Fairy Technology

Chapter 998: Detonate the audience

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In fact, not only the people on the scene were taught a lesson, but the people all over the world were taught a lesson.

If I really can't go to work in the future, can I also do research? Although it ’s not very clear, it is always okay to fool around, right? What if you think about it? Think of Great Newton, an apple hit on his head, can figure out the truth, it seems that Qian Jing is bright!

Of course, this is pure imagination. They are just stunned by the huge amount of funds at this moment.

As time went on, the morning auction was coming to an end, and when the last technology came out, the audience was shocked.

Normal temperature superconducting material technology.

This technology has been working hard for decades around the world, but in addition to the magic fairy technology, any other scientific research institutions are still working hard.

No one can ignore the value of this technology.

Among various high-tech components, normal temperature superconducting materials are widely used. In other words, in most electrical equipment, superconducting materials are the most perfect materials.

Some even think that the superconducting materials are indispensable for the reason why the magic fairy technology can break through the controlled nuclear fusion technology so quickly and achieve a space engine capable of sub-light speed flight.

Some people have thought that, even if Huaxian Technology has the intention to take out this technology, it will at best be handed over to the country. Because the country will not allow such a technology to be open to the world, even the superconducting materials produced by this technology will restrict exports.

But I did not expect that this technology actually appeared in the auction without any restrictions, which is incredible.

This not only reflects Shen Bing's self-confidence, but also shows the demeanor of Huaxia. After all, Magic Fairy Technology entrusted these technologies to the country for auction. Fools can think that the country will definitely filter them first.

Now that this superconducting material technology is available, even if it is not a public auction for global companies, it can also show that the country is not worried about the technology or products flowing abroad.

The crazy auction began, and the room temperature superconducting material technology ignited everyone's enthusiasm.

In almost a short period of time, the price broke the record set by Dream Glass and went straight to the goal of 100 billion.

"... Dear friends, Dream glass manufacturing technology has broken the record of global auctions. At this moment, this record is broken again and is still rising. It is estimated that this record set by Magic Fairy Technology will be very important in the future. For a long time, no one can break it. Maybe it will be broken, and only Huaxian Technology will have this possibility. "

"... The auction in the morning is already so hot. In the afternoon, how will the top 500 global companies compete with each other? What will happen? Everyone will wait and see!"

Finally, the technology price of room temperature superconducting materials reached 105 billion yuan, which was finally finalized.

The chairman of Hiway Co., Ltd. who received this technology was ecstatic. Although this technology win was the result of the joint efforts of seven or eight companies behind it-everyone paid for it. In terms of it, it is also significant.

Other companies are depressed, isn't it that they don't want to continue to increase prices, the key is that there is so much money in the pockets, what can they do?

The previous dozens of technologies have cut the leeks of the most fulfilling group of guys in the wallet, and now they can still take out hundreds of billions, very few.

In a way, Hiway has picked up leaks.

The morning auction is now over. Many people silently record the auction price of each technology. In the final calculation, they are dumbfounded.

"More than 730 billion ..."

"More than 100 billion dollars!"

"Brilliant ..."

"This day's revenue has exceeded the market value of most companies in the world. I want to be quiet."

"Do n’t forget, there will be an auction in the afternoon. At that time, the world ’s top 500 companies participated in the competition. Is the technology coming out good in the morning? This is hard to say, but the degree of competition is definitely beyond and."

"I estimate that this time, Magic Immortal Technology can contain at least 300 billion US dollars of wealth."

"Wool around the world! I like it."

At noon, the media reporters staying at the scene ate boxed lunches and kept busy.

Although they are all doing live broadcasts in the morning, don't write something to get online, are they still qualified reporters?

At this moment, the Internet can be lively, and almost all forums and websites are talking about it.

The richest man in the world, this moment is a joke in front of Shen Bing.

You should know that Shenxian Technology is a company of Shen Bing alone. Now it sells dozens of technologies and sells them. Just this transaction value has rubbed the world's richest man on the ground.

Fools can think that the technology developed by Magic Fairy Technology is definitely not the best ...

Rich and enemy countries are no longer enough to describe Shen Bing.

At noon, rushing past, starting at 2 pm, a group of people of various skin colors began to appear outside the hive stadium gate.

Some of these people came from other countries and rushed to the scene regardless of the time difference. There are also some people who are in charge of the company's China Office. They are also authorized by the company's headquarters to participate in this auction.

As everyone expected, the overall quality of the technology auctioned in the afternoon was slightly weaker than in the morning, but it was not much worse.

But the fierce competition is indeed stronger than in the morning.

A simple example can illustrate this point. In the afternoon, the transaction prices of all technologies were not less than 5 billion Huaxia.

The last technology came out and directly detonated the audience.

"High-density power storage technology!"

That's right ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The name is called high-density power storage technology, and the straightforward point is super battery technology.

"Mr. Madam, this high-density power storage technology is the finale technology of this auction. As for the value of this technology, I don't need to say more. Whether it is a phantom mobile phone or a 'feitian' car, The use of this technology, as well as the extensive use of intelligent robots, also have the credit for this technology. Now, I announce that the starting price of high-density power storage technology is one billion! The price increase is not less than 100 million each time! "

No one has an opinion on this starting price. What is the starting price? Is there a difference between 1 yuan and 10 billion for this technology?

"Twenty billion!" At the beginning, someone gave a twenty-fold price. Everyone knows that at this time hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars are added, which is a complete waste of time.

"Four billions!" Volkswagen directly gave a double price and put the previous two billions on the ground.

"Sixty billion!"

"80 billion!"

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