Fairy Technology

Chapter 1015: Feel something bad to happen

Shen Bing smiled leisurely, but did not chase after him.

He looked at the two beautiful flower lovers around him, and he was very happy inside.

I live like a beautiful family, but it is also a blessing that I have repaired in my life, but I have come to a Queen E Ying, if it is passed out, it is estimated that it will cause the anger of countless otaku.

After sitting at the table, Yun Xue recounted in detail his research results during this chat.

In the process, Yun Xue was very excited, after all, it was a rare time to show off.

I want to know that when she was studying, she could not climb over the mountains in front of Shen Bing, but since the Chinese New Year last year, this situation has completely reversed, her status has reversed, and she seems to have become a follower.

Maybe this can no longer be called follow-up, sometimes she even feels like a "waste" attached to Shen Bing. But after taking Lingqiao Dan, Yun Xue felt confident and returned to herself, so she has always insisted on developing a project independently, a new project that can even have a profound impact on all humankind-she chose the right one It's mech.

"Shen Bing, my current research on mecha is definitely at the forefront of the world ..."

"At present, there is no research on mecha in the world. Even if you are standing still, you are still in the forefront." Shen Bingyou leisurely said.

Yuan Wei 噗嗤 laughed out loud.

Yin Yunxue's Zhang Yintao's small mouth throbbed a few times, staring at Shen Bing stubbornly. If his eyes could kill someone, Shen Bing would be absolutely stunned.

After a second, Yun Xue smiled again and said, "Shen Bing, your attitude, if you are in a TV series, you can never live two episodes."

"It doesn't matter, I can be a producer. It's a lot of money!"

Xun Yunxue was a little crazy.

"Well, you two, don't stop sitting together, you have to fight, what's the difference with a child?" Yuan Wei couldn't stand it.

"We are definitely more mature than children!" Shen Bing and Yun Xue said almost in unison.

There was a moment of silence in the living room.

Yuan Wei suddenly smiled: "It seems you still have a tacit understanding."

"That's for sure!" Yunxue said.

Immediately after that, she glanced at Shen Bing with a warning and said, "I have now completed the research on the mecha power system and combat system. As long as the research on the flight system is completed, I can basically take out the first prototype . "

冰 Shen Bing did not continue to hit her, saying, "Well, the anti-gravity device and nuclear fusion reactor can be used in the flight system. By the way, how big is your mech?"

"According to my design, the mech must be at least 100 meters high, similar to the specifications in the Pacific Rim." Yunxue Road.

Shen Bingdao: "But you haven't thought about it. If you design the mech so large, its use must have great limitations. For example, it cannot be carried on many occasions, and the battle scene is also limited."

"I understand what you said." Yun Xuedao, "But there is no way, the design is too small, and the combat effectiveness is ultimately limited. In addition, now that you launch the" Sky "game, humans will soon usher in large-scale evolution. This small mech with limited combat power overlaps with the evolved humans, even with humans with a higher degree of reinforcement. I don't want to make a product purely for loading. "

Shen Bing heard this, something could not help but come to mind.

Aside from the thoughts that shouldn't be in the mind, Shen Bing said: "Although what you said is somewhat reasonable, it is not impossible to solve. I have two solutions here. One is naturally to create a variety of mecha. At the same time, find ways to improve the strength of small mechas. In fact, you do n’t have to design the mech as an automatic combat weapon. You can position its function as an auxiliary battle, but the real core is human. The role of mech is just An increase in strength and speed, and at the same time increase long-range attack capabilities. If you think about it, no matter how humans have evolved, don't think of any long-range attack methods in a short time, this is not the selling point. "

Jian Yunxue looked at Shen Bing and said, "You are indeed a traitor! No wonder Huaxian Technology can become the world's largest oligopoly."

"What is a traitor! I'll analyze it for you."

"What is the second solution?"

"The second ... I can't try it yet."

"Then you talk about it first."

"Find a mech that can be freely resized."

"What do you mean, make a mech that can change its size?" Yunxue stared at the little star.

She quickly became skeptical, saying, "How can there be such material in this world? Even if it is available, it can be used to make mechs, is it too wasteful?"

Shen Bingdao: "Maybe there is, but we haven't found it yet. As for the waves not wasted, this is the benevolent sees the benign and the wise." If you develop such a mech, the precious materials are used for it It's just right. "

Jin Yunxue understood it, Shen Bing was drawing a cake.

But after all, this is a cake painted by Shen Bing. He has never said that he has more credibility in Yun Xue's eyes.

"You are studying the materials in this regard now?" Yun Xue asked.

Shen Bingdao: "It's true, but when it will be fruitful, it's really hard to say."

Uh ...

With the gradual fermentation of the "Sky" game, the heat is getting higher and higher.

In reality, on the Internet, there are organizations or individuals recruiting members.

Historically, there are many people and powerful people, and it is a widely accepted axiom in the game industry.

Many companies even switched directly to buy a large number of high-end computers, ready to lead the company's employees into the game.

The most famous one is Foxconn ...

No way, who made Huaxian Technology launch smart robots, and this type of foundry is the most impactful? Either you sell the intelligent robots of Huaxian Technology to replace employees, or you are going to close the business.

Foxconn has chosen the third path and is preparing to lead all the more than one million employees to the "Sky" ...

There is a premise here, that is, Shen Bing's human evolution is indeed true, but it is very likely to come.

After all, even a set of gymnastics developed by Huanxian Technology can double the human fitness. The game of "Sky" that took so much effort did not make sense.

If at this time, people are still a little bit hesitant when looking forward to the "Sky", then at 7 pm, an event broadcast by China News completely put people's concerns down.

"Hua Xia will select 50% of the troops from the army to enter the" Sky "! Human evolution, the army is indispensable."

"Government governments are encouraged to purchase intelligent robots for administrative management work. In particular, window units must list timetables to replace existing staff with intelligent robots. Local governments have set up special" Sky "game affairs bureaus, and all positions replaced by intelligent robots Personnel, volunteer to join, pay unchanged, obey the management of the Game Bureau. "

Suddenly, the whole world exploded.

I may think that this news is not shocking enough, and then the governments of the United States, Britain, Russia, Germany and other countries have also stated their positions and will assign the army to the game "Sky".

Only for half an hour, it is only a clear statement that one-third of all military forces in the world will be stationed in the "Sky" tomorrow.

政府 The statement of the government of any country is absolutely prudent, especially in China. It has always been very cautious.

Now that Huaxia has taken the lead in announcing "Sky", I am afraid I fully believe those words of Shen Bing.

More importantly, it seems that it is not difficult to know some inside information about the relationship between Huaxia officials and Huanxian Technology.

Real hammer! Even if no one has evolved in The Sky, but many governments have come forward to endorse it, which is enough.

At this moment, not only ordinary people believe that "Sky" can bring evolution to mankind, but even the heads of small countries who play the role of eating melon also believe.

I can't fall behind!

As a result, a climax of "The Sky" was set off again everywhere.

At this moment, it seems that what you are talking about on the street is not the "Sky", and it is not the same as the times.

Uh ...

Time passed quietly, this was another sleepless night.

However, many people did not sleep overnight last night. This night, they couldn't resist the physical fatigue, and they fell asleep in the middle of the night.

I ca n’t wait for the next morning to be bright, and many people have already woke up.

九 At 9 am, the second batch of game warehouses of Magic Fairy Technology has arrived, and all winning users can't wait to pick them up at the offline experience store.

But this time, the entrance to the offline experience store was deserted.

Almost everyone, either stay at home or stay in the unit, but their ultimate purpose is only one, that is to enter the "Sky" game at the first time, and explore the magic game.

As for going to the offline experience store to watch, whoever loves to go, anyway, they don't want to see the small eyes of the winning users ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ time is gradually moving forward, the world seems to be falling into a kind of tension , Looking forward to the atmosphere.

Zhao Yang, four from the Electronic Science and Technology University, was equally nervous.

学校 Today the school has a special day off, requiring all students to enter the "Sky", even if it is entered by mobile phone, it must be entered.

This is a product of Huanxian Technology. As Shen Bing's mother, how can you not support it?

So Zhao Yang and others immediately nested in the rental house and waited for the service.

Liu Xiao was sitting next to the computer, each of them had a display in front of them. Liu Xiao used a phantom display, and the other two were ordinary displays.

Of course, no matter what monitor they use, in their minds, there has always been a scene of Zhao Yang using the game room-so special envious of that grandson.

But I can't say this. What if I don't help them transfer materials?

"Yang, Xiaoxiao, Sanjin! Check if the voice is on!"

"no problem!"

"Smooth voice!"

"I suddenly felt a little flustered, and it seemed that something bad happened." Zhao Yang's voice sounded in the three's headphones.

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