Fairy Technology

Chapter 801: shudder

After hearing this, Shen Bing was surprised. He was not surprised by what he said, but by Casso's attitude.

Shen Bing also knew the charm of this virtual reality game, but did not expect Cassuo to have such confidence.

Only one such game is needed worldwide.

This is not a judgement of demand, but that after the game has been around the world, there will be no meaning in other games.

In other words, this is the rhythm of preparing to stir the water in this pool, and everyone is no longer playing.

"Do you think this game has such charm?" Shen Bing asked.

Cassuo said: "Of course! Because I have tried it."

Shen Bing pumped, I haven't played yet!

Forget it, there is no need to tangle this.

Shen Bing also said, "Okay! Even if this game is really so attractive, it can't be said that there can only be one such game in the world? And what does this have to do with the timing of our promotion of this game? "

Cassow said: "The biggest charm of this game is virtual reality. Its fidelity can completely reach 1oo%, and we can even map death in the game directly to reality-of course, we can't do this. Such a brand new virtual world can definitely become a human second world. If we cannot build a complete social system for this world, its value will be severely diminished. I am afraid that it will also work with your boss to build this world. The original intention is not consistent. "

The corner of Shen Bing's mouth slightly lifted, Cassow is indeed a big man who has made some of the world's top games, and he has a good understanding of the value of the game and its potential that can be tapped.

"How do you plan to establish this social system?" Shen Bing asked.

Cassow said with confidence: "Boss, a social system is inseparable from the institutional system, currency system, power system, etc. At present, this game has been designed, and these systems have been initially established. The institutional system is similar to The system of feudal society, the strength system is the practice of enhancing personal force, and the currency system uses gold, silver, and copper. Most of these systems can exist independently in the game world, but if you want to let this To become a truly second world, games must be connected to reality, and only the currency system can bear this bond. "

Shen Bing didn't have much surprise, and asked indifferently: "Do you mean to let the currency system of the game world merge with the currency system of the real world to realize exchanges?"

I don't know if Caso understands how much shock this will bring, he said simply: "That's it."

Shen Bing said: "Since that is the case, then do this."

Cassou didn't speak for a long time, with a somewhat embarrassed expression, saying, "Boss, it's not that I don't want to do it, but that the world's currency system has always been controlled by the governments of all countries. In the world most In the human concept, the virtual world is ultimately only a virtual world. If the real world currency system is integrated with the virtual world currency system, it will easily have an impact on the real currency system and bring disastrous consequences to the country's economic system. According to My inference is that the probability of agreeing to a request for the integration of our monetary system, regardless of the country, is almost zero. "

Shen Bing smiled. You guy knows the depth of it!

The currency system is definitely the most important part of a country, and absolutely no country will agree to open the exchange of real and virtual currencies.

But Shen Bing already had a plan for this. Even when he asked Casso to engage in a virtual reality game, he had already thought of this and thought of a solution.

"Actually, you think about it too complicated." Shen Bing said with a confident smile on his face. "We need to increase the actual influence of this virtual game, and we don't necessarily have to allow countries to agree to the official exchange. Change the angle Look, we can do it ourselves. "

Cassow froze and said, "Do it yourself? Boss, are you right? This is a huge virtual world, and the funds in it are completely imaginary. Although the boss has a strong company, but if you bear the power of the company, The bond of world capital exchange, it is easy to crash! "

Shen Bingxiao smiled and said, "This is not a problem. Is it true that the money in the virtual world is worth it? We are not in charge of it? In fact, the reason why various countries will not agree to our currency system integration request is not without this. Worry. As long as we grasp this, we can make this second world swept the world. "

Cassow meditated, although Shen Bing said vaguely, but gave him a direction.

"Boss, if we carry out a limited exchange ..." Caso said.

Before he finished speaking, Shen Bing interrupted, saying: "Cannot be limited. Once the limit is reached, players will inevitably have concerns and will only choose to retain funds in a limited amount in the virtual world. And if we can show The strength of free exchange allows players to more confidently keep their funds in the virtual world, forming a virtuous circle. "

Casso was still a bit worried: "But in case of malicious speculation, there will be a run?"

This is not a worry for Cassow, the possibility of such a situation is definitely not a coincidence, and it will definitely occur under normal circumstances. The reason is very simple. Magic Fairy Technology has blocked too many people. As long as there is an opportunity, many people will never mind pushing on one, leaving this company in a state of inevitable danger.

Shen Bing also understands this truth, but he also has his own considerations, saying: "You don't have to worry about this, I naturally have a way to deal with it."

"Uh ... okay!" Kasuo said, "Since the currency system problem can be solved, now there is only one remaining problem, which is to create a server that can withstand global online players at the same time, and the network delay must be solved. Question. Otherwise, the player ’s experience will not go up. "

On the server side, Shen Bing has considered it before, and there is not much concern. But he really ignored the problem of network latency.

Virtual reality games, in the process of running, are generating huge amounts of data every minute. The changes from the natural environment to the characters' expressions must be transmitted in real time.

This "real time" has extremely high requirements for immediacy, otherwise the picture will be very sensational.

Shen Bing said immediately: "I will find a solution to these two problems. Next, you must optimize the game as much as possible, but don't make a bug or something, then you will lose face."

"Relax, boss!" Cassow said.


The United States ’exercise in the waters of Singapore continues, and in a short period of time, it does not end.

During the exercise, the United States imposed an irregular blockade around the Golden Island. This irregularity may look strange.

Because as long as there are freighters bound for Golden Island approaching this area, the blockade will be implemented immediately.

Then ... there is no more.

But hell, no matter how the U.S. military blocks, the construction of the Golden Island continues.

Before the expansion of Golden Island was mainly below the sea surface, but now that the projects below have been completed, the island construction can only be expanded around.

Looking at the ever-expanding Golden Island, Laomei was very aggressive.

Where did this raw material come from?

Well, let alone the raw materials, blocked for so many days, what do the hundreds of people on the island eat? What kind of noodle oil can be stored for a long time, but fresh vegetables can be difficult to solve.

These issues were reported secretly to Mr. President, which directly broke the heart of the tragic president.

He wondered how the daily necessities and raw materials entered the Golden Island. Could the freighter be invisible?

With this idea together, Mr. President seemed to be awake, and suddenly thought of the most likely situation.

Didn't Huaxia come up with a stealth fighter? Where did this new stealth technology come from?

Considering the time when this stealth technology appeared, coupled with the current situation, Mr. President had to doubt that this technology was made by the magic fairy technology.

If this assumption holds true ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Who dares to say that Magic Fairy Technology will not arm itself with some stealth equipment? Such as large freighters, airplanes ...

Thinking of this, Mr. President felt a shudder.

In the face of the Chinese stealth fighter, although this president is also a little embarrassed, he is not afraid. After all, as a big country government, it is impossible to act wildly.

But for a company, I am afraid that is not the case. If oneself really pushes the magic fairy technology to the Jedi, who can guarantee that Shen Bing will not let people come to the United States in a stealth plane and stage another 911?

Well, this idea is a bit scary. Even if we don't consider the casualties caused by it, it will be enough to write down a thick history in the history books for thousands of years ...

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