Fairy Technology

Chapter 1021: Depression and prosperity

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Pacific Center, Golden Island.

A large Fengshen 1 aircraft constantly takes off from the island, which is full of intelligent robots.

There is no doubt that the production capacity of Golden Island is a huge production factory! Even if the total area of ​​each floor is not less than a metropolis like Rongcheng.

Such a huge area is all used for production, and the high production capacity is absolutely appalling.

Of course, a large part of this area is used to produce game warehouses, and the remaining part is used to complete the refining of raw materials and the manufacture of production lines.

Despite this, the output of intelligent robots has now exceeded eight million.

That's right, no one can underestimate the ability of Magic Fairy Technology to explode its production capacity.

Directly transferred to dozens of puppet artisans, and directly built the production line at any cost, the effect is absolutely leveraged.

In addition, the robots required by major companies are ordinary intelligent robots. In this regard, Huaxian Technology has fully mature technology, and the production process has been completely modularized and streamlined.

There are hundreds of production lines, and intelligent robots come down continuously every minute.

As for transportation, it is even simpler. The carrying capacity of the Fengshen 1 is absolutely reliable and the speed is impeccable.

The demand for smart robots from major companies is extremely urgent. The magic side only needs to transport the robots to the nearest airport to its company, and someone will come to pick up the goods.

Of course, most of the previous goods are supplied to domestic enterprises. Although it can not be said that it is sufficient, it is still no problem to meet the most basic factory operations.

And foreign companies are more unlucky, implementing a quota system.

The quota given by Magic Fairy Technology is only at the national level. As for whether this country allocates these robots to those companies, this is not what Magic Fairy Technology cares about.

Anyway, no matter who it is sold to, it is charged.

Basically, super manufacturing companies like Volkswagen have factories all over the world, and the first batch of intelligent robots they received were only a few thousand.

This is still considering that automobile manufacturers such as Volkswagen need to complete the production of flying cars and complete the global replacement task of flying cars set by Shen Bing, otherwise it can be a good number.

Of course, this is just the beginning, and every day a new batch of robots will arrive.

As for the currently vacant positions, the original employees can still only be paid at high salaries.

But this high salary is only a short-term contract. The employees themselves are not willing to stay in the factory for a long time, and the factory is not willing to pay such a high salary all the time.

Signing a short-term contract is obviously more in the interest of both parties.

Global deployment of smart robots officially begins!

To achieve such a high production capacity, in addition to the increase of its own production capacity, another factor is the replacement of many parts originally produced by itself into outsourcing.

This will inevitably bring a certain degree of quality degradation, but this decline is only relative to the standard that intelligent robots can use for decades for Shen Bing said before. In fact, even if the quality is now reduced, it can ensure safe use for more than ten years.

Huaxian Technology announced this very openly and transparently. Although all buyers wanted to scold their mothers, there was no room for refutation.

Who can blame this? I can only blame the insufficient manufacturing capacity of other companies.

Could it be possible to ask Magic Fairy Technology to produce all parts by itself? The estimated output fell immediately.

Fortunately, this low manufacturing capacity is only temporary ...

The production of nearly ten million intelligent robots every day, the orders for parts and components generated are also an astronomical figure.

Even if a company can win a production order for one of the metal connecting rod parts, it is enough to eat and drink.

But for now, no company in the world can independently take all orders for any single component of a smart robot, so it is basically divided into many parts.

In this global manufacturing event, Huaxia enterprises undoubtedly won the biggest cake.

Because intelligent robots are relatively adequate, production capacity is largely unaffected. In the manufacturing catastrophe brought by the "Sky", not only did Huaxia's manufacturing industry not appear depressed, but it became more and more powerful.

It is almost predictable that this year, even without considering the factors of Huanxian Technology, China ’s gross national product will surpass the old United States and become the world ’s largest country.

In particular, the dozens of super technologies photographed by Huaxia companies in the past few days and the more powerful technical materials left by Huaxia officials have begun to emerge in this manufacturing turmoil.

For that technology auction, although Magic Fairy Technology has made a lot of money, but it is also very authentic.

They did not leave these technologies alone after they sold them, but sent professional and technical personnel to provide technical guidance: including one-stop service such as technical training, equipment modification guidance, installation and commissioning.

The effect of this is to allow some relatively simple manufacturing techniques to be converted into products in just two or three days.

Once many of these products have been put into production, they have just ushered in a super order from Huaxian Technology.

For example, some Chinese state-owned large factories use dynamic vision capture technology to produce intelligent robot eyeballs. For example, some domestic large companies jointly obtained the super-powered servo motor technology produced by the intelligent motor motion system servo motor.

Domestic companies did win the biggest cake, but many large foreign companies also made a lot of money.

For example, several major automobile manufacturers use several super titanium alloy technology to produce robotic transmission parts, and the daily order value has exceeded 2 billion US dollars.

In fact, it is not just smart robot parts orders. Magic Fairy Technology has gradually shifted out the production of non-core parts of many of its products.

This is not only an effective way to drive global technological progress, but also an inevitable choice to further increase the production of Huanxian technology products.

In the past, Magic Fairy Technology did not do this to keep the technology secret and to prevent others from overtaking.

But now, Magic Fairy Technology has become the world's largest technology oligarch.

Regarding status and strength, even the super-existence of the umbrella company, which is only found in movies, is also a bit worse than that of Magic Fairy Technology.

Under such circumstances, Huanxian Technology naturally dared to shake its shoulders.

In response, many economists around the world who originally thought that the appearance of the "Sky" would cause the global economic depression, also began to sing praises to the magic fairy technology.

Where is this depression? Obviously it is more prosperous.

Of course, some people change their views, and some people still insist on their opinions.

They believe that the impact of the "Sky" on the economy has not yet fully manifested.

What supports them is that everyone is attracted to the game world. Who will buy real products?

The real estate industry has already struck a stick before, can other industries avoid this catastrophe?

The market economy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ pays attention to a balance between supply and demand. If demand weakens and your production capacity is higher, it will only increase the excess production capacity and not bring economic prosperity.

It is a pity that what these people advocate does not cause much response on the Internet.

Even now, there is a lot less boring on the Internet. Many keyboard men have disappeared.

No one is a fool. It is imperative to play games. Who wants to hear you blind?

As for the global economy, is that something that ordinary people care about?

As far as ordinary people are concerned, as long as their living materials are not affected, they can buy things by earning money in the game, and they can also obtain the evolution of their lives. This life is better than before.

In fact, it is impossible to say that the "Sky" did not have an impact on the economy in reality.

It's just that this shock is absolutely tolerable, and compared to the benefits brought by the "Sky", this shock is nothing.

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