Fairy Tale

Six hundred and thirty-one You are the master and I am the assistant

Those foreign oyster tribes are the ones that Lian Yi’s spiritual consciousness has explored.

Their cultivation levels are also among the immortals.

It goes without saying that the mountain is very big and has continuous peaks. As an immortal, his spiritual consciousness is so strong and spreads so far that it is beyond the comparison of ordinary people.

However, since everyone is of the same level, no one knows who is who, so they have their own way of isolating themselves from the prying eyes of others’ spiritual consciousness.

Moreover, spying with spiritual consciousness is very easy to be discovered by immortals of the same level, and this kind of snooping is regarded as a provocation, and it is especially easy to make enemies.

In this case, everyone is very restrained.

It's easy, even if the spiritual consciousness can reach it, it won't pry too far.

Only within the scope that can guarantee one's own safety, supplemented by spiritual consciousness, is the tacit and common practice of all monks and even immortals.

Jia Peicheng did the same thing. He didn't expect that before he went to the Demon City to trouble the monsters in the Silent Mountain, the monsters came on their own.

What he didn't expect was that these Outland Oyster Clan seemed to be able to shrink into an inch. From them entering the area that he regarded as a safe distance, the Outland Oyster Clan had obviously locked onto them and was striding towards them.

What is visible to the naked eye is getting closer and closer, just a stone's throw away.

It's too late to hide.

Compared with Jia Peicheng's shock, Lian Yi seemed unusually calm.

She didn't even hide anymore, she stroked the branches and stood straight.

His eyes were staring blankly at the monster, not wanting to dodge or dodge.

There was still a smile on his face, and he was talking to Jia Peicheng.

"What's the use of hiding? People have already discovered you. If you don't lose your reputation in the Huaiyuan Star Territory, please stand up straight."

Suddenly, he chuckled, and he didn't know whether he was laughing at the menacing monster or Jia Peicheng, but he was not polite at all:

"As I just told you last time, we don't have to wait to go to the Demon City. How about you practice with these monsters that are delivered to your door."

That look actually meant that he wanted to stand by and watch and never interfere.

Jia Peicheng's heart was thunderous. On the one hand, the fear that arose spontaneously had been engraved in his bones and became an instinct. When he saw the oyster tribe, his legs would become physiologically weak.

On the one hand, Tengxian Lianyi's words were like sharp swords, splitting open his brain and pouring it in. He was unable and shameless to ignore it.

Lian Yi glanced at him and knew that he was fighting between heaven and man.

However, that is how things are in the world.

Whether you like it or not, when disaster strikes, you are forced to do it.

Only after you do it will you know whether it works or not.

Lian Yi sighed lightly, she was really not a kind-hearted person, but since she regarded Jia Peicheng as a friend, she should give him a push when the time was right.

With Jia Peicheng's temperament, she was sure that if he passed this abyss-like hurdle, Xu Shi might really undergo earth-shaking changes.

Lian Yi's spiritual consciousness is unusual, far beyond that of many monks of the same level.

Since she had known for a long time that the Outland Oyster Clan was in this mountain, she knew even more clearly that, by coincidence, the Beech Wood Essence was not far away from those Outland Oyster Clan.

It's just between the two.

With Lian Yi's temperament, catching the essence of the beech wood is what she must do. Even if Jia Peicheng is not here, or those few oyster tribes from the outer world are closer to her, even if they are close enough to find her immediately, she will not Those who are afraid of those monsters are so numerous that they must capture the spirit of the beech tree before they speak.

It just so happens that Jia Peicheng is here today.

He didn't even have the intention to remind him.

In Lian Yi's view, this was God's will.

If she is the last trump card for the Guangmei Star Territory and is the self-save of the Guangmei Star Territory, then everything has spirituality, then Jia Peichengxu is also the self-save of the Huaiyuan Star Territory.

Even if they don’t have much friendship, the monsters from the two races are the biggest enemies of Lian Yi and Guangmei Star Territory. The Star Territory is occupied, the rabbit dies and the fox is sad, but she can still feel the same. As long as it is not hopeless, Lian Yi is willing to do it no matter what. "Force" Jia Pei to become a master.

Jia Peicheng is "sick", how can Lian Yi give up the "medicine" so easily?

While they were talking, the Oyster Clan from the Outer Domain had already arrived in front of the two of them.

Lian Yi didn't have much contact with the Oyster Clan in the Outer Domain, and his understanding of them was far inferior to that of the First Demon Yuanzun and the Earth Demon who died in her hands.

These Outland Oyster Clan don't know which star field they came from. They only know that they have starships in their hands.

Moreover, they plunder and plunder like robbers, and they play with doves occupying the magpie's nest like a firecracker.

The appearance of the outer realm is not much different from that of the immortals in the immortal world and even the people of her Guangmei Star Region.

However, if you look carefully, you can still distinguish them quickly.

The skin of the Outland Oyster Clan is very white. This whiteness is not the kind of whiteness that a person with a good head of water would have, but a pale white color, which adds a lingering sinister aura to their entire facial features.

There doesn't seem to be much difference on weekdays.

However, especially when they express expressions such as anger, ridicule, excitement, etc., the veins that show out from under the surface of the skin are not green veins, but deep red, as if there are insects under the skin that have been washed away by blood. Constantly twisting and turning.

In terms of body shape, compared with their native creatures, they are shorter and have no sense of immortality or immortality.

The entire figure has legs and upper body that are as long as each other. Lian Yi looked at it and found it really unattractive.

Although one cannot judge by appearance, it does not change Lian Yi's disgust for this appearance at all.

Because of their abominable appearance, their disgust is even three times greater than that of local monsters.

Now, there are three people with heavenly cultivation in front of them. What they don't know is that Lian Yi has already checked them out once before. At that time, they were discussing about taking the heavenly steps and reaching the third heaven.

Seeing the three of them coming over, unable to hide their ill intentions and viciousness, Lian Yi suddenly remembered this matter and did not forget to "supervise" Jia Peicheng:

"You have to be brave. Those three are about to ascend to the third level of the middle heaven. When they go up, their strength will be even higher. The strength of the Outland Oyster Tribe will be strengthened, which is not good for you or me. You must kill them today. If you don’t beat me to death, I’m not done with you.”

There was a part smile and a part coldness in these words.

But for no reason, it eliminated Jia Peicheng's physiological tension by three points. If it weren't for a powerful enemy, he would definitely have to refute a few words based on his familiarity with Lian Yi.

Look, this Tengxian Lianyi is definitely a bandit.

Since they were both their enemies, why did she let him kill them all by himself? She had to stand by and watch, and she still wanted to fight him!

He is also a little too pitiful.

He moved his mouth, and just as he was about to say something, he heard the man next to him nudge him: "Here he comes!"

When he looked up, he saw that the three Outland Oyster Clan were also about to speak, looking like they were about to scold them harshly.

Jia Peicheng sighed, isn't this always the case? After so many years, the monsters from outside the world, as foreign invaders, have long since become guests and do not even take the local creatures seriously.

This is true in the Huaiyuan Star Territory, and it is also true in the Immortal Realm...

Especially, this area, the Seven Demon City's surrounding arches, has long been regarded as their own territory. Seeing them, it is nothing more than humiliating them first, and then after weighing their importance, they will cramp and peel them!

Especially, as a monk from the Huaiyuan Star Territory, the Oyster Tribe from the Outer Territory has its own way of knowing him.

If you see him as a "slave" and actually have the tendency to resist, if he is defeated, the end will be even worse.

His heart was already filled with lightning, and after thinking about the matter thoroughly, Jia Pei Chengdu had decided to endure the other party's unbearable humiliation first.

Unexpectedly, everything happened in an instant.

The three Outland Oyster Clan had no chance to speak.

The man in the middle just smiled and opened his mouth, and suddenly saw a thin vine next to his mouth?

The vine looks thin, but it's not light at all when it hits someone.

In Jia Peicheng's eyes, he saw that the vines suddenly grew wildly and bound the head of the oyster clan monster, and then twisted it hard! Suddenly disappeared!

Fast, as if in a dream.

If not for the fact that none of the three oyster clans were spared and screamed in agony, when the vines disappeared, their faces would have been cut, with several deep blood marks on them.

Suddenly, the three became angry and looked at Jia Peicheng with hatred. Without saying a word, they rushed towards him.

When the Oyster Tribe flew over, Jia Peicheng's ear could hear a chuckle:

"Brother Jia, you are the master and I am the assistant. Don't worry, I won't abandon you."

Jia Peicheng smiled bitterly in his heart.

What's going on?

He didn't expect that Lian Yi would use this method to force him to submit.

She disappeared suddenly, but suddenly took action, forcing the other party to attack Jia Peicheng first.

This time, Lian Yi had no intention of hiding anything from him, he just "forced" him openly.

This is really...Tengxian Lianyi's ability is almost as great as her ability to cause trouble.

What is the main and supplementary? Has she disappeared? Maybe, when he couldn't hold on any longer, she would come to save him?

However, at the moment of the fight, Jia Peicheng completely forgot about his previous nervousness, and even felt relief that he had never felt before in the moment of pleasure.

Lian Yi hid in the dark and watched Jia Peicheng fight with three oyster tribesmen!

Of course she couldn't really stand by and watch.

The matter of being the master and the assistant is not something I say casually, and it is even different from what Jia Peicheng thinks!

Now, all that can be done is to block the splash of spiritual energy in the fighting here, so that the nearby demon city cannot see it.

It would be a bad thing if it attracts reinforcements from the demon clan.

The mind moves as the heart moves, and as soon as the mind moves, the green spiritual thread will penetrate the body.

The spiritual threads of green spiritual energy are dense and long, traveling through the Buyi Mountain, very hidden.

Under the cover of the rich wood fairy spiritual energy in the Buyan Mountain Forest, there was no sound and no trace of the geese passing by.

All around, the flowers and leaves are sparse and blooming slowly, which seems to be in accordance with the solar terms, and it is the most ordinary scene.

As everyone knows, while the flowers and leaves are slowly growing, Tengxian Lianyi has already set up a sky-covering formation, placing himself, Jia Peicheng and three other oyster tribesmen in the formation.

Completely separated from inside and outside.

Inside, Jia Peicheng was not far behind. The more he fought with the three of them, he felt a little distracted and emotional deep in his heart.

The more they fight, the more he understands Tengxian Lianyi's good intentions towards him.

The more they fought, the more he discovered that originally, the mountain of oyster clan monsters that had been pressing down on him since he was born until now, when he ascended to become an immortal, were not actually that powerful.

He is also a Celestial Immortal, although his Celestial Immortal cultivation may be deeper due to long-term training.

But when he was able to face the three demons with ease, he realized that he was already so powerful?

What kind of mountain can weigh on him?

It's just a yoke that you have bound yourself.

To overthrow, it depends on whether he is willing, never whether he can.

He could feel that the fear that originally came from instinct seemed to be dug out of its roots and disappeared from his heart at an extremely fast speed, never to grow again.

The body and mind feel relaxed and happy. The years of suppression are released with one move. Jia Peicheng doesn't know that he is now fighting monsters. If it was a little sluggish at the beginning, it is now becoming more and more fluent.

Moreover, from being evenly matched, he had the upper hand.

In fact, he appeared in an endless stream and had a lot of strange moves, which actually made the three oyster clansmen become more and more frightened. The more they fought, the more fearful they became.

During the fight, the three oyster tribesmen looked at each other several times, and they all saw fright and a hint of fear in the eyes of their companions.

Originally, they felt something was wrong at first.

Originally, there were obviously two people here, but for some reason, one of them disappeared in front of them.

They don't take it seriously at first, but what if they disappear?

It's just fear and running away from the battlefield.

It's not like they haven't dealt with these immortals before, so they thought they could escape when they escaped from battle.

How is it possible? If you get in their eyes and make them angry, they will be able to find them even if you dig three feet into the ground.

Although the woman ran fast, no matter how fast she ran, this was the Demon City's territory. As long as they got rid of the disobedient thing in front of them fast enough, it would be extremely easy to find the woman.

I had made up my mind, and thought that just like countless times before, the prey they were interested in would never escape their grasp.

But he didn't expect that his mistake would be so complete this time.

The more they fought, the "slave" of Huaiyuan Star seemed to suddenly have an idea, and he actually changed from passively attacking them to actively suppressing them and fighting!

How dare he? Are you going to rebel?

The more they fought, the more frightened they became. The three oyster clan monsters gradually began to want to retreat.

They retreated temporarily and gathered their companions to come back. This untouchable from Huaiyuan Star was so bold. I don't know where he got the courage to resist. They would never let him go out this time.

The man who was about to humiliate Jia Peicheng seemed to be the leader of the three. He suddenly winked at the other two monsters.

The other two monsters understood, and the three monsters suddenly moved in unison, and suddenly attacked Jia Peicheng from three directions at the same time. When Jia Peicheng dodged his attack, the three monsters turned around at the same time, and the black mist was thick, and they completely disappeared into the mist.

Jia Peicheng was shocked: "Not good!"

If he let them escape, he knew exactly what would happen to him.

He just wanted to kill them on the spot at all costs, even if he was injured, he had to do the same.

Unexpectedly, green mist suddenly appeared in the black mist that suddenly appeared.

The green mist is like a hand, turning it into clouds and turning it into rain.

Turning around among them, three monsters that had disappeared suddenly rolled back and appeared in front of Jia Peicheng.

The face of the little leader among the three suddenly changed. He seemed to have thought of something and screamed miserably:

"It's Tengxian Lianyi!"

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