Fairy Technology

Chapter 999: The whole person is bad

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"Ford bids 220 billion! Is there a higher price? 220 billion once! Two hundred and twenty billion twice! Two hundred and twenty billion times! Deal!"

As Wang Du dropped with a hammer, a technical auction ended.

The price of 220 billion has refreshed everyone's perception.

It turns out that in this world, there is really a single product that has exceeded 200 billion yuan in price. Even though this single product is a technology, it has surprised many people.

This is also the world's highest record. As long as Magic Fairy Technology no longer holds a similar auction, this record will be difficult to break.

At the auction in the afternoon, it was not surprising that most of the successful lots were foreign companies.

After all, in the morning, the major companies have already hurt their muscles. Although the major companies here have been in touch before the start of the afternoon auction, in the face of the menacing world giants, they ca n’t do it alone. Resist it.

But even so, Huaxia companies have won three technologies.

According to the information given by Magic Fairy Technology, all the technologies that the company has put up for auction this time will not be produced by Magic Fairy Technology in the future, including the high-density power storage technology auctioned last.

But at the same time, Magic Technology has some additional conventions for each technology that comes out. Such as fantasy glass, magic fairy technology requires the continuation of the previous sales strategy specified by magic fairy technology. For the super-battery produced by high-density energy storage technology, Magic Fairy Technology reserves the right to bargain.

This bargaining right is very simple. After all, the super battery is still a monopoly technology worldwide, including Huaxian Technology Co., Ltd. will also buy batteries from it. If Ford asks for a high price, wouldn't it be stuck? Therefore, Magic Fairy Technology agreed at the auction that the maximum allowable profit rate of Magic Fairy Technology Company is 50%. If the profit exceeds this range, it is deemed that the other company has defaulted, and then Magic Fairy Technology has the right to produce by itself.

Of course, this situation is actually impossible. Although the on-site auction was won by Ford, this is actually the result of the cooperation between Ford and several other companies. Otherwise, even with the strength of Ford, It is also impossible to collect such a huge amount of cash in a very short time.

As long as it is not produced by a single company, it is impossible to form a monopoly, and the possibility of natural profits is minimal.

What's more, Shen Bing also has a killer in his hands, which is more powerful power storage technology.

The high-density power storage technology that was put up for auction this time was not directly analyzed through real eyes, but was obtained by stripping out and improving the power storage technology involved in the electron gun manufacturing technology.

Shen Bing currently has the most powerful electricity storage technology, or electric energy structured storage technology.

On the power storage capacity, the latter is ten times the former. At present, this technology has been applied to real objects, such as the energy storage part of charged particle cannons.


Although the auction is over, the huge waves caused by this auction have just begun.

Although before the auction officially began, people had speculated that the technology might be sold this time.

However, people still did not expect that the order of the auction technology will be so high.

If all technologies are in the hands of Huanxian Science and Technology, and the products corresponding to these technologies are to be obtained and widely used in the world, it will not be possible in ten or eight years.

But now, because these technologies have been introduced to major companies around the world, the momentum that has erupted in this way will be unstoppable.

It is almost certain that in the near future, human lifestyles will definitely change dramatically. This change will not be weaker than the use of electrical energy and the appearance of computers to affect humans.

And this change came faster and more suddenly!

No need to explore, all technologies are mature, just need to take directly to production.

What ordinary people need to do is to adapt to the changes that high technology brings to their lives as quickly as possible, such as flying cars, such as a lunar outing on the weekend, or a long holiday for themselves, and a trip to Mars .

All this takes time to adapt.

On the other hand, physical fitness has gradually become popular. In the future, everyone will be strong and strong. This also requires adaptation. They can't walk on the street. Everyone uses their fists to resolve disputes?

In fact, this year, people have adapted to countless novelties.

Such as artificial intelligence, such as phantom phones, or cancer is no longer terminally ill.

As for some less developed countries, the adaptation is even more. For example, the village is powered on, and their children can go to school with the help of unknown philanthropists ...

All these are basically the changes brought about by the magic fairy technology.

"A company that changed the world! Destined to become a legend in everyone's minds-psychedelic technology!"

A review article from Huaxia Daily set the tone for Huaxian Technology.


Shen Bing felt an unprecedented distress at this moment.

What distress, too much money.

One hundred and ninety billion Chinese yuan! This amount is too large.

This is the harvest brought by this hundreds of high-tech, including the auction results in the morning, the contributions of the world's top 500 companies in the afternoon, and the compensatory funds made by Huaxia officials.

It can be said that this time Shen Bing has fleeced the world's wool.

This 190 billion yuan of Chinese currency is not cash, but cash, which is very impressive.

Many people are thinking, what will Shen Bing use for such a huge amount of wealth? Expand production? Or do something else?

What is Shen Bing going to do with the money? Recharge, of course!

Because according to the original agreement with the head, this money has been transferred to overseas accounts after the transaction is completed.

This money is not used to recharge, what else is it used for?

Shen Bing's headache is what the money was used for after entering the gate of the fairyland.

After all, it is a sin to put such a huge amount of fairy jade on your account, isn't it? Gotta use it.

While thinking about how to use the money, Shen Bing chose to recharge.

However, Shen Bing hasn't considered it yet. A different system prompt pops up.

"Congratulations! You successfully recharged Xianyu 1.92 million Xianyu. Given that your cumulative recharge amount has exceeded the first recharge limit, the system recalculates the recharge ratio."

"Congratulations! The recharge ratio is adjusted, and the recharge ratio after adjustment is 5 million: 1."

When Shen Bing saw these two tips, the whole person was bad.

Congratulations? Congratulations!

It's like you go to the supermarket to buy things, but the salesperson said congratulations, the price of all our goods in the supermarket has increased five times. You can't pay enough for this money ...

Do you think this congratulation is full of goodwill? This is obviously a deep bad taste, OK?

At the same time, Shen Bing was also a little annoyed. From these two tips, Shen Bing also saw some hidden things. For example, this time recharge, no matter how much money you throw in, the system will still give you Xianyu according to the ratio of 1 million to 1.

If I had known this before, I would have been selling iron, and I would have to get more money to rush in.

But the world didn't know so much earlier that he could only hit his teeth and swallow it.

Fortunately, the recharge amount is not small this time.

It's close to two trillion Chinese currency.

If you recharge tens of billions of billions in and trigger this hidden condition, wouldn't you cry in the toilet?

Thinking of this, Shen Bing feels better again.

Happiness is a comparative level, which makes sense.

In fact, Shen Bing had some speculation about this change of the gate of the fairyland long ago.

The use of money to recharge Xianyu in the gate of the immortal realm essentially uses the money to do good deeds and then earn merits.

In the past, there were a lot of people on earth who needed help, and their living conditions were extremely embarrassing. For a little money, we could reap the gratitude of others, and this merit naturally came into being. But so far, Shen Bing has spent trillions in this area, which has largely alleviated this situation. So the merit of the same money is naturally less.

This kind of thing, just figured it out, Shen Bing did not go about this matter.

Looking at Xianyu, who was in her early three million on her account, Shen Bing was confused.

There are so many fair jade, should you use it? In the future, if you want to accumulate so many jade, it will not be easy, and the difficulty will increase five times.

"Nima! The old one can't go, the new one can't come!" Shen Bing patted his mind. "Human beings will step into the universe and social wealth will inevitably grow further. By then, the speed of making money yourself will increase, so there is no need to entangle so much. "

Of course, Shen Bing did not plan to squander all of these fairy jades at once.

"It's almost a million dollars left. What can two million dollars do?"

"Buy Lingqiao Dan? I just bought it, and I just analyzed the consciousness enhancement technology. At least before the portal of the fairyland upgrade, don't want to squeeze any black technology out of this item. Dragon Tiger Dan and Jiuxiao Rune The same is true. There is currently no value for buying in large quantities. "

Suddenly, Shen Bing found that the money was really spent.

No money is a pain, and it is also a pain to have money and nowhere to spend.

"Want to find Luban to get some puppet artisans? It won't cost much fairy jade ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Shen Bing hasn't figured out anything, but the image of the ball suddenly appeared Around him.

"Master, President Wang just sent you a message stating that the press conference on virtual games is ready. Is there any other instructions?"

Shen Bing stayed for a while. Tomorrow ... will he be beaten?

It seems that he accidentally pitted the whole world.

Should we let Wang Sheng do the labor for himself?

Think about it, forget it, the general manager Wang Sheng is already tired enough, don't stop him.

My skin is thick enough now, and I don't care if people spray more.

"Just do it according to the established process. I will be on time at 9 o'clock tomorrow."

Shen Bing said this with a mentality that forced Liangshan.

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