A light lit up in Tuono's hand. He looked at Cheng Feng's new image and said,"It's very cute, but you have to be careful next time."

As he said that, Tuono waved his hand suddenly:"Arrow of light."

In an instant, Three arrows condensed with light shot towards Cheng Feng quickly.

Cheng Feng's golden pupils shrank, and he exerted force on his feet. His figure instantly disappeared from the spot, and he rushed towards Tuono. The soul-dispelling iron claw in his hand was already in place.


The soul-dispersing iron claw collided with the arrow of light and shattered it instantly.

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned, and some even looked at Cheng Feng in disbelief.

How old is this guy? He can actually hit it.

Although light magic is not good at attacking, the light arrow is still powerful as an attack method. It is enough to see how powerful Cheng Feng's attack is.

"The explosive power and wrist strength are very strong, but the attack method is a mess. However, at such an age, it is normal."

Makarov squinted his eyes and looked at it, giving Cheng Feng a score in his heart.

"It actually smashed the arrow of light, it looks quite powerful."

Tono was not panicked when he saw this scene. He clapped his hands, and a light suddenly lit up, and a wall of light blocked Cheng Feng. The

Soul-scattering Iron Claw collided with the light wall, and Cheng Feng only felt his fingertips numb. The defense of the light wall made it impossible for Cheng Feng to break through.

Unconvinced, Cheng Feng used the Soul-scattering Iron Claw twice more, but still failed to break through the defense. Seeing this, a light cage covered Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng instantly launched himself and dodged the cage, and his body burst into light again. When the light dissipated, Cheng Feng turned into a young man with short blond hair, and his right arm and left leg turned into metal prostheses.

"Is there anything different?"

Watching Cheng Feng transforming, Tuono was stunned for a moment, and then with a wave of his hand, the cage of light turned into a rope and wound towards Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng landed, clapped his hands, and then pressed it on the ground. The ground surged, and the soil and gravel formed a wall, blocking the rope of light.

"Styling magic?"

Everyone murmured in their hearts.

But the next moment, they saw Cheng Feng reaching for the ground and shaking it, and soon a dark short spear appeared in his hand.

Looking at the direction, Cheng Feng suddenly threw the short spear towards the light. shoot away from the wall


With a crisp sound, the short spear was blocked by the wall of light.

Taking this opportunity, Cheng Feng transformed into the image of Inuyasha again, dodged the ejection, and bypassed the earth wall towards the rope of light that was wrapping around him.

"Stop struggling, you can't break through my wall of light."

Tonno said helplessly. President Makarov would not let him hit hard, but he had been holding back his strength. If he went all out, he would probably be able to tie up this little guy in an instant.

"Not always!"

Cheng Feng said lightly. He had already arrived in front of the wall of light. His body shape changed, and he put his hands together and placed them on the wall of light.

Just when Tuono was wondering what this guy was going to do, suddenly his own The wall of light disintegrated, revealing a large hole


Tuno was startled, but Cheng Feng took the opportunity to pass through the wall of light and rushed towards Tuono with a short spear in hand.

"It is not disintegration, but separation, transforming the original form of the light wall.

Makarov looked at the obvious extra piece on one side of the light wall and instantly understood what Cheng Feng had done just now.

"Very thoughtful, but that’s about it."

Makarov muttered in his heart, and then said:"That's it, Tono, let's trap him first."

"Okay, got it, President."

When Tono saw Makarov speaking, he naturally didn't need to restrain himself. He suddenly took action, and a rope of light appeared around Cheng Feng at lightning speed.

Cheng Feng looked at the ropes around him. The next moment, the ropes It wrapped around him and instantly wrapped Cheng Feng into a rice dumpling.

"It's over, Cheng Feng, now you know, you still have a long way to go before you can complete the task independently."

Makarov spoke, picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

"I haven't lost yet!"

Cheng Feng's voice came out from under the ball of light, and the originally strong rope broke instantly.

When Cheng Feng rushed out, he was already in the form of Inuyasha.

The only difference was that a tachi appeared in his hand.

It was Yukizako!

Hand Holding the snow and walking away, a familiar feeling came over Cheng Feng, holding the handle of the knife in his hand, and suddenly shouted:"Wind injury!"

As Cheng Feng suddenly swung his knife, the next moment, a hurricane was set off in an instant. In an instant, the lively people around him were directly implicated, and the tables and chairs were thrown away, causing everyone to yell and curse.

As the target of Wind Injury , Tuonuo also screamed strangely, and his whole body erupted with fierce light, and a thick layer of light shield firmly protected it.

The hurricane struck on the shield, and the shield shook for a while, and Tuonuo was inside. There was also a moment of helplessness.

I don't know how this kid suddenly burst out with such a powerful attack. If it hits someone, it will definitely do something bad.

And Cheng Feng's attack also directly drained his own magic power and reduced his reception state. It was lifted directly. Holding the hilt of the knife, he panted and looked at the shield of light that was still unbroken, and understood the difference between himself and ordinary magicians.

But what he didn't expect was that even without Tie Suiya. , just with ordinary Tatou Snow, you can also cut out the Wind Wound.

You know, in Inuyasha's setting, the Wind Wound can use the gaps between the demonic energy emitted by the opponent to cut out a strong hurricane, even in one go. Killing hundreds of monsters at once.

But here, there are no more rules. As long as you have a knife in your hand, you can use your own magic power to perform wind damage! However, this is definitely a good thing.

The power of this move is too great. Using it once, it directly drained his magic power and he couldn't even maintain the state of absorption.


The shield of light was broken. Tuono looked at Cheng Feng depressedly and said:"Boy, you are too cruel."

"Look at what has happened to the guild."

"Damn it, so many tables, chairs, plates, and wine glasses are all broken, it costs a lot of money."


Cheng Feng's eyes lit up when he heard the familiar words.

He turned around and looked at Makarov, who was about to cry without tears and his face was ashen. Cheng Feng immediately raised his hand and said:"Grandpa, President, I can repair things and give them to you. Do I get paid? From now on, I can fix everything that is broken in the guild!"

I'm kidding, Edward is good at alchemy. As long as everything is complete and he can build a table, chair or something, he still has to hold it in his hands.

After hearing Cheng Feng's words, Makarov's expression suddenly turned gloomy, and he jumped down. He patted Cheng Feng on the head and said,"It hurts feelings to talk about money. Cheng Feng, you don’t have anywhere to live now anyway. Let's do this. There is an attic at the top of the guild. You can live there. As for the rent, don't mention it. Just help repair things in the future. Ok, deal."

After saying that, without waiting for Cheng Feng to refuse, Makarov made his decision.

Makarov also burst into laughter in his heart. With Cheng Feng as his treasure, those gangsters in the guild will never fight again in the future. Cheng Feng can repair everything that has become tattered. How much money will this save?

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