apart.

Cheng Feng's body continued to fly back, and he retreated for more than three meters before barely regaining his balance.

"He actually took action!"

"Cheng Feng, are you okay?"

"Aliyah, what do you want to do?"

This sudden scene made everyone stunned for a moment, and then they panicked completely and started arguing.

"It's really sad. Now, I'll leave the goblin with a deep memory."

Aliya ignored the noisy people around her and strode towards Cheng Feng.

But Aliya was also a little shocked. The other party took one of her attacks from almost zero distance and was able to block it.

It seemed, President Joseph's worries are not unreasonable. When this guy grows up, he will definitely be a big problem for Ghost. He must deal with it as soon as possible!

Alya clasped his hands together and prepared to kill Cheng Feng with his next move.

"You really dare to take action, you bitch."

Cheng Feng slowly lowered his thick arms that were originally used to resist impact bombs. As his arms moved, you could see that his two sleeves had been blown to pieces and fell to the ground like snowflakes.

Not only In this way, even the god-controlling robe he was wearing and the lining inside became torn.

Cheng Feng looked down at his arms that had become red and swollen due to excessive resistance. The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he pulled out a cold smile. Smile.

Then, he suddenly reached out and grabbed the broken clothes on his body and pulled hard.

With a"squeak" sound, the already tattered clothes were torn in half and fell to his feet without any protection.

Cheng Feng showed a strong and muscular body with clear muscle lines.

His bronze skin shone with a healthy luster, and every muscle was full of strength, as if he could explode with amazing power at any time.

At the heart of the heart, the guild's coat of arms actually emitted a faint light at this moment, looming like a star about to wake up.

"Then, if you are beaten to death by me, don’t complain!"

Cheng Feng shouted loudly, and the light on his body disappeared in a flash.

Everyone suddenly secretly thought, it seems that these two people can't be nice today!

But when they looked at Cheng Feng, they were all stunned.

Because at this moment, Cheng Feng has turned into an old man with a white airplane head and nails on every vital part of his body.

Just looking at this look, no matter how you look at it, he looks like he will collapse if the wind blows.!

"Wrong reception?"

As soon as such thoughts emerged, they found that Cheng Feng raised his hands and stretched out two fingers.

For a moment, everyone suddenly had the illusion that they were not two fingers, but as if they were two sharp blades!

Cheng Feng slowly extended his fingers. It pierced his shoulder blade, and then, a scene that shocked everyone appeared!

Cheng Feng's originally shriveled body suddenly swelled, and his muscles bulged up like a balloon, and his body swelled even more. He soon turned into a little giant more than three meters tall!

"Gaba, Gaba……"

Shaking his neck slightly, feeling the sense of power almost overflowing from his body, Cheng Feng looked at Alya who was walking towards him but now stopped, and sneered:"Try my current strength, but , Don't die, otherwise it will be boring."

As he spoke, a vast coercion erupted from Cheng Feng's body, and the dust around him rushed madly in all directions.

This sudden pressure made everyone present feel tense, as if they were being stared at by a wild beast.

It feels like a creature at the top of the food chain is showing murderous intent towards you. As a creature at the bottom of the food chain, let alone fighting, it can't even raise the thought of resistance.

"No, there's too much noise!"

Feeling the indiscriminate pressure sweeping across, Alya knew that the situation here would definitely be noticed by the presidents meeting inside.

By then, it would be difficult to touch Cheng Feng!

When he thought of this , Alia no longer held back, and suddenly rushed towards Cheng Feng

, opening her hands and shouting:"Death Sky, destroy!""

Putting his hands together, the magic power around Cheng Feng was instantly drained. At the same time, the magic power in Cheng Feng's body also looked like it was about to be extracted together.

"Aliyah, stop it!"

At this time, Makarov's voice sounded, and Makarov, who transformed into a giant, rushed over angrily. Seeing Alia's dead hand towards Cheng Feng, his eyes were red with anger, and he punched Aliya hard. Hit hard.

However, the next moment, Makarov was stunned because Cheng Feng yawned and said to Alya:"Are you giving me a massage? It's not strong enough. Try my [massage]. Deterrence anesthesia!"

Wia surged again, and the terrifying suppressive force instantly made Aliya's whole body stiff, and she couldn't even move a finger.

If it was a normal situation, it would be nothing.

But don't forget, behind Aliya, there is A punch from Makarov's giant form!


Alia, who was acupunctured, couldn't move at all. Makarov punched Alia, and Alia vomited three liters of blood. The whole person flew out like a cannonball, breaking several big trees and rocks in succession, and then fell into the ruins.

This blow was enough to show how powerful Makarov's angry punch was!

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