Fairy Technology

Chapter 205: World view that cannot be picked up

Is it so magical to be invisible? Amazing ghost! This is standard.

But such a power, in the eyes of mortals, is a miracle.

In the immortal realm, the invisibility of the immortal and the invisible dan are two different things. From a scientific perspective, there is a certain relationship between the two.

Now Shen Bing does not even understand the biological stealth technology analyzed by Stealth Dan. As for the invisibility of Xianzhu, don't research it for the time being, so as not to be hit.

Although the technology is not understood, it does not prevent Shen Bing from using it?

What excites Shen Bing is that Xian 辇 also has a very good function. It is not limited to Shen Bing alone. It can also be used by any creature with a special connection to it.

特殊 This special connection is relatively broad, such as Xiao Doudou the way to recognize the Lord through the gates of the fairyland, or Thorne and Bernie the way to take slavery.

As long as Shen Bing gives them the qualification to drive Xianzhu through permission sharing, they can control Xianzhu.

Originally, Shen Bing had already made a plan to go to Syria in person, but now it seems unnecessary.

Next, Shen Bing transmitted the global high-definition map to the control core of the old class through his special connection with the old class, and then used the changing power of the old class to make it change into an LCD display in the cab. It also has GPS positioning function.

It is true that the Xianxian family method cannot be speculated by mortals.

Shen Bing from the decision to teleport Xianyu to Xianyu appeared in his hands, the whole process is only half a minute.

索 Thorn and Bernie are constipated. What is the situation with the boss? Having said that, it was amazing to take out my phone to play games suddenly!

Alas ... originally, they absolutely thought that the boss was too strange, but the word strange was derogatory. As two people under the control of a slavery character, they could not ridicule the master.

No matter what they think, they can only wait respectfully and let Shen Bing finish the game first.

But what about the sudden appearance of a strange car model in Shen Bing ’s palm the next second? They dared to pack the tickets, and they did appear out of thin air, this ... this is simply the means of the gods.

Although they are controlled by the **** charm, the effect of this rune has not changed except that they are completely loyal to Shen Bing. They are obviously unacceptable to this situation.

The worldview that was shaped from an early age was almost instantly broken-at this moment they think that the boss is doing magic.

索 "Thorn, Bernie, you will drive this car to the Syrian State in a while, and Doudou will go with you. After you leave, I will let someone send you detailed tasks." Shen Bing commanded in English.

Thorn was dumb in a moment.

Boss, are you sure you didn't tease us? Give us a toy car and let us go to Syria, it is better to let us go on foot.

"Two silly!" Xiao Doudou's voice appeared in the minds of the two in a timely manner.

Although the two were elite mercenaries, they were suddenly taken aback at this moment.

Where is the sound coming from?

This is obviously not what the boss said, and there are only two cats underneath the living creatures in this room.

Especially the little black cat, let them remember it!

靠 "Fuck! Wouldn't that be the case?" The thought rose in the middle of the two of them.

"Don't think about it, it's your Douya!" Xiaodoudou proudly glanced at the two of them, and the little eyes were full of scorn, "Remember, you are going to mix with Douya in the future, don't show that pair It's silly, it's a bargain. "

Thorn both beeped.

When Shen Bing looked at Xiaodoudou, she knew it was making a ghost, glared at it and shut it up, and then said, "You do n’t have to be surprised, besides being able to fight, Xiaodoudou can communicate with other people's consciousness. Let me tell you This fairy ... uh, how to use the car. "

Shen Bing's crackling explanation, Thorne's worldview quickly shattered to the ground and could not be picked up.

Twenty-two middle fingers dropped a drop of blood on the front of the car, and Shen Bing determined the order of control authority for them through thoughts.

This is very important. When two people in the car have the qualification to control the vehicle at the same time, if there is no qualification sequence, who will Xianzhu listen to?

After everything was done, Shen Bing returned to the study with the two, Doudou, and Feifei.

After opening the study's spacious floor-to-ceiling windows, Shen Bing's thoughts moved, and Xianxian grew long when she saw the wind, and instantly reached a width of nearly two meters, and its appearance resembled a flying saucer-like spaceship.

你们 "Go in! Bernie, Xianyu is under your control, remember to adjust to invisible mode when you go out. This phone is held by Thorn, and the task will be issued through the phone."

After Shen Bing ordered, the two of Thorne went straight into Xianyu without hesitation, but Xiaodoudou was a little stagnant.

"Master, can Fifi go with Xiao Dou Do?" Xiao Dou finally uttered a word in the eyes of Shen Bing.

Shen Bing almost fell, this girl was not saved.

"This trip is very dangerous. Fifi may not be able to return when you go. Are you sure you want to bring it?"

Xiao Doudou immediately changed into an expression of my righteousness, and said, "Uh ... that's fine, just let it stay with the host."

After I finished speaking, Xiaodoudou jumped into Xianyu.

的 The glass cover on the top of the flying saucer is automatically closed, and then a small flash, the reduced version of the flying saucer disappears.

This is not flying away, but entering a stealth state. As the master of the old class, Shen Bing can sense its existence.

Immediately after one second, Xianxuan soared out, speeding over 200 kilometers per hour ...

Shen Bing doesn't worry about the two sitting in the fairy. This fairy is very powerful. Even if it speeds up to a thousand in an instant, he will not feel obvious discomfort when sitting inside.

喵 "Meow!" The fat cat Feife yelled beside, seeming to remind Shen Bing.

Shen Bingdao: "Let's go, let's go back to the underground base."


Before I entered, Shen Bing called Li Xiao and asked him to buy a plane ticket to the United States and fly to the United States overnight.

Uh ...

In just one day, Huaxia and the United States have confronted countlessly at the official level. As for the folk, it is a constant battle of words.

Although the stance of the magic fairy's tough position did not cause much disturbance, many people also praised it.

I don't care if Huaxian Technology has this kind of strength, just this courage is enough to convince many people.

At the same time, some rumors on the Internet began to appear, a certain mercenary regiment sent elite members into the Syrian state, and initially determined that its purpose was to rescue the chairman of Huanxian Technology.

A certain hacker group found technical information about Shen Bing through technical means. It is said that it has been hijacked to Syria, and some people also said that Shen Bing has been hijacked to the United States and Africa. Anyway, there are all kinds of news.

However, relatively speaking, the authenticity of the mercenary regiment entering the Syrian state is greater.

After all, its domestic extremist organization Dash claims to have created the abduction of the Chinese rich. Since the other party has **** people, it is more likely to be shipped back to China.

Some insiders speculate that at this time, some of the world's top mercenary organizations may have entered Syria.

As for the purpose of these people is to rescue Shen Bing, or to prepare a trick to control Shen Bing and control Shen Bing in his own hands, only those who acted will know it.

Then, when the situation was surging in the dark, the veteran of Huaxian Technology spoke again.

On the night of the first day of the new year, Wang Sheng held a press conference again after a half-day, claiming that Dash organization was mad and kidnapped the company's chairman, and the company would take all possible measures to retaliate against it.

Uhh ... I'm talking big again.

Jain is an extremist organization, even the world's top five hooligan states dare to exist. You are a small company, aren't you afraid to annoy each other and set fireworks at your house?

When the time passed until the morning of the second day of the new year, photos appeared on the Internet one by one, and there were fewer on domestic websites. Foreign countries were directly overwhelming.

Dash's organization was annihilated, and more than two hundred corpses were placed in three words: I was wrong!

Through recent photos, netizens found the leaders who just claimed to be responsible for the abduction of the chairman of Huaxian Technology in the video yesterday afternoon. The guy was placed in the last position, which constituted the last point of the exclamation mark.

Not only that, a list of all members of this terrorist organization was also revealed online, and they were seated one by one with the dead bodies on the ground.

As soon as this news came out, the world lost its voice.

what happened?

谁 Who did this?

How powerful is money?

While questioning, they are also considering whether Shen Bing has been rescued.

However, less than half an hour after the news bucket was published, a message circulated on the Internet: The Spiked Mercenary Squad completed the task of destroying the Dash organization ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and received a generous reward from Huaxian Technology.

What the **** is a stabbing mercenary squad? So cattle?

The nests of these extremist organizations are very secretive, so it's okay to find them out, and they will give the other party a total extinction. The scariest thing is that the whole process took only one night.

Did this **** stabbing mercenary squad stay at the gate of Dash's organization?

No matter what, people all over the world know that a mercenary squad called Mercenaries exists in the mercenary world.

Fools can guess that this mysterious team attacked Dash only after being hired by Huaxian Technology, so who would dare to doubt that Huaxian Technology was talking big?

Huaxia has less news about it in China, but there are also official media reports about the demise of the Dash organization.

There was a sudden public outcry, and it was only yesterday that the Chinese people were bullied and bullied, and they were destroyed today. Is there something special for you?

The domestic speculations are very different. Some people think that the high-priced reward from Huaxian Technology Company has played a role, and some have speculated whether the military will send the elite force to do it.

不管 But anyway, as soon as the news was disclosed, the mood of domestic netizens was instantly ignited, and the feeling of depression that was bullied by the old beauty disappeared instantly.

However, no one in the world has expected that the destruction of this Dash organization is just a prelude, and the real good drama is yet to come.

Shen Bing, chairman of the fantasy technology company that people are most concerned about, has not been rescued in this annihilation battle. It is still unknown where he was hijacked. 898)

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