Fairy Technology

Chapter 995: Why don't you play cards according to common sense?

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"Rophie! Rophie!" Shen Bing loudly to the microphone in front of him.

In front of him was a full-fidelity sound system, and at this moment, the sound was quiet.

Suddenly, a noise came.

"Katz ..."

The continuous sound is like ordinary electromagnetic interference.

Shen Bing frowned, and said, "Rooney, it seems that Luo Fei's debugging over there is not smooth! You inform the messengers over there and let them go in to see the situation!"

Rooney is the deputy of the high-energy physics research area that Luo Fei is in charge of. Now that Luo Fei has gone to another planet, he stays to preside over things here. However, because Shen Bing was in charge at this moment, he had to fight.

After listening to Shen Bing's orders, Rooney immediately contacted the staff members who were outside the wormhole and asked the other person to enter the wormhole to check the situation immediately.

In fact, Luo Fei and others also thought about pulling an optical fiber to communicate inside and outside the wormhole, and it turned out that this method would not work.

Although Master Qiao can directly extend an arm into the wormhole, it seems that there is a light curtain inside and outside the wormhole, but in fact it is not.

The wormhole gate has spatial properties that cannot be explained by current science. Although it seems that an optical fiber that crosses the inside and outside of the wormhole is connected, the signal cannot be transmitted.

This is true of optical fibers and network cables. Even electromagnetic signals cannot be transmitted.

So-called, Luo Fei had to take one of the most stupid methods, that is to leave a few people outside the wormhole door, responsible for communicating with the rest of the earth. After needing to communicate with the alien planet, directly "artificially" pass through the wormhole to communicate with the people inside.

This method is a bit soiled, but it works!

Less than a minute, Rooney received a reply.

"Boss, Luo Fei failed to establish communication. He is currently re-adjusting the device and preparing for a second communication connection."

"Then wait!"

After a few minutes, the full-fidelity speaker next to it suddenly called out.

"Old ... faith ..."

Intermittent voices came from inside, and occasionally one or two words could be heard.

Shen Bing stood up instantly, his eyes full of surprise.

Rooney did not wait for Shen Bing to order, and had already communicated the situation here to the messengers outside the wormhole.

"The quantum signal is lost seriously, but it can be transmitted to us from that alien planet, indicating that the planet and the earth are in the same cosmic space."

Shen Bing was somewhat pleased and slightly disappointed.

It seems that it is unrealistic to want to rely on this test to verify the existence of a multiverse.

But Shen Bing is not in a hurry. Since the planet is also in this universe, Shen Bing can operate in a variety of ways.

First of all, in terms of material transportation, in addition to direct wormhole transportation, quantum transmission technology can also be used.

That's right! Shen Bing's team has already thoroughly understood the quantum transmission technology.

Shen Bing has mentioned before that in the virtual reality game warehouse, in order to smoothly deliver materials to the hands of players, quantum transmission technology has been used.

Of course, the short-distance, small-scale transmission is much lower on the technical level, which is almost equivalent to 3 star technology. And can achieve ultra-long-distance, large-scale material transmission, it has reached the four-star technology level, which is also the limit that the magic fairy technology can currently reach.

As for the quantum technology that can realize the transmission of life species, it is a veritable five-star technology. The technology currently possessed by Magic Fairy Technology is far from reaching that level.

After all, Samsung ’s level of basic technology can make a few jumps and touch the edge of higher-level technology, but it is unrealistic to cross two levels, unless it is a programming class similar to super artificial intelligence. Technology.

Once this quantum transmission technology can be applied to alien planets, it will greatly help Magic Fairy Technology to develop alien planets.

"Rooney, keep testing!"

"Boss, I think the communication distance of quantum communication technology should be more than what we have verified so far. There should be a lot of room for improvement." Rooney said, "Maybe with the extra-long distance of this alien planet, we can Further improve quantum communication technology. "

Shen Bing is very happy. With the deepening of their knowledge of the group of scientific researchers, their respective research areas are no longer satisfied with these technologies provided by them, and they can expand on this basis, Improve and strengthen.

In Shen Bing's view, this is the biggest guarantee for the development of fantasy technology.

After instructing Wayne Rooney and others to continue the test of quantum communication technology, Shen Bing was still wandering in his mind.

Quantum transmission technology is the first technology I got out of the gate of the fairyland, and it is also the technology that Shen Bing has always wanted to achieve.

Since Shen Bing has sufficient research and development power, he has not relaxed his investment in this area, which is the basic reason why Huanxian Technology can bring out the transmission equipment used in virtual reality games in a short time.

However, in the past, quantum transmission technology has been the joint research of aerospace, high-energy physics, electronic information and other research areas, but now, the establishment of a special quantum physics research department is imminent.

He came to the Central Control Center and called the ball directly.

"Ball ball, which of the several major research bases currently has the highest talent in quantum physics?" Shen Bing asked.

The fairway: "Actually ... with the qualifications of our scientific researchers, we can all become all-rounders. But if we must say who has the best potential in quantum physics, it must be Rooney. Although Rooney takes Lingzhi Dan He is relatively late, but his achievements in quantum physics are already higher than that of Luo Fei. Relatively speaking, Luo Fei's strengths are high energy physics and dark energy, and he has no advantage in quantum physics. "

Shen Bing thought about it and immediately clapped the road: "Ball ball, from the current research area of ​​the underground base, you transfer people who have more research in the field of quantum physics to form a new research center for quantum physics, and Rooney will be in charge! After the completion of a round of quantum communication tests, all work related to quantum physics will be assigned to this research center, and Luo Fei will continue to specialize in high-energy physics research. "

"Okay, boss!"

"You sort out the relevant information. The main subject of this research center next is quantum communication and quantum transmission, especially the latter, which is the most important."

"Now that you pay so much attention to the boss, why not invest in a few more key members?" Ball said.

Shen Bing understands what the ball refers to as the backbone, but nothing more than people who have taken Lingqiao.

"Okay, I'll buy some magic tricks and let you allocate them! In the future, which departments need urgent technical research, you will make unified deployment."

This time, he was very straightforward. He directly spent 200,000 cent jade, and bought 20 Lingqiao Dan again.

By convention, he did not rush to send these magic tricks out ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but instead dragged them into the real eye one by one for analysis.

He did not know how many times this process had been repeated, and it was completely routine.

As for whether black technology can be resolved, um! This depends on the face.

Drag them in one by one, drag them out after three forced resolutions ...

Very boring!

Suddenly, a different pop-up window appeared on the screen, and Shen Bing's eyes suddenly glared.

"Congratulations, you have succeeded in the analysis and obtained Samsung Technology Awareness Enhancement Technology."

Shen Bing looked at this content, but he was aggressive.

What is awareness-raising technology? He remembered very well that when the gate of the fairyland was at the second level, he had successfully analyzed the magic trick once, and that was the first level brain development technology.

Now that the gate of the fairyland has been upgraded to level 3, shouldn't the successful analysis be a level 2 brain development technology? Why not play cards according to common sense?

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