Fairy Technology

Chapter 1014: Quantitative and qualitative change

Shen Bing was suddenly lost in thought.

If other research projects on the underground base are not particularly clear to Shen Bing, Shen Bing has paid close attention to any details about the project in the sky.

Especially in the later period, after Shen Bing decided to put the subject of human evolution in the game, this is the top priority of Shen Bing.

This server specially tailored for the sky is not just as simple as a server that carries data calculations, it is also an experimental device.

的 The subject of his research is dark matter related to consciousness.

If it is said that the Hope spaceship embodies all the current high-tech of Magic Fairy Technology, then this server is the key to Magic Fairy's future technology.

打造 In order to build this server, Huanxian Technology has invested heavily.

Even in terms of raw material value, this server is no less than 100 billion yuan. Many of these materials have been obtained by working together for more than a dozen particle accelerators for a long time.

If not all the acquired technology has the matching production technology, Shen Bing has to catch blind.

话 Those words that Shen Bing said at the press conference yesterday are not completely made up.

的 The dark matter that constitutes the brain's consciousness, although it does not play a catalytic role in the conversion of other dark energy into dark energy for human evolution, as he said, they can become the source of dark matter conversion.

Yes, Shen Bing was lying on the stage before.

Everyone accesses the sky through the game warehouse, and the essence is to rely on the conscious transmission technology to bring the full consciousness into the virtual world carried by the server.

I use a vivid metaphor: The server in the "Sky" is equivalent to a demon furnace, which contains countless souls.

However, Shen Bing's purpose is not to train these souls, but to absorb the dark matter in consciousness.

One thing Shen Bing hasn't deceived everyone, this process is not a loss for players.

The research team under the guidance of Shen Bingyu found that the brain is a magical organ, and it always produces dark matter that constitutes consciousness.

At the same time, when people are thinking, that is, when consciousness is active, they will continue to consume this dark matter.

This loss does not directly dissipate this dark matter, but they are out of human control and become a free dark matter in the air.

But because this kind of dark matter cannot exist independently between heaven and earth, it is like nuclear matter with extremely short half-life. If it takes a little longer, it will deteriorate into another more stable dark matter.

这种 And this kind of dark matter no longer possesses the characteristics possessed by the kind of dark matter that constitutes consciousness, and has no value.

服务器 This server created by Shen Bing has the function of storing this dark matter for a long time.

The dark matter that constitutes brain consciousness is indeed one of the most perfect raw materials mentioned in mass-energy conversion technology.

Basically, this dark matter can be converted into any matter or energy by a mass-energy conversion device.

It can be said that Shen Bing's mass-energy conversion technology can really work only if the global deployment of The Sky is realized.

Even if there are other equally perfect "raw materials" in the vast universe, we can never find the endless resources like human consciousness.

But under normal circumstances, shouldn't the collected dark matter all have the same characteristics? Why did it suddenly change?

"Go! Go and see first." Shen Bing said immediately.

Yuan Wei said: "There is no need to go to the underground base. I have extracted this part of the anomaly data. You can see it directly here."

After speaking, Yuan Wei reached out her hand and waved gently, and a light curtain emerged in front of her, showing a huge array of data on it.

I am also the brain of Shen Bing and others who are even more powerful than supercomputing. They can instantly browse these data and change to other people to directly force them.

She Yunxue has been viewing the data displayed on the holographic image. Although her main research direction is mecha, it also involves conscious control technology, so she is not a layman in this regard.

After a few minutes, Yunxue said, "Shen Bing, how do I think this is a new substance?"

Shen Bing frowned, why didn't he know it was a new substance? It just seems that the fluctuation frequency of this stuff is very high! Scary high.

Yuan Wei said: "I talked with Clarence and others in the afternoon. We think this may be a high-level dark matter. This is only when the number of players accessing the server has reached the order of millions. Once The number of people decreases, and the collected dark matter fluctuations will return to normal. "

Shen Bingdao: "Do you mean, this is a qualitative change caused by quantitative changes?"

"That's right!" Yuan Wei said, "Because today's time is short, players have been online for less than two minutes at the same time. The collected data and this special dark matter are not much, so it has not been studied in depth. When the service is officially opened tomorrow, it is estimated that we can release our hands and feet to study. "

"OK! Let's go and see tomorrow." Shen Bing said.

He had a faint feeling in his heart, and this discovery was absolutely important to himself, even exceeding his previous expectations.

However, Shen Bing is unable to grasp what direction it will take. All this can only be known after researching ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ everything speaks by data.

But anyway, the collection of dark matter that constitutes consciousness is no problem. In the future, magical things such as brain development technology and gene fortification medicine can be promoted on a large scale.

Even, Shen Bing has an idea. With such ample raw materials, I no longer need to rely on the analysis of Dragon Tiger Dan, but can also develop more powerful genetically enhanced drugs, pushing human evolution to a higher level.

Abandoned this topic for the time being, Shen Bing immediately asked the intelligent robot to get the food up-he had been busy for a long time and was hungry early. In particular, his health is getting better every day, and his energy consumption is getting bigger and bigger.

"Yunxue and Yuan Wei, do you plan to enter the game tomorrow?" Shen Bing swallowed a large mouthful of beef and asked.

Yuan Wei said: "I want to go in and see. I was obsessed with games for a while when I was in college. Later, because of time constraints, I quit abruptly. This time I must have fun."

Yun Yunxue glanced at Shen Bing and said, "Shen Bing, we have entered the game, can we have some special treatment?"

"Special treatment?" Shen Bing looked at them with a smirk and said, "Are you sure you want special treatment?"

Yun Yunxue rolled her eyes. She knew that Shen Bingzhun was not at ease, and said, "Be stingy! Don't stop. Don't worry. I will go to the developer to write the game information."

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