Fairy Technology

Chapter 1025: Energy absorption

? Another night, the planet Avalon was dead.

Only the living area established by Huanxian Technology flashed lights.

The protective light curtain has been faithfully performing his duties, covering the area completely.

Outside the light curtain, a big guy with a length of more than a kilometer is flying in the air.

The effect of Master Qiao's busy work has been revealed, and several super high-power searchlights have made the air very bright.

The reason why I can see this big guy is because of these searchlights.

What kind of monster is that?

It looks a bit like a dragon in Western legends, but it has two pairs of wings.

The whole body exudes a green luster, like scales, but without the layered sense of scales.

All this is nothing, the most shocking thing is its body shape.

No way, it's really too big.

Through the light of the searchlight, Hualong and others can clearly see that this guy has not launched an attack on the protective light curtain, at least not directly hit with his body or scratched with his claws.

Strangely enough, the energy consumption of the protective light curtain did increase dramatically.

And this increase came only after the emergence of this monster.

This is very weird.

"Master Qiao, can you see how this guy attacked the protective light curtain?" Hua Long swallowed and asked.

Master Qiao said: "I know!"

"In what way?"

"Energy absorption."

"What is this?" Hualong was a little aggressive, even if his brain circuit was thousands of times stronger than ordinary people, and he had dark eyes for nouns he had never touched.

Master Qiao explained: "It's like an energy black hole, absorbing all the energetic materials around it. And our protective light curtain obviously meets this condition. This absorption is scoped and non-differentiated, That's why we discovered during the data monitoring that the entire protective light curtain was under attack. "

Hualong said suddenly, "Biological energy actively absorbs energy? Is this too exaggerated?"

Zhong Yuanchang touched Hualong's arm and said, "Lao Hua, this is normal. There are many creatures on the earth that absorb energy."

Hualong didn't quite understand it at first, but soon he realized that his mind was really a muscle.

All plants on the earth grow by absorbing energy. Elementary students know about photosynthesis.

This is a little awkward.

Although plants and animals cannot be generalized, but the plants on the earth can carry out photosynthesis, does it not allow other organisms in the universe to absorb special energy?

Suddenly, Hualong's heart moved and said: "Master Qiao, since the energy loss of the protective light curtain is not caused by the monster's active attack, then does it mean that its purpose is not to break our camp, but just for energy?"

"This is also possible." Master Qiao said, "Of course, it cannot be ruled out that it wants to kill our protective light curtain by absorbing energy. But our protective light curtain has too much energy, even if it is Even if I eat it, I can't achieve it. "

"Then what do we do now?" Hualong asked.

Master Qiao ignored him.

Hua Long glanced at Master Qiao, and suddenly patted his head. How could he ask Master Qiao about this? You asked him to deal with faults, observe analysis, and process devices. That's unmatched. But when it comes to analyzing and processing transactional problems, um! how to say? Just like a three year old.

In fact, this is not just a question of masters, all the puppet artisans have the same problems.

"Old bell, the boss told us that we must catch this big guy alive. It is a treasure to us and it means a lot."

Zhong Yuanchang glanced at the giant monsters hovering in the air and frowned, "It's not easy to get it!"

While talking, he looked at Master Qiao.

Master Qiao said: "I can get it in, but how you control it later, you have to figure it out yourself."

"Royad, who is engaged in the research of biomaterials, reportedly made a kind of super fiber some time ago. That thing only needs the size of hair to hang a car. We can get some of this material and make a rope. Can tie this big guy up. "

"Difficult!" Said Master Qiao.

Zhong Yuanchang was tickled, why is it difficult? Can't this super material trap this big guy? How powerful can it be? Although the strength is directly proportional to the physique, this huge body that exceeds thousands of meters does contain majestic strength, but it is not that the super fiber can't do any good.

"Master Qiao, you explain it." Hua Long said.

Master Qiao paused and said, "The reason is very simple, because I found that this guy has a great amount of dark energy in his body. Under the stimulus of this dark energy, the force that erupts cannot be measured by his size . Ten times or even dozens of times the power is normal. "

"What then?"

"To tie it up, we currently have only one material."

"which type?"

"Edman alloy."

Hua Long was pleased and said, "You mean, let's make a cage made of Edelman alloy?"

"You don't need a cage, you just need a long chain to tie it up. As long as it can't flap its wings, it can't jump up."

"That makes sense!" Hua Long said, "But ... what about Edelman alloys? It's obviously unrealistic to come from the earth."

"I can get the materials on the spot and build two particle accelerators here. You can use this as a basis to synthesize the Edelman alloy."

"I have no choice but to do so," said Hua Long, "but ... we're afraid we have to endure that guy to continue flying in the sky."


"Hope it doesn't suddenly change its mind and attack our base."

"Don't worry about it, we have a charged particle gun."

"Well, let's get a robot out and test it out, as the boss said?" Zhong Yuanchang said.

Hua Long shook his head and said, "It's better not to do this, at least until we are sure that this big guy is indeed hostile to us. We must not act to anger it."


For Wang Xian Technology Building, Wang Sheng is convening a meeting of various departments.

The emergence of "Sky" has affected the global physical industry. As the world's number one technology company and manufacturing company, Huanxian Technology is naturally unable to avoid being affected.

"Each department and subsidiary reports their own situation first." Wang Sheng was in the first place.

"General Manager Wang, Xianxian Energy Company is currently operating well. 350 power stations have been built in the world, and the total power generation accounts for one third of the world." Zhang Zi'an said calmly, in a tone that does not seem to occupy the global power share. One-third of the giants are leaders.

"Originally, our deep geothermal power station has more advantages than other power stations. Now with the appearance of the" Sky ", other power stations have exposed more and more disadvantages because they require a lot of manpower to maintain operation. Therefore, countries have introduced My company ’s aspirations for geothermal power stations are even stronger. Almost every day, governments of different countries or regions contact us. In the future, I am sure to occupy 90% of the global electricity market. "

"At present, our magic energy company, in addition to maintaining the company's operations and expansion, has a net profit of more than five billion yuan."

In the end, Wang Sheng was a little bit proud.

To say that it has accounted for a third of the world's power generation share and only achieved a daily net profit of 5 billion, this is really something that can't be beaten. But if you take into account the expansion pace of Magic Fairy Energy, it would be unusual.

The profit of Magic Fairy Energy has been showing exponential growth. However, its investment in power station construction has consumed most of the revenue, so the net profit has naturally decreased a lot.

But this is also complementary. Without the company's huge investment in power station construction, how can profits be so rapidly increased?

"Well! It seems that" Sky "has actually promoted your energy industry."

"That is of course! Not only that, the large-scale use of game warehouses and intelligent robots has also increased the use of electrical energy to a certain extent. Flying cars with high storage capacity are also a growth point of electrical energy consumption. I estimate that In at least a year or two, global power consumption has at least doubled. That is our true spring. "

Wang Sheng nodded and looked at Dong Qiang.

Dong Qiang immediately said: "Our magic material technology company has a stable operation and a steady increase in the number of orders. In particular, the substrates and special titanium alloy profiles used in ultra-high-density power storage technology have always been in short supply. These businesses are basically only recently. As for our company's dream glass and other products, they have been discontinued. At present, we are in the transition period, the investment is relatively large, and the revenue is not so impressive. "

"We are all aware of the situation of Huaxian Material Company. You can already digest the pressure during the transformation process, which is already very good." Wang Sheng said.

No one questioned this, after all, the current Xianxian Material Company, but the father of every company! The purchase of materials must go from the company side.

"Where is the Robot Affairs Department?" Wang Shengdao said.

In fact, the company's robotics department is actually just a robot sales department.

After all, the production of intelligent robots ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is entirely concentrated in Golden Island. Everything here is done by Defoe.

As for the transportation, it is completed by the magic fairy transportation company.

But to say that sales is actually not difficult for them, because other people always come to you to buy. Their task is to allocate a share for each country after each batch of products comes out, and then send the share to Golden Island. Over there, it was handed over to the transportation company by Golden Island.

This part is a large order, in addition to the retail part, which is the sales of various offline experience stores.

In addition to sales, the Robotics Department also has an important job, which is after-sales maintenance.

Although the quality of the intelligent robot of Magic Fairy Technology is very good, it will not basically malfunction, but after all, it is a mass production model, and occasional deviations are inevitable, so after-sales is very important.

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