"Cheng Feng, are you okay!"

Mirajane, who was in the receiving state of Satan's Soul, flew over and her magic power was exhausted. The exhausted Mirajane screamed and fell directly.

"Be careful."

Cheng Feng dodged and appeared next to Mirajane, holding Mirajane in a princess hug.

Mirajane was stunned for a moment. It seemed that this was the first time that Cheng Feng was willing to touch her so intimately.

"Cheng Feng!"

At this time, Makarov also rushed over aggressively with members of the Fairy Tail guild.

Seeing Cheng Feng catching Mirajane, Makarov also breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, Makarov frowned. Lock, stepped forward and struck Cheng Feng on the forehead with a knife without politeness.


This blow was extremely severe, and the pain went straight to the tear ducts, so even Cheng Feng had tears streaming down his face after being hit.

"It's such a big fuss!"

Looking at Cheng Feng who was crying, Makarov frowned and said

"I know, but I'm comfortable."

Cheng Feng grinned, with tears streaming down his face, a bit...���laugh.

Makarov sighed. Cheng Feng meant that he knew he was wrong, but he would not change it.

"I guess you'll be arrested for a while"

"Be mentally prepared"

"The S-level assessment is about to begin!"

"Well, it looks like I won't be able to help this year."

"You...hey, forget it."

Looking at Cheng Feng's dead pig, which is not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, what can Makarov do?

They are all his own children, so he can only spoil them.

Makarov's worries are correct.

When they returned to Magno After entering Leah's dock, Cheng Feng and Jellal were captured and taken away in chains.

As for Urrutia, they were temporarily hidden. After all, this guy's transformation magic was quite good. Moreover, Makarov had a plan and needed Urrutia's help, so he hid it.

And Miliana and the others, after understanding the previous causes and consequences, and then seeing Cheng Feng's strength, they There was no rebellious period anymore, but just like the original plot, they thought they didn't have the face to face Erza, so they decided to travel and see different scenery.

Erza also gave them a farewell.


"The criminal Gerard Fernandez was convicted of contacting dangerous magic, abusing magic and other crimes and was punished concurrently. However, he had a good attitude in pleading guilty and was sentenced to four years in prison, which will be executed immediately!"

In the trial court of the Magic Council, Jellal stood there in chains and listened to his verdict. He breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at his drowsy peer next to him.

Not only did he see , many judges, including the jury, also discovered this.

Makarov sat in the jury chair, covered his face with one hand and said:"It's so shameful.……"

The jury around him just looked at him silently, thinking that you, a guy who can sleep in the courtroom, have no right to criticize others!

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The presiding judge knocked the wooden hammer hard, waking up Cheng Feng who was almost asleep.

Cheng Feng yawned and smacked his lips, looked up at the presiding judge and said,"Is it my turn?"

Looking at Cheng Feng's appearance, the presiding judge was not angry to death, but he kept complaining in his heart:"Hold it! Hold it! The Fairy Tail guild is like this, so you must hold it back!"


After coughing a few times, the presiding judge picked up the copy, looked at Cheng Feng and said,"Fairy Tail Guild Chen Feng, due to excessive use of magic, caused an island to be destroyed. He also deserves some credit for destroying the [R System].. Therefore, Cheng Feng is sentenced to four months of confinement, reflect on it, and execute it immediately!"

"Four months is too long, why not reduce it?"

Cheng Feng looked at the presiding judge and spoke in a consultative tone.

Veins jumped on the presiding judge's forehead. He looked at Cheng Feng and gritted his teeth and said:"There is no need to discuss! If you say one more thing, you will be held in contempt of court and sentenced to two more months of imprisonment!"


Cheng Feng looked unhappy, but he was taken down obediently.

After leaving the trial court, he met Makarov who came out.

Makarov walked up to Cheng Feng, patted him on the shoulder and said :"It just so happens that I take this opportunity to have a good rest and adjust my mentality."

After speaking, Makarov came close to Cheng Feng's ear and whispered:"There is another purpose for locking you up this time. Your potential is too great, and the Magic Council plans to recruit you into the ranks of the Holy Ten. Keep up the good work, it will be good for you."

Cheng Feng nodded. Makarov patted Cheng Feng's shoulder again before turning and leaving.

Cheng Feng was taken to the confinement room.

As the iron door was opened, Cheng Feng walked into the confinement room. Suddenly he found that this place was not bad. There was a small living room, a single bedroom, a separate bathroom, and even a small kitchen.

Cheng Feng felt that apart from not being able to move around freely, it was no different than being on vacation. The same was true for

Cheng Feng. I started my own life of confinement.

I didn’t feel uncomfortable with it. I drew cards when I had nothing to do, exercised my body, and used my magic power. When I was tired

, I took a rest and called out to the outside for some ingredients to make by myself. Food.

Life in confinement is quite enjoyable.

As for the Holy Ten qualifications mentioned by Makarov, Cheng Feng is not in a hurry. If there is such a sign, then the other party will definitely come to him, even if he doesn't. As soon as the month of confinement was over, he patted himself on the back and left. Nothing happened.

Just two months later, Cheng Feng spent the New Year in the confinement room. It was early in the morning in the year 780. Ford Sim, the speaker of the Magic Council, a chubby old man with a big beard, came to the confinement room and found Cheng Feng.

Crawford said to Cheng Feng amiably:"You should get used to it. ?"

"not bad."

Cheng Feng chuckled and responded.

Crawford still smiled and said:"That guy Makarov, I should have told you about the position of the Holy Ten Mage in our Magic Council, and Is there a vacancy that you would like to fill?"

"If I am interested, what do I need to pay if I take the position?"

Cheng Feng got straight to the point and looked at Crawford.

Crawford's smile became even brighter.

He likes to communicate with smart people.

And Cheng Feng also laughed, because he knew very well that the old man in front of him looked amiable. But in fact, he has an extreme thirst for power and desire.

Crawford is obsessed with his identity as the Speaker of the Magic Council, and the Magic Council, as the largest law enforcement agency in the continent of Ishgar, provides him with great convenience.

Therefore, what he wants is very simple, that is to support him so that he can sit more firmly!

But Cheng Feng can see more clearly that the Magic Council will be destroyed several times in the future. The so-called position is basically In the sky loft, this old guy will also die.

Now that Xu and Wei Snake have dealt with it, the convenience gained is his own.

As for the constraints of the Holy Ten, have you seen Makarov defeat these people?

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