After the cargo ship is loaded with cargo, it travels very slowly.

If it is a passenger ship, it may take one and a half days to reach the port of Magnolia, but a cargo ship will take three days.

During this period, Cheng Feng also became familiar with Inuyasha's abilities.

Relying on the power of receiving magic and receiving the InuYasha card, Cheng Feng also transformed into a half-demon image with silver hair, golden eyes and white ears.

The only difference between him and Inuyasha is that he is too small and probably a little lacking in power.

But compared to Cheng Feng's original strength, it's just fine.

The two skills that come with the Inuyasha card are the soul-dispersing iron claws and the long-distance flying blade blood claws that require the use of blood.

If Inuyasha can be equipped with Iron Fang, then Cheng Feng can use other attacks such as wind damage.

Unfortunately, Tie Suiya is also a golden equipment, so it is a bit difficult to get them together.

However, the two skills of Soul-dispersing Iron Claw and Flying Blade Blood Claw are sufficient in the early stage.

Cheng Feng experimented and found that with the power of the soul-dispersing iron claws, it was easy to scratch rocks to pieces without any problem. If it were caught on a human body, unless the opponent had a dragon physique like Natsu, ordinary people would definitely die.

"After using the received magic, the strength was greatly enhanced, but the level and attributes of the body have not increased. This is a problem. Do I need to exercise myself to increase my attributes?"

Cheng Feng sat at the bottom of the warehouse, thinking about this problem.

But when he was about to try it, he suddenly felt the entire hull shake. Cheng Feng lost his balance and fell directly to the ground.

"What's wrong? On the rocks?"

Cheng Feng got up and looked around the bottom of the warehouse. There was no sign of water entering.

But soon, when the sound of fighting came from above, Cheng Feng realized that he might have encountered pirates or something.

One day Thinking of this, Cheng Feng climbed up the warehouse and carefully pushed open the heavy hatch. He squinted and peered out through the narrow door gap. Sure enough, he saw a group of pirates in strange clothes. Figures in uniforms appeared on the deck.

These people were holding various weapons in their hands, and they were engaging in a thrilling and fierce battle with the sailors of the cargo ship.

The whole scene was extremely cruel and bloody. It was horrifying to see that the deck was stained scarlet with blood, and the floor was covered with bloodstains left by the fighting between the two sides, as well as a small number of broken limbs. It was as if the owner of this cargo ship was in hell at this moment. , Uncle Corey was panting, holding a magic book, sliding the pages, and shooting water bombs at the pirates.

However, Uncle Corey was already over fifty years old, and he didn't have much physical fitness or magic power reserves at all. Water bomb strength is not strong at all

"Got it!"

Cheng Feng suddenly had an idea, and he pushed open the door with bright eyes.

When the door opened, many people found Cheng Feng.

However, seeing Cheng Feng's frail appearance, no one paid attention to a little kid like him.

"Uncle Corey, do you want to help?!

Cheng Feng shouted to Uncle Corey:"I know magic. If you hire me, I can help you fight pirates.""

"Kid, hide yourself."

Obviously, Uncle Corey didn't care about Cheng Feng's words at all. After all, Cheng Feng deliberately avoided everyone's practice. They didn't know that Cheng Feng was receiving magic.

Seeing that Uncle Corey didn't believe him at all, Cheng Feng smacked his lips and completed the reception in an instant. , transforming into InuYasha, powerful power filled his body, Cheng Feng squatted down and stained his hands with the blood on the deck.

"Flying Blade Blood Claw!"

Suddenly swinging his sharp claws, the blood on his hands accompanied the swing, and instantly formed several extremely thin blood blades, like a slash, directly knocking an unresponsive pirate to the ground.

This sudden scene , immediately attracted everyone's attention, and immediately two big pirate men rushed towards Cheng Feng with their swords raised high.

Cheng Feng used his feet to exert force. The powerful jumping ability brought by the Inuyasha card allowed him to easily dodge the opponent's attack. Cheng Feng retreated to Uncle Corey

"Kid, you are very strong!"

Uncle Corey looked at Cheng Feng's performance and praised:"Then please help deal with these pirates."

"No, no, no, you have to pay more. Cheng

Feng shook his head towards Uncle Corey and said,"I only accept employment." Two hundred thousand J, I'll help you get rid of these pirates"

"Two hundred thousand? Why don't you just go and rob it?"

Uncle Corey's eyes widened.

"They are robbing, I am helping.

Cheng Feng pointed at the pirates.

"One hundred thousand."

Uncle Corey gritted his teeth. He knew that there was one more person and one more helper, and Cheng Feng's strength seemed pretty good.

"180,000, this is my lowest price."

Cheng Feng took a step back. He still had 290 Spirit Stones. 180,000 could buy 1,800 Spirit Stones, enough for two ten-draw combos!

"Below this price, I don’t care. Uncle Corey, you don’t want all your money to be lost, right?"

After listening to Cheng Feng's words, Uncle Corey's head was filled with blood and he immediately shouted:"Okay, 180,000 J! But if you can't solve it, don't blame me for not giving you a cent."

"Got it."

Cheng Feng suddenly laughed, as if he saw the golden and scarlet cards waving towards him.

With a sudden sprint, Cheng Feng rushed out as fast as lightning, and the soul-dispersing iron claws suddenly rushed towards a faster man. Catch the slow pirates


A tearing sound came, and Cheng Feng's claws suddenly tore five deep wounds on the pirate's body.

Along with the scream, blood spurted out, staining Cheng Feng's hands.

"Flying Blade Blood Claw!"

Several blood blades flew out, and many pirates used their weapons to block them. The good-quality weapons blocked them, but the poor-quality weapons were directly cut off by the blood blades. The blood blades directly chopped them to the ground, and there was a lot of blood. The deck was almost soaked. Cheng

Feng used the Soul-dispersing Iron Claw and the Flying Blade Blood Claw alternately, like a tiger rushing into a flock of sheep. The terrifying lethality made it almost impossible for this group of pirates to defeat their enemies. Pirates, Cheng Feng couldn't help but sigh at the power of the gold card.

If there was no gold card like Inuyasha and just a white card like Satan, Cheng Feng would be able to defeat one or two pirates, which would be pretty good.

But with gold cards and white cards. The gap is too big, big enough for people to look up at!

And Uncle Corey and the others couldn't help but sigh in their hearts when they looked at Cheng Feng who was like the God of War.

"This is a magician. Even if he is just a child, once he has mastered the power of magic, his strength will be far beyond what these pirates can compete with!"

The pirates also lost their courage after being killed, and the remaining people retreated towards the pirate ship.

Cutting off the ropes connecting the sides, they turned around and ran away without looking back.

Cheng Feng stood in the blood, feeling the blood in his body The gradually declining magic power could no longer sustain the reception state and returned to its normal form.

He grinned at Uncle Corey and said:"Mission accomplished, Uncle Corey, don't forget my reward!"

Uncle Corey put away the magic book, rolled his eyes and said,"If you can't forget it, I'll give it to you later!"

Hearing Uncle Corey's words, Cheng Feng suddenly smiled even more happily. With

180,000 J and ten consecutive rounds twice, his strength will skyrocket next!

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