Fairy Technology

Chapter 997: Not enough money in the pocket!

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With this decision by Shen Bing, Golden Island and Huanxian Transportation started to operate at full capacity.

Twenty large Aeolus 1 aircraft began to move around the world-delivery.

They can send not only game warehouses, but also intelligent robots.

In Shen Bing's plan, intelligent robots and game warehouses are complementary. The large-scale use of intelligent robots will make more people put into the game. The game warehouse is also the most direct way to resolve the social contradictions caused by the emergence of intelligent robots.

Lots of goods were sent to offline experience stores all over the world, and mysterious boxes of mouthfuls attracted the attention of countless people.

However, at this moment, more people are not looking at the offline experience store of Huaxian Technology, but are attracted by an auction in Huaxia Kyoto.

Compared to the mysterious new products sent by the offline experience store of Magic Fairy Technology, people are obviously more interested in those dark technologies that Fair Magic Technology has put up for auction.

Don't think that only those high-tech companies care about them, ordinary people also care about them.

And just this morning, countless large companies from Huaxia poured into the Kyoto Hive Stadium.

That's right, this auction was held at the Hive Stadium.

Because the auction for Huaxia Company was held in the morning, the people participating in the auction were not fixed. There was only one procedure to enter the venue and obtain the qualification to hold a license, which was capital verification.

If it is less than one billion in cash, then don't enter this door. If you go in, you can only watch the liveliness. Do you think the stadium is not lively enough?

Of course, it is not allowed to go in to watch the excitement. After all, this is a grand event proclaiming the great value of scientific and technological progress to everyone. The participation of national-level researchers may also boost the research enthusiasm of these researchers.

Over time, a team of people entered the hive stadium and took their seats.

At the same time, countless media reporters drove spears and guns and stood in the laneway, in front of the stage, or at the rear to carry out the final debugging of the equipment.

"Friends in front of the TV, I'm Li Gang, a reporter from Huaxia TV. Now we are at the Hive Arena auction site ..."

"... a tech event will be held here ..."

"... In a spirit of selflessness, Huanxian Technology has put out the world's top technology for auction in order to enhance ..."

"... The auction is about to take place. Let ’s start with a prize quiz. Audience friends, what dark technologies do you think will be used by the Fairy Technology for auction? Everyone is welcome to vote. After the auction is over, we One hundred people will be selected from the right audience and given generous prizes! "

Every reporter began to show their magical powers, anyway, how to attract attention and how to broadcast.

There is no doubt that the current live broadcast of this auction will definitely have the highest ratings in the current time. But this auction did not authorize an exclusive live broadcast, so how big a bite can be bitten from this big piece of fat depends on their respective capabilities.

Finally, time points at ten.

A middle-aged man in formal attire stepped onto the podium and started his performance ...

No problem, although not the host of the entertainment program, as an auctioneer at the auction, I do n’t know how to perform? Whether a lot can be sold at a good price depends on a lot of factors.

"Dear gentlemen and ladies, welcome to this auction. I am Wang Du, the chief auctioneer of Hongsheng Auction House. Everyone who wants to come here already knows the unusualness of this auction. To be honest, I am I have had numerous auctions, but I have never conducted an auction of scientific and technological materials. What is scientific and technological information? That is knowledge! As the saying goes, knowledge is priceless. I feel deeply stressed at this auction! "

"Because of the special nature of the auction, there is no picture album for this auction. Every auction will be told by me on the spot. Of course, you don't have to doubt the authenticity of what I'm telling, because everything sold today has a country The Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Science and Technology are guaranteeing that the technology is authentic. "

"Okay! Now we have our first lot! Fantasy glass manufacturing technology! According to the magic fairy technology company's request, no matter which company won the fantasy glass manufacturing technology, they must follow the company's original rules, that is, each There can only be one dream glass project in the city, which will be written into the technology transfer clause. Now, I announce that the starting price of dream glass manufacturing technology is 100 million, and the price increase must not be less than 50 million each time! "

Everyone was shocked!

Not only the people at the scene, but also the audience who stayed in front of the TV and acted as melons.

The first is the dream glass manufacturing technology? what's the situation? This news is too powerful!

What is dream glass? That is the root cause of the rise of Magic Fairy Technology.

Without the first bucket of gold earned by Fantasy Glass, could Magic Fairy Technology develop to such a degree today?

Most importantly, Dream Glass represents an exclusive market. In the glass curtain wall industry, it is a freak. Due to the deployment of Magic Fairy Technology, Dream Glass has opened an additional market without affecting the performance of other glass curtain wall companies, and has become a luxury in the glass curtain wall industry.

Until now, Dream Glass has a handful of projects around the world, and it can be said that the future is extremely bright. As long as you are willing to invest, you can make hundreds of billions of profits in a few years.

The most important point is that this is a complete set of technology. If you win this technology, you can make money and make big money.

"I made a billion!" After the shock, someone finally raised the card and directly increased the price ten times, showing a determined attitude.

However, in the eyes of others, this is exactly a paper tiger! One billion? One item will be earned back. If this price can scare people away, then everyone will go home early to wash and sleep.

"Five billion!" As the camera rotates, a familiar face of countless people appears in the camera. He is the chairman of Hengda Group.

However, the 5 billion did not scare others away. At this moment, it seems that money is not money ...

"Ten billion!"

"11 billion!"

"Twenty billion!"


The eating melons sitting on the periphery widened their eyes one by one, this situation is not right.

This has just begun, and it has become so fierce, how fierce will the competition be? You know, there are forty black technologies in this morning's auction.

Of course, under normal circumstances, the first lot at an auction, although not the best, can definitely be at the forefront. And dream glass, not to mention how high its technological content, just its profitability can make anyone's hard work surging.

Besides, fantasy glass is not only about the curtain wall itself, it is also the core component of the phantom display screen. As long as you can get the dream glass technology and further research and development, it is not impossible to understand the core technology of the phantom display.

You know, so far, Magic Fairy Technology has not registered any patents on the Phantom Display, that is, as long as it has the ability to overcome the technical difficulties in it, the company will also have the ability to produce fantasy displays.

However, although the group of people in the center of the stadium understood this, they were very bitter.

Nima! Not enough money in my pocket ...

What if the first item empties out the money? Who dares to say that there is no better technology behind? As far as everyone knows, the technology mastered by Magic Fairy is no less than twenty more powerful than Dream Glass.

"Thirty-one billion!"

"Thirty-two billion!"

The upward momentum finally slowly weakened.

After all, China Coin is not Zimbabwean coin, and there is a fundamental difference between the two.

This was called for several rounds, and this technology was finally photographed by Hengda Company at a price of 51 billion yuan.

Although everyone understands that dream glass represents a market worth hundreds of billions, after all, the auction is only technology. If all the money is thrown into it, how can we expand production? Besides, 50 billion yeah, how long are you prepared to recover the cost? What about the interest on funds?

Everyone present was a fool.

"Next we auction the second lot, γ-1 titanium alloy smelting technology. You may not understand what kind of product is γ-1 titanium alloy? It is an ultra-high-strength titanium alloy. Mr. Shen, the chairman of the technology, mentioned this alloy when he released the "Feitian" sedan. It can be said that the "Feitian" has such a high speed and safety. At this auction, the gamma-1 titanium alloy also has a base price of 100 million yuan, with an increase of not less than 50 million yuan each time! "

Everyone can understand, this so-called reserve price is simply a joke! Whoever wants to find leaks here is simply impossible.

Although the γ-1 type titanium alloy smelting technology can not directly produce products like the dream glass manufacturing technology, this titanium alloy manufacturing technology has a wider range of uses.

So another round of crazy bidding began, with people from all walks of life crossing the sea and showing their magical powers.

In the end, this titanium alloy smelting technology was won by a Chinese steel company for 30 billion yuan.

The auction is still going on ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Forty technologies, but it can't be done in a short time.

Although all the people who participated in this auction were heavyweights in the company, even the number one personally participated in the event, they introduced a lot of items, their heartbeat accelerated, and their faces were red and red.

At this moment, people really feel what it means to spend money like flowing water.

No, this can't be said to be like running water, it's just going down the river ...

These people are now pained and happy, the technology is available, but the liquidity is basically gone.

Even in the later lots, the transaction prices of some technologies are also worth one billion, but they can't hold up much!

It was the melon-eating crowds in the stands around, but they were taught well.

It turns out that technology is so valuable!

What small fresh meat and traffic stars can make a lot of money in a year? But here, there is no qualification to participate.

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