At the bottom of the cabin, Cheng Feng held a brand new stack of coins and looked at the game interface that was constantly beating in front of him.

Waiting silently.

Sure enough, as he kept failing to recharge, a pop-up window suddenly popped up on the game interface, and a limited-time activity was launched to give him extra spiritual stones as much as he recharged.

After confirming that the event was started, Cheng Feng hesitated for a moment. Instead of charging all 180,000 J, he kept 10,000 J and charged all 170,000 J.

"1,700 spiritual stones have been received, and an additional 170 spiritual stones will be given as a gift."

Watching the spirit stones jumping from 290 to 2160, Cheng Feng couldn't bear it any longer.

He rubbed his hands, his heart trembling with excitement, and instantly drew the first ten rounds of high-level cards from the pool.

Golden cards were flying, Cheng Feng murmured to himself:"Based on the nature of the game, the first ten consecutive games should give you better cards. Don't let me down, you must get a good one!""

Following Cheng Feng's words, ten cards stayed in the air.

Flip the cards, one red, two gold, one purple, and six blue appeared in front of Cheng Feng.

"Big bang!!!"

Looking at the flashing light of the first ten consecutive rounds, Cheng Feng was extremely excited.

But when the light dissipated, Cheng Feng's smile froze on his face

"Acupressure Master Jiro Fragments (Red)*10, Zoro Fragments (Gold)*20, Alchemist Edward (Gold), Sonic the Speeder (Purple), Safety Pants (Blue), Experience Card (Blue)*5."

Two card fragments, I waited in vain.

Gold cards require 50 fragments, and red cards require 60 fragments to synthesize.

If there was no consolation prize, Alchemist Edward card, Cheng Feng would probably cry.

As for Sonic the Speeder, it was a pleasant surprise.

And that item...

Safety Pants, Misaka Mikoto's exclusive equipment, equip Misaka Mikoto, agility +30%, strength +10%!

Very strong.


Cheng Feng didn't have the face to equip it!

Imagine, a grown man, wearing safety pants, what would it look like!

"I don’t believe it! Again!"

The second round of ten draws started.

When Cheng Feng flipped over the card, his heart went cold.

"Ulquiorra (gold)*20, fairy beans (purple), experience card (purple), experience card (blue)*7"

There is not a single card!

The first guarantee mechanism of a copycat mobile game has been lost. , the nature of this money-making mobile game has been completely exposed!

To come up with good cards, you have to spend money like crazy. Even if you are crazy, you can only maintain your daily output, not to mention that Cheng Feng doesn't have the guts now. In this place, the only way to go is krypton gold, which is outrageous!

"No, there is still a way to work hard."

Cheng Feng's eyes flashed with a determined look.

Join Fairy Tail, then work like crazy to complete guild missions, earn bounties, and then recharge them into the game to draw cards!

For Cheng Feng, this is the best way!

"Fairy Tail must be joined as soon as possible. There is no time to waste. Otherwise, without enough cards, the strength will increase too slowly."

While speaking, Cheng Feng added Edward and Sonic the Hedgehog to the card slots.

At the same time, he thought for a moment, equipped Iruka with the kunai, improved the strength attribute a little, and temporarily equipped Sonic the Hedgehog with the safety pants.

Senzu beans are life-saving things, so they are not equipped to people for the time being. Then he gave the experience card to Inuyasha to use. Inuyasha also reached level 23.

Name: Cheng Feng

Level: 1

Physical: 1+ (64)

Strength: 1+ (68)

Agility: 1+ (72)

Skills: Receive magic

Equipment: Snow Walker

Card slots: Satan, Inuyasha, Iruka (kunai), Edward, Sonic the Hedgehog (safety pants).

Five of the six card slots are full, two gold, one purple and two white.

If placed in the ordinary world, Cheng Feng is already invincible.

But in the world of Fairy Tail, with this strength, it is estimated that even the fourth generation president Makao cannot beat him.

"Let's take it one step at a time. If it doesn't work, then train like crazy and enhance your own attributes, which is also a way to become stronger."

Cheng Feng comforted himself, and at the same time he was looking forward to catching up with the protagonists like Natsu, how strong he would be.


Time passed quickly, and the cargo ship also crossed the sea, and finally stopped at the port of Magnolia.

The sailors began to unload the cargo. After saying goodbye to Uncle Corey, Cheng Feng got off the ship and arrived at this metropolis with a population of more than 60,000 and where magic has been prevalent since ancient times.

Standing on the pier, Cheng Feng could see the largest buildings in the two cities.

One, located in the city center, is the largest church in the city, the Cathedral of Cartier.

And the other one is the Fairy Tail guild with the flag flying at the top!

""We're finally here!"

Cheng Feng looked at the flag with the guild logo flying, and his heart was filled with excitement.

It had only been a short time since he came here, but the experiences during this period seemed to be more exciting than the experiences of the previous twenty years.

Following the main road on the pier, Cheng Feng walked towards the Fairy Tail Guild.

When Cheng Feng stood at the entrance of the guild and looked up at the three-story building, he felt unreal.

"Work, work, otherwise you will have no money."

Just when Cheng Feng looked at the closed door, wondering whether to knock on the door or kick it open, the door was opened, and the young version of Wakaba and Makao were holding hands, staggering with the smell of alcohol. came out.

When the two sides met, Wakaba and Makao were stunned for a moment, then looked at Cheng Feng and said,"Kid, what are you doing here? Looking for someone?"

"No, I want to join Fairy Tail."

Cheng Feng shook his head, and then under the confused eyes of Wakaba and Makao, Cheng Feng walked from them into the Fairy Tail Guild.

As soon as he entered the guild, a lively scene suddenly came into view. At first glance, this place is more like a lively tavern than a guild.

Magicians are drinking and chatting here. Several young and beautiful ladies are walking around, serving food and drinks.

There are also a few people around the mission bar. Individually, they looked at the task list, then communicated, and took the next task list.

However, Cheng Feng's eyes quickly moved to the corner of the guild, where a black-haired, bare-chested kid was sitting silently. Sitting there eating, it was out of tune with the lively atmosphere around it.

"Gray? Well, indeed, Gray should have joined Fairy Tail earlier, if Gray was here……"

Soon, Cheng Feng glanced around and found Kana who was reading quietly on the other side.

These two guys can be regarded as the first batch of people of their age to join the Fairy Tail guild.

It's too early for me. After joining, after fighting with Gray, Erza and others, and practicing for a while, my attribute problems should be solved very well.

When he thought of this, Cheng Feng walked towards the guild and stared at the little old man sitting on the counter drinking.

Makarov Dolea!

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