Fairy Technology

Chapter 1008: The first fire in the sky

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Only then did people know that they had done something stupid.

Now people are more worried about what robots can replace to work, so that they have more energy to enter the game world.

Many people even have a decision in their hearts. When the game of "Sky" is launched, they will resign immediately! Or, resign now, anyway, there are still some savings in the family, how much can the money earned by these days shifts be useful?

Those people outside the gate of Huanxian Industrial Park, you stare at me, I stare at you, like watching a bunch of fools.

Then they fled.

Why don't you break up? Continue to stay here like a fool? Wait for the new year?

What's most important now? Of course, I went to the Xianxian Technology offline experience store to wait in line. Once the game warehouse is online, I will buy it as soon as possible.

Everyone can see that whoever masters the game warehouse first will master the future!

As for the price of the game warehouse, it is useless to care about it now.

Of course, there are also people who doubt whether Shen Bing's statement is true. The sky can really enable humans to achieve evolution?

But the suspicion did not last long, and the reason was simple, because no one believed that Shen Bing had a reason to cast such a lie.

All of this can be announced as long as the "Sky" is officially online. It is totally meaningless to lie.

Even if Shen Bing really deceives people, it will only waste a few days. Compared with the real impact of Shen Bing's statement, what is the waste of time?

This account, anyone can count! How to choose is natural at a glance.

In fact, at this moment, more than just those people rushing to the line-up of Xianxian Technology's offline experience stores. In almost half an hour, tens of thousands of line-ups of the world's Magician offline experience stores were crowded with people.

Such a grand occasion is absolutely unprecedented.

However, in the Nebula Hall of Magic Fairy Building, the new product launch conference is still going on, and Shen Bing is still explaining one by one.

"The sky" will be online at 10 o'clock on October 27, which is ten o'clock the day after tomorrow. Remember, it is Chinese time. "

"The sky is a global server, so there is no such country as a server."

"The sale time of the game warehouse is tomorrow morning at 9 am, um! This is not China time, it is based on local time."

"Does the game warehouse meet the needs of the entire population? Hehe, this question is very pertinent, but it is also naive. With billions of people around the world, no matter how powerful the production capacity of Xianxian Technology is, it is impossible to produce so many game warehouses in a short time. "

"Of course there are solutions. In the early days, the" Sky "game can be logged on multiple terminals, including game warehouses, computers, mobile phones, and even VR glasses. However, if you want to extract the props in the game to the real world, you must The game warehouse is only available. That is, if the user did not buy the game warehouse in the early stage, they can also play games. Except for the difference between the game experience and the game warehouse, the game revenue and progress will not be any different. After the warehouse, you can extract the props that can be used to realize human evolution into the real world. "

"The price of the game warehouse? You can rest assured. Since our company launched this game, it is positioning the game warehouse as a device for the whole people. In this case, the price is naturally not too high. The current price is 200,000 Huaxia. The rest of the countries convert according to exchange rates. This price is already lower than the cost price. After all, the technology involved is too advanced, and the raw materials needed are very precious. If not a large part of these raw materials are produced by our company I am afraid that such a game warehouse will not be able to create 10 million. "

"You asked how the game warehouse realized the extraction of game items into the real world? Please forgive me, this is my company's technical secret and will not be answered! When the right time is right, I may choose to announce it, but it is definitely not now."

"Which props in the game have the function of letting humans evolve? This can't be told, you can only explore in the game."

"Game data? This is impossible! You can think of it as a real world."

With Shen Bing's one-by-one answer, people's doubts are getting less and less, and their expectations for the "Sky" are getting higher and higher.

The most surprising thing is that the game's launch time is actually the day after tomorrow. Is this too fast?

How long did it take for Magic Fair to develop this game?

Leaving aside the peculiarities of this game, just from the game itself, it already belongs to the top games.

Blizzard, which often bounces tickets, has launched the game in such a short time. It is definitely a conscience developer.

It's just ... the time for people to prepare is really not enough.

Well, these are minor details. Anyone is in the same situation anyway. Now people are more concerned about how to buy a game warehouse as soon as possible.

The price of 300,000 is not cheap, and many families can buy it directly. But for most people, it is very difficult to get 300,000 cash immediately. However, I can always come up with iron.

Almost in a very short time, the "Sky" lit the first fire.

Global house prices fell across the board!

That's right, "Sky" has not yet officially launched, it has caused a great shock to the pillar industries in many countries.

This is actually quite easy to understand!

How to sell 300,000 game warehouses? Without cash, it is naturally to find the easiest thing to exchange for cash at home. But for most families, the most valuable thing is of course the house.

For a family with a house, let alone those who have two or more homes, they have no hesitation in starting a property.

But now, the number of people who sell a house has exploded. How many people can buy a house? Those who have spare money on their body naturally want to buy a game warehouse.

In this case ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ house prices do not fall, that is a strange thing.

When "Sky" is really all the rage, who will take the house off to show off their wealth? If you have the skill, you can give me a try?

Before any change, if any house price fell so severely, the country would definitely introduce stimulus policies to support it, and the economy would also weaken and even trigger a global economic crisis.

But at the moment, none of this exists.

Everyone can see that house prices cannot help!

financial crisis? That's not it, but people put the eggs in the real estate basket and put them in the game warehouse.

Every family can have no house, but it must not have a game warehouse, because it is related to whether they can extract evolutionary props.

If the family's financial resources are not abundant, a game warehouse is enough, because "Sky" is free to trade.

But to say that fake hands are for people, but no one wants to, who doesn't know the importance of evolutionary props? What if it was pitted?

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