Fairy Tale

Six hundred and thirty, no words

Lian Yi really likes the specialness of Fuyan Mountain.

If she hadn't been secretive this time and had other important matters, she would have really wanted to bring her parents and ancestors here.

Even if you live in a hut in the mountains and absorb the pure wood fairy spiritual energy every day, it is also a huge opportunity and enjoyment.

This is also the difference between the Immortal World and the Guangmei Star Territory.

After all, such a generous natural spiritual land is an unowned thing that everyone can enjoy in the fairy world.

Or is it possible that people in the immortal world have too high a vision and still look down on it?

If this was in the Guangmei Star Territory, there would probably have been disputes over grabbing this place.

Jia Peicheng looked around and didn't know what he thought of, but couldn't help but said:

"Have you forgotten that there are monsters around you? Now I have come to realize that they want to build so many magic cities here. Are they just waiting for you to come?"

A vine demon? It can be said that Buyan Mountain is a place of opportunity.

With Lian Yi's temperament, since she has ascended, and Fu Yanshan is descending to the third heaven, she must come.

As a serious threat to the monsters of the two tribes, the monsters planned in advance and it was very possible to encircle the mountain here.

He felt annoyed for a while and repeated the old words:

"Now, why don't we leave? I blame me for not asking clearly. I also have friends here. Let's ask more until we are more detailed."

Lian Yi smiled and didn't take it seriously. Her tone was full of confidence:

"As I said, I came here today to catch them off guard. So what if they are planning to surround me? It's not a worm growing in my belly. Is it possible that they can still know when I will come or not?"

"Besides, it doesn't matter what's been prepared for me here. I've experienced so many traps prepared for me by the two races of monsters since I was a child, so why should I care."

"How do you know if I can come or go?"

When the words ended, her tone was clear and clear. Even without looking at her face, one could imagine how wanton the speaker was.

She really never cared about it.

Whether it was the local demon clan she had fought against a lot, or the oyster clan from the outside world that she had never come into contact with before and dared to break people's bones and demonic skills as soon as they came up, she was truly an extremely brave person.

Really, the longer you get along with her, the more you discover how rare and free Tengxian Lianyi is.

After Lian Yi finished speaking, he already stepped into the mountain.

How could she wait until Jia Peicheng said something? From the moment she stood outside the mountain, her consciousness had been released silently, asking questions in all directions.

They are not the only ones in this mountain. There are two waves of people in the southeast direction, both of whom are immortals. From the looks of it, they seem to be looking for the Beech Tree Essence.

This is not surprising. The information that Jia Peicheng can find out can also be found out by others.

On the other side is the southwest direction. This is indeed still outside the mountain, and there is a group of monsters patrolling the mountain.

Lian Yi's consciousness was instantly withdrawn,

The monsters seemed unaware.

These are the oyster tribe from the outside world. They look like ordinary immortals, but they are not human. Their aura is fundamentally different from that of local monsters.

Lian Yi had taught the oyster tribe in the Outer Domain a lesson, so he naturally knew their aura well.

In this case, just avoid these people first.

Other places further away are not inaccessible to even one's spiritual consciousness, but it is unnecessary to investigate.

However, if she found the beech spirit soon, she wouldn't plan to wander too far.

Thinking in his mind, Lian Yi walked deeper into the mountain, feeling the pure wood fairy aura going into every pore of Lian Yi's body. It was as if he had taken a powerful tonic. Lian Yi only felt that All the strength in his body kept coming back.

She already had the talent of light spirit, and when she was illuminated by the sun, the clear wood spirit energy rushed to and fro in her body, and it was extremely active.

At this moment, the feeling brought to her by these wood fairy auras was exactly the same as the feeling of being illuminated by sunlight, but it was hundreds of times stronger.

As Lian Yi walked, he gently circulated the aura throughout his body and the talent of light spirit. Sure enough, he felt a little more comfortable.

Jia Peicheng stood aside and didn't dare to disturb him. At this time, Lian Yi looked like a comfortable piranha flower, with a flower in bloom and a mouth, looking dazed and sleepy.

If you really want to provoke her, the piranha will still be the piranha, or her teeth will break her flesh!

Piranha Lianyi didn't know that Jia Peicheng had changed her race.

But in his mind, he was thinking about where this beech wood essence would be.

She likes this place so much, no wonder the Beech Essence also likes it here.

Unbeknownst to others, when she used the innate magical power of the light spirit, she integrated herself into it. Although the mountain was so big, her integration was limited, but as she went deeper, the more she felt. .

Lian Yi walked seemingly casually, but in fact her steps were cautious. She seemed to be sensing something with her heart.

Jia Peicheng knew that she might be using her method to sense the existence of the beech wood essence, so he just stayed by the side, and it was so quiet that there seemed to be no sound at all.

There seems to be only Lian Yi between heaven and earth.

Even her mind was immersed in it, and she felt more and more integrated into it, as if she should have been here, and this was her dojo and her home.

Every breath and every breath is like a wood spirit, peaceful and quiet but full of infinite vitality.

Continuous and eternal.

Time has no meaning here, even if you live here forever, you will not feel tired. Wandering here, all worries will be eliminated.

Suddenly, as Lian Yi walked, his feeling changed.

It's not that she met anyone, after all, she had avoided them.

Instead, the feeling that Wuyanshan gave her had changed.

If it were originally a dense, deep, vast and boundless ocean, she wandered along with the waves, enjoying herself endlessly.

At this moment, for some unknown reason, the waves in the ocean were unable to continue. They became intermittent, making even her wandering become intermittent. Such a comfortable state was interrupted, which made Lian Yi very annoyed.

I originally thought that this was just one of the small sections that could be called an accident, but unfortunately it wasn't. The situation was getting worse and worse.

The water waves that should have been there actually became more and more barren, even gradually drying up in Lian Yi's feeling.

Lian Yi suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him quietly.

She was walking, but she was caught off guard and stopped, causing Jia Peicheng, who was following her, to also step down.

"What's wrong?"

Lian Yi looked at the scene surrounded by mountains, which was full of greenery and seemed to have not changed at all.

Only she knew that everything was different.

Lian Yi shook his head: "My feeling has changed."

Jia Peicheng: "..." I didn't understand.

Lian Yiwu pondered the situation to himself. Yes, it seemed that something that should have been there was gone.

It was a similar feeling to facing the strange fire on the small ladder.

Obviously, those fairy fires on the ladder to heaven are still there, and obviously... the green plants here are sparse and lush, and they couldn't have been formed without thousands of years.

However, the supporting energy in it was gone.

By the way, it was the same feeling as before, like being cramped.

Or to use a more appropriate analogy, there is only an appearance that is no different from before, but the core is gone.

Only the skin remains.

What does this mean?

Lian Yi thought of the inner earth demons. They broadcast demon seeds in the Guangmei Star Region. In the end, the monks were left with only human skin and a body.

Now, isn’t it the same?

The vegetation in Buyan Mountain is no longer what it once was.

"Is there also immortal energy here?" Lian Yi asked coldly.

Jia Peicheng shook his head: "I don't know. I've never heard of immortal energy, but maybe it exists. This mountain is really strange. It is the oldest mountain in the third heaven. When did the Tianzhu exist? This mountain stands here. ”

Since the Immortal World was born when it was first born, it should at least have had Immortal Energy?

All things change, the sea changes, the landforms of Jiuzhongtian change again and again, come and go, go and come, but this mountain remains unchanged and has always been silent here.

He was named silently.

Lian Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, a dark light flashed across his eyes quickly, and then fell silent again.

The Wuyan Mountain, the Small Sky Level, and the three middle realms should be connected.

The one thing she can see in common now is that they are all "old".

If there is a fairy world, they will be there.

Thinking of the demonic cities surrounding Buyan Mountain, did the existence of these demonic cities really exist for her, Lian Yi?

How did she feel that it was just for Wu Yanshan?

From the current point of view, if there is nothing else in the mountain that they can claim, it is the part that has not yet been claimed.

Only the "bodies" of the plants and trees inside are left, but those on the outside are still there, the core has not been lost, and the wood fairy's spiritual energy is very abundant.

Lian Yi frowned slightly, turned his feet, and walked out again.

Jia Peicheng was stunned: "Lian Yi, what are you doing? You haven't found the essence of the beech tree yet, why don't you go into the mountain?"

They were walking deeper and deeper, but now they turned around and were about to leave the mountain again.

Lian Yi spread his hands and said: "Look for it, who says you won't look for it, but I guess those beech wood essences are not in there!"

Jia Peicheng: "...Why?"

Lian Yi smiled and glanced at Jia Peicheng: "I guessed."

Jia Peicheng: "..." What about playing? !

Jia Peicheng had an upright and honest temper, and he complained in his heart, but in front of Lian Yi, he hit him wherever he pointed, and couldn't even resist verbally.

Therefore, although Monk Zhang Er was confused, he still followed silently.

I feel more and more that their Huaiyuan Star Region may not be as good as the Guangmei Star Region, or else why did he become Lian Yi's follower.

Unexpectedly, the follower didn't even want to let him play a good role. After walking for about half an hour, she suddenly stopped and pointed to the back:

"You go over there, and when the time comes, you will surround me with me. I guess the Beech Tree Essence is nearby!"

Jia Peicheng glanced at her and went to the location designated by Lian Yi without saying a word.

Guessing again? Who believes it?

He is an honest man, not a fool. If Lian Yi didn't have any special perception method, he would rip off his head and give it to her!

This is indeed the case.

The spirit of the beech wood is not stupid. Since it is a kind of wood spirit, how can they not be able to detect situations that can be sensed by the mind.

Naturally, Fu Yan will not go inside the mountain, but will only stay in the circle outside.

The further Lian Yi walked, the more he discovered that in this mountain forest, he felt that in the calm water-like wood fairy aura, there was suddenly a small, lively dot. This small dot was running around, jumping very fast, but it had an aura around it. But it is much richer than the wood fairy aura currently in the forest.

There was a faint wind that was familiar to Lian Yi.

Lian Yi knew without looking with his eyes that he had found it.

It's a pity that there is only one, and he is very active. He jumps from this branch to that branch, from this tree to that flower, and occasionally hides behind the leaves. It is really looming and slippery.

Lian Yi thought about it, and it was more reliable to protect him from both front and back.

Both of them are immortals. They especially know the properties of the essence of beech wood, and they deliberately suppress the aura in their whole bodies.

It's also the fault of this beech wood spirit's bad luck. It encounters so many people who want to catch it that it doesn't take it to heart at all.

Who would have thought that this time I would encounter a hard problem.

It originally only had ignorant spiritual consciousness and was considered a spiritual creature.

I am born to love the wood fairy aura. Wherever the wood fairy aura is pure, it will penetrate wherever it goes.

It was not unknown when Lian Yi and Jia Peicheng came.

However... so what.

There are countless people who want to catch it, and it can be encountered every now and then.

There are also groups of people coming to catch it.

So it plays with it and no one can catch it anyway.

Just as it was playing peacefully, it didn't realize that the aura of strangers that had flowed in before was gone.

It is discovered that it does not have the wisdom to be vigilant.

Speaking of Lian Yi, she is originally a vine demon. It is too easy for her to completely integrate into this mountain forest.

As for Jia Peicheng, although he is not as good as Lian Yi, he is also a sharp person. When he ambushed Lian Yi, he quickly discovered the formation deployed by Lian Yi. It can be seen that he is very accomplished in the fluctuation of aura.

Therefore, the spirit of the beech wood became miserable.

It was playing well, but suddenly it felt something was wrong. When it looked up, a person was already standing in front of it!

It was frightened and just wanted to run away, but it was silent and its body was suddenly pinched.

It tried hard to look back, and it was the woman in green among the two people it thought was missing.

I don’t know what happened, but it suddenly appeared and caught it immediately?

It struggled instinctively, never expecting to be caught so easily.

But his vision went dark, and he didn't know anything anymore.

It was not just the spirit of the zelkova who sighed.

Jia Peicheng was also sighing.

He looked at a leaf floating in Lian Yi's palm, and it was naturally filled with the essence of beech wood.

Green spiritual threads covered the leaves from all directions, and it could be seen that the spirit of the beech tree became dazed, and seemed to have fallen asleep completely.

He was acting completely according to Lian Yi's instructions.

Unexpectedly, when Lian Yi asked him to let go of his restrained breath, he would come face to face with the Beech Tree Essence.

Unexpectedly, Lian Yi was even more convenient. He squeezed it with two fingers and squeezed away the essence of the beech wood like an insect.

While he was happy, he had mixed feelings. Isn't this too easy?

It’s been years since I heard of anyone catching the spirit of the zelkova tree.

But suddenly, Jia Peicheng's eyes sharpened: "No, someone is coming towards us."

As he said this, he pulled Lian Yi to hide.

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