Fairy Technology

Chapter 802: Give them some confidence

Mr. President frowned, thinking for a long time, and with a bite of steel teeth, a decision was made in his heart.

Not long after, on the exercise aircraft carrier in Singapore, the two sci-fi fighter jets took off quickly and went straight into the sky.

Shortly after entering high altitude, they flew down and aimed directly at Golden Island.

Subsequently, the two fighters carried out various provocative actions around the Golden Island and even fired exercise missiles.

Although the missiles were not very destructive and did not even run directly to the island, the momentum was scary enough.

If the builders on the Golden Island are a group of normal people, how can they still work in this situation? But the key is that this group of people is not normal at all. They are Shen Bing's **** fans, and they know that the old Americans are afraid to make substantial actions now, so they don't take airplanes in the sky seriously.

Well, it can't be said that it's purely improper, at least it can still be regarded as aerobatic performance: the aerobatic performance of the sixth-generation aircraft is not visible to others.

The beautiful action here did not have any influence on the builders on the island, but made Huaxia officials sweat for Huaxian Technology.

Shen Bing received a call from Secretary Jiang shortly after.

"Xiao Shen, does Singapore need to mediate the affairs in Singapore?" Secretary Jiang asked directly.

Shen Bing was thinking about the impact of the first virtual reality game on the market. Secretary Jiang's words made Shen Bing unable to react for a moment.

"What's going on in Singapore?" Shen Bing asked.

Secretary Jiang shouted, "Isn't that the thing that Laomei is in trouble with? You don't know yet, just now they sent six generations of planes around your golden island. Are we going to send stealth fighters?" In the past, scare scare? "

Shen Bing immediately understood, and said quickly: "Don't! The other person loves to move around and just move around, anyway, they don't dare to throw a missile on my island. If I guess correctly, the US military dares to do so, it is estimated It was also authorized by the guy in the White House. The purpose was nothing more than trying to find out some information, such as whether our company has similar stealth technology. On the other hand, it is also trying to lead our stealth fighter to appear to test its six generations. Does the aircraft have the capabilities of our stealth fighter? "

"Your considerations are not unreasonable," Secretary Jiang said, "but you can't just let the old American plane hover over your heads? This will make people think of our tolerance as weakness. I hear you say that you hold in your hand To deal with the killer of their six generations, should you give them directly? "

Shen Bing was not surprised that Secretary Jiang knew about the situation, and said with a smile: "Since it is a killer, of course, it must be a fatal blow. What is the point of destroying the other two fighters?"

"Then you are ready ..." Secretary Jiang hesitated.

Shen Bingdao: "Of course we have to let the other party invest more, such as after the old American has completely completed the replacement of the six generations."

Secretary Jiang twitched his mouth. Think about the efforts of the US military to complete the full deployment of the sixth generation aircraft, which cost nearly one trillion ...

However, the deployment has just been completed, and all six generations have collectively uncontrollably enemies. It is strange that they are not vomiting blood.

Who makes the intelligent core used by the sixth generation machines belong to the magic fairy technology?

No wonder Shen Bing can be so good at heart now, he is ready to cook the US Air Force. Compared to this result, the US military is only drizzling.

If Secretary Jiang was thinking, he wouldn't be too worried.

Shen Bing suddenly said again, "Secretary Jiang, otherwise you can report to the chief. If the timing is right, we can let our stealth fighter walk around there, it is best to let the other six generations of machines see."

"Uh ... why is this?" Secretary Jiang suddenly lost his mind. Didn't you just say that?

Shen Bingyouran said: "If we do n’t do this, how can we make the old Americans have confidence in their sixth-generation machines? And the other party will only deploy them on a large scale after determining the reliability of the sixth-generation machines. We do this, and also Just to speed things up. "

Secretary Jiang was suddenly shocked.

Obviously, the old American is very nervous now, and the war potential of this country is very amazing.

If you think of the aircraft and warships that were manufactured in just a few years during the Second World War, you can imagine the old Americans facing the threat of stealth fighters from China. Once they find a way to crack this threat, how will they make the sixth generation? machine.

"Okay, I'll report to the chief immediately." Secretary Jiang said, "Yes, the chief is very interested in the contract with your company last time. I hope you can speed up some progress. Especially nuclear power transport aircraft."

Shen Bingdao: "Rest assured! Production on our side has begun. When the flight runway over the aircraft factory is fully completed, test flights can begin."

Secretary Jiang was silent for a long while and finally uttered a sentence: "I now urge your company to speed up the progress is the most boring way."

Really boring!

Although Secretary Jiang is pressing, he thinks that the other party can produce it within half a month according to the original promise. You can hear Shen Bing's words. As long as the hardening is completed, the plane can take off.

According to his information, the runway of the Magic Fairy Aircraft Factory in Xinjin County is now nearly half completed, and it can be completed in a maximum of four or five days, which is at least five days ahead of schedule.

It is also eye-opening for the construction of the flight runway over the aircraft manufacturer.

The normal flight runway is made of concrete. In order to ensure that it is strong enough, the process flow is very complicated.

The construction method of Kexiangxian Technology is completely different. They have invested a brand-new equipment in it. This set of equipment uses the molecular crushing and recasting technology in the golden carp, which directly obtains materials in situ and crushes and recasts the earth and sand to form a hard rock layer over one meter thick.

Fortunately, Huaxian Technology blocked the construction site, otherwise the mere spread of the scene of this equipment's operation scene will be enough to shock the world, because the sci-fi atmosphere of this picture is too strong, making it suspect that this is not a technology owned by the earth .


"Shen Bing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You are the boss, don't hurry up!" Yun Xue's urging voice came.

Shen Bing is changing clothes in her bedroom to go out.

Today is August 21st, a special day—the day of great joy for Li Xiao.

Originally, Shen Bing was going to come to the house early in the morning, but when I got up in the morning, I heard that Fifi had woke up, so I went to the basement, and then all kinds of delays, the time was almost 11 o'clock.

Li Xiao has no relatives, and Shen Bing, to some extent, assumes the role of his family. Naturally, he cannot delay it too late.

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