Fairy Technology

Chapter 1022: It's really high

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of fairyland technology!

Three days passed quickly.

"Sky" has suddenly become an integral part of people's lives. Even those who are still at work can play for a while while taking a break.

Anyway, this game has multiple data exchanges, even mobile phones can play.

Others have tried to find someone to play on behalf of, or let intelligent robots play the game, and it turned out that this simply does not work.

I don't know what technology has been implanted in Magic Fairy Technology. Anyway, as long as it is not operated by the player, the characters in it will not have any reaction.

In addition, having only one account per person has made many people think of opening a trumpet, and it is even impossible to delete the number and start over.

When the "Sky" was all the rage, many websites or forums around the "Sky" appeared.

Most of these forums are exchanging experiences, but with the gradual increase of exchanges, many buying and trading information appear on the forums.

After a few days of turmoil, the players in the "Sky" gradually explored some doorways.

The number of people who got adventures gradually increased, and even some people worshiped at the gate.

Of course, it's nothing to enter the martial arts, but the people who can get a chance encounter are envied by countless people.

One of the most striking is that one person got a century-old ginseng.

This is certainly not a century-old life in the conventional sense on earth, it is a kind of heaven and earth.

Its properties clearly stated its effectiveness: ten years of life extension.

This information was also posted on the Internet, and the source of the news was the owner of this century-old ginseng.

What the **** is this? Increase life?

I have to say that this function is more attractive than body strengthening.

Except for those who are desperate for life, no one does not want to live longer.

Such an item can increase the life span of ten years. Who is not rare?

It can be said that this is a priceless treasure.

But ... the problem is here again, this effect is completely introduced in the system properties. Although it belongs to the category of heaven and earth, Shen Bing said before that this kind of heaven and earth can be used in the real world. How can you prove that it has a life extension effect?

After all, the life expectancy of a person is an unknown number, and the ghost knows whether eating this thing in reality actually increases the life expectancy?

However, when countless people were skeptical, dozens of buying information appeared under this breaking post.

"Hello landlord, I am willing to purchase this item at a high price. The transaction method is up to you."

"Don't worry about the stupid upstairs, the price is not brought, obviously not sincere. I am willing to pay one billion dollars, if the landlord is satisfied, you can contact me directly, the telephone number: 00140812xxxxx!

"One billion? Isn't the Yankee so poor? Ten years of life is worth only one billion? Even the US dollar is worse. I am willing to contribute 2 billion euros!"

Then downstairs was a series of price increases.

Although the identity information of these people has not been shown, they must have the support of the rich, and may even be a rich person directly.

Of course, it can't be ruled out that there are guys who are not too big to watch the fun, but the real information is definitely more.

No one doubts that ten years of life is not worth the price.

For those billionaires, if they can really increase their lifespan by ten years, let alone billions of dollars, even tens of billions will be given.

However, after these purchase news appeared, the landlord did not give any response.

Many people think that this player regards money as dung, or does he need a hundred-year-old ginseng that can extend life for ten years.

This conjecture has not been confirmed, but someone has proposed another.

Is this player afraid to stand up and trade?

At this stage, trading in the game is completely unrealistic, and most people don't know which area they are in. Wanting to meet others in the game world is pure imagination.

But in reality, who dares to go? This is not a matter of hundreds or thousands of dollars, but billions and tens of billions.

Who can guarantee that money will not be stolen?

So, who dares to show up when they cannot guarantee their own security?

This situation made everyone aggressive.

This is not just that the lucky man who has obtained a century of life dare not come out to trade, but also the player who has won the world ’s rare treasures-at least he is afraid to trade in reality.

But in a short time, it is embarrassing to want to trade in the game world.

If a young player has obtained the life extension of the world, this is actually of little value to him at present, but for some people who are about to reach the end of their lives, this thing is invaluable.

Only transactions can maximize their value.

How can people be assured of trading? At least it's not just for someone to build a platform. Even if some countries provide guarantees, they dare not say that they must be safe.

People thought a lot and finally came up with a solution.

The person who leads the transaction is best done by Huanxian Technology.

If there is anyone in this world who is jealous of such things that extend life and regard billions or tens of billions of money as dung, then it is the magic fairy technology.

On the other hand, it is also the easiest to do this thing by the magic fairy technology, after all, they are doing this game.

Suddenly, netizens seemed to have found the backbone of the main body, and started to call on the Internet to open the remote trading function of the game.

But some people quickly pointed out the disadvantages. Even if remote trading is opened in the game, what is the currency of the transaction? Game currency? Nonsense, who now has so many game coins to buy treasures that extend life for ten years?

But if it is not using game currency, is it real currency? This is linked to the financial systems of other countries, and how to operate is a very troublesome thing.

All these discussions naturally cannot hide the global monitoring of the ball, and these news were also placed on the desk of Wangxian Technology Wang Sheng for the first time.

"It seems that the voice is quite high." Wang Sheng smiled.

He was going to pick up the phone next to him, but the phone rang.

"General Manager Wang, I'm Niu Yu!" The voice on the phone was a little distressed.

Wang Shengdao: "Hello Niu Dong, I'm preparing to contact you. I want to call you, too, for those online speculation?"

"That's it! We didn't discuss it well before. Our company is responsible for the transaction of game items." Niu Yudao, "but looking at the attitude of those players, it seems to only recognize your company, do you have any good ideas?"

Regarding game item trading, it is indeed a business that Magic Fairy Technology previously negotiated with a certain treasure.

Since Shen Bing intends to make the "Sky" a world, how can there be no transaction?

The trading of the original in-game items can be done directly in the sky with an NPC force. But "Sky" is a game after all, it cannot exist completely independent of the real world, so Shen Bing directly packaged this business to a certain treasure company.

It's just that the game has just started, and there is almost no demand for trading. Therefore, the magic fairy technology and a certain treasure did not publicize this matter.

But now the players are upset, it seems that they only recognize the magic fairy technology, which makes Niu Yu feel a bit awkward.

Wang Shengdao: "This is a bit unexpected, but it is not difficult to solve this problem. The trading platform is still set up by you. Registered account information does not use real names but game character information. As for the correlation between game character information and reality, Our company will complete it, so that players can rest assured. In addition, for the transfer of game items, we can introduce a way of in-game cutover. In order to ensure that the realism of the game is not affected, we can set up a consignment in each city OK. The consignment process is completed directly in the game, and then the information is shared with your trading platform. As long as the transfer is completed on your trading platform, the consignment items will also be automatically sent to the consignment bank where the buyer is located. The transaction is completed. "

"This is a good method!" Niu Yu is overjoyed, which is equivalent to the endorsement of a certain treasure by Huanxian Technology. Naturally, others will not doubt its safety.

Wang Shengdao: "But we have to make restrictions. After all, this cross-virtual, real-world transaction is too easy to affect the game balance." Sky "is not only a role-playing game, but also a strategy game. In future wars, this will be easy. Become a BUG. Therefore, we must charge a transaction fee. Our preliminary opinion here is that a minimum of 20 million transaction fee for any single item, and 20% transaction fee for items valued more than 100 million. "

Niu Yu was silent for a few seconds, and he was probably vomiting that the magic fairy technology was too dark.

"Is the transaction fee higher? Who would like to trade on it?" Niu Yudao.

Wang Sheng laughed: "We didn't encourage this kind of transaction. Anyway, this is also a willingness to hit one willing to suffer. In addition, the transaction fee I just mentioned is charged by our company. As for your platform It ’s up to you, you decide. ”

Niu Yu opened his mouth, thinking in his mind whether he would also charge 20%?

But after thinking about it, I gave up this tempting idea.

Even if he charges another 20%, someone will choose to trade in this way, but this will obviously damage the company's image.

Huanxian Technology can not care about this image, but he can't.

According to the cooperation that Niu Yu and others have talked with Huanxian Technology before, it involves not only actual transactions, but also consignment sales and auctions of game items, but these are done through game currency.

Certainly Bao is not in order to earn game currency, eventually these game currency will be converted into real currency.

It is just that this conversion is not implemented by a certain treasure, nor is it done by Huanxian Technology, but is completed by the major banks in cooperation with the currency management agencies of various countries.

This involves very complicated things, and the fundamental purpose is naturally not to bring too much impact on the actual financial system.

Of course, these processes have nothing to do with a certain Bao's business, they are only involved in some of the transaction items in the game.

The most important thing is that these projects are not completely monopolized by a certain treasure, but the magic fairy technology provides them with some convenient conditions in the game.

If they stink their own reputation and eventually let others occupy the market, then there will be no place to cry.

For the result of this call, Niu Yu is still very satisfied.

An hour later, Huaxian Technology and Baobao issued a joint announcement, announcing the official launch of the trading platform.

Players are ecstatic about it, whether it is a reel player who wants to make money, or a local tyrant who is not bad at all, they are all timely and happy to react to the magic fairy technology.

As for the 20% transaction fee? Who cares?

It's like a person who has won a multi-billion dollar prize suddenly, and still cares about paying 20% ​​personal income tax? As for the buyer, since they are willing to spend billions on a prop that extends life for ten years, they don't care to spend the 20% more money to reassure the seller.

Of course, in this transaction process, a certain treasure as a platform side must also be drawn, but a certain treasure is very conscience, only 1%.

However, according to the regulations of Magic Fairy Technology, the value of items that are basically traded in this way is not less than 100 million. That is, as long as a transaction is completed, a treasure can be commissioned as one million. This is also Great profit.

Taking this opportunity, Bao also ran a big advertisement, believing his consignment bank was launched.

This is not just a business within Huaxia, but a global presence.

Although Magic Fairy Technology has given the item trading items in the "Sky" to a certain treasure, this is not free. 30% of the profits belong to Magic Fairy Technology-after all, Magic Fairy Technology is not a charity.

But when the trading platform goes online, everyone no longer cares about this kind of cooperation between Magic Fairy Technology and a certain company such as Bao, because less than one minute after the trading platform went online, someone posted the consignment information on the platform.

"Hundred years of ginseng: heaven and earth are rare, and serving them can increase their lifetime by ten years."

Not only text, pictures are also indispensable.

Countless people were gazing at this treasure.

This 100-year-old ginseng was hung up by way of sending lots, with a starting price of 2 billion Chinese yuan, and a price of 50 billion.

Such ultra-high prices naturally attracted countless people eating melon.

But before they had time to discuss this, the consignment message disappeared.

It is not that the person who sold it has cancelled, but has already completed the transaction ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Hundred Years Life, which was directly given a second price.

Countless people are dumbfounded.

What a special is 50 billion! Not five hundred.

Has the Chinese currency depreciated?

Well, depreciation is impossible. As China's position in the world becomes more and more stable, China's currency is becoming more and more valuable.

Just such a high price is really difficult for many people to accept.

If this is purely a unique treasure, then it is justified.

But it is just a treasure that appeared in the first two days after the game was launched. It is the first one, but it is definitely not the last one. There may even be better ones in the future.

Fifty billion yuan is indeed a false high.

The only possibility is that the person who bought this thing needs it too much!

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