"It's daybreak?"

The bright light illuminated the dark night. Under Erza's guidance, Makarov, who was looking ahead on the boat, suddenly discovered that the"sun" appeared in front of him!


Not the sun!

Makarov's pupils shrank rapidly, because he saw clearly that it was a huge fireball formed by a high concentration of magic power!

""Cheng Feng! Don't!"

Mirajane, who had arrived earlier and whose magic power was almost exhausted, called out to Cheng Feng loudly.

But it was too late!


A huge fireball fell from the sky like a burning meteorite, like a dazzling sun falling rapidly! At that thrilling moment, a shocking explosion suddenly broke out!

The raging flames and the deafening roar intertwined, as if to tear the whole world apart. An extremely huge mushroom cloud of fire rose into the sky, covering the sky and the sun, occupying everyone's vision.

Then, the surging air waves swept in with an overwhelming force, and its power was so fierce that it actually threw Milaje up and threw him out.���A full hundred meters away!

Not only that, even distant ships were not spared.

The originally calm sea became rough at this moment, and the waves rolled like a pot of boiling water.

The strong wind howled, making it almost impossible for everyone to stand. They leaned down and lay tightly on the swaying deck, just barely able to stabilize their bodies and avoid being blown away by the strong wind.

When everything settled, everyone stood up.

With the help of the remaining flames, they could see that the original tower had long since disappeared. Even the corner of the island where the tower was located had disappeared without a trace!

At this moment, everyone looked at the young man wrapped in golden aura in the air, full of helplessness.

The name of tyrant is really not wrong at all.

This temper is too violent!

What's even more terrifying is that he still has corresponding strength.

If they messed with such a guy, they would really regret it.

"No! Miliana! stop! Wooley! Simon!"

Elsa looked at the destroyed Paradise Tower and knelt down at the bow of the ship.

"Or is it too late?"

Erza lowered her head, tears flowing uncontrollably.


The next moment, a faint cry for help was heard. Erza was stunned for a moment, and immediately lay down on the side of the ship, looking at the sea below.

At this moment, Milliana and the others were floating on the sea with their eyes rolled back and foaming at the mouth.

The powerful explosion just now had knocked them unconscious, and they finally recovered.

Seeing this big ship, they quickly called for help.

"Miliana! Wooley! Simon!

Erza exclaimed in surprise:"Isn't that right?" Where is Hugh?"

"Meow, turned over……"

Miliana looked at the turned-over ice cube aside. Xio's head was now under the surface of the sea, and he was constantly drinking seawater.


Following Erza's call, everyone rescued Miliana and the others.

As for Xio?

He was hanging it on the side of the ship to dry. He will be fine after the water is vomited out.


"It's so...refreshing!"

Cheng Feng combed his hair with one hand and carried his hair behind his back. He looked at the destroyed Tower of Paradise below and felt happy.

With the disappearance of the Tower of Paradise, Cheng Feng also felt the persistence in his body that had been restricting him. His thoughts finally disappeared.

At this moment, he was finally reborn!

What he could intuitively feel was the surge in magic power!

If it had been in the past, this blow would have drained all the energy from his body. Magic power.

But now, the magic power has increased by at least half!

And the speed of magic recovery is extremely fast. In just a few minutes, his magic power has been restored to one-fifth!

"so good!"

Cheng Feng laughed heartily, and the laughter spread with the sea breeze.

Everyone who heard it could feel the joy and joy in the laughter.

"Damn bastard!"

But the next moment, a roar resounded through the sky, and six magic stars flashed and shot towards Cheng Feng in mid-air.


Urrutia looked up at the battle site, and then couldn't help shouting,"Come on! Beat that bastard up!"

At this moment, Urrutia was tied up like a caterpillar, and could only move forward on the ground.

She wanted to run, but Cheng Feng had set up a barrier around her.

Moreover, this barrier was very strong, and it withstood the shock wave of the explosion once, and Urrutia inside was not hurt at all.

Urrutia was a little desperate about this.

Now, she didn't ask for anything else, but just hoped that Jellal would be more powerful and beat Cheng Feng up so that she could vent her anger.

As for winning?

Urrutia was still very self-aware. Jellal was very talented, but his talent was not worth mentioning in front of the current tyrant.

Therefore, Urrutia would be satisfied if she could punch Cheng Feng!

"I almost forgot, there is you."

Cheng Feng looked at the attack coming towards him and swung his sword suddenly. The ice dragon roared out and swallowed up the opponent's attack in one bite.


The next moment, a figure rushed out. There was a tattoo on his right eye. The boy with short sky-blue hair punched Cheng Feng.

"Give you face!"

Cheng Feng rushed out, the golden aura on his body surged instantly, and wisps of electric light filled the outside.

His black hair instantly turned into upside-down blond hair, Cheng Feng rushed towards the opponent as fast as lightning, without using any skills, relying entirely on With his hand-to-hand combat ability, he punched Jellal in the face more than a dozen times.

Jellal fell like a meteor and hit the ground hard.


Cheng Feng turned his fingers into a sword and raised it suddenly. The burst of magic power was like a hurricane, and the ground on the surface of the island collapsed directly. Jellal, who had fallen on the ground, also flew up.

"Seven Star Sword!"

The seven magic light pillars like the Big Dipper lit up, fell from the sky in an instant, and rushed towards Cheng Feng quickly.

"Turtle style Qigong!"

Cheng Feng gathered his hands together. After the magic power was gathered, Cheng Feng blasted out, and a blue shock wave hit the Seven Star Sword and swallowed it directly.

"Nine Thunder Stars!"

Jellal gritted his teeth, gathered his hands, and suddenly burst out. The powerful magic star rushed towards Kamehameha, but it only blocked for a moment before it was blown away by Kamehameha. He dodged with the meteor, but the next moment, a figure flashed in front of him, and Cheng Feng suddenly appeared in front of Jellal.

"Brainwashing, huh?"

With one punch, Gerard flew backwards like a doll.

"Freedom, right?"

The next moment, Cheng Feng appeared again and punched out again, sending Gerald flying backwards again.

"Resurrection of Zeref, right?"

Flashed again, followed by a punch and flew away again

"bang bang bang bang……"

Everyone stared at the astonishing scene in front of them with their mouths open.

I saw Jellal being blown away like a kite with its string cut off. Every time before he could stabilize his body and prepare to counterattack, Cheng Feng took action as quickly as lightning and blasted him away again.!

Jellal was knocked away again and again, as if he had turned into a doll at the mercy of others, completely losing his ability to resist.

Urrutia in the barrier couldn't help but swallowed when he saw this scene.

She knew that the scene she was looking forward to would probably never happen.

Just when he was thinking this, he heard a sudden explosion, and Jellal hit him hard in front of him.

Jellal, who was beaten into a pig's head by Cheng Feng, fell to the ground, unable to move at all. The strong shock and humiliation swept through Jellal's heart.

Tears streamed from the corners of his eyes, and he choked and said:"I was wrong! I was wrong! Stop fighting! I give up! Stop hitting me! I never want to be free again! I never want Zeref anymore! Wow woo woo……"

Cheng Feng fell to the ground, the golden aura on his body dissipated, and he returned to his original appearance.

Urrutia felt uncomfortable looking at Jellal who was beaten and crying.

After having been brainwashed for so long, why not give Cheng Feng a quick beating to get rid of it?

Why are you working so hard?!

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