Fairy Technology

Chapter 1009: This is a pit!

The game warehouse is a must-buy, which is the common recognition of everyone.

Just ... Whether you buy it immediately, this person will see the benevolent and the wise.

For those who are not bad money, naturally want to use the game warehouse as soon as possible. Having a game warehouse represents an increase in game time, because players use the game warehouse to play, and their bodies are actually in a deep sleep state. Although this cannot be said to be online 24 hours, it is definitely more time than using other gaming devices. long.

And a large number of other people are still very hesitant, because all of this is just what Shen Bing said, and it has not been tested by practice.

Even if there is a great possibility that it is true, there is still a small chance that it is false.

Anyway, with or without a game warehouse, you can play games, so why bother buying early and late? At most, the items will be extracted later.

For people whose economy is not very affluent, 300,000 yuan is enough for them to divorce them.

However, compared to the billions of people around the world, even if only 1% of people are rushing to experience the game warehouse first, that is enough to surround the major offline experience stores.

Magician Technology has announced that the sale time of the game warehouse is tomorrow morning at 9 am. For crazy players, what is the line for the day?

Well, things didn't go as people thought.

Every offline experience store is surrounded by thousands of people. Can't this business be done?

As a result, Huaxian Technology released an announcement directly on the official website. The first batch of one million game warehouses will be sold in the form of online lottery.

The specific operation method is to let all people who want to buy a game warehouse register online, and then draw one million people from it. The winner must pay the fee within two hours, otherwise it will be considered as a waiver.

People who purchase the game warehouse, go to the offline experience store to pick up the goods the next day.

The people who lined up were suddenly aggressive, this ... amused everyone, right?

Even if there are complaints, it can only endure.

Line up? If it does n’t exist, everyone goes back to their own homes. What should we do?

Get the money ready, and then it's up to luck.

Of course, it is inevitable to talk at the end of the street. Almost everyone's gossip talents are inspired. Even the usually cold people can't help but talk to the people around.

As for work? jobs? Who still has work to do at this time.

Every company, even the boss is discussing with employees.

Even some more aggressive bosses directly brought their employees over for meetings-the content of the meeting was the company's transformation and how to develop in the "Sky".

This also seems to confirm what Shen Bing said before. No one can be fair in any game.

These bosses, someone on hand, can naturally pull a lot of people into it.

As for the employees, although some of them intend to go it alone, humans are social animals after all. And everyone knows the truth, whether it is a game or a reality, it is true that people have more power and strength, and it is even more obvious in the game.

In the face of the unknown "Sky", many people chose to hold a group.

Ye Ke also has some companies and factories, at this moment completely dumbfounded.

The employees are not attentive to work, the factory is shut down, and the production tasks cannot be completed. This is not a trivial matter.

Especially some factory owners who have contracts are even more distressed. At this time, no matter how they persuade it, it will not work. Many people only have "Sky" in their minds.

It seems that in the morning, the whole world was messed up.

Apart from people talking about The Sky, the busiest at this moment are the major supermarkets and small shops.

Why? Reserve rations, of course. Many people plan to retreat in the next period.

Uh ...

Chaos is not just in reality, it is more lively on the Internet.

谁 Who is most excited at this moment? Gamers, of course.

玩家 Every player has a dream that one day, playing games can become the most mainstream profession, not a manifestation of idleness.

At this moment, their dream has come true. This is not only the most mainstream occupation, but also a grand event involving all human beings.

Also, this is a virtual reality game, a way of playing that only exists in fiction movies.

Not only that, this game is linked to reality, which can let people in reality evolve, which adds a mysterious aura to the "Sky".

"In the future, WeChat and phone will be deactivated. Please find me in the game if you have any questions."

"Old birds lead the team! Welcome to join."

"The Hao Lin team is closed, and **** players are welcome to join. This team has inside information and only shares it with those who are committed."

"Stupid upstairs! Identification is complete."

"Team resignation! I won't go to work tomorrow, it's cool!"

言论 A variety of remarks are flooded on the Internet. Some people really discuss games, and others are afraid that the world will not be chaotic. The latter is even better than the former.

The dissatisfaction originally caused by work was also erupted at this moment.

Resignation is only a relatively low-key approach, and some even directly preach to go to the boss for a meal and then leave!

In this situation, there are still some sane people who persuade everyone to calm down on the Internet.

If this continues, whether human beings can grasp the opportunities for evolution is not certain, but global chaos is inevitable, which is not good for all humanity.

Uh ...

幻 仙 楼, in a holographic conference room.

This is a newly built holographic conference room by Huanxian Technology. Its high technology content is definitely the first in the world.

At this time, Shen Bingduan was sitting on a round table, while in the other seats, there were dozens of big men in the world.

These people are not financial oligarchs or tech giants, but executive heads.

Wu Huaxia's chief executive was also suddenly listed.

Of course, these people naturally cannot run to Huaxian Technology so quickly for a meeting. These seemingly real people are actually holographic images.

He is headed by Hua Xia, who is also chairing the conference.

In fact, the head of government did not plan to hold this meeting, but how can the leaders of other countries be unable to sit still and call them one by one, and the head of government has to accept it.

The President of the United States looked at Shen Bing with a solemn look: "Mr. Shen, the current situation is very dangerous. I don't know if there is a solution?"

For Shen Bing, the mood of the President is very complicated.

He clearly remembers what happened in the past. It stands to reason that he should hate Shen Bing very much, but somehow, this hate is that he cannot be born, and he is even very grateful for it.

He can only attribute it to the magic fairy technology that has saved the world, and even the future needs a global backbone such as magic fairy technology to support it.

Shen Bingdao: "The President, in fact, we can also predict this result. The reason why I did not announce the" Sky "in advance was also based on this consideration. Now, people only think about how to get into the game next Development, what can I do? I can't say that what I said in the morning is false? "

"No! No, I don't mean that," the president said quickly. "I just hope that there can be a way to control the situation. If things go on, I'm afraid we don't need aliens to invade, we will mess up first."

"If your company goes all out to increase the production capacity of intelligent robots, when will it be able to meet global demand?" Russian President Pomps asked.

Shen Bingdao: "At present, it is impossible for our company to devote all its energy to the production of intelligent robots. The current mainstream product is still a game warehouse."

"But if there are not enough robots and all corporate employees quit their jobs, the entire social system will collapse. The seriousness of this consequence, Mr. Shen also knows," said British Prime Minister Chelman.

Shen Bing sneered, it was this group of people who sneered at the head, hoping to let them announce the virtual reality game in advance, in order to quell the confusion brought about by the widespread popularity of intelligent robots.

As a result, I announced it according to their requirements, and now let me solve the tide of idle work that has come to the world because of the release of The Sky.

Really be the captain of the fire?

"Everyone, it is not impossible to increase the production capacity of intelligent robots, but our company is helpless in terms of certain raw materials. After all, the global output is so small. Although our company is now capable of entering the universe, this does not mean We can now develop resources in the universe. "

Everyone glanced at each other, and finally the US president said, "Mr. Shen, you can list the materials you need, and everyone thinks about it together."

Shen Bing is also welcome, he directly said a lot of things ...

Then, the scene was quiet.

Everyone scolds MMP, are you planning to copy? Is this for the families of all countries?

Everyone didn't agree immediately, and looked at Chief Huaxia.

老人 This old man is very leisurely! Does not seem to see everyone's eyes.

自然 Of course, these people do not know. The senior man of the chief has his leisurely confidence, because Shen Bing has promised before that the intelligent robots produced by the company currently satisfy Huaxia's use.

Although these 30 million robots cannot fully meet the needs of production and life, they are enough to ensure the basic operation of society.

Administrative system, medical system, education system, agriculture, animal husbandry and fishery system, this cannot be stopped, especially the latter, even if people all over the world have entered the "Sky", we still have to eat.

With these 30 million robots, coupled with automated farming equipment, Huaxia has no worries.

Seeing the look of Chief Huaxia, the big guy also collapsed.

He originally hoped that the old man would help him to say a few words of good words, but as a result, others would not talk about it, which would be impossible.

"Mr. Shen, the materials you said have very limited reserves in our countries." Cherman said, "Otherwise, we try to meet your needs as much as possible, but also ask you to give priority to the production of intelligent robots, at least Increase the daily output of intelligent robots to two million. "

"Two million? This is impossible! To reach this capacity, we need to invest too much, and the total global demand for intelligent robots will not exceed one billion. It is equivalent to more than a year after this market is completely Saturated. In addition, our intelligent robots have a very long service life, and the costs invested in production lines and workshops cannot be recovered. "

Shen Bing is talking nonsense with his eyes open. Anyway, for the production of intelligent robots, only he has the right to speak.

The big guys are crashing!

"Mr. Shen, it matters a lot, and I ask you to take the overall situation seriously."

Shen Bing sneered at once, and said, "The big picture is the most important thing? Are you qualified to say that I don't take the big picture as the first thing? Let's not talk about this" Sky "game. It's just the charged particle cannon that we took out before. Thanks to all human beings. Also, you seem to have forgotten the fact that my fantasy technology is a company, not a state power. For the overall situation, let the Prime Minister consider it. "

The Prime Minister of Lao Guo smiled awkwardly, it seemed ... everyone really ignored Shen Bing's identity.

"Everyone, I don't think it's interesting to discuss too much. As for the matter of making the daily output of intelligent robots reach 2 million, I agree in principle, but the losses caused by it cannot be borne by my company. This part of the investment is at least 500 billion Chinese yuan, whether you let the countries of the world share it, or you alone bear it, as long as the money is on the book, I will drive at full capacity. In addition, to ensure all The robots produced are delivered to the positions that need them as soon as possible. The production of these intelligent robots is best distributed around the world, so I need enough factories, and you will solve them. "

Everyone glanced at each other.

Although they were unwilling, they had to face Shen Bing's opinions squarely.

沈 If Shen Bingzheng chose not to do anything, they would be blind.

If other companies, they can still use strong, but they have not enough courage to Huanxian Technology.

Who knows what secret is the charged particle gun flying in the sky? The Huaxia military is able to control those charged particle cannons. This is fine, but who can dare to guarantee that Shen Bing has nothing left to play? It is estimated that it is the Huaxia side and dare not say such things.

I ca n’t help it, so that I can't make trouble in my country, I can only recognize it by pinching my nose.

After the agreement was over, big brothers from all over the world went offline.

They have to have a headache for money when they go back.

If they had before, they could share the money and let major companies bleed.

Ye Ke just yesterday, the blood of these companies has been severely lethal by the magic fairy technology, how much blood can be put out, it is hard to say.

However, they still have a way. These intelligent robots are not only for the functional departments of the government, but also for the major companies in the country. Since it is a thing that is beneficial to everyone, there is no reason for the government to pay the bill.

It's a big deal to turn the sale of intelligent robots into a quota system. How much money you paid out this time, you can buy as soon as the robot arrives.

As for saying you have no money? Then don't bother, you have to find a way to raise it yourself.

After these big men left, the chieftain stayed.

"Your boy, this knife is really tough." The chief said with a smile.

Shen Bing shrugged and said, "It's nothing more than 500 billion yuan. It's nothing to them. Chief, do you have anything to ask?"

"Nothing, just want to ask, by the way, are all the things you said at the press conference in the morning real?"

Shen Bing smiled and said, "True or false, false or true, why do you care about the chief? Anyway, I can guarantee that the evolutionary props obtained by each player are real. In the future, human beings can shuttle through the body Wormhole, this is also true. "

"That's enough!" The chief smiled. "Maybe the old man, I have a lifetime, I can go to the alien planet!"

"This is definitely okay." Shen Bing said very simply.

"Your" Hope ", is it running smoothly?" The chief asked.

Shen Bingdao: "At present, it is very smooth, and the collection of various data is also very complete. According to the established plan, tonight, 'Hope' will land on Mars. This is definitely a historic moment. See everything on Mars through the live broadcast. "

After all, the Hope spacecraft is experimental, and it is impossible to fly at the fastest speed as soon as it leaves the Earth, so it took only a few days from Earth to Mars.

The Chief Executive also knows these things. After all, I hope everything on the number is live every day.

国家 The country has also arranged special staff to report all the progress and changes of Hope on a daily basis to the director for inspection.

Director Biao looked at Shen Bing and said with emotion: "Little Shen! Huaxia, I am lucky to have you!"

This is definitely a very powerful 褒 praise!

Shen Bing did not refute, but said, "I am also lucky to have been born in China!"

"Hahaha ..." The head smiled heartily.

Uh ...

In the face of the turbulent oncoming "Sky", ordinary people think differently, and think differently at the national level.

However, relatively speaking, these two classes are basically welcoming to the appearance of The Sky, even to say that they are not overly surprised.

But for the major companies in the industry, they have a cool feeling.

"Sky" is a virtual game after all. If the vast majority of people flood into the "Sky" world, the demand for physical products will inevitably decrease.

watch TV? Playing computer? Might as well play a game.

Even clothing, food, housing, transportation and other aspects will be affected ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ not to mention devastating, at least it will hurt the muscles and bones.

Now the item of “living” has almost been cut off, and the major real estate projects have directly launched the jump price, but nobody cares about it.

As for the other three aspects, although we haven't shown too obvious fatigue at present, this is just because "The Sky" has not yet officially started serving.

As soon as the day after tomorrow arrives, all industries will enter the cold winter.

幻 Even Huanxian's own industry will inevitably be affected.

However, most of Xianxian's products are in short supply, which can basically be ignored.

It's the companies that took photos of the new technology of Magic Fairy Technology yesterday. At this moment, they all have a beeping feeling.

I don't mean that those technologies are completely useless, but the launch of "Sky" will definitely affect the sales of products. If they knew the existence of the "Sky" before the auction, their bid would definitely be much tenderer.

This is a pit!

At this time, I think that Shen Bingkeng's people are not only the senior executives of the company who have photographed the new technology, but also the penguins and Xinlang Group who previously won the Dragonscale system game interface at a high price.

The table has been lifted by the magic fairy technology, how can I play?

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