"Huh? Little guy, what are you doing in the guild?"

Makarov was sitting on the counter drinking wine, watching a cute little boy with black hair and golden eyes walking in front of him, Putting down the bottle of wine, he asked

"I want to join Fairy Tail. Cheng

Feng looked at Makarov and said,"I hope you can agree.""

Makarov laughed. Cheng Feng's words also made many people who heard them laugh.

"Hahahaha, little guy, this is not a place to play house, you……"

Before he finished speaking, Makarov saw Cheng Feng's calm eyes with a hint of determination. His original laughter stopped, his face became heavy, and he looked at Cheng Feng and said,"Where is your family?"

"All dead.

Cheng Feng looked at Makarov and said calmly:"My hometown is Rosemary Village. It seems to have been attacked. The whole village disappeared. I hid in a dry well and survived, but my head seemed to be injured." Sorry, I can't remember what happened before. Then I left the village, walked all the way, and took a boat to get here, and then I wanted to find a place to live, and at the same time, I also settled my future life."

Cheng Feng's tone was calm, but his words made people gasp.

"Rosemary Village? I remember it seemed to be quite far away from Magnolia. How could this kid come here?"

"The most important thing is that there are rumors that the village seems to have been attacked by the Dark Guild. If this kid can survive, he is really lucky."

"This is another poor little guy. President, can you take him in?"

Makarov glanced at these people, and everyone stopped speaking.

"Have you lost your memory?"

Makarov looked at Cheng Feng and asked

"Maybe. Cheng

Feng remained calm, and then said to Makarov:"I know magic and I am very strong, so I want to join Fairy Tail." I can get the job done, and I need money to survive, so please, let me stay."

Makarov looked at the anxiety in Cheng Feng's eyes and sighed slightly in his heart. He suddenly stretched out his hand, his palm became larger, and covered Cheng Feng's head. He said,"Don't be so anxious. If you want to stay, then Just stay. But if you want to work, wait until you grow up."

As he spoke, he rubbed Cheng Feng's head. At this moment, Makarov was full of kindness. He would never see his child suffer.

Cheng Feng knew that he had passed Makarov's inspection and joined the Fairy Tail Guild. It was a done deal, but when he raised his head, two tears flowed down unconsciously.

"" Huh?"

Cheng Feng was a little puzzled. He clearly didn't feel any discomfort, so why was he crying?

Was it the subconscious of this body? Or was it the body's instinctive reaction?

Cheng Feng didn't know, but he quickly wiped away his tears with his hands and said dissatisfiedly:"No! I'm very strong! I want to work and make money!"

"Hahahaha, Nobu, look at this guy, he knows he has to work at such a young age"

"Hey, I'm looking for a mission that only I can accomplish!"

Nobu, who was dressed like an Indian, protested and still lingered in front of the commission board.

"Don't worry, little guy."

Makarov patted Cheng Feng's head and said with a smile:"There will be a chance, but your current task is to eat well and grow up well. Tell me first, what is your name?"

"I don't know my previous name, but now I have given myself a name, Cheng Feng."

Cheng Feng raised his head and said seriously:"I am really strong! My magic is receiving magic, I can receive the soul of the hero!"

"Cheng Feng? It's great to receive magic, but right now, your body is still growing, so don't put too much pressure on yourself."

Makarov said with a smile, then stretched out his hand to carry Cheng Feng to the counter, and said to Cheng Feng:"Since you want to join Fairy Tail, I need to give you a guild seal first. Which color do you like? Where?"

"Gold, I want to cover my heart."

Cheng Feng pulled his collar, revealing his chest full of ribs.

Looking at Cheng Feng's exposed body, Makarov's eyes softened.

"Cheng Feng must have suffered a lot along the way."

With such thoughts emerging, Makarov took action himself, picked up the guild seal, changed the color, and printed it on Cheng Feng's heart.

Seeing that a Fairy Tail magic mark was left there, Makarov He touched Cheng Feng's head and said,"Okay, now you are also a member of Fairy Tail!"


Cheng Feng responded and pulled up his clothes:"Thank you, Grandpa President, I'm going to work.""

After saying that, Cheng Feng jumped off the counter and was about to go to the entrustment board to take a look.

But when he was about to leave, he was grabbed by Makarov's big hand.

"Cheng Feng, take a good rest first."

Makarov asked the waiter to prepare a piece of food for Cheng Feng, and then said to Cheng Feng:"Since you said you are strong, then let's compete with the members of our guild. If you can defeat them, I will let you go to work. ,May I?"

"All right."

Cheng Feng was a little discouraged. Although Makarov meant well, if he didn't have a stable income to draw cards, it would be very difficult for him to improve his strength.

However... he took a mouthful of seafood fried rice and put it in his mouth. , Cheng Feng looked at Makarov.

As long as he can defeat the contestant, he can accept the commission and go out to work!

With this thought, Cheng Feng speeded up, finished a plate of seafood fried rice quickly, and then picked up the juice. After a gulp, Cheng Feng ran up to Makarov and said,"Grandpa President, I'm ready!"

Makarov looked at Cheng Feng who was eager to try, touched his beard, and said:"Tuno, come and compete with Cheng Feng. You are a light magician, not very powerful. Don't hurt the child.""

"Okay, President."

Following Makarov's words, a man with short hair and glasses stood up.

Wearing a T-shirt and shorts, he was extraordinarily ordinary. There was nothing eye-catching about him. Cheng Feng thought carefully. For a moment, I didn't find any information about this person in my mind.

It is estimated that this guy should also play a role in the plot.

"Then let’s get started!"

Cheng Feng looked at Tuono who stood up. Without saying a word, his body flashed with light, and the next moment he transformed into the image of Inuyasha.

"Whole body reception? So fast."

Makarov watched Cheng Feng complete the reception in an instant, and nodded in his heart. At such a young age, he can complete the whole body reception. Such a talent is definitely a good prospect.

It is also because of this that Makarov does not want to let him go. Cheng Feng went to work so early.

After all, children still need to have a better childhood in order to heal the wounds in their hearts!

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