Fairy Technology

Chapter 204: Finally sit on the fairy

The scene in the room was extremely hot.

Two tall, muscular men are fighting fiercely. The dull sound of boxing to flesh is the most exciting hormone for men.

骁 One of them is Li Xiao. This guy's coat has been taken off, and more than a dozen scars crawled on the skin like earthworms, which made people look shocking.

The other is black, as for appearance? Shen Bing looks at the appearance of every black person.

However, this guy is stronger than Li Xiao, but in terms of skills, Li Xiao is better than the other.

Although Shen Bing is a layman, he can also see that Li Xiao has the advantage.

This is the first time that Shen Bing has seen Li Xiao's real strength to fight with others. As for the previous few hands, it was completely bullying the kindergarten children, which totally did not reflect Li Xiao's strength.

The temperature of the underground base is about 25 degrees all year round, and there is no feeling of spring or coldness. Under the vigorous exercise of the two, they are sweating.

Squint eyes Yu Guang saw Shen Bing come in, Li Xiao kicked back the other side, and stood beside Shen Bing after the storm.

"Boss, why are you here?"

"Have you been fighting this guy?" Shen Bing was a little strange.

骁 Li Xiao was very straightforward: "Of course not. I have played against the **** guy in the C8 room before. The guy is very powerful and comparable to me."

"Meow!" Xiao Doudou yelled like an invitation.

骁 Li Xiao took it for granted: "Finally Dou knocked that guy down, and I came here to fight this guy again."

His voice is a little excited. This one-on-one combat is much more fun than exercising in the gym alone. The most important thing is that no matter how strong his opponent is, he doesn't have to worry about being killed. There is Douye watching.

"Now give you a task, look at the people detained here, those people are the strongest. Find two out, I am useful." Shen Bing said.

表情 The black man who just fought with Li Xiao has a complicated expression. He hasn't figured out where he is yet.

He woke up two hours ago, and waited for a long time to finally get someone to come, but the result was a violent beating with his face covered, without even giving a chance to speak.

He now stopped fighting, but when he saw the people coming in, his inner shock was unparalleled.

Didn't Charles say he had captured the target before? Who's in front of him? Goal number two? Well, bullshit.

After thinking about it before and after, he seemed to want to understand something, and a stream of cold sweat came out of his forehead. This time, it may be really troublesome.

This is a conspiracy, a thorough conspiracy.

They are like a moth, pounced on themselves.

"Are you Shen Bing?" The black man asked in English.

Shen Bing was not very familiar with the bird language before, but with this intelligent brain, it took him less than half a day to become an English speaker.

I saw him looking at each other with a lot of time, and laughed: "Yes, I am Shen Bing, you are the target of the kidnapping. Are you disappointed? Rest assured, the disappointment is only temporary, and soon you will feel glad, thank you There is still a chance to survive. "

After finishing talking, Shen Bing ignored him and was about to leave the room.

Suddenly, Xiaodoudou's voice sounded in his mind: "Master, if you are looking for the right person, you can directly ask Xiaodoudou me. Those who are strong and weak, Xiaodoudou can see it at a glance."

Uh ...

As it is, it does have the ability to identify the strength of the target. As for how this ability comes, Shen Bing can only understand it as the intuition of the cat demon.

The two people selected by Xiaodou Dou belonged to the first group of six people who were captured by Xiaodou Dou. I can't see the quality of those guys.

One of them is the non-existent boss Thorn, and the other is the **** Bernie who is tied with Li Xiao.

Bernie's combat power can be seen by Shen Bing, and relying on that head can make people frightened, but that Thorne, Shen Bing really didn't see where he was powerful.

After Li Xiao's personal verification, he realized that Xiao Doudou's vision did not deviate. It was Li Xiao, not Thorne's opponent.

It seems that the other party can make sense as a boss.

Finally, Doudou shot and stunned the two directly, and then, together with Li Xiao, dragged a lab back to the central area.

Two cups of fortified water were directly poured into their stomachs, and Shen Bing asked Li Xiao to go upstairs and watch.

After all, in the eyes of outsiders, Li Xiao still lives in this villa, so he can't hide it all the time.

After Li Xiao left, Shen Bing let Xiao Doudou wake up Thorne first.

Thorne sat in a chair, opened his eyes leisurely, and looked around in perplexity.

他 When he looked at Shen Bing, a blood-like feeling rose from the bottom of his heart.

This is an extremely wonderful experience. The obedience and obedience that rises from the bottom of his heart prevents him from producing even a trace of dissatisfaction and hostility towards Shen Bing. The words of the other party are the meaning of his existence.

But this does not mean that he has forgotten his identity. On the contrary, he remembers everything clearly, but he ca n’t have any malicious thoughts on Shen Bing. He even thinks that the CIA boss who ordered him before is just a dog. feces!

老板 "Boss!" Thorne stood up, obediently and sincerely, the gesture was the most loyal old housekeeper in the old European family.

Shen Bing was sighed with emotion, the effect of this **** charm was unexpectedly good, and it also made him more confident in the next plan.

Although it takes 200 cents to buy and transmit a **** bond, which translates into 200 million yuan in Huaxia currency, but it can be very cost-effective to exchange 200 million yuan for an absolutely loyal and reliable subordinate.

Then Doudou awakened Bernie, and the performance of the big man was no different from that of Thorne.

In fact, based on their performance, Shen Bing has been able to determine that this elementary slavery is effective. After all, the two did not know that they had drank a bowl of water, let alone knew what was in the water, and they did not take the initiative at all. Possibility of disguise.

But for the sake of insurance, Shen Bing checked it with a conscious reading device, and the result was very satisfactory.

"Thorn, Bernie, there is a task for you next, and you will set off for Suya ..."

Before he finished speaking, Shen Bing got stuck.

It is true that these two people are loyal to themselves now, but they are the same as before, their abilities have not changed, their appearance has not changed, and their identity has not changed in the eyes of the world.

According to the current situation outside, once these two guys get out of the villa, it does n’t matter whether the police guarding the villa can pass. Even if they pass, it will be difficult to get out of Rongcheng, let alone go out of Huaxia and go to Syria. .

Our current ability is more reflected in technology, and none of these technologies can help him to send Thorn out of China, unless he can manufacture quantum transmission equipment.

That difficulty ... at least Shen Bing still can't think of it.

Unless you show something to the country, this Thorne and others will never board the plane. But how can these things showdown?

"Is that so?" Shen Bing's heart can be imagined.

No! If you don't take advantage of this opportunity to kill the chickens, tamarins and monkeys, maybe there will be various ways to jump out.

世界 This world is very complicated and simple. Everything is fake. Only the fist is the truth.

道 This principle is established at the national level, and it is also established at the individual or power level.

Only let the world know that anyone who dares to stretch out a sinful hand to the magic fairy technology will be dealt a devastating blow. Only then can most people dispel the thoughts that should not be in their hearts.

I wouldn't hesitate to pay a huge price for it.

This thing must be done! And it must be done quickly and from the beginning.

After Shen Bing had determined his inner thoughts, he never had any entanglement. He directly opened the gate of the fairyland, selected the old class of Xianyu inside, and then chose to teleport.

1000 Xianyu was spent like this, it is impossible to say that Shen Bing is not distressed.

But Shen Bing doesn't regret it. The old class transmitted to reality is of great value to himself at present. It not only enables himself to have stronger protection capabilities, but also enables himself to have more flexible attack methods.

Another good thing is, uncle, I finally sit on the fairy 辇!

As for analyzing the black technology contained in Xianzhu through the real eye, Shen Bing is not particularly worried.

Immortal is a mass-produced thing in Luban. Since I can buy a primary slavery from which emu, it is even more important to buy immortal ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is better than keeping immortal all the time Mid-range furnishings at the gates of the fairyland.

The transmission of Wu Xianyu was also very fast. In the blink of an eye, Shen Bing felt a sink in his hands, and a miniature car model appeared in Shen Bing's hands.

It is already similar to the car in reality. It has a streamlined appearance, four delicate wheels, and a shell with a strong metal texture.

There is no gap in the entire body, and its exquisite workmanship is enough to shame any car company.

In fact, let alone the Xianxian, even the Wuling Hongguang, which was transformed by Lu Xian, is enough to crush the famous cars of the world.

仙 辇 Laoban is a torn piece of fairy ware, but the missing piece is also a fairy piece! It differs from a real fairy by only one.

Shen Bing's consciousness is connected to Xianyu. Just like the eyes of the demon, he only used blinking eyes to understand how to use Xianyu.

I have to say that these utensils in Xianjie are easy to use, and the instructions for use are all directly transmitted to my mind, eliminating the need to search.

Laoban's function is extremely powerful. It is a man-carrying tool in the first place. Apart from being unable to drill underground, flying in the sky, running on the ground, and swimming in the water are not a problem.

Secondly, it has a change function. As long as it is the shape of the human-carrying tool that the owner wants, it can change, and there is no problem with cars, boats, and airplanes. The only limitation is that there is a limit to the size of the change, the minimum cannot be less than the size of rice grains, and the maximum diameter cannot exceed 30 meters.

Finally, it also has one of the most practical capabilities, which is invisibility ... 9189

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