Fairy Technology

Chapter 799: Are there side effects?

Fei Fei stayed in the transparent glass room, the entire cat ... uh, this one looks like a tiger, and looks extremely fierce.

Its hair is like a tiger. Now that it has this fierce momentum, who dares to say that it is a cat?

However, this "pleasant" change in Feifei made Xiaodou Dou break his heart.

"Xiao Doudou, I have obtained the elixir from the fairy realm, Fifi has been saved." Shen Bing leisurely said.

豆 Xiao Doudou, who seemed to have no energy, suddenly jumped up and exclaimed, "Master, did you lie to Xiaodou?"

Shen Bing glared at him and said, "Is this the tone of talking to the master?"

Xiao Xiaodou immediately put on a look that I am very clever. After a few moments at the foot of Shen Bing, the puffy voice sounded in Shen Bing's mind: "Master, Xiao Dou also cares about Feifei."

Shen Bing wasn't really angry, and said, "Okay, while standing, I will give this medicine to Feifei first."

"This matter does not require the master to get out of the way, Xiaodoudou will do it." Xiaodoudou said in a hurry, in that way, as many dog ​​legs as there are dog legs.

Shen Bing thinks about it, but I don't think there is any problem. Don't look at Xiaodoudou as a cat, but its IQ is higher than that of ordinary humans.

At the moment, Shen Bing handed Xinjiedan to Xiaodou Dou, and as soon as his little claws stretched out, he held the medicine.

Then Xiao Dou came to the observation hole of the glass room, and he walked in gently.

Fei Fei was blood red at the moment, and the entire cat was in a violent state, very sensitive to the surrounding conditions.

As soon as Xiaodou Dou jumped in, it turned around immediately, and her huge body suddenly darted at Xiaodou.

However, don't look at the current Feifei seemingly powerful, but there is still a big gap compared with Xiaodou Dou, the genuine cat monster. If it weren't for Doudou's distress, Fiefei would probably open its huge head with one paw.

I saw Xiao Doudou's body spin lightly, and suddenly appeared on Fifi's forehead.

接着 Then one of its paws slammed toward Fifi's jaw, Fifi's huge cat's mouth opened, and Doudou threw the elixir into it.

"Sigh ..." Fifi's throat moved involuntarily, and the elixir entered her stomach.

It will take some time for the tincture to be effective, and Doudou doesn't want to stay in there to dial Fifi, and immediately turns around and retreats.

玻璃 This glass room belongs to one-way glass. When Fifi sees Doudou leaving, the violent atmosphere gradually disappears, but the red blood in her eyes does not dissipate at all.

"Master, how long will it be for Feifei to recover?" Xiao Doudou asked.

Shen Bing almost kicked over, what is it special for you to come from the immortal world? You do n’t know how long the **** elixir will work, I still know?

After all, he didn't say this after all, after all, the elixir was obtained by himself.

"Wait." He said casually.

Xiaodoudou just asked casually.

After waiting a few minutes, Fifi slowly changed.

Hagi's original upright hair became soft, and his tyrannical atmosphere was rapidly weakening.

最 The most intuitive manifestation of this aspect is that its body shape is gradually shrinking. In the final analysis, it is still a cat, but its brain has been broken before and it is out of control.

Xiao Doudou jumped up and down in the surroundings, so happy that if it wasn't for fear of affecting Fifi's recovery after entering, it is estimated that he had already entered the glass room.

Shen Bing did not say too much, quietly waiting for Fifi to recover.

After half an hour, Fifi's body shape finally returned to normal, but it went straight to sleep.

Xiao Doudou was suddenly nervous, and he asked quickly, "Master, is this a jealous thing? Does that medicine have side effects?"

Shen Bing smoked at the corner of his mouth. This is the first time I heard that Xiandan has side effects.

"It should be that Fifi's spirit has been in a state of insanity before, but now she recovers, she will feel very tired, and she sleeps normally." Shen Bing explained.

"Oh!" Xiao Doudou accepted the result very seriously.

Shen Bing almost didn't laugh, can you know why Feifei slept? He is not a demon.

However, this situation is still good in general, at least Fifi's situation is developing in a better way.

"Master, you go and go, Xiaodou is here to guard." Xiaodou said.

Shen Bing didn't insist, nodded, and walked away.

Uh ...

Last time, the deep geothermal power station that Hongxian Ocean Trading Co., Ltd. entrusted to Hongxian Ocean Trading Co., Ltd. to Germany has completed all installations. As the general manager of Huaxian Energy Company, Zhang Zi'an personally attended the completion ceremony of the super large geothermal power station in Berlin, Germany.

This is the first deep geothermal power station built by Huaxian Technology in Europe.

Its milestone significance when it is completed and put into use, it represents that Huaxian Technology is involved in the energy field of the European region.

Moreover, as Germany's major power in the European region, Magic Fairy Technology can enter this country and dominate a power station with a capacity of more than 50 million kilowatts, which is an extraordinary thing in itself.

德国 The reason why the German side agreed that Magical Science and Technology was involved in this field was naturally not because of the German government's trust in Magical Science and Technology, the main reason was that Magical Science and Technology Kang Kang No. 1 pinched the lifeline of the government.

Even the geothermal power station project that Huanxian Technology talks with other countries is more or less related to Onkang 1.

子 At the completion ceremony of the geothermal power station in Berlin, Zhang Zi'an did a good job.

When he was speaking, he was very impressed that the grid-connected electricity price of the Berlin power station was reduced by 0.02 euros on the basis of the contract ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to express the magical thanks to the German government and the German people for their support of the company's business.

When he said this, it immediately caused a strong response.

Don't think that 0.02 Euro is very small, which is converted into Hua Xia currency, which is equivalent to more than a dime of electricity.

Of course, this is also a decision made on the basis of high electricity prices in Germany.

之前 Before the entry of Geomagic's geothermal power station, the price of electricity in Germany was about 0.3 euros, which is 2.5 yuan Chinese yuan. This price includes a new energy surcharge.

The promise given by Huaxian Technology is that the company's built-in geothermal power station will enter the grid at a price of 0.15 euros, which is 50% of the terminal power price, which not only leaves sufficient profit for the transmission company, but also leaves a certain price reduction. space.

The reason why the German government agrees with this is not unrelated to this pricing strategy of Magic Fairy Technology.

Not only Germany, Huanxian Technology has adopted the same strategy when negotiating with most countries.

幻 For Huanxian Technology, geothermal power stations are everything. The equipment is buried under the ground, waiting to collect money, so no matter how much the price is, it is all profitable ...

This gives a lot of manipulative space for Magic Magic Technology, including pricing.

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