Fairy Technology

Chapter 994: Fancy or what?

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of fairyland technology!

Unlike the painful and happy coexistence of Apple executives, any company that receives an invitation, as long as it thinks it has a little strength, will start to decorate with excitement.

The auction is more than money.

So raising funds is the first thing to do.

You ca n’t say at the auction site that you owe credit first? That's going to be beaten.

Raising funds is definitely not a matter of words. From the call of the Huaxia Ministry of Commerce, the major banks' books began to fluctuate.

This kind of fluctuation was immediately sensed by the bank's data monitoring center, and they were very aggressive! what's going on? Is this global capital ready to scoop wool from a country? Such a large capital flow is estimated to be able to pull off a layer of skin even in the stock market of Huaxia or Laomei.

It's not surprising that these people are rare. On the one hand, as financial companies, they have not received an invitation from the Ministry of Commerce of China. On the other hand, the amount of capital flow this time is too large ...

Soon, the banks that were originally the "dad" of the entrepreneurs had to be concerned. They called and contacted the bank's major customers and asked about the reasons for the capital flow. They didn't care if these companies wanted to go wool. Is worried about the loss of large customers.

The financials of the major companies did not conceal the truth and directly informed the reasons.

The mobilization of funds is purely to participate in an auction in Huaxia, an auction on new technologies, and a new technology auction in Huaxian Technology.

The major banks are at ease, at least not to worry about these customers running away.

However, the hearts of the banks have fallen, but the hearts of the whole world have followed up.

With more and more people knowing the news, someone finally posted the news online.

What could be faster than delivering messages over the network?

Coupled with this event itself is huge news, the protagonist of the event is the annual topic king fantasy technology, it is even more selling point.

"Fantasy Technology is selling technology."

"Is there something wrong with the magic chain?"

"I think it makes sense to say upstairs that the‘ Hope ’spacecraft flying deep into the universe has absolutely emptied the company ’s cash.”

"Maybe it's not the‘ Hope ’. I think Huaxian Technology wants to make more money and then invest in robot production to increase production capacity.”

"You are all too naive! Although I don't know how much money Fairyland has made this year, it is definitely much more than you think! The spacecraft 'Hope', although it seems to be a swallow of gold Beast, any country that wants to complete such a huge project will consume huge amounts of money. But Magic Fairy Technology is different, because in terms of technology research and development, Magic Fairy Technology has advantages that other companies do not have, and the remaining raw material costs. How much do you think such a big guy can spend? As for the production of robots, the principle is the same as above! The production capacity of robots does not depend on whether or not Huanxian Technology has money, but it depends on whether Huanxian Technology wants to invest in this matter. How much energy! "

I have to say that this guy's analysis is very exciting!

As a result, people began to think about how many products Fair Magic Technology sold in this year, and how much the price!

This is incredible, they only have one idea in their minds: what is money?

Then, don't discuss money anymore, hurt feelings.

"Why do you think Huaxian Technology sells technology? Is it a love for the world? Is it a responsibility? Or is it that the scientist Shen Da has swelled?"

"I do n’t care why Magic Fairy sells technology. I only care about what Fair Fairy sells. Nima! I have n’t bought a chef robot until now. How can you tolerate food like me! If Magic Fairy Technology can sell robot manufacturing technology and then many companies around the world produce it, so I don't have to worry about buying it without robots. "

"Childish talents want to buy robots! I hope that Magic Fairy Technology can take out the manufacturing technology of 'Flying Sky' cars. I don't want to buy flying cars imitations of other companies, only love 'Flying Sky'."

"Friends upstairs, the brain is a good thing, I hope you can have it. I don't want to think about the importance of intelligent robots and 'flying' cars to Huanxian Technology. As long as Shen Bing's brain is not kicked by the donkey, he will definitely not take these Take it out. "

"I agree with the one upstairs, what the magic fairy technology brought out should be just some‘ cutaways. ’”

"Don't you think that even if it's the" corner material "of Huaxian Technology, it will be enough for other companies to eat and drink?"

"Nima, how can I have such grief?"

Compared with the mentality of netizens looking at the excitement, the mood of major global companies is definitely complicated.

The invited company naturally considers how to successfully bid for technology, or how to get more technology.

And those companies that haven't been invited are unbalanced.

Nima, why only invite the top 500 global companies? Are we companies not companies? Our company's money is not money? Fancy or what?

Of course, they can only think about these words in their hearts. There is no reason to speak about this. Things belong to others. Whoever invites others invites them, who cares?

But they didn't plan to recognize it like that.

Don't you invite me? Am I unable to participate?

What is technology? It is not like cultural relics or other physical objects. It is not unique. In other words, technology can be copied!

This has room for maneuverability.

So those who didn't get the admission ticket of the auction began to sharpen their heads to contact the companies that got the tickets and waved the banknotes in their hands to seek cooperation.

The cooperation method is very simple. These companies are willing to give funds to www.wuxiaspot.com and share information after taking the technology.

You need to know that not all of the world's top 500 companies have enough cash on their books, and even if they have cash, will they be able to guarantee enough to win their favorite technology?

Besides, if they really get a practical technology, it means that they have monopolized the global market! ——Since Huanxian Technology puts this technology into auction, it shows that Shen Bing has lost sight of this field. Monopoly will be punished. After all, not everyone has the confidence of Huanxian Technology. Win-win cooperation is the wise move.

As a result, many companies hit it off ...

There are two pairs of cooperation, and several companies form alliances together.

There is only one purpose, to raise enough money to smash his favorite technology at the auction.

With the turbulence of all parties, global financial markets are shaking.

Fortunately, Huaxia has not completely limited the death auction to only use Huaxia coins, otherwise the market value of Huaxia coins will at least increase by a few percentage points in these short hours ...

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