Fairy Technology

Chapter 800: Too perfect!

The reason why Zhang Zi'an announced that he would reduce the price of electricity entering the network by o.o2 euros was naturally authorized by Shen Bing.

For a 50 million kilowatt power station, reducing o.o2 euros per kWh of electricity is equivalent to earning tens of millions of euros less per day, which is really not determined by Zhang Zi'an.

Shen Bing's decision is also intended to serve as a demonstration to drive more countries to increase the introduction of geothermal power station projects and accelerate the pace of global coverage of geothermal power stations.

At this point, Twelve Geothermal Power Stations have built 12 geothermal power stations worldwide.

Eight of them are in China, one in Laos, one in Russia, and one each in Germany and Azerbaijan.

The total installed capacity of these twelve geothermal power stations has reached 300 million kilowatts. Based on the average electricity price of the grid, these twelve geothermal power stations can provide Magician Technology with nearly 200 million revenue per hour.

It is no longer enough to describe its powerful income-generating ability, and most of it is pure profit.

But so far, the geothermal power plant project has only maintained a balance of payments, filling back the previous deficit.

Who made the stand of the current Magic Energy company too big? Regardless of the fact that the daily income is stable in the company, the huge expenditure is also not something that other subsidiaries can expect.

During this time, sixty geothermal power plant projects talked about by Huaxian Technology have passed, and the company has adopted a comprehensive flowering construction model. Such an investment cannot be afforded by anyone.

Don't look at the geothermal power station projects of Huaxian Science and Technology in various countries before, or some crooked, but some people took the lead and felt the benefits brought by geothermal power stations, who can still be cold?

Even if the government is not interested in this, the people in the country will push the government to do this.

Not to mention that there is the assistance of Cancer Kang No. 1.

At this point, the geothermal power station of Huaxian Technology has completely embarked on the road of globalization ...


It took Shen Bing half a day to pass the many black technology data just obtained to the ball.

In the process, he carefully considered a number of powerful nerve recovery drug preparation technologies, but did not expect that there were any unexpected gains.

This is not a drug preparation technology, but a class of drugs.

As long as it is a neurological condition, it can be treated with drugs made by this technology.

"Ah! If the drug was made earlier, that big guy in the scientific world wouldn't hang up so early." Shen Bing muttered.

However, it is a gratifying thing to come up with a drug to treat terminal illness. Although it is impossible to turn back the time to treat Mr. Hawking, there are still countless people with icy fever or paralysis waiting for treatment in this world.

That's right, this medicine does have an excellent effect on most neurological paralysis.

It is conceivable that once the magic fairy biotechnology company launches this drug, it will inevitably cause a huge sensation worldwide.

No one can refuse a healthy body, especially those who are chronically ill, including patients and their families.

However, Shen Bing did not intend to publicize this product any more this time. For the next fantasy technology, there are too many new products to be launched. Although this neurorehabilitation drug is great, it is a little bit worse than other products.

After Shen Bing transmitted the technical data, he learned about the operation of the entire underground base through the ball, especially the research progress of each project team, which was the focus of his attention.

"Master, your base outside the small town of Ruganda in Africa has completed your original mission." Qiu Qiu lags behind after introducing the research progress of this underground base, and suddenly inserts a sentence.

Shen Bing was a little surprised, Luganda town? That's not the location of the blade mercenary regiment.

task? Shen Bingxun went through the relevant matters in his mind and suddenly understood what the ball said.

I haven't given any tasks to the Blade Mercenary Corps now. The only person who has taken over their tasks over there is the former president of Blizzard and now the leader of the virtual reality game research team at Fantasy Fairy Technology.

At the time, he was invited by a virtual reality game. In addition to the generous rewards, Caso agreed to lead the team to leave the United States to join the family of the magic fairy technology, and finally went to Luganda town to concentrate on research.

It's been almost four months now, and I didn't expect that there had been a good news over there. This is indeed an unexpected delight.

Virtual reality games are fundamentally different from artificial intelligence games.

Artificial intelligence games are just changes in the internal computing logic of the game. Even if you talk to npc, you can find the feeling of communicating with real people, and the diversity of the plot has also changed completely. It is no longer like the previous online games. After the production is completed, its task process is completely solidified.

However, the visual experience of this game has not changed much. Unless the screen is cast on a phantom TV, the game screen is still an ordinary game screen.

But virtual reality games are different. This is a brand new model that completely subverts the existing gaming experience.

According to Shen Bing's requirements, the company's virtual reality game must completely get rid of the limitations of the mouse and keyboard. Its game operation is completely controlled by brain waves, and visual feedback is also formed by brain wave stimulation.

This is the basic function of a game helmet or a game warehouse that exists only in science fiction.

With this technology, what the game brings to the player is an immersive experience, completely immersive.

"I want to make a video call with Cassow," Shen Bing said immediately.

The execution of the ball is beyond doubt, a few seconds later, Casso's image has appeared on the screen in front of Shen Bing.

"Boss!" The excitement on Cassow's face couldn't be masked.

Shen Bingdao; "I heard that you have already made a virtual reality game?"

Cassow nodded steadfastly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ said: "With the relevant technology that your boss supports, if our team is still unable to come up with a virtual reality game, then all go to the Pacific Ocean."

Shen Bing smiled and said, "So if we are going to run globally, is the time now ripe?"

Cassow hesitated a bit, and said rather helplessly: "Boss, although this game has already been developed, its charm has even exceeded our expectations. But because of this, I don't think it is being launched now. The best time for a game. "

"Oh?" Shen Bing asked, "Why is this?"

Cassuo said: "Because this game is too perfect, it is enough to have such a game in the world."

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