Fairy Technology

Chapter 1026: The pattern is too small

? Although the after-sales maintenance of intelligent robots is in the Robotics Department, there are not many employees in this department.

The reason is simple, because the people responsible for maintenance are also robots.

Huaxian Technology has set up after-sales maintenance centers on every continent in the world. Each maintenance center is equipped with one hundred maintenance robots. Each robot comes standard with a premium version of a flying car, providing on-site service for all users.

The person in charge of the Robotics Department is Feng Shaolong, former assistant to Wang Sheng.

"General Manager Wang, our robot affairs department is running normally and the maintenance work is smooth and orderly. If there is any trouble, I am afraid that we are asking too much goods, and we are worrying about this every day."

Someone couldn't help laughing.

Who hasn't experienced this feeling? But is it really good for you to say that?

Despicable and cheap, smelly shame, this is probably the description of such people.

"What about the network department?" Wang Sheng asked.

Network manager Chen Wanhua immediately said: "Our company currently accounts for 90% of the global smart terminal operating system market, with 5.7 billion registered users. The monthly profit for a single project is about 150 billion. The specific amount is more clear in the Finance Department. At the same time, we use satellite The established global network is up and running and has been tested. "

Of course, this has been tested. A few days ago, players around the world downloaded the "Sky" game client. So far, it has made countless network operators throb their hearts.

"At present, we are negotiating with major network operators around the world, and they hope to introduce our company's network construction model to replace the mainstream network architecture in the world today. This involves the formulation of standards, so the negotiation process is not so smooth. But these The guy's struggle will not make any sense, and I believe the end result will not be out of our control. "

Having said that, Chen Wanhua paused and said, "General President Wang, actually I want to say that our global network business is done by our family. No one can say anything. Technology is in our hands. Even if someone wants to say that we engage in Monopoly, what's the matter? We just have monopoly. But the boss wants us to establish a global communication standard, but what use is it to establish it? Is it possible to charge someone else's patent fees? This is not as meaningful as playing on our own, anyway. We have all invested. "

Regarding Chen Wanhua's complaint, Wang Sheng smiled in surprise.

"Manager Chen, what do you say is our company's main task at the moment?"

"Of course it is the" Sky "!" Chen Wanhua said without thinking, "Uh, there is the spacecraft Hope. The spacecraft has completed the docking of Mars in the past two days, and transmitted the scene scene back. If it was not because of" The sky The appearance of "" will definitely sensation the whole world. Of course, even if people pay more attention to the "Sky" now, the landing of Hope on Mars has attracted the attention of countless people. Moreover, in terms of the impact on the future of mankind, the hope of spacecraft This voyage is not much worse than the opening service of "Sky". "

Wang Shengdao: "Our hope has been able to achieve navigation in the solar system. In the expected period in the future, it will become inevitable to migrate to aliens. By then, every planet will necessarily have network coverage. We can now dominate the global network industry . What about the other planets? Yes, we can continue to monopolize, but how much manpower and material resources do we need to invest? The network has a huge workload to achieve user-oriented operations. And if the network standards of all the planets in the future It ’s what we make, and we can leave the communication inside the planet to other companies, and we only do the communication between the planets. This is the biggest profit point and the core thing. "

Chen Wanhua was a little embarrassed. It seemed ... that his thinking was a little behind, and he didn't keep up with the pace of company development.

How can the management network department be confined to the global network? The magic fairy technology has rushed out of the earth and into the universe. The boss said a long time ago that the future of mankind is in the sea of ​​stars, but he still thinks about guarding the third acre of the earth.

The pattern is too small!

It also made him nervous.

The competition of Huaxian Technology is very fierce, and the network department is one of the core departments of the company. I don't know how many people are staring at this position.

No! You must learn more from the boss, or you will be eliminated.

"It's still far-sighted by President Wang." Chen Wanhua said immediately. "I stepped back to negotiate with the major Internet companies to try to establish the standard as soon as possible."


There is no way in the world, so many people will become the way!

Well, this is what Lu Xun said-it was what Lu Xun said, it was definitely not some sort of glamorous and cheap goods.

Chen Bing now had such a sentence in his mind.

He was sitting in the captain's cabin of the Hope, looking out at the magnificent universe through the glass portholes outside.

As the captain of the world's first spacecraft, Chen Bing is proud.

This time he is not only responsible for scientific research in outer space, but also for the task of drawing star maps for Magic Immortal Technology.

First of all, it is natural to draw a star map of the solar system so that humans can better move in the solar system in the future.

Although humans have now discovered a series of solar system objects such as the eight planets of the solar system, the Kuiper belt, and comets through various observation methods, and even built some models.

But this is far from the standard of the star chart.

According to Shen Bing: the star map is a map that can be used to realize the function of self-positioning flight by inputting it into the extreme version of the flying system.

If you want to achieve the positioning function of the solar system based on the celestial models that humans are building now, it is really a pattern Tucson ...

"There was no route in the universe. After Lao Tzu passed, there was a route!"

After reading, Chen Bing made a stroke on the screen in front of him.

Suddenly, a yellow warning light sounded in the captain's room.

Chen Bing looked up, and the artificial intelligence of the Hope control system gave the answer.

"At present we are close to the 2 million kilometers of Jupiter. Please adjust the gravity of the warehouse appropriately."

The sound just fell, and the knock on the door sounded.

"Come in!"

The door was pushed open ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ walked in a middle-aged man in a white coat.

He is not a doctor, but a scientific researcher, and is currently the chief scientific researcher on the "Hope". His name is Wang Lei.

"Captain, I suggest we go on a trip around Jupiter. It is inferred that there should be a large amount of metal hydrogen on it, which is a very good material. It is very helpful for our research in materials science."

Chen Bing frowned slightly and said: "Jupiter is no worse than Mars. This is a gas giant planet. It is difficult for us to find a suitable landing place. And the gravity above it is almost three times that of the earth. Even if the spacecraft can get close to the metal hydrogen, I am afraid it will be difficult to collect. "

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